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[Mainland Chinese Drama 2017] Princess Agents 特工皇妃楚乔传


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15 minutes ago, gentlelily12 said:

On the viriginity thing and YWY taking her before marriage, I dont think its because YX was more of a gentleman than YWY but rather XE was the reason YX couldnt get further with her in that sense.  XE could give herself to YWY without second thoughts as she had loved him since a long time ago.  YWY took her as he knew marriage was his sole intention but the consummation was more of need to be one in the most truest and deepest sense for two beings that are so in love and not so much as sexual.

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On LGX being shy abt kissing scenes, I think i now can relate to this side of him.  He's a Pisces and tends to be shy though appear extroverted to others.  

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I agree so much. But I was just talking about YWY's train of thought. If I didn't get it wrong he thinks back to YX and how they were together for so long but YX respected her, while YWY couldn't wait. Like XE tells him later, she was willing. 

this is ruining how I picture YWY but it is so funny 


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1 hour ago, cenching said:

@mrsyooknit, those are some problems that usually happen to book adaptation :lol:. In the book YX was 12 years old so it is reasonable if he was pardon. I think those arrows, spears, sword scene didn't happen(?) correct me if I am wrong bcoz I don't think a 12 yo will survive in that condition. They add it to make us feel emphatic to YX when he starts putting on more eyeliner :lol:.

That was why I stated that this is the start of the parts that differs from the book. 

Add. They invested too much in YWY-XE ship to make us feel for XE-YX so one way is by putting tragic/horor scene for YX to move us


I agree that they already invested so much romantic angle with YWY//XE just  for it to be to derailed with XE/YX  love match. The way they're portraying XE now towards XY is that of a caring friend.We haven't seen so far of her feeling uncomfortable by his touch or the way he looks at her. A complete contrast with YWX( ice arrow shooting lesson scene , anyone?).


PS. Who knew eyeliners can be a precursor when someone's behavior goes dark:lol:


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Just finished 25-28...i told myself i would wait but couldn't help myself.  I must applaud LGX for portrayal of YWY in the prison scene with CQ no wonder YWH can see through him.  His eyes can show so much!  You can see the desperation through those eyes!  I think that CQ knows that YWY is saving her.  Also I have question - how does CQ cure herself as I felt that YWY was trying to get away from the king to go save CQ and somehow she saved herself?  Did I miss something???

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1 minute ago, ktn1122 said:

Just finished 25-28...i told myself i would wait but couldn't help myself.  I must applaud LGX for portrayal of YWY in the prison scene with CQ no wonder YWH can see through him.  His eyes can show so much!  You can see the desperation through those eyes!  I think that CQ knows that YWY is saving her.  Also I have question - how does CQ cure herself as I felt that YWY was trying to get away from the king to go save CQ and somehow she saved herself?  Did I miss something???

Next episode will explain how she got away. 


She was save by YanBei's lady spy, her name escapes my mind. I don't know the details bcoz I can't get what they were talking about.


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May i ask. I'm not sure if someone has mentioned about this or not. Based on yesterday ep,  YWY thought XE had died. Is it same in the novel?

I know i shouldn't say this. But during the scene YWY mourning XE's death by drinking alcohol, i know it should be a sad scene but i keep laughing alot. LOL. :lol:Hahhaha. I can't believe a cold, stern prince can change like that.  Plus, when YWH came and thought he was sad because the eyes of god was taken by him, this had made things funnier.

Sorry, no hard feeling please. Peace.hehe

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44 minutes ago, visiopeia said:

just finish watching ep 28 TV version and got myself confused here due to i am watching raw version, So YWY thought CQ died in the fire?? 


Yep he sure thought CQ/QE died in the fire because he faked killing her during the interrogation scene and had her "body" brought back to his place. Grandfather found out and ordered his man to have her burned. YWY is delayed by the emperor and the Liang spies so he could not reach her before her body was burned. He thought she  died  for real because he found the metal ring he gave her amongst the ashes and has a flashback of when he gave it to her and how she was so cheeky and happy. It's not really explained/shown how she survived and threw her ring into the fire though.

It's shown that Yin Xin, the spy with the metal fan got killed for being in the way when YWY was desperately trying to get back to his Xing Er.

