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[Official] ♥ Lee Joon Gi x IU ♥ || JoonU [2016 SBS Best Couple & Hallyu Star Awards!!]


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22 hours ago, NerinaC said:

Good evening ^^

So I have came up with my next chapter, wonder if i should put it up or not... haha anyway here goes :

@aimwanie @riuenu @missdharma @ladybirdz @caramelovers75 @ellebanana @shrvirus @moonangelcake @wulss @junee22 @sublimelyheureuse @Christabelita@astrantia @deori

Part 1- 9

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 Part 10

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They sat quietly; she didn’t really expect Ki Ha oppa would show up again after their last goodbye. Inna unnie decided to leave them alone after giving him a fierce stare. She even told Ji Eun to call her if he tried anything bad. Sitting together in the same room made the air feel so heavy. Ji Eun waited restlessly, so many questions were running through her head, but nothing was said. Ki Ha oppa looked as restless and nervous as she was, both of them felt uncomfortable.

 “So... how have you been?” he said, breaking the silence. 

“Are you here just to ask how I am doing?” she said harshly, “there is an app called messenger on your phone that you can use, unless you have deleted my number.” 

She could see the look of disbelieve and hurt plastered on his face. She knew why that look would be on his face, because she had never done that before. She would put his feeling over hers first, even when they fought before. She would always be the one that kept everything in and forgave him without hearing him say sorry first. She would be the one who ran to him, asking forgiveness most of the time; trying to reconcile as quickly as possible. She had lost count on how many times they went through breakups and makeup sessions in their almost 3 year relationship.

 “No… I have not deleted your number, Eun ah.”  He rubbed his neck uncomfortably.

 She couldn’t help to see how he looked rougher than the usual, he didn’t shave and there was lack of sleep in his eyes. Her heart went for him and she had to admit, she didn’t hate him, she would never hate this guy, even if she wanted to.

  “What do you want, oppa?”

   “I … miss you, have you not missed me these past months?” There was longing and desperation in his eyes, but Ji Eun flinched when she heard those words - as if he had stabbed her with a hot iron knife.

 ‘He misses me... after all these months; he comes to say that he misses me. What does he expect me to do? Jump and kiss him happily?


 She was speechless at first. The thought that if these words had been said in the first month after their break up they would have had a different effect, a different result made her upset.

 ‘Why didn’t he come sooner? Why didn’t he try harder to keep our relationship before? Why after he had said that he couldn’t and didn’t want to fight for our love, he comes and says that he misses me?’ 

 “What are you trying to say, oppa?” She gritted her teeth, “aren’t you the one who asked for the breakup? You are the one who said that you can’t do it anymore.”

 “Yes… I did that, I was so sure at that time, but… I miss you so much. I worry about you a lot; I … want us to try again for one last time. “

   ‘Try again? How should I understand these words? How many times have we been through this same episode?’

  Every word he said didn’t make her feel any better.  Her heart ached so much, to the point she felt sick. She closed her eyes, trying to calm herself. There was so much emotion building up in her.

 ‘Why... when I thought I am ready to let him go, ready to acknowledge my feeling for Joon Gi oppa, he must show up? What am I supposed to do now? Should I tell him to just move on, because I think... that I have moved on? Haven’t I? 

 “Eun ah...” he came closer and sat next to her. Ki Ha oppa carefully put his hand over hers. Ji Eun snapped her eyes open when she realized how close he was. She quickly stood up and moved away.

  “ I... I don’t know if I want to try again. After all those heartbreaks and makeups we have been through...”

 “Give me another chance?”

She looked into his hopeful eyes. It would be a lie if she said she had never missed him, especially that first months of their last break up. But at the same time she knew he hadn’t been on her mind much lately, someone else has occupied it.

 I... I need time,” she said finally, “give me time to consider it.”

 “Eun Ah...” he pleaded. The way he looked at her made her feel so awry and lost.

 “Could you just leave me for now, oppa? I don’t feel well”

 She walked to the door and opened it without saying anything. Ki Ha oppa looked crushed but he stood up and walked over, he gave her a final agonized look before he left.


 A week has passed, during those days not even a day passed without Ki Ha oppa trying to shower her with his attention and care to her. He sent flowers and many other things, he messaged her a lot, he also send her some of the songs that he had made just for her. He was doing all the sweet things that he used to do in their early years. He would even take her out on some dates if she allowed him to, but she didn’t.

 To say Ji Eun didn’t waver would be a lie. She got swayed, she was flattered, and her history with him brought her to the point that she was really thinking about giving him another chance.


 Inna unnie had that disapproving look on her face when Ji Eun told her that she was considering to get back with him.

 “Are you sure? Is that your final decision?”

 Ji Eun was quiet.  She didn’t know how to answer her question. She wasn’t sure; she hadn’t been able to assure herself with the answer to that decision.

 “Don’t, if you are not sure,” Inna unnie squeezed her hand trying to give her strength. “How about Lee Joon Gi sunbaenim? I thought you are happier with him, you look happier Euni...”

