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[OFFICIAL] JongJoo|Honey Couple (Lee Jong Suk ❤ Han Hyo Joo)


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7 hours ago, Riman Rakshit said:

Our writer-nim is writing another drama of augmented reality and space travel like W which will air in 2018,


Really? Quickly adds this to the list of must-see dramas in 2018... :)


7 hours ago, Riman Rakshit said:

When couples start dating, they look more like each other.


I watched Kill Me, Heal Me not long ago. It was from I think 2015?? Whenever it was, it came out a couple years after Lee Bo Young (JS costar from IHYV) and Ji Sung got married. It's about a guy with multiple personalities, so he played something like seven different characters, and did a great job, and the on screen chemistry was good too, etc. etc. But even though I saw all of that and believed it in the fiction, the funny thing is that the whole time, I could also see Lee Bo Young. It helps that they physically are similar--thin, angular faces, etc.--but it was more than that. It was my first time watching him, but I'd seen her in other things, and the connection came through really strongly.


As to feeling numb, well, we already know that JS is a terrible liar... :)

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We'll see how long he follows that account...occasionally it happens that he will accidentally follow a fan (or a fan club account), and then he unfollows them. (ETA: Looks like he just unfollowed.) @bandi rekha, don't worry about that account. She's free to have her delulu, and while we have very different opinions, she at least isn't going around bashing other ships.


I sympathize greatly with the difficulties of public figures dating. I can understand why someone would want to stay quiet, especially since in Korea, anyway, your fan base sometimes feels like they own you and that you owe some kind of single status to them?? (It is not like that in other places; they really do have it harder there.) At the same time, sometimes it's like people go too far in the other direction. I feel sad sometimes when I see people who would rather that the name of JS is never mentioned around HJ. Please, that was a significant portion of her recent life, and to pretend like it (and he) didn't exist makes it weird and awkward. It makes it feel  like someone died, and we all have to tiptoe around the subject. The message I want to get across as a fan is that yes, I want to respect their privacy, while at the same time, sending the vibe that actually, it's completely normal and natural for humans to fall in love with each other, and if that is what they want to do, it's totally cool and supported by me. So here is a little timeline of things *since* W that really happened:


1. End of September (2 weeks after W finished shooting)--Dazed photoshoot. Her friends were snickering online about "Why are you so excited to go to Japan for a simple photoshoot?" or some such (this was before we knew who she was shooting with). Also, either the interviewer or photographer commented that they seemed like a real couple.


2. November--he has a fan meet in Singapore, and later posts the following two posts on his IG from this trip (listen to the one where he is practicing a song--can you identify the person laughing in the background?)



3. November ish--Master's premiere, in which he and Hyo Joo both showed up at the same time and left at the same time. When he came back from the photo wall and she was walking up to it, he actually dodged away from his handler (the guy tried to grab him back but got only air) so he could run up to HJ, grab her hand, and pat her on the back as they passed. She made her Sailor moon gesture and both walked away with huge smiles.


4. December--MBC awards. Of course they both had to be there, and they won best couple. But aside from maybe pd nim and Appa, they mostly just talked to each other unless someone from the outside approached them first. She was the first person he went to after his award, even waiting for her to finish talking to someone so he could talk to her. And they held hands while talking. While sitting at the table he maybe possibly kissed her cheek. She hugged him when he got his daesang, and actually was jumping up and down and punching the air in victory when he went up to the stage. Appa and pd nim both congratulated her personally (why? It wasn't her award--*unless* they both saw them as a couple). And of course the famous instance of LSJ asking HJ out to eat and JS getting VERY agitated and actually inserting himself between them and pulling them physically apart from each other while LSJ just laughed.


5. January ish to Feb 14--HJ does a huge photoshoot and as soon as her team starts posting pictures, so does JS. He's all in elegant outfits from his own recent shoot, and he's saying stuff like, it's cold! Don't catch a cold! Meanwhile the results come out on Valentine's Day on Folli Follie. And...she's wearing his dress. The only non-casual outfit NOYB even makes. (Note: JS owns NOYB.) And her picture shows up on NOYB's site, too, at first with the tag (NOYB) on her face, then moved to the dress.


6. February--HJ's birthday. Her fans throw her a mini fan meet/photo exhibit. She shows up wearing a honey pink outfit. Meanwhile, JS sits at home, videoing himself trying to catch Dragonite (which looks suspiciously like HJ)--remember his Hunter of Love Pokemon poem? The next day, he goes to Thailand for a fan meet, wearing basically identical clothes as her birthday post. The very night it finishes, he flies straight back to Korea (coincidentally, the next day was 200 days from the pink back hug photo, not that anyone counted that or anything...)


