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[Official] ♥ Lee Joon Gi x IU ♥ || JoonU [2016 SBS Best Couple & Hallyu Star Awards!!]


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12 minutes ago, Viraa UzerlySultana said:

@kilovekyo I think I'm dying kkkkk:D:D Thanks to our universe:D


I'm getting dying too chinguuu LOL

1 minute ago, meeibe16 said:

It's seems like "JG" pattern in his eyes.. but the more i look carefully and zoomed it, i found it more to J and E letter hhahhaaa 


Yes before i also seen JG but then it's more to JE haha...

1 minute ago, riuenu said:

THANKS DEAR!!! I dun think he is teasing...thanks for point that out @kilovekyo







I'm still flying chinguuu... Can someone help us to find the original photo? Is it from his Hawaii photobook?

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54 minutes ago, riuenu said:

THANKS DEAR!!! I dun think he is teasing...thanks for point that out @kilovekyo









Kyaaaaaa, I can't breath :D:wub:

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13 hours ago, NerinaC said:

okay putting up my part 12 fanfic, it is pretty late at my place, will do the tagging later when i wake up

also the link for chapter 1-11 

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part 12 @ellebanana @aimwanie @riuenu @missdharma @ladybirdz @caramelovers75 @wulss

@shrvirus @junee22 @sublimelyheureuse @Christabelita @astrantia @iliveforsosoo @moonangelcake @meahri_1 @deori @Dhep Dhevip @marimari00 

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“Next time… it’s just us,” Joon Gi held her hand like it was the most precious jewel in the world. He gazed at her and smiled, there was a hint of a blush on his face. Ji Eun was stunned, heat started to spread from the hand he was holding to her face. Her eyes dropped to her hand. She didn’t dare to look at him directly, so she nervously bit her lower lip and just nodded softly.

 Joon Gi carefully took a step closer. With his other hand he softly caressed her falling hair. Ji Eun slowly raised her head and longingly stared at him. His eyes were deep and dreamy. Their shared gaze was intense, as if each would disappear in one blink. Butterflies were fluttering everywhere in body, her heart raced and Ji Eun quietly intertwined her fingers with his.


 “Good Night, Ji Eun ah…” he whispered and nudged her nose playfully; she winced in surprise, but then giggled. The tension disappeared and they both relaxed, comforted by just being close to each other.


“Good Night, Oppa…” Ji Eun whispered back and smiled. They unlaced their hands with a heavy heart, before she bowed one last time and walked out of the door.

 “I will call you later,” Joon Gi said while watching her and her manager leaving. She waved and smiled.


 “Are you two dating?”, was the first thing Yoon Sung-sik director asked, when Ji Eun suggested the idea.

 She blinked nervously. The truth was she didn’t really know how to answer that question. Today’s meeting  was set to discuss her upcoming 1234 concert, when she suddenly decided to suggest to invite Joon Gi oppa to one of her shows. There shouldn’t be anything suspicious about inviting her co-stars to her concert. She had done it a couple times before already. Ji-Eun was pretty surprised when Yoon Sung-sik director popped that question.

  “No…,” she finally replied. 

‘Not yet… at least’.

  “Are you sure?“ he scrutinized.

  Ji Eun was quiet, thinking carefully about her answer. She knew whatever she replied would affect their relationship sooner or later.

 “If you do, I need you to tell us. You broke up with  Jang Ki Ha last July and we haven’t had the right time to announce it yet,” he added,

  “and do you know how this will impact you, Lee Joon Gi shi and also Jang Ki ha shi? It would be unwise if we didn’t announce it in the right time.”

 Ji Eun more than just understood how bad the impact could be. It wasn’t something new to her. Haters loved her so much, she ate their words on a daily basis.

 “We are close but no - we are not dating,” she said in the end.

 “Okay, then. Let’s contact his agency so we can discuss it together, maybe invite them over and schedule a meeting,” Yoon Sung-sik shi said satisfied with her answer. People stood up from their seats, the meeting was over. When everyone else had left the meeting room, Yoon Sung-shik shi stopped Ji Eun and asked her to sit down. He looked her straight into the eyes.

 “Ji Eun shi,  you know how this matter can be a scandal. Personally I don’t really mind if you are dating Lee Joon Gi shi. But the business we are working in - you know how sensitive it is, timing is really important. We want to protect you, so we need you to be honest with us. Therefor let me ask you one last time; are you dating Lee Joon Gi shi?”

