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7 minutes ago, marimari00 said:

I can't see it chinggu. It;s just a blank page when it's loaded.

EDIT: I actually signed up for twitter to see if I can view it but i think it got deleted already

It's from our private chat.. maybe that's why it shows blank... Sorry, chingu.. I dont know how to make this work here. There's no upload option..

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30 minutes ago, WH said:

It's from our private chat.. maybe that's why it shows blank... Sorry, chingu.. I dont know how to make this work here. There's no upload option..

   Thanks for trying chinggu. I'm just glad JG is giving us crumbs, intentional or not.

EDIT: I really hope someone points out what they're seeing because I've been staring at his photo and so far I have seen at least three cats but no JE :crazy::blink::w00t:

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1 hour ago, marimari00 said:

My brain is toast. I can't unsee 'JE' in that pic but I can't see a pic of JE in there anywhere. Is she there? Can someone please FBI his pic and show me where Her pic is hiding :cry:

I can't unsee it either!! Another thing isn't this so much a coincidence that when JG posted it a few hours later JKH unfollow JE (CMIIW)  hmmmm:o

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The initials on the picture! 

Just two letters but it means a lot more!

It's obvious that he already set his eyes on her since their filming days and i love how he is telling us that he is still into her. 

JG oppa, i don't mind how long this phase will take, i am happy to follow and believe, no matter what the non believers say. I like that you are taking this slowly. It doesn't matter because slowly but surely is a proven way to success.:wink: I am talking as if you can read this but It's alright, i've said it and to me that is enough.:)


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9 hours ago, NerinaC said:

@namelesschic WB chingu, sorry for late welcome, lets have fun sailing together !


16 hours ago, meeibe16 said:


welcome chingu.. enjoy the journey in this ship :))


Thank you! Cheers to all. :)


9 hours ago, Siracusa said:

1) I love you for finding Oppa's confession; and 2) How did you find it???? It's rotated at a 90 degree angle!!! 


She is an asset! It's not noticeable and i might not notice if she didn't post about it. 


17 hours ago, kilovekyo said:


LOL yeah this guy is teasing us... Do his mean is people can't you see the love through my eyes? Before he use double layer love emoji, now he use different love emoji is it called heart-flutter? kkk...

I just play around with my *delulumode* mind and i never done this before...but look what i found, my heart is beating so fast... @_@ LOL

  Reveal hidden contents


JE ~ Ji Eun



You are amazing! Thank you for taking the time to check it out and notice. Details are everything! 

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3 hours ago, Siracusa said:

First I saw the girl from The Ring. Then I saw a cat.

Edit: does anyone have access to Photoshop CS5? Photoshop's layering ability may be able to help us detect the Joongi edits.

Edit 2: And by the way, does Joongi Oppa have Photoshop? I think adding in such a tiny detail is beyond the capability of a smartphone app. I think you would need Photoshop or something comparable? Isn't Photoshop something like USD $10/month. How much Photoshop is Joongi Oppa doing? So many questions....


You cant. Photoshop document cant be uploaded  because its too big. And when you uploaded a pix/ visual to website, you just can upload only jpeg or png files with no layers. 

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5 hours ago, Siracusa said:

Why is it so quiet in the thread? I thought for sure the thread would leap ten pages after Oppa's last IG post. Did we just pass out from the delirium?


I felt same, it's unusually feeling right... but i'm sure you know how the excitement outside thread, hope when other chingu find the next crumbs they will get here back :wub:

I also only couldn't see anything else beside the initial kkk...even i couldn't see the alien or some chingu said there's heart shape? I still can't imagine it...

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22 minutes ago, jen459 said:

Hello everyone! I, myself, clearly can see JE in the corner of his iris. I'm confused and if someone can kindly explain to me the following:

1) A fan edited the photo of his eyes and JG saw it and uploaded it unto his instagram?

2) JG himself said that it's JG?

Thank you. 

