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[OFFICIAL] JongJoo|Honey Couple (Lee Jong Suk ❤ Han Hyo Joo)


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Wow I'm dying with her cuteness, she is so so adorable. She is a type of person who is multi-talent and good at everything once she tries. As she is good at both dancing and singing, I think she can be able to debut as an idol if she wants :D

My heart feels touched when reading JS message to her, it sounds gentle and mature, as if he was talking about someone closed to him, who he understands very well, as if he is missing every sides of her...And the pauses in between "As ...for US..." flutter my shipper heart :wub: (I'm screaming inside now, even though I don't want to be delusional but JSssi's action was just so suspicious -_-) Thank chingu @May Lowfor sharing, hope to see his video message soon. 

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20 minutes ago, shishi101 said:


can someone help to translate his fans msg above? thx in advance :)


@shishi101 i have translated one of the comments in my earlier post:  got one fan said love love love you very much, we will always support you and by your side. We will always pray hard for your happiness. Jong Suk ah, hope you can continue to do what you like (acting) and always be happy. Hope you can always be with the person you love. Love you! 

and there are fans commented he really went to the Han Bang fried chicken store based on this post and both of JS and HJ signatures are still there:

btw for new members please take note not to quote any pics or ins posts when you quote text from other posts, thanks :D

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Guys, I was lurking my IG to find more pics of HJ FM and accidentally saw a shipping war. So I would like to suggest my fellow shippers to stay out of meaningless wars, we were already happy with all we have had with our ship until now. Shipping is individual belief, we have our own belief and they have their own too. Please don't interfere any other ship, let's be mature and considerate shipper. If someone tries provoking you, just ignore that person and turn away. I really don't want to see any comment bashing or mocking our OTP because of this shipping business which is only created by fans and our OTP did not do any thing to deserve bad-mounthing. Let's have peaceful shipping and enjoy each and every beautiful moments of our couple :)

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Hyo Joo fan letter to the fans (Rough Trans):

Hi everyone! Long time no see!

It has been a long while since I wrote letter to everyone. Hope everyone is doing well.

Because it is a long awaited fan meeting after a 6 years wait. I have been excited every day and even go on sleepless mode sometimes since the FM date has been finalized.

So happy to be able to meet with everyone in this manner.

Unknowingly, I have been in the acting career for a long time. But I feel that I just started not long ago.

I have been busy sculpturing new characters and then bidding farewell to different characters, in a blink of eye, I am now in my 30s.

How's everyone faring so far? Happy?

Going through my acting career, I finally understand the concerns that the seniors have for me when I started to be an actress. With a dream to becoming an aspiring actress, I am quite lucky but at the same time I can feel there are things that I need to be patient and responsible, and at times it can be quite unbearable.

Talking about which, there is no such thing on earth that is easy to achieve.

This is my own choice, acting has make me feel happy than anything else.

I like it when I am able to become a part of my favourite movies and dramas. I am most grateful to experience such pleasant and surprise journey. Therefore I hope my acting spirit will not change.

In my acting career, whenever I feel tired or happy, every moment I have your unchanging support - "Don't worry, I'm your Fan"

These sincere encouragement and comforting words are so unforgettable. 

From now on, I will remember this gratefulness and love in my heart, and will never stop to become a more perfect actress, and excellent person. I will think of such moments during indecisive times.

The reason that I am able to stand at here now is because I have you all with me.

I can't accomplish things by myself alone.

Therefore, please be with me always everyone.

Being an actress, there is always a loneliness that exist in countless meeting and farewells.

The excitement during beginning of a new work , and come along with unavoidable farewell, this also speak the same for those close colleagues that work together.

It is hard during farewells, I will become lonely.

Therefore, "Don't leave me!" ke ke ke Don't leave me, okie! Promise!

Don't like you~ke ke ke~

I have been full of aegyo recently! Can you feel it? ke ke ke

Been keep on writing and didn't realise I have wrote 3 pieces of A4 size papers. ke ke ke

Guess I have to end my writing else I might have to publish a book at this rate. ke ke ke

Thanks for liking such a lacking me. I will keep on fighting and will do my very best to be at your side!

We will always be together, be healthy and happy.

Thanks, love ya

2017.06.17 From Han Hyo Joo

Cr: chinese text from Baidu Han Hyo Joo Bar (小洛)

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5 hours ago, May Low said:
"Is been a long while since your last FM, think you are now very excited, have a great day creating wonderful memories. As (pause a while) for us, (pause a while) we will see each other next time."


I love how Sukkie mentioned "we will see each other next time" after saying "have a great day creating full memories". As if he's also saying that they will create wonderful memories the next time we meet. Also, was it really necessary for him to say that "as for us, we will see each other next time?" From that, he was exclaiming that they'll meet soon in private (maybe after finishing WYWS filming). Idk, something is really fishy (the good kind) from his message. I really have a positive feeling about them. 

Also, thank you to all the chingus for constantly updating the thread :wub:

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Although HJ can be good at any thing: singing, dancing, playing guitar, playing piano, drawing...same as JS, her utmost passion is always acting. No wonder in the interview or recent video message of him, he kept emphasizing how great she is as an actress, surely he understood very well what is the exact value she expected to be recognized of. It's undeniable that they have many similarities, from their personalities to their life passion...So it is understandable that during many moments in the BTS, they were in their own little world, communicated with each other by eyes contact and with only few words but were still in sync. 

And yes, we all realized that HJ is full of aegyo these days. If JS is aegyo king, can we name her aegyo queen then?


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2 hours ago, May Low said:

She did sing the song: "Oppa ya" with her manager Jun Choi.

