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[OFFICIAL] JongJoo|Honey Couple (Lee Jong Suk ❤ Han Hyo Joo)


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9 minutes ago, bitcxh said:

Sooo, does anyone know what JS wrote?

A verb is missing at the end of the sentence but according to what he had written on the wall, if you get it translated literally word by word, it means " This one heart of mine, accumulated adorable emotions(affections)..."

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@primrose210 Thank you! I wonder where he is painting this message...

1 hour ago, polar15 said:

Well, as HJ fans, i always knew, she will never open her private life to public. But rest assured, HJ and JS in what ever stage their relationship they have, is still strong. Relationship based on mutual understanding and respect are not easy to break up.

From what I've seen of her, she is awfully close-lipped about her private life. But after looking again at some of the video clips of them, I'm struck yet again by how strongly they connected. We did not imagine it. And you're right, @polar15--people don't just walk away from relationships built on that much understanding, whatever they want to call it.

A friend asked her Korean friend about the words in JS's post, and she said it was a poem, and this is how she literally translated it: " I have something in my mind, this afternoon is piling up cowardly".... I thought, well, maybe it's a poem he's quoting. So I googled around, but all I found was people on DC (Koreans) saying they had also searched for such a quote, found nothing, and did not know what it was supposed to mean. So... lots of ideas but no answers, lol.

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10 hours ago, polar15 said:


Well, as HJ fans, i always knew, she will never open her private life to public. But rest assured, HJ and JS in what ever stage their relationship they have, is still strong. Relationship based on mutual understanding and respect are not easy to break up. Like i said before, even JS upload his vacations photos with his friends..but i still have feeling that (not) every photo or public appearence he, always have something or some vibe or anything that i can related him with HJ. 

Happy Sunday shipper !

Can't wait for WYWS 


Definitely! I get insecure sometimes too (but not to the point of posting nasty things in SNS), but then I get those subtle hints, and THOSE ARE THE THINGS THAT I AM ROOTING FOR AT THE MOMENT since announcement or confirmation may be risky for both of them. AS LONG AS THERE ARE HINTS, I COULD LIVE WITH IT ALREADY (THOUGH OF COURSE THEY ARE TAKEN BY A BAG OF SALT ALWAYS) until they are ready for about anything! :blush::heart:

PS: Sorry to cut your post :)

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I honestly can't wait for the day when I'd wake up and go online to see the whole Internet exploding because they'd just announce they were engaged or probably already married.

As much as I hope for that to happen, I don't want to rush them. They need their privacy. They need time for themselves. And I guess I've had a few insecurities not knowing the real score. I know for sure that something special is going on between them but until I hear it from their own mouth, I still can't help but feel lacking.

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Just re-saw this gif and am always in awe the way jong suk immediately reaches for her hand like its the most natural thing in the world( i dont even want to get started on that smile of his) oh jongjoo please be real!! You guys are too perfect for one another. Anytime i want to move on from you guys...i just can't...My head tells me its irrational to ship two people with no substantial proof for over a year...while my heart tells me to hang on.


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@adamag Yes, but the brain is also sneaking around behind and pointing out how completely illogical it would be for two people who so naturally connect to just up and walk away as if it never happened. My head also tells me there hasn't been anything in a long time, maybe I just imagined it, hm? And then I see something like this and realize there is no WAY I just imagined it.

In other clips of this, I love the moment where he sees her and suddenly darts towards her, leaving his handler reaching to pull him back, and grabbing only air.

Please please please please please, even if you never ever tell us: be real.

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Hello chingus! Just dropping by to say hi... sorry for drifting away lately as work has been hectic for me this past August. But I still come here regularly although not signing in. Thank you all for keeping this post alive! I have complete faith that our dear couple has a relationship that is much more than what we see on screen. So don't lose hope or feel uneasy about JS' new drama. I saw some new drama stills from WYWS today and to me (you can say I'm biased) they are both merely characters of the drama. Selfishly wanting to see the bts for the drama to compare and proof our belief is not delulu. :tongue:

Anyways, I saw this recent post by Viki that put a smile on my face. Glad to know while promoting for the new show, everyone have not forgotten about how lovable these two are! ^^


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If this is true then am very happy :Dcant wait to see if jong suk has any cooking skills and the variety show is very informal..so we might be able to get hints concerning our couple and also know more about him personally...his dislikes and likes in the food department...i hope its true.


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Oh i think he was referring to the variety show called "i live alone" where you are supposed to show your house and show viewers the fun things you do and have at home. jong suk only likes to sleep and watch TV haha so he felt showing his daily house life would be boring for viewers lol. But i guess in this one he will have to cook and wash dishes and possibly milk goats...3 meals a day is a fun variety show..i cant wait for his episode. Am also glad he's trying new things

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