1. I think it is a fan edited, but jg might seen it n pointed out in his caption (see eyes love)

2. Uhm where do u see that? Coz he didn't point it out as jg as far as I know, on the corner  right eye it shown letters, JE. But then again ... I don't read Korean, so idk if the one linked by lisbetjh talked about it... Need some one can read it to get real answer about JG commented if he saw the JG Letters or not

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9 minutes ago, jen459 said:

Thank you for your response. :)

I saw it on @Lisbethjpost. She had written "And with respect to this last pic, what he says in his eye is 'JG'". 

I didn't understand who "he" was. Was it JG himself?

She might refer it to JG himself, but we need someone who can translate the dcgal chat, to pointed out  lisbetjh statement... So far from Google translate I didn't see the talk... But better wait @NoonaE or @starcandy0516 who can read korean

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Speechless!!! He is so bold, he is 1000% confessing but I just wonder why no news coming through since this is very obvious

PS. these photos have been taken from my laptop from his IG and it is definitely JE not JG  

don't know why I can't insert photos


Edited by Kim Anh Lyne
insert photo
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8 minutes ago, Kim Anh Lyne said:



Speechless!!! He is so bold, he is 1000% confessing but I just wonder why no news coming through since this is very obvious

PS. these photos have been taken from my laptop from his IG and it is definitely JE not JG  

don't know why I can't insert photos


Agree! I maybe delulu but I'm not crazy. I see what I see and it says JE clearly. I'm still trying to look for JE's photo in there but so far I've only come up with three cats, an alien and a very scary face. I should stop trying

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@kilovekyo it's so tempting to know JE is LOVE right:D

i also feel weird this thread are so quite... and what is more interesting is every time we're being delulu, there always 'someone' who will come & give us a "slap" to tell us all we  see & said only deluluB) Also all that happened between JoonU only fan service and coincidences........yeah right!

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On 2/10/2017 at 8:41 PM, jen459 said:

Thank you for your response. :)

I saw it on @Lisbethjpost. She had written "And with respect to this last pic, what he says in his eye is 'JG'". 

I didn't understand who "he" was. Was it JG himself?

I'm sorry I didn't noticed and I wrote badly, I corrected it, JG didn't say anything about that. A Korean fan explained to me that it was illogical to think that in his eye could say JE, because after the rumors in the JG's DCinside they don't mention the name of IU or JE and that sometimes enter antifans and talk about it and the JG's fans deleted those posts and they are on the defensive, and also in the post of the fan that edit the pic there are no vote of dislike therefore it is obvious that what it says is JG.

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aww..u guys are so cute even mentioned about alien, cats and sadako?? i love this ship so much *chu*, n i agreed it is kinda quite here lately:ph34r: 

for JE'pic if my eyes didn't fail me it is in the bottom right corner of his eyeball (don't ask me how to insert the pic im not handy on tech) :D

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3 hours ago, marimari00 said:

Agree! I maybe delulu but I'm not crazy. I see what I see and it says JE clearly. I'm still trying to look for JE's photo in there but so far I've only come up with three cats, an alien and a very scary face. I should stop trying


LOL hahaha believe me ...  we all are not crazy :-D

These photos taken from JG's IG


Edited by Kim Anh Lyne
insert photos
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Me..not a techno guys..clearly saw it written JE..not JG..i'm not in delulu mode right now..but i really saw it..hehehehe..i'm feeling sad for JG n JE..coz they they need to stay low, for the sake of their career, but then they are just human,n feeling in love can make us sometimes do something out of our routine behaviour.feeling so good today..love our OTP so much..muah3

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37 minutes ago, marimari00 said:

Agree! I maybe delulu but I'm not crazy. I see what I see and it says JE clearly. I'm still trying to look for JE's photo in there but so far I've only come up with three cats, an alien and a very scary face. I should stop trying


After zooming in & out so many times, I still see "JE".. and am absolutely a fine lady *winks*.. and not crazy too *high five @marimari00*

Hmmmmm whatever it is.. can i just be as delulu as i want here?? After all, this is a SHIPPERS' thread rite B)

*i'll definitely put #delulumodeon disclaimer beforehand*


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