 Joon Gi oppa .... He hadn’t contacted her since that day when she got drunk. He wasn’t even talking in the group chat much. She tried to message him, he replied but he was somehow distanced, not like the way he used to be.

 ‘My last tantrum might have been the cause. ’ she thought, to be honest that made her think of him more than Ki Ha oppa.

 “I am not sure... I don’t know unnieee... I really don’t know,” she felt so conflicted.

 Han Na unnie was also with them. It was a rare chance to have them together. Ji Eun had introduced Inna to Han Na some time ago, even though the three of them never really gathered together. But today they both came to comfort her.

 “Ji Eunni... who makes you happier? That’s what matters, right? Who gives you the widest smile, that butterfly feeling?”, said Han Na unnie, “Who do you think about the most these days?”

 Han Na unnie sat next to her and touched her forehead with her index finger.

 “The guy who makes you frown more, than smile when you think about him, is never a good choice”

 Her words were like an epiphany to Ji Eun. They struck her right in her core and for the first time she felt that she finally knew who to choose, which love should she fight for. She hugged both of her unnie, feeling grateful for them.


 She smiled, satisfied when she uploaded that picture on her instagram. She wrote ‘Soo smiled when So smiled’ as its caption. Tonight was the episode when So and Soo were finally together, she’s always loved that Pegasus scene. Ji Eun then went on to message Ki Ha oppa asking him to come tomorrow. She needed to tell him her decision, and he deserved one.

 ‘Ding’ she heard her Instagram alert tone. She went to check it and smiled, Joon Gi oppa commented on the picture she put up. Ji Eun felt warm reading his comment.


 “So... this is final? Nothing I could say or do will change your mind?” Ki Ha oppa looked heartbroken.

 “No... That is my final answer. Thank you for everything oppa, it is I think what is best for me, for us. I loved you before and I’ve never regretted it. But it is over for me. Let’s just be hobae and sunbae.”

 He went quiet  and clenched his jaw, he knew nothing he said would change her mind, so he stood up from his seat and walked to the door. Ji Eun followed and opened it for him, when he suddenly stopped.

 “You have changed Eun ah... did he change you?” Ki-Ha said without facing her.

  “What do you mean?” She jolted at his tone of question.

  “Lee Joon Gi shi..., I should have seen that before, I don’t want to believe it, but looks like it is true,” he continued. His sweet voice had changed to ice. Ki Ha oppa turned and looked at her coldly, “you have been cheating on me with him. That’s why when I asked for the breakup you agreed on it and never tried to go back like you used to do.”

 Ji Eun’s eyes went wide. She was lost for words. She never expected to see him acting that cold and never expected that he could accuse her of cheating. Ji Eun finally saw the other side of Jang Ki Ha.

 “I am not blind...” , He glared at her with hostile eyes.

 ‘Is this the same man I had loved for almost 3 years? He judged so easily, blamed everything on me, always acted like he was the victim on every situation that was a disadvantage for him. How could I be so blind all these years.’  She finally understood.

 “Good night Ki Ha shi.” She closed the door without answering, because that was the right thing to do.

 Jang Ki Ha watched the door close. His eyes and face were unreadable.


 Ji Eun was fixing her make up in the mirror, she smiled at her new look. She felt lighter and happier. Tonight was the final episode of Moon Lovers, the crew and cast had already planned a gathering to watch it together. She couldn’t wait to see everyone, especially him. He said he will be late since he had a gathering with his fans to watch the final episode together.

 The final ending was a surprise for Ji Eun and was kind of disappointing. But she knew that the director had decided and no one could really protest about it. Even though the drama did not receive good ratings nationally, it was accepted well internationally. She was happy when Joon Gi got his second wave of popularity and gained more fans. It had been a long time since she last saw him; she was excited to see him again. Her smile was so bright when she finally saw him enter the room. Her eyes quietly followed him around. He greeted all of the crew and cast like he always did.

 “Ji Eun ah... you cut your hair?” That was the first thing he said when he saw her. She nodded and smiled while she unconsciously touched her short bob hair. Ji Eun felt butterflies dancing in her stomach when he looked at her intently. She couldn’t hold her gaze on him and felt shy and giddy.

 “Why?” he asked, “It’s not like it looks bad on you. You are always beautiful, with long or short hair”, he added quickly.

 This was the question she had been waiting for. This was the moment she needed to tell him about the main reason she cut her hair. 

“Group pictures!!!” Hong Jong Hyun shi called out, breaking their intense atmosphere. Hera shi showed up next to her and practically shoved her and Joon Gi shi to the seat. She took the chance to sit closer to him, slowly leaning her back into him. She could feel his body tensed at the touch.

