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[Mainland Chinese Drama 2017] Princess Agents 特工皇妃楚乔传


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@gaeingoh....I agree with you, I think Xiao Che is not encouraging CQ to go to YX instead asking her to follow her heart and helping her to decide....but it also for her to let her see whether she will be with YX in the future because even Xiao Che know that YWY will always waiting for her and YX is  no longer the same person....let her see if YX and her goal is still the same or not so that she won't regret later on.It also will make her see clearly where her heart belong to.

I think Xiao Che has become a very good friend for CQ and forming unlikely friendship with YWY.

I wonder when Chun er will meet CQ again whether today ep or next week. I'm also curious how CQ will be saved from Chun er.

About Princess of Liang, maybe she admire her penpal and never thought that it turn out to be YWY..I wonder what gonna happen to her after this and when CQ finally will meet with Mr.Wu.

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I’ve never joined a forum before and never shared any commentary, but I have been truly inspired by the shrewd analyses, funny observations and passionate defences of this ardent community … time to give back a little :)


In the absence of any intelligent remarks of my own I would like to offer the following quotes to help frame YWY’s recent actions:


If you love someone, set them free, for if they return, they were always yours. And if they don't, they never were
― Attributed to various authors


You can’t lose what you never had, you can’t keep what’s not yours, and you can’t hold on to something that doesn’t want to stay.
― Damon Suede, Bad Idea


Edited by lostintranslation
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7 hours ago, Melda Hung said:

nowadays weibo can be translated although not so accurate ... me too cant read difficult chinese words hahahaha ... that YQ yesterday also updated weibo saying that YWY has deleted his words in weibo hahaaha

i think ZLY has bf that play a role as monk in Monkey King with Aaron Kwok.. his name feng sao feng.. dont like him ... yeah love him with LGX hahaha

yeah fall in love with YWY character .... so perfect man hahahah yeah me too love the scene he rebel to his grandpa hahaha he is so responsible young man 


Off Topic~



Abt FSF, ah yes he acted in Monkey King3  and again as male lead in Yingbao's upcoming historical drama "Legend of the Cucubine's Daughters Ming Lan" which will start shooting this Sept. Regarding the dating rumours, Yingbao's studio representative already denied on the matter, it seems they were having advert photo session tog in Shanghai. ...~and i dont like him too. Heard he has many dating scandals lol

Currently Yingbao busy shooting upcoming modern drama Glamour Time, in Wuhan







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4 hours ago, cenching said:

I rewatches the XE-XC's conversation scene, I was wondering why he encouraged her to go to YX? Enlighten me please, ladies.....

I think that as much as all the characters in the drama believe that YWY is in love with CE/CQ, they equally believe that XE/CQ is in love with YX. So maybe XC thinks that XE/CQ feels torn between someone who loves her and can give her an easier life (YWY) vs someone she loves but will give her a tougher life (YX). XC then encourages XE/CQ to follow her heart and have faith in her choice. Since XE/CQ has always stood by YX's side even at the worst of times and has never shown any obvious affection towards YWY, it's understandable that the people around them will think that it's YX who XE/CQ loves. 

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Article~english translated

Chu Joe Li Qinhei Zhuanchun makeup line, beautiful king Zhao Liying fight king kneeling!

However, even defeated, defeated the about 200000 armies. However, when the dead soldier posture is different, when lying motionless on the battlefield in a pool of blood. Chuqiao inside, still did not win over her kindness.

So, we see this stunning kneeling.This kneels, kneels not only is the passing soldier, kneels more is the beautiful king's status.

Read full article at source: http://www.bestchinanews.com/Entertainment/12950.html

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I'm back (ala The Terminator).....

Gathering my thoughts....

The tête-à-tête between XC and CQ, I opine that XC first and foremost is wily and shrewd.  He is the Crown Prince of Liang, I believe that even though he is particular about CQ but he never forget to put his state and countrymen interest first. In the earlier episodes, we also saw how he assisted YX and said that the war between Yan Bei and Da Wei is very beneficial to Liang.

He also is gauging the reaction of CQ because when he posted the question whether CQ has faith/believe in herself, she did not hesitate and replied with a firm yes.  However, when XC asked CQ whether she trusted YX....it took a quite a while to reply...with "of course", I would say in an attempt to sound blasé.  But in actual fact the pause before a straight answer showed she did have doubts about YX now and realised things are different nowadays.  Of course internally realising and loudly admitting, it is two different things.  Furthermore, lacking of pride...with all her blazing bravado is definitely CQ's brand of style.  CQ also needs time for her self actualisation that she and YX now are on different paths... they no longer shared the same dreams and plans.