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Episode 28

Glad that Yin Xin (SR spy) got his just reward. The Bad Su Jin/Bad Princess of Liang, and her maid need to go.  I laughed when YWY took YH down to the Eyes of God, and YH was only interested in the Power and Greed the Eyes of God could get him. In true YWY style he played a head trip on YH telling about about the Wei noble, then making YH question if Yuewen Xi is really his grandfather or father. Knowing how YH would react YWY proceeds to thank YH for releasing him from his prison (Eyes of God) and leaves, while YH hits the button that eventually destroys the place.!!! LOL!! It was even funnier hearing the Emperor's personal attendant describing to the Emperor the events and how YH was scared and terrified. :D:lol:

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3 minutes ago, mmrod_04 said:

Episode 28

Glad that Yin Xin (SR spy) got his just reward. The Bad Su Jin/Bad Princess of Liang, and her maid need to go.  I laughed when YWY took YH down to the Eyes of God, and YH was only interested in the Power and Greed the Eyes of God could get him. In true YWY style he played a head trip on YH telling about about the Wei noble, then making YH if Yuewen Xi is his grandfather or father. Knowing how YH would react YWY proceeds to thank YH for releasing him from his prison (Eyes of God) and leaves, while YH hits the button that eventually destroys the place.!!! LOL!! It was even funnier hearing the Emperor's personal attendant describing to the Emperor the events and how YH was scared and terrified. :D:lol:

One thing i like about YWY is he is really smart and intelligent. He knows how to read people. I guess now i understand him better. Everything that he does has calculation. 

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8 hours ago, mundane9 said:

Re: Chapter 181 YWY "realization". Hi all, haven't done any tranlsation yet but completed that chapter. Those who would like to know what he "realized" after the wedding night can read the summarized spoiler below...

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It was the same evening deep in the night after their 'wedding'. . CQ woke up to find YWY missing, gone from the bed. She panicked and quickly put on some clothes to go look for him. He was not in his room. She panicked even more and scurried about looking for him througout the vessel. She finally found him standing at the bow of the boat and saw he didn't have much clothes on in the cold. He sensed her presence and asked here to come over. When she came over, he hugged-embraced her in his arms without speaking. She showed concern for his lack of attiire and the cold weather but he didn't say anything. Eventually he said :"CQ, weiqu ni le" (mandarin)

Realization #1: Wei Qu is a chinese adjective that does not quite have an equivalent meaning or word in english. Essentially it means an individual has been compromised, have to endure-undergo all types of suffering, judgement, persecution, etc. as a result of their values or attachment-relationship with another(s).

The following is my perception of why he said that although i have not read the entire novel. 

Following CQ's love confession that same evening of how long she has loved him (because she has never said out loud, therefore he does not know either. They are both well matched in their enigmatism). He must have realized a lot of the BS-trials-suffering, countless times she was injured, almost killed, she would not have undergone if it weren't for her feelings for him. It dawned on him that she could have easily ignored any-all of those events involving him, but because she loved him, she willingly underwent them FOR HIM.

(Back to the novel)

When CQ heard his apology, she informed him not to blame himself because she willingly did (all of) them - kinda twice because he was regretful about her having gone through all this.

Realization #2:

YWY realized he was kinda arrogant as he always believed himself superior to YX, and that CQ can only be truly and completely happy with him YWY. Currently after ten years he feels that YX was more of a gentleman because of this matter over CQ as he YWY has always been selfish about her. When it comes to her, he has always been un-selfassured. The closer happiness nears him, the more afraid he gets and the more he demands-wants. The more he grabs on to (her), the more he loses (her). Despite his accompiishments, abilities, wealth, etc., in his entire life, she is the one chess-play he has no confidence of nor accomplished victory. Occasionally he laughes at himself that this day will never come.

CQ dismisses his apology by saying it was nothing and she did all that willingly. He then said he was going to make it all up to her even if it takes him the rest of his life (awwhhhhhh...). More amorous aggressive 'movements on his part and he carried her back to the bedroom. More teasing banter (she tries to kick him back to his bedroom) but he would have none of that. She kinda falls asleep in the midst of foreplay (hahahahaha). From this point it gets kinda mundane coz she wakes up and it's already mid-day with the entiire boat crew kinda knowing what happened between them the night before, the maid even had a bowl of herbal soup ready that helps to quell bleeding.....)


Ah... okay, I missed this discussion initially because it was in spoiler tags and I saw it elsewhere.

With regards to 委屈 (wei qu) although dictionaries translate it as "wronged"... I would argue that the closest English equivalent in the context that you're referring to would be the expression "I have imposed on you". It's rather old fashioned these days but it fits better than most other expressions in the semantic range. My understanding of that usage comes from Jane Austen's Emma: "He has imposed on me but he has not injured me"

I like what "impose" implies because it conveys pressure and force on the other party that goes against their will (usually).