 “Freedom,” she whispered into his ear and smiled meaningfully at him. She saw how realization dawned slowly in his face, his body relaxed and he smiled like the sun.


 note :

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To someone that has helped me with this part, I know you asked me to not credit u in it, but still I need to say thank you for the help in grammar error checks and preposition. I am not tagging you in but I am sure u know that I am grateful for the help. thank you chinggu :heart:

To my friends who have enjoyed reading this humble fanfic, to be honest I was struggling with this chapter, I really worried that this chapter is not as good as the previous, but I did my best still. I also thought i was going to end it to this chapter where the story will have an open ending. But atm I am not so sure anymore... so what do you think? should I end it here? or not?








continue pls!!! we need the build up, SAF and the Taiwan concert/fanmeet. This is such an awesome fic and I'm so looking forward to what's gonna happen next. Ur awesome!! Thank u so much for this!! Will be waiting for the next chaps.. *smiles encouragingly 

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1 hour ago, shrvirus said:

@akinahana89 thanks for tagging me and your fanfic really good. Looking forward for next chapter Capt. So Jieun didn't know the news when came out emmmm... Who was the culprit, btw? In this story, I always felt Voldy like Wook.. smart and cunning. Remember when Wook said to YeonHwa after he smashed the jade bracelet, "No one can have everything. Isn't that what is fair?" If captain's fanfic had connecting line with @NerinaC's fanfic (part 10) that Voldy knew something going on between JG-JE and realized JE had changed. She wasn't the one that he knew before, even if he pleaded to comeback she would give chance for so many times. So he planned to drop the break up news at that time to tested JG.. "No one can have everything" choose between love and Hollywood career ( same situation in Goryeo.. HaeSoo or thorne). If JG takes flight to LA, he will point out "see.. he such a coward.. runs away from rumors and K-reporters" "see, Jieun-ah.. he didn't truly love you".

haha... sorry for ruining your story captain. I'm too much delulu. Like one of our chingus here said Voldy is a good guy.. yeaaaa I'll try to admit it :D

i'm sorry cut your post... i don't know why but i kinda agree with your opinion.. i know it make sound somebody else(voldy) negative but i can't help with my feeling. since i feel he like have victim mentalilty (i'm sorry if it harsh n offended someone who lurking or not shipper) n he don't want people judge n blame him with the breakup news so he just release it without told jieun first so the k net look he is the victim n blaming for JE n JG (aaaarrrghh....ok.. i admited too much watch drama n read fanfic n be delusional).. n like you said this real story kinda look a like with the storyline of the drama itself.. but i want in this real story the have happy ending for JG n JE with whatever their decision..

* oke back to reality.. n i need to calm my self n try admit about voldy is a good person in real..

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3 hours ago, krysyuy said:

Anyways... basically what I got from all this is that the break-up news wouldn't have been released yet if this reporter hadn't checked IU's fan community. I wonder when they originally wanted to release it. :x

Probably some months after IU's new album release date.

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3 hours ago, ucieh said:

Agreed with you @aimwanie, the reporter shouldve contacted starcandy0516 for further info..

kekekke. i know right.. we have the best reporter ever here in the thread.. kuddos @starcandy0516 !!


52 minutes ago, kriswu said:

No problem and thank you also :wub: I miss them too!! :( Can't wait for Valentines Day (though I'm spending it alone LOL or with you fellow Stargazers :D) maybe we'll get some crumbs! January has been so good to us that we're getting used to eating a full plate of cake for breakfast. Hopefully, this February will be the same. Hahaha

exactly! lets hope for a more brighter February ! kekeke

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23 minutes ago, NerinaC said:

could you plz help me about the date when JE away at china concert (when JG was in hawaii), the departure and arrival

@NerinaC I'm sorry I don't know about JE's schedule, however if I remember it correctly, JG left for Hawaii on the 7th of July and returned on the 14th of July 2016. I think the schedule was somewhat overlapping with JE's but I'm not sure when exactly.

@starcandy0516 thanks again chingu for giving us some more information on the latest news

I think for the media it's a good 'bait' to continue on steering public's opinion that something might have happened between JE- JG even during the MLSHR shooting period that caused the breakup in the end so they keep on publishing such articles.

The breakup news and how it came out remains a mystery for us, too, hehe... especially the timing and the fact that Voldy's agency was the one confirming first after being contacted by the journalist. And the poster of the 'rumour'... really just a fan with an 'insider' tip? I'm also curious about it :ph34r:

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34 minutes ago, Gabi Bros said:

:confused: Sadly, the BTS released is only that long. Here: http://tv.naver.com/v/1057453/list/89713 From 2:07 to 2:10

That BTS was released before the first episode of Moon Lovers and the one that made me enter the ship without realizing it, mistaken them with Wang So and Hae Soo falling in love. At that time, it was known that Wang So and Hae Soo will dislike each other and then became friends and eventually fall in love. I thought it was a scene in which they were friends in the process of falling in love. On the first episode I realized they weren't Wang So and Hae Soo the ones that I saw...they were IU and Lee Joon Gi. :lol:

Exactly. They were being LJE-LJG all giddy together. :D

Thanks for the link. :)

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1 hour ago, NerinaC said:

@NoonaE it's okay chinggu, thank you ^^ for the help, I think I need to do some research for it too, while waiting @starcandy0516

@kilovekyo thank you :heart:

gosh... I love this ship more than ever, everyone so supportive.... ^bow^ thank you guys, you are all the best!! JJANG!!

Sorry chingu, I haven't read your fanfict :sweatingbullets:

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