XC also knew that even how sad, apprehensive and frustrated YWY was, he would not be shrouded and blinded by his emotions until he can't function.  Whereas both CQ and YX are more of emotionally driven people.  However, it seemed that CQ has tempered down her emotions and became more rational but she is still prideful.  I'm not condemning her pride, this is a norm, when a person is down...you have to grit your teeth, pride yourself to become successful because to be in doubt and second guessing yourself would lead to failure.  Ultimately, CQ has to find out the truth on her own, both CQ and YWY realised this.

Off topic the postcards/pix with signatures....I like LQX's siggy...bold, very controlled, neat and even.  From his signature showed that he is very much self aware, surefooted and very consistent...I'm pleasantly surprised especially for an actor as his profession...gah!!! I just disclosed my prejudiced *cringed*.  It shows he is one determined dude and calculative in his chosen and chartered career.  The actor who played as Yuan Song's signature also is strong but a bit flamboyant... while the rest of the signatures...depict artsy kind of nature.

@mimimi26- thank you for your complement.  I'm rusty in my writing...used to write a lot...to balance out both sides of my brain :D

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27 minutes ago, cenching said:

Reading the article in Best China News always gives me nosebleed  :blink: Can someone help?

Same here, seems it's the only english site i found to update current issue daily, tho most of the time I have to crack my head.

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I really feel sorry for YWY. My heart breaks for him. Come to think of it, XE/CQ has never been exceptionally caring and affectionate to him. During the times that they live together, she was always preoccupied with trying to escape and taking her revenge. Then she left to join YX after she incriminated YWY as the mastermind in the killing of the creepy grandpa. In the years that followed, she treated YWY with outright hostility. She rebukes his kindness and doesn't even show him some respect. So in everyone's eyes, YWY is a big fool who loves a maid who obviously doesn't care for him and is head over heels in love with someone else. 

I hope the writers of this drama will give YWY a happy ending. He's such an admirable and honest man, who deserves to be loved and cherished. If he'll end up with XE/CQ, then I want to see her treat him right and love him dearly. I want to see XE/CQ shower YWY with love and affection instead of just receiving love from him all the time. It's unfair that XE/CQ gets so much love while YWY, who is the most honorable character in this drama, doesn't get any.

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@The_Joker, I do think XC has a hidden agenda. Even when he helps YWY-XE to find an antidote he did it bcoz he wanted to use YWY's hand to destroy The AfterLife Camp and YWY said that to his face. He haven't found out yet that his Jie2 has a tender spot for YWY :D I would love to see how he is going to uses that against her....haha

I just can't figure out what is his agenda that was why I am asking here....:)

@pawla, I saw that gif too. 

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54 minutes ago, minoku2209 said:

Article~english translated

Chu Joe Li Qinhei Zhuanchun makeup line, beautiful king Zhao Liying fight king kneeling!


However, even defeated, defeated the about 200000 armies. However, when the dead soldier posture is different, when lying motionless on the battlefield in a pool of blood. Chuqiao inside, still did not win over her kindness.

So, we see this stunning kneeling.This kneels, kneels not only is the passing soldier, kneels more is the beautiful king's status.

Read full article at source: http://www.bestchinanews.com/Entertainment/12950.html

What in the world am i reading? So messed up. hahahaha.

From what i can gather it is about CQ's feeling and gesture after winning the war. She saw many of her comrades died miserably, eventough she won the war she doesn't feel happy and celebrate it. Instead she lead the rest of the army to give their last respect to them who died in war. However this action also made firm CQ's position in her peoples heart without her realizing. 

Nice writing @The_Joker, you should write more insight in this forum. It is interesting how you analyzing their signature. Do you learn how to read people personality just by their signature? 

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9 hours ago, Chii90 said:

@mrsyooknit, i think with your recent pic of CE smiling before killing CQ proving you're right and i'm wrong. But both way either If she really give it to YX or selfishly simply using the commander pass for attacking CQ she is on the point of no return destroying her own family and people. It is not just a naivety anymore it is total idiocy (pardon my word). I can't help thinking about how far she will reach for her obsession to YX because she is still wearing the rabbit tail accessory in her belt (the new poster show it) and so far we all know the importance of meaning even to the smallest things (e.g. XE bell). It is not impossible for her to do that. She can be a really dangerous person changing from cute naivety to crazy mad girl. There is nothing worse than a girl blind obsession in the name of love that can sacrifice everything to get her love. Even when she knew he didn't love her, she will make her way to force him accept her no matter what. So pitiful of a character. Never been happier being wrong. lol


I dont know if I would say stupid since I think she went mad. I can of see why she went crazy. I think she just went all the way. She already had an unhealthy obsession with YX, then her tragedy. 