7. JS kinda goes into hibernation, posting morose pictures on his IG as he is filming WYWS. Meawhile, at the end of March/beginning of April, HJ goes alone to Hong Kong to promote W. I still don't understand why he made zero mention of W then (it was half his drama), but HJ didn't seem fussed at all--in fact, she was very giggly, like a girl with a crush, every time his name came up in those interviews. She said if there was a chance to come back together with him for a fan meet, she would. She said she saw him as Tuxedo Mask and growing up always saw herself as Sailor Moon. She praised his honesty and said that her earlier impression from the screen was as a dongsaeng to take care of, but when she got to know him, she found him to be a very mature man. She said yes when asked if he was her ideal type, and further explained that she wanted someone who would understand and support her and wait for her through the roller coaster of emotions that come from being an actress. She did a number of interviews at this time in which she praised his voice, said her favorite line was "Oh Yeon Joo ssi" (but never could say it just like he said it). When asked what skinship she wanted her boyfriend to do, she said, "stroke/caress my head/hair" which of course we saw him do every second the script cameras weren't rolling. She said she would love to work with him again, said they were still in contact, said how she was nervous at first because she didn't know him, but then realized their personalities were similar and how easy it was to talk about everything, not just work related stuff. Well, I guess she said a LOT about him at this time. And that was the end of W promotion, so that was the end of people being able to legitimately ask her questions about him. But she seemed to offer more than what was directly asked.


8. June--HJ has a fan meeting, in which JS sends a video message praising her, teasing her, and including that famous line, "as for us...we'll see each other next time."


9. July/August--WYWS ends. A Korean fan club basically takes HJ's movie poster from Beauty Inside and re-sends it to JS at the end of filming.


10. September--Everyone is excited because they are both showing up at a Samsonite event, only in the end, they never interact, and go their separate ways. Except later it turns out that they were last documented being in restaurants directly across the street from each other. Chances are extremely high that they did, in fact, meet up on his birthday.


11. Also September--just before WYWS airs, HJ opens IG. Some of her early captions: I thought about it. I prayed about it. Don't forget me! She posts pictures of rings and hearts and stuff like that. JS takes a trip to the Alps with his family and meanwhile HJ is posting things like, it's cold, don't catch a cold! Yes, she posted photos from some of her movies shown during Chuseok, but also one that wasn't shown then, where the caption is something like, I miss you so much that it would be okay if I died after seeing you again.


12. Also September--3MAD has LSJ bringing up HJ and telling about JS being all jealous at the MBC awards. Also, we hear JS casually come out with HJ's phrase "baegopa-me." Why on earth would he say this if he only heard it once, over a year ago?


13. September/October--WYWS airs--it's billed as a romantic drama, but in bts you can see JS clearly being very careful not to give the wrong impression, standing as far from his costar as politely possible. He posts a picture with the caption, This is Jae Chan, NOT Jong Suk! just as the drama begins. He sticks in a Sailor Moon sign every opportunity he can in the bts pictures and videos. Cameo by his friends, acting like JS and HJ in pink sweatshirts. Still, the night that first kiss airs, he watches with his guy friends, and meanwhile, HJ posts the scene of Love, Lies where her character confronts the boyfriend, who says no, I'm only using your friend for her voice, it's just work, you're the one I love. Ha. (They aired the same night, the movie directly after the drama, and both posted.)


14. September/October--the cafe opens. On the wall is the Love Never Ever Lonely sign, drawn/lettered by HJ as we suppose (I don't know how to suppose anything else; it's a 110% match). For a commemorative souvenir, JS writes and letters a mushy blushy love poem and sells matching tumbler sets with his poem and her design. Also, HJ gets some award from 2D1N and the guys are rather jealous because "Hyo Joo kissed Jong Suk."


15. Sept/Oct Jong Suk's brother follows HJ on IG. (Note: he did not follow other costars of JS.) A number of people are quietly aware of this, but then an overly invasive fan makes a huge deal of it, and it scares him and he unfollows. Poor guy. I am trying to be respectful of privacy here, but there are actually real life people close to each of them who currently follow and/or like the posts of the other one.


16. December--at a fan meeting in Saitama, Japan, JS picks the book reading in bed scene with HJ as his most heart-pounding drama scene. Also, he comes out with the announcement that he's been compiling a book of poems the past year. They all fit the theme of his love cafe. And then HJ post about various random movies but especially of note is the Il Postino one, about the shy guy who uses a famous poet's words to woo the girl he is in love with.


What next??


I left out most of the SNS coincidences. I believe in them, but most ships can come up with things they think are similar. These are merely facts that have happened since filming ended.


(I swear I'm not trying to compete for the longest post ever. Next I will study how to write haiku, so that you aren't burdened by such things in the future.)

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 Whoaaa. ..:wub: ur analysis was just speechless:heart:, ofc they are facts too... Thank you so so much for this ....and dear we never feel difficult  to read such long posts, coz they  are about  jongjoo...:)

And about  that delulu sister, I heard some of JJ shippers got blocked by her only for saying about the relationship  between  JS  and IU. ...:(

 Now I feel every shippers has someone will definitely  be  like this crazy, one for us and one is that delulu sister and ofc D shippers has many..-_-

 Thankso again for ur effort. ..:)and love you dear.. :heart:proud to be  a part of this family....:wub:


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This is random but did you guys know Sukkie is a licensed and trained pilot B) I find that very romantic and oppaish:D



@frozentundra I sort of understand the Hyo fans who do not like her name being involved with Sukkie although it makes me sad.