1 hour ago, claribelle3 said:


PS. Who knew eyeliners can be a precursor when someone's behavior goes dark:lol:

I thought everyone knew. :tongue: It's a Korean drama staple. :D


I won't deny that like a lot of people here I'm totally invested in the YWY and X'er pairing but it doesn't really bother me if she does love both men in different ways. I made my peace with that kind of love triangle in Moon Lovers and I think it's quite realistic for a woman (as is the case here) to have different types of relationships with different men that could be termed "love". Not every kind of love relationship means burning up the screen with overt sexual tension but it doesn't mean it isn't love in some form. Looking at Ep. 28, it seemed to me that with YX, X'er takes a more caretaker role. She looks after him and gives him advice about how to move on... and that's fine... it's what he needs from her and it's what she needs to be at this point in her life because she is the stronger one here. I think she's necessary for him at this stage to help him get back on his feet and teach him to bide his time. Just as YWY helped her and taught her to bide her time, gather her inner resources... to survive and to look ahead to the future and not dwell on the past too much. But yeah... YX needs someone to help him build long term goals, move on and stay on track. Someone who has suffered with him is best placed to do that. Because without that support, he would be a blithering mess.

YWY will be fine but I won't deny he'd be happier with a strong woman by his side who is his intellectual equal. :wink: X'er isn't quite there yet but she will be once she sees the world from a broader perspective. I suspect her time with YX will give her that.

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This thread is moving like a lightning speed, I still writing a post and got held up by work, and by the time I come to continue to write this, the thread's page already change, so maybe this post is not related anymore but I'm still gonna post it anyway. Just my thoughts :

I think the casting of this drama are pretty good. And whether we can see some actor in depth character or not, I think it depends on whose intrigue your interest more, because when you found someone interesting, even he/she subtle move can screaming thousands of meaning and interpretation for you. As probably most of you know already, I'm in YWY-XE ship, so I invested more on LGX than Shawn, but I have to say it's good that finally Shawn can show a different kind of acting after his family massacre arc, because in the beginning until this arc, to me, he only showed his bubbly personality, I kinda wanted that he also gonna show that he is more deep than the bubbly personality than he showed us, but this massacre arc just show us how naive he still is, so this arc is good for Shawn to finally can show another side of YX.

And about YWY. From the very beginning, his character intrigue the most for me, his cold demeanor and his interactions with XE, makes me want to know more what gonna happen to both of them and along the way this makes me invest more toward YWY than XE, although still XE not too far behind from YWY in my list of favourite characters from this drama. I love ZLY of course, but to me, now, XE's character development is something that I could look forward to without having to 'sit on my edge' kinda thing because XE at this state, no one misunderstand her. While YWY, his icy demeanor crumbling is something that is very interesting to see, and the misunderstanding that keeps piling up on him is something that make me curious to how this gonna be clear up. And I just love how LGX potraying YWY character, how his little change of expressions can show a lot of his feel, but sadly for now only XE who didn't notice them yet. Jia you LGX and YWY, make XE come back to your embrace again soon please :D


And about chapter 181, thank you so much @mundane9 

My thoughts, the word wei qu ni le that YWY said toward XE, is sooo romantic. Chapter 180 showed us that the I love you words that XE told YWY is the last piece of wall that could contain YWY to pouring his love toward CQ. They've been separated by time (years XE is not on YWY's side), people (XE's family, YX), misunderstanding, 'death' (CQ thought YWY die, and the drama also add YWY thought CQ die (btw, in the novel is YWY also thought that CQ die?)) so of course who can contain their love much longer after the very person that you love most for a long time said that she love you back and now she is here right by your side, and that wet clothes is also didn't help (to contain YWY for doing 'it'). And the 'gift' (first night) that CQ give YWY that YWY thought is long taken by YX is something that must be make YWY feels enormously happy at that time but later on makes him feels some kind of regret. He love her a lot, surely he want to protect her and save the first night until they are officialy married. And maybe this thoughts also makes him think all those time that he hurt her (unintentionally), the suffering that she must go through .....

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26 minutes ago, misxlol89 said:

aww do you guys notice something :flushed:


The bells is hanging on his sword.


I watched the prison confrontation scene between YWY-YX-XE, I do think XE understand YWY's situations not completely but partly. She has doubts that YWY will bring harm to YX. After that, YWY sent her the bird as a reminder. Under YWY's tutelage, she knows him quite well, she looks at fingerless boy suspiciously when he announced that YWY betrayed YX. It's similar to the scene with JinXhu-YWH in the slave prison.