7 hours ago, ces8 said:

I wish XE will get jealous to the lady spy follower of Master YWY when there would be a chance...If im not mistaken in the sub epi YQ said,  "Its the first time that you smiled..." this was when the lady spy was saved by YWY and she said thank you...



YESS, I second this. I hope YWY gets attention from another girl. Someone needs to see how good he is. Some fans on weibo want him to get together with the spy since they feel CQ is not good enough for him. 

5 hours ago, lizax1 said:

I find CE, YX, and XE to be remarkably similar. All 3 are "blessed" with the same personality flaws, in that they are stupid, naive and arrogant in exactly the same way and refuse to see what they don't want to see, mainly reality.

I'm still confused at how YX could possibly even for one second think that Yanbei would be some sort of paradise? He has learned nothing. He lived through his family massacre, fighting for survival living with enemies, war etc., and he still thinks the happy place of his childhood exists? And when it doesn't meet his expectations, instead of trying to fix his home, he just abandons it to go grab something else. And him whining about no one welcoming him? Dude, people are poor and starving, and war is the norm, why the hell would they care about you? Are you handing out gold? Food? Water? Promising world peace? Get out of here.

It's the same way CE still thinks happy carefree YX pre-massacre should exist and would marry her butt.

And the same way XE who lived through the ordeal with YX still believe he stands for something other than revenge and would still do the "right" thing. What in the world? This after lecturing Mo'Er about how she understood YX's need for revenge and will always forgive him because he's been through so much. Give me a break.  What does she think changed man cause of his crappy life mean? Oh he's only changed to being a shopaholic at Sephora?

And all 3 clearly are too stupid to know what war means. XE talks a good game like she now realizes the consequences of war, and she had to learn it the hard way but it's all talk. I still don't think she quite gets it yet. That actions have consequences. She's as naive as the other 2. Take the XingXing situation for example. All she could see was that XX was being a great friend and loyal ignoring the fact that while that's a good quality to have, actions have consequences. And yeah good actions can result in bad consequences. Which is what YWY was trying to tell her. Sure enough the cruel world that is PA showed us what happened. How could she not see this, after spending practically the entire series going from one disaster to another? She still refuses to see that there are many ways to look at a situation. Still whining about Yanbei and being loyal to YX.

I think that's the biggest flaw of PA's script. We're supposed to see the character development of every one as they go through their tough life but it's only on a shallow level. The behavior and makeup has changed. But their way of thinking is still the same.

I just want to fangirl over XE and YWY. Is that too much to ask for? XE makes it really hard.


I agree with everything. I also feel that XE, CE, YX are very naive and arrogant. 


13 minutes ago, hermionne said:

I really feel sorry for YWY. My heart breaks for him. Come to think of it, XE/CQ has never been exceptionally caring and affectionate to him. During the times that they live together, she was always preoccupied with trying to escape and taking her revenge. Then she left to join YX after she incriminated YWY as the mastermind in the killing of the creepy grandpa. In the years that followed, she treated YWY with outright hostility. She rebukes his kindness and doesn't even show him some respect. So in everyone's eyes, YWY is a big fool who loves a maid who obviously doesn't care for him and is head over heels in love with someone else. 

I hope the writers of this drama will give YWY a happy ending. He's such an admirable and honest man, who deserves to be loved and cherished. If he'll end up with XE/CQ, then I want to see her treat him right and love him dearly.


Same! YWY deserves better. He should be loved and cherished. His needs should be taken into consideration. No one ever takes him to consideration, besides YQ and his bird.

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Ladies, I am agree that YWY deserves better woman. I am tired of seeing him being neglected emotionally with no apparent reason. He even has to sacrifice his life for XE. I hope he can find a solace from MengFeng, she is tough, loyal, good looking and smart. On a side note, she is almost as tall as YWY.... Or any other Princess will do too, at this point I would even welcome Bad Princess for him.

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The kissing gif looks much better, more passionate, why did they gave as the wooden one. 

I saw that gif of YWY wearing the same outfit but I hope that scene will be after the icy lake...#FingersCrossed

MengFeng's beautiful eyes!!! Love it!!! I always wish I had that kind of eyes....huhu. I am a Chinese that don't look like one.....haha

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