 Ji Eun took a deep breath. Yoon Sung-shik sajangnim was the person that gave her the chance to become who she was now. He treated her like his own daughter; she knew he asked that question based on concern not the lack of trust.

 “I… well… we… ah I don’t really know how to explain this, Sung-shik sajangnim. I like him a lot and I think he also sees me as someone special. We are not yet dating, but we are really close,” she explained hesitantly. 

 “I guess we are just taking our time, to get to know each other and we just don’t want to rush anything.”

 Yoon Sung-shik fixed his glassed, he was thinking about something.

 “If I may ask you, this is not because of the drama right? I mean some actors or actress tend to get involved so deep with their characters and fall in love with their co-stars because of the character they were immersed in.”

 It was something Ji Eun had questioned herself before. She had worried about the same matter for quite some time, but already found her answer.

 No, sajang-nim… Wang So and Lee Joon Gi shi are different people and I am not Hae Soo. He acted really well as Wang So, but the one I am in love with…” she stopped, realizing what she had just said.

 'Ommo…. I told my sajangnim that I love Joon Gi oppa, aisshhhh how could I be so stupid!’

  “Lee Joon Gi shi…” she finished her line timidly.

 Yoon Sung-shik was observing her, and then kindly patted her shoulder.

 “If anything changes in the “close but not dating” situation tell me, please. Can you promise me that?”

 Ji Eun knew how important it was to tell her agency the truth..

 “Yes I will, thank you… director Yoon Sung-shik.” She bowed deeply in front of him and waited until he left the room.


 Joon Gi oppa's agency answered their invitation pretty quickly. Today was their official meeting to discuss which concert he would attend as a guest. Usually, it wasn’t necessary for him to come to the meeting, but there he was smiling in front of her. How she had missed him. Since the last dinner they haven’t really had the chance to meet face to face. Their busy schedule kept them away from each other. The only life line were phone calls, facetime and messengers.

 “So, it’s been decided?” they had finalized the discussion. The best possible time and place for Joon Gi to guest was in Taiwan. He would need to change his fan meeting date and move it to her concert time.

 “Yes, but in one condition,” Joon Gi suddenly spoke up. “I also want Jie Eunni to attend my fan meeting as a guest. I would like us to do some kind of special fan service for our Moon Lovers’ fans.”

 What he said caught everyone’s attention, to guest at Ji Eun's concert was one thing - but to attend each other’s event with a closely dated schedule was something else. People would notice something was going on between them. Especially as it wasn’t common for him to invite guest’s to his fan meeting; actually Ji Eun would be the first one he ever invited.

  “What?! Wait, Joon Gi shi, you’ve never talked about that before.” Shang Hyun was the first one to react.

  “I think that’s a good idea, don’t you think so, Ji Eun ah?”, he smiled at her.

 “I don’t really mind, actually... it will be an honor for me, oppa.” She answered gleefully. Ji Eun turned to her manager and director, waiting for agreement. At first they were quiet and went through another discussion about it. But in the end they gave their approval.


 “Now that’s settled.” Joon Gi clapped his hand satisfied and turned to Shang Hyun.


“Don’t worry hyung, I’m going to talk to uri Sajangnim.”


~Last night~


Watching him cuddle his dog while facetiming her was cute. Sometimes Ji Eun couldn’t help but wonder how a man could be as cute as him.  Secretly she moved her hand towards the phone screen, softly tracing his features, his forehead, his nose, his nose, his sexy jaw and his lips.


 “Ji Eun ah... what are you doing?”  


 “Oh nothing, oppa.” She pulled her hand away, worried that he had noticed what she was doing.

 “Really? Hmm... I thought I saw your hand on the screen,” he teased her, “Don’t tell me you are.... “

 “What?? I didn’t do anything... oppa! I was just cleaning it.” She quickly cut his sentence.

 “Really? I am going to flick your nose if you lied...” he joked. 

“Sure, come here and flick my nose, oppa,” she dared him and laughed. Ji Eun could see he looked very amused by her challenge.

 “Okay, I will come then. Just wait for me.” He got up and left his phone. Ji Eun couldn’t see what he was doing. She only could hear some noises, like someone taking a key chain, followed by on opening and closing door sound.