JS has fans who are super scared and averse of shipping coz he got bashed so much over these years . Some shippers are a bit too much which results in shipping wars and can be extreme.


But since most of us JJ shippers are pretty cool, i think in general we have a good reputation. So most are accepting of us :blush:I am willing to ignore those who causes ship wars coz thats very stressful. Let them fight, we shall spread the JJ love.

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@Riman Rakshit Really? I did not know about the pilot thing. Well, that is a useful skill! He has some diverse talents...


Agree that some shippers are too much. There is a line of privacy that shouldn't be crossed...likewise, it's best to keep a total hands off when it comes to shipper wars. Really, if reading other shippers' posts makes your blood pressure rise, just don't read. Everyone is free to have their own opinions, and I guess we all base them off of the evidence we encounter. That's why it's important to make sure that the evidence one looks at takes in the complete context (thank you, Kang Chul, I can NEVER not think about context anymore, lol :D ) and is factual and not based on wishful thinking. It's easy to look at something only through a shipper's lens, but in reality, humans are complex beings who do and think many different things in a day, not all of them related to shipping.


(Still. When I think of all of the things they have publicly said about each other, and all of the real actions that really happened as listed above...my only conclusion is to ship them.)

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@frozentundra Thanks for that comprehensive timeline. Those are the solid facts that really supports this ship. No matter how confusing some matters are, those information are the ones that will help us see clearly, because if you connect them to other people aside from JJ, it doesn't add up and it won't make sense, unlike if you just connect it with them, voila, it's more simple and full of sense. :wink:


@Riman Rakshit WOW! Daebak! What couldn't he do, really? Because seriously, he's just full of a lot of things. Makes me imagine, that why date in land, when you can date in the sky? Thanks for the info :D


@bandi rekha I think she's still harmless, so it's okay, she have the right. Let's just spread love and positivity! Let's spread our JJ spirit! :D


@ibru I love the gif and so as your version of JS's poem, it is indeed true, that with love, he found something very significant and empowering! :)




This is just highly a delulu and it could be an entire coincidence. This is really nothing significant and is only intended for fun. So, this might have been obvious to some of you, but it wasn't for me. I was wondering what's up with colors red and green, since they were wearing clothes with that colors, plus JS placard  in his FM was colored red and green, and it wasn't his favorite color, so I din't really get it, until I saw a Christmas tree yesterday, and yes, code decrypted, they were in a holiday theme and they were totally complementary to each other! Highly in sync!



We also have this couple patronus (Is this what its called?) from JS! Who knows, that it maybe him and the lady boss?



The placards are RED AND GREEN!



Now, I finally get it, why they were in RED and GREEN for a reason. There was indeed a connection, and they were sort of in a theme, A HOLIDAY SPIRIT! They are just not the Burberry couple but a HOLIDAY COUPLE  as well (among their many titles), but maybe this collection is also under the Holiday collection or it could be also under the Fall Collection! Nonetheless, I love this coincidence! Our JJ was emanating with HOLIDAY VIBES!


And when he took a groupie with his fans, the placard that was raised or used was the red one! I just though that it was significant, he's the green so why the red?  Was it like a 'wish you were here' kind of  moment or was it like to feel her presence! LOL! Too much delulu!





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Guys... I think some people are hacking my posts....lol:lol: , Coz they kept commenting on it on their language. .. one calling another and that one calling another......:( at 1st I felt it funny but now Imy feeling that they are saying something  against to our JJ. ..

 I'm sorry to one and  all that I raised a silly issue,  I know it was very normal to everyone but it was 1st time for me... so I shared, plzz don't mind. ..:)


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@shishi101 yes, SSC so lovely and thank you for the video with english translation about the poem.


Thanks @missyouso. I just afraid that I brought them to often because not all of us SSC fans :). And fyi, SHK also often delete her post on her IG especially when the picture gave fans too much information :wink:


@frozentundra one word for you DAEBAK!! :heart: Everything make sense and not from delulu, thank you for your effort. I really love to read long analysis, can't help to feel amazed with you guys :).


@Riman Rakshit thank you for your information about Sukie, as a new fan I learn a lot from you.


@kalirsjk hahaha....I love your delulu


@bandi rekha I have checked your post and I do understand some of the comment (especially the first comment). I can guarantee you they are not talking bad about JJC. One of them asking her friend which one better for LJS and ask her to choose between HHJ or his latest co-star. And her friend answer LJS suitable more with HHJ coz they are looks so sweet.

The other one asking both of them to be real and one of the comment said HHJ looks SO PRETTY!

Unfortunately I can't translate the latest comment as I don't understand the language too but hope this can help you to have peace in mind. 



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11 minutes ago, apoo said:

@frozentundra I think his post is from ginza Tokyo , Dec 9th 


Oh, I am sure that unless he's at a publicly advertised event or in his house, his posts are usually NOT on the day of. Because if you were trying to be anonymous, you wouldn't want to advertise where you were right at that moment, correct? It does look like the same outfit as the Ginza one...

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