@May Low chingu thank you for this info and for all updates:blush: that song she sang is sooo good and cute .its soo sweet that she sang with her manager. Love her team and their bonding  :blush:

also in the song it says a handsome guy and a nice voice , doesn't it describe js:rolleyes: . She said before that he's handsome and she likes his voice.

thanks to all chingus for all updates  :D

@mischiemouse even I got the same doubt, was it necessary to add the 'us' line in the end ? :wink:


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I love that he says AS FOR US because it implies being together-together. Like he's saying what they'll do together next, as if he's thinking about their future together. I think he doesn't see her much because of filming and their busy schedules. And he's hopeful that they'll see each other again soon after he's done. 

Yeah, I don't want to make a big deal out of it either. But the pause makes it even more special. Aww.

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I also think the "as for us" clause is very fishy, is this necessary to add on that? If they were purely noona-dosaeng, he could probably stop at "...creating wonderful memories" or he could have said "Noona, we'll see each other next time". Why "as for us" and "pause" in between, something is off here :rolleyes:

Wish to see the actual clip and his reactions while giving her such message...

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@apoo Right? Usually, in fan meeting videos, you just state the experiences with the person, describe the person's characteristics, congratulate and wish them, etc. But never in my entire life did I encounter someone saying their current situation and plans. I'm so sorry if I'm exaggerating a bit but it really is a shock. Let's just say that a message like that seems so out of the blue given the setting (It is after all, Hyo Joo's fan meeting wherein many of her long time fans and fanboys are present). I'm just completely over the moon knowing that Sukkie had the courage to say those words no matter how low key it may be. I just feel like it's some sort preparation for a future announcement *coughs* dating news *coughs* 

Sorry if I'm being delulu but seriously, Sukkie, you don't just say that you'll see each other next time just like that knowing there are many fans who ship the both of you.

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@nuna18 I was cheking on my IG and lo and behold I saw what you were saying in your other post. Too sad that some of those shippers go overboard. IMO, I think each has a right to voice out their opinions but to interfere in others POV is way too much. I hope those who ship jongjoo don't cross the line and just ship in peace. We don't want social war when some areas of the world are in chaos. Please be level headed dear shippers. We'll continue shipping out dear JJ but don't interfere with other shippers land. Let them be. They have that right coz honestly, neither of us knows the real thing between these people. But what we know is that each individual has a special relationship that is worth more than us fighting each other. I think these people we ship won't want that thing to happen right? So keep your cool. Don't mind what others say (I do visit other shippers' posts but I keep in mind to respect what they say and think). Don't let your emotions get a hold of your rational thinking. It's more fun to stay in our bubble while  nothing is confirmed. Well, we'll still be there for them until real things come out right? And our own lives will go on despite of whatever will come out so please, refrain from having that my horse is bigger than your horse thing. I think, majority of our family members in here (yeah, we're the jongjoo family yay) are very good shippers on the point that we do understand boundaries. So cheers for us! And happy shipping! Jongjoo fighting!

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Chingus also the offscreen pictures of her with the white t-shirt and grey/blue skirt where she is posing with the photographer and a staff member---- I think  the skirt is the same one she wore in ep 7 in the puung hair tying and other sweet things  :wub:. Please correct me if I'm wrong .

js also wore the black market shopping and ice cream eating scene shirt for his first fm offscreen :D

also does hj have a big black car?? I thought it was a white one 

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28 minutes ago, mischiemouse said:

@apoo Right? Usually, in fan meeting videos, you just state the experiences with the person, describe the person's characteristics, congratulate and wish them, etc. But never in my entire life did I encounter someone saying their current situation and plans. I'm so sorry if I'm exaggerating a bit but it really is a shock. Let's just say that a message like that seems so out of the blue given the setting (It is after all, Hyo Joo's fan meeting wherein many of her long time fans and fanboys are present). I'm just completely over the moon knowing that Sukkie had the courage to say those words no matter how low key it may be. I just feel like it's some sort preparation for a future announcement *coughs* dating news *coughs* 

Sorry if I'm being delulu but seriously, Sukkie, you don't just say that you'll see each other next time just like that knowing there are many fans who ship the both of you.

@mischiemouse totally agree with you. Praying hard. 

Also i felt like the song she sang was about js ---- because the description was like him - handsome and good voice :wink: . Also the actor in the video is tall like js with w like hairstyle and lean personality and has a birthmark near his ear like js :wink: . I felt that it was like an indirect confirmation for the fans .  I guess I'm being tooooooo delusional :D 

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3 hours ago, May Low said:

Being an actress, there is always a loneliness that exist in countless meeting and farewells.

The excitement during beginning of a new work , and come along with unavoidable farewell, this also speak the same for those close colleagues that work together.

It is hard during farewells, I will become lonely.

Therefore, "Don't leave me!" ke ke ke Don't leave me, okie! Promise!

Many thanks for the translation @May Low.  Really appreciate your effort.   Been busy - so glad to have constantly receiving doses of wonderful updates from you and fellow Chingus here.    I guess being a popular actress / actor has its perks and disadvantages.  Kinda wonder who were the close colleagues HJ meant; when we clearly could see that in the farewell clip of W (BTS Epi 16 last scene), HJ could not stop shedding tears and JS comforting and holding her close in his arms.  Me can't help thinking she meant him.:blush:

22 minutes ago, mischiemouse said:

I'm just completely over the moon knowing that Sukkie had the courage to say those words no matter how low key it may be. 

Sorry if I'm being delulu but seriously, Sukkie, you don't just say that you'll see each other next time just like that knowing there are many fans who ship the both of you.

For JS to say " AS... FOR US.... ", there is indeed a hidden meaning coming from him.   For those who follow JS all this while, we know what and how he is like. Fearless indeed!  Guess he has to, seeing HJ has so many male admirers / fans.   JongJoo fighting!

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