I think we should not underestimate the connections between YWY-XE 

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32 minutes ago, mmrod_04 said:

Episode 28

Glad that Yin Xin (SR spy) got his just reward. The Bad Su Jin/Bad Princess of Liang, and her maid need to go.  I laughed when YWY took YH down to the Eyes of God, and YH was only interested in the Power and Greed the Eyes of God could get him. In true YWY style he played a head trip on YH telling about about the Wei noble, then making YH if Yuewen Xi is his grandfather or father. Knowing how YH would react YWY proceeds to thank YH for releasing him from his prison (Eyes of God) and leaves, while YH hits the button that eventually destroys the place.!!! LOL!! It was even funnier hearing the Emperor's personal attendant describing to the Emperor the events and how YH was scared and terrified. :D:lol:


Liked also  the part when YWY got delayed as he tried to get XE home so he could revive her. To sit or kneel as he waited and waited for the doodling emperor to say what's he's there for, I was ready for him to have a panic attack as he kept on looking at the trickling hour glass.

And yeah, Smirky acting all smugged like it's no big deal to handle the eyes of god biz and then got all panicky and screaming like a girl when the bat cave went up in flames. 

Btw, did Yue even think or care about grumpy grandpa might still be inside the bat cave? Or maybe he's in another wing of the bat cave?


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15 hours ago, Maria Roswita said:


I'm Indonesian :)

I'm watching this drama at dramacools.to , but it is a cut version. Where I can watch uncut version in english sub?

Thanks a lot!

Hellooo fellow indonesian @Maria Roswita, welcome to the club :)

You can watch it on youtube as like the others say but for us in indonesian youtube put a restricted warning so we cant see it directly. You can try my way. First download Opera VPN at playstore, activated it by using one of country options. I usually choose USA one. After that a sign like a key would appear on top of your phone like notification. You can directly go to youtube and watch all you want. But, using this need some strong internet connection if you want to see it smoothly. Hope you success. :D 

15 hours ago, cenching said:

Poor YWY thought XE is dead..........few episodes later, poor XE thought YWY is dead :mellow:

Poor us the series is done and thought of moving on but it so hard that make us lingering and searching scraping for any news for days or weeks before any new drama appear and repeat all over again. Thats life cycle of drama watchers. lololol. 

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4 hours ago, mrsyooknit said:

I was finally able to fully watch ep. 24 & 25. First, how incompetent are those soldiers and archers? None of them were able to kill Yan Xun. It felt so ridiculous that it took me out of the moment. Tbh I was disappointed during this whole scene because I wasn't really sad while watching it. If you can't make me cry during a really sad scene something went wrong. Also, how did YX's mom know details about everyone's death? Weapon used and who killed them. I think she knew more than a lot of people there, so it seems like a plot hole. It was also too long and dragged out. The mom had such a dramatic unrealistic death. YX gets hit with a million weapons and nothing, she barely hits her head and that is it. They seriously need to stop in cdramas with the every injury causing them to spit blood.

How stupid is this Emperor? He killed everyone else, but didn't kill YX. Obviously, he had to kill him with the rest. If not, it is a job poorly done. 

I also do not understand how everyone can't see that YWY was helping YX when he was disobeying the imperial decree to save his life. Very obvious. 

Like @aikmmsaid I think the viewer being able to connect to a character also influences the perception. YX and XE are both very well acted, but they don't really make me feel much. I don't know if this is a problem with the director, but I have yet to connect with them. I was more connected to YX's mother than YX during this scene and it wasn't much. 



I dunno know if you missed some parts of drama. The Emperor have not killed YX because YX mom already used her life to save YX. YX has lived far from his hometown since childhood, so it is hard to sentence him the same punishment as his family. Along the tragic part, if YX did not apply that decree, he might be killed - The Emperor knows that it is more reasonable than killing him without excuse (luckily YWY dragged time out and his mom came in time). The most important to let YX live is to used him. His hometown needs someone to govern and The Emperor does not trust anyone by his side. Now YX needs time to recover all the wound he got, The Emperor also needs time to find a suitable person for governing north yan, then he will kill YX.

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I've just finished watching ep 27. As usual, i want to ask anyone's here opinion. Hehe. 

Has anyone notice the scene in which XE and YX are still in the prison, then suddenly YWY's parrot comes and keep saying 'fool' and 'XE'. Actually why YWY send the bird to XE? Is the bird has any function/roles in spying? 

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