 “Ehh... oppa?? You aren’t really coming this late, right?” she panicked. There was no response for like a minute or two.

 “Oppa? Oppa???”  

 Suddenly he showed up again, with a smirk on his face.

 “I am here. What? Do you miss me already?”

 “Aisshhh....” Ji Eun pouted, “I thought you are really coming over.”

 “Oh, do you want me to come over now? For real?”  

“Ehh... I mean, uhm... “ Ji Eun was lost for words. She would trade anything for the chance to see him face to face. Yet, she also knew how dangerous it would to meet at her place in the middle of the night. They never knew if there were any paparazzi lurking nearby.

 “Just joking... Ji Eun ah, I know it’s way too late.” he tried to calm her.

 “Besides, I don’t think you are ready for a late night visit anyway.” He winked and chuckled. A tint of red crept onto her cheeks.

 “You are such a mean teaser, oppa,” Ji Eun pouted. Joon Gi laughed out loud at her response.

 “Aigoo, now how could I stop myself from teasing you when you are this cute?”

  Ji Eun face went from pink to a darker shade of red immediately. “Opppaaa….!”, she exclaimed.

 “Okay, okay, I will stop now. Let’s be serious,” he tried to stop his laugh and made a stoic face. It was a hard thing to do, his lips were quivering, his shoulder shuddering while Joon Gi tried to suppress his laugh. He took a deep breath and exhaled, after a few times he calmed down. Ji Eun giggled, watching his effort to be serious.

 “Ji Eun ah, about the meeting tomorrow..., I am thinking of inviting you to come to my fan meeting too.” He started, after he had calmed down.

 “ Ehh, that would be great. It’s an honor for me, oppa,” she was delighted with the idea.

 “Glad you like the idea. I just thought that since we’re in the same country, same area - why don’t we give our fans a special fan service. I’m sure there were plenty of SoHae fans, too.”

 “Do you think so, oppa? Will there be a lot of SoHae fans?” she sounded doubtful. Ji Eun knew about the global fans who said that their drama was phenomenal, despite the pretty low national rating. But she still couldn’t stop to blame herself for the low rating.

 “There will be, I am sure of it.  You have done an amazing job at portraying Hae Soo. No one else would done it better than you did.” He comforted her like he exactly knew what she was thinking.

 “Trust me Ji Eun ah, if I got to go back in time and was allowed to choose who will be my co-actress, who will be my Hae Soo - I will still choose you. Any time.”

 Ji Eun face lit up, she smiled gratefully at him. His encouraging words always supported her in her lowest times. It was amazing how much his words, his support and praises affected her.

 “Thank you, oppa, I…” she quickly bit her tongue. She almost slipped the words.

 ‘I… love you’            

“Hmm? I…?” he raised his eyebrows curiously.

 “But you have never invited anyone to your fan meeting before right?” she quickly changed the subject.

 “Yes, you will be my first guest that I personally invited. And do know that … you are not just anyone for me.”

 He met her eyes and stared deeply, no laughter or teasing tone in his words. He was serious. Ji Eun blushed at his statement. She looked at him affectionately and he returned her gaze warmly. 

 There weren’t any actual words exchanged between them, no promises yet, but the smiles, the dreamy eyes and the longing gazes that they shared were enough for the moment. They believed everything would move in their own time and pace. For now they just enjoyed how natural it was to be in each other’s company. They knew what they wanted. This was their first step towards each other. Their first step to be together.




@NerinaC gomawo :D I have read it once u posted part 12 . I really enjoyed step by step you wrote the dialog between Joon Gi and Ji Eun, you wrote it beautifully.

I admire your talent, cause I can't describe what's on my mind neatly like you did :tongue:

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19 minutes ago, deori said:


@NerinaC gomawo :D I have read it once u posted part 12 . I really enjoyed step by step you wrote the dialog between Joon Gi and Ji Eun, you wrote it beautifully.

I admire your talent, cause I can't describe what's on my mind neatly like you did :tongue:

hahahaahahahahaha, see @NerinaC dear...everyone LOVE your fanfic!!!

Proud to have you in my squad, love you!!!

I am still in hyperventilation mode...my heart is still not beating normally...and I am still jumping around and laughing like some hell break loose mad women...oppa jjiang..u just able to drive me insane by using one post!!!!





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11 minutes ago, WH said:

the emojis, colors, date of post.. :wub:


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connect the pics.. to whom does it lead you?

it lead me to her. 



AWESOME CHINGU AH! AWESOME!!!! Proud that you are in my FBI team...even I seldom drop by recently...


EDIT..but still...the JE in his eyes is da bomb...I cant even straight still now...awesome day for TGIF!!

Mod..sorry...I dunno why cant delete that spoiler IG quote...tried 3 times but fail!

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Just now, riuenu said:

AWESOME CHINGU AH! AWESOME!!!! Proud that you are in my FBI team...even I seldom drop by recently...



Happy to see you back here, chief!! The signs - There are too many already.. it's hard to ignore them :D:wub::wub::wub:

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1 minute ago, WH said:


Happy to see you back here, chief!! The signs - There are too many already.. it's hard to ignore them :D:wub::wub::wub:

back for awhile...I gonna MIA for at least 2 weeks...hopefully I can drop by when I am overseas....

I will miss you guys, my squad, my team and my army hahahahahaha

and of course...if there is any crumb, I might be late...but I will be here for sure~~!

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1 hour ago, riuenu said:

EDIT..but still...the JE in his eyes is da bomb...I cant even straight still now...awesome day for TGIF!!


Yeah, he edited/changed the colors of his eyes to match hers with matching eyes emoji & heart in his caption so it means look at his eyes, it's the same eyes his love had. lol 

and now, possibly he edited his eyes, too, and put JE on it plus the eyes emoji & heart... like saying, "look at my eyes and you'll see/know my love." :wub:

seems like he had a thing with eyes.. come to think of it, looking back (bts, photoshoot, saf, taiwan event).. He always had his eyes on her and I guess, that's also a part of his message. "I GOT MY EYES & HEART ON YOU, JE!" 

I'm done. :D:wub:

#DeluluAtYourOwnRisk :D

background music... :D

Edited by WH
added music link..
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2 hours ago, riuenu said:


This is the clearer one, I forgotten the source....credit to whoever had make it...I cant do anything else u know....OUR OPPA HAD NO CHILL AT ALL!!!

Sorry mod...I know I had been spamming this picture....but I cant stay calm...well...the rest of stargazers should know...I.AM.A.SPAMMMERRRRRRRRRRRRR

@kilovekyo I also dunno where this photo from....


His caption always give us direction...he is asking us to look for love in his eyes which is JE! Haters...Anti! anyone can say, he just repost fan picture...but if u say so, then EXPLAIN HIS CAPTION!!!! HE KNOW THE JE when he posted this picture...challenge me on this...Oppa is giving us fuel for the ship to SAIL!! NO DOUBT ON THAT!!



I can feel your excitement chinguu LOL thanks for come here and emergency gathering kkk... T_T even they don't come here anymore... You're right and thanks for convince me again LOL yess his caption made me so curious that want me to find out what i can find in his eyes.

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First i looked and looked trying to concrete what was in oppa'pic that make u guys so excited, and finally i understand THERE IS JE inside his eye, her pic right? my eyes don't fail me right...im not deluluing.

probably, the haters who lurk here be like whats up with these ppl, are they out off their mind, there is nothing special on the pic, and me be like what's up yo..kiss my a...&$# :lol:

im happy JG has no chill at all..he changes (in the better way) doesn't afraid of rumors, doesn't afraid to show his love to her, because JE, is the exception, she is different, she is the reason why he is happy.

let me do my happy dance :wub:

ps : guys..i think our chanting is worked again, lets keep chanting and praying harder bbjx blessing to comes true..:heart:

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5 minutes ago, jenny kim said:

Ok this is unrelated but voldy just unfollowed jieun on instagram 

Right now? not when news about broke up?

IU dinner at Fave, I don't know when this dinner.

Maybe this photo related JG to Singapore, you know universal studios maybe

like this photo:


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Out of Topic :


JKH now unfollowing IU buahahaha 

What do think guys??

For me, if he decided as hobae&sunbae dont u think he really need to unfoll his hobae? -_-

I think he cant handle it anymore maybe hehhe (U know i mean lately JE often posting photos with her male friends and there's few photos of her 'close colleague')


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