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[Drama 2016] Father, I’ll Take Care of You 아버님 제가 모실게요


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2 hours ago, andy78 said:

thanks for the clarification !I can't wait the subtitles...i wonder when will CEO realize SJ is his brother and that now is part of the familly he wants to ruin...i really love all  SJ and DH scenes...next week preview there is some sort of ceremony...did DH finally agreed to be his fiance?


Actually, it wasn't a ceremony per se. They were just offering their new year's greeting bows to the elders of the family. It is traditional for the younger generation to wear traditional Korean clothes to offer their new year's greetings including formal bows to their elders, and in return, receive the elders' blessings, usually some combination of words of wisdom and cash. 

The father of the family does comment that they look like a newlywed couple, however. I've written up a translation of the episode 22 preview, and posting it for you to read. 


Hyun Woo: There is no way a bastard like that would have taken my brother and raised him. 

Father: You kid. (affectionately)

Sung Hoon: Money, power, name, getting caught up in chasing after those things, you could get hurt. 

Mrs. Bang: How long do we have to wait for it to happen. Is he even still alive?

Sung Joon: You haven’t forgotten the proposal you made to me, have you?

Sung Joon: Receive much good fortune in the new year. (New Year’s Day greeting.)

Do Hui: Receive much good fortune. 

Father:They look just like a new groom and a new bride. 


I hope that HW finally realizes that SJ is his little brother, so that the two brothers can start to build a relationship. I guess the father Hyung Sub back then was so angry over the dead children, that he had no mercy in his heart, even though SJ's father pleaded with him. I am curious as to whether the accident really was SJ's fault and if he was really drunk. Could anyone enlighten me on that point? There seems to have been some mechanical problems with the bus, however, since he told Jung Ae that there were problems, and Jung Ae basically told him that he had to find a way to take care of them somehow, that other drivers provided their own vehicles. So, I take it that June Ae must have been a miserly person all along. 

I'm not as excited about the mention of a proposal by Sung Joon since it's probably going to be about work or something. Totally trolling the viewers. :) 

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18 minutes ago, andy78 said:



Thanks for the welcome. I had been watching episodes here and there, and have gotten absorbed by the second OTP, as well as the cousin switch story. But, didn't have much to contribute, so just been lurking mostly. 

I think it's interesting how the switch is showing both children and both mothers to appreciate each other more, though it's going to take a while to get there. When Ji Hoon's bucket list was to ride a bike by the river and to eat instant ramen, that was a bit heartbreaking. As was Chang Soo becoming aware that his new mother found him embarrassing. However, now that Ji Hoon has decided he doesn't want to go to university and will become a magician instead, even as HJ is becoming aware of the perks and responsibilities of being the mother of the #1 student, this will be interesting. If JH really does decide to not be studious any more, HJ isn't going to be immune to the women gossiping that it's her lack of care that took a model student and ruined his potential. Though, now that CS has been identified as having a unique singing talent by the music teacher, and HS has something that she can be ambitious about wrt Chang Soo, I think CS isn't going to know much peace either. I'm sure that these mothers and sons will work things out, but it is interesting and entertaining to watch the various interactions at play.

As for DH and SJ, I think they're so cute together, and as the second OTP, I had hoped that they would become a couple sooner than later. However, I wonder if they're overall popularity is going to translate into an even more angsty story line for them. I hope not, and I hope that crazy MJ doesn't continue to make it too painful for them, not to mention their families who would be scandalized at their getting together when they're already in-laws. Though there aren't any legal impediments to their relationship, the in-law relatives being in a relationship together tends to still be frowned upon in Korea. Not to mention SJ's mother's ambitions for him to marry well. 

I'm still curious about what the true back story is behind HW's father's downfall and death. I guess Hyung Seob feels guilty over his death, but is it just because he was so strident about bringing him to justice, or was there more in terms of JA's involvement in the overall ordeal? 

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I know this might be over the top and might have been said before; plus it would be the most over used trope ever...but I can't get it out of my mind.  Could MJ's father actually be DH's father too? Just something that crossed my mind. If so, it's entered into serious melodramatic phase. I wasn't sure what PD Kim owned and I was too lazy to go back and check. 

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19 minutes ago, stroppyse said:

I'm still curious about what the true back story is behind HW's father's downfall and death. I guess Hyung Seob feels guilty over his death, but is it just because he was so strident about bringing him to justice, or was there more in terms of JA's involvement in the overall ordeal? 

I'm just a big surprised by this question, since it was presented in the last two episodes.  HW's father used to be the bus driver for that school/Academy in the town. I think it was in the last episode we see him looking as the sign went down.  The father told the owner that she would need to get it fixed because the bus has problems.  The owner told him that if he wanted to get it fixed, he should pay for it.  The man is poor and no money.  He couldn't do it.  

He's driving the kids to school and the breaks of the bus stop working.  They get into an accident. Everyone accused HW's father of drinking--various people claiming they smelled it off him. One of the children died (a girl I think).  SJ's "father" was one of the biggest proponents in having the man arrested.  HW's father was accused of drunk driving.  He wanted HW's dad in prison.  But the police released him until the results came back.  Well because the police released him the family (towns people) of those students came together one night or the same night and attacked him.  Kicked him, punched him and so on.  That supposedly sweet and level headed old man we see now HS or SJ's "faher" was really the one pushing it and an active participant. 

Well, after that HW's father went to HS asking for forgiveness and brought him vegetables and fruit.  HS takes off his tie in disgust and throws HW's father and the fruit on the ground---he said to wait for the results for proof. Well, HW's father, it would seem feel into depression. Maybe if he had fixed the bus properly, maybe if he hadn't driven the bus all of these "MAYBEs" or "What If's" can drive a person crazy. 

Even if cleared he wouldn't be able to find a job anyway.  The tie that SJ's "father" (HS) took off in his fit of anger, was the same tie that HW's father used to kill himself. That's why in this episode he looks at the tie and hates these people even more. 

So this was more about supposedly bringing HW's father to "justice".  I put this in quotation because if they truly believed in that they wouldn't have beat that man to a pulp where he could have been left there dying. 


I maybe the only one.  I do believe in two wrongs don't make a right.  But I find HS cruel.  I understand HW's actions.  I actually suppor them. These people who felt all righteous, who treated his family like crap were still committing crimes.  This is what made his actions so easy.  They didn't stop.  They didn't live a rigtheous life.  Why then stop his revenge plot. As for HS and why I find him cruel...you come to see you were wrong.  That man wasn't drunk and you and "your people" drove the man to suicide and then you take one of his children in as a way to do what?  To appease your actions? To in some way say sorry?  No, No.  That's not how this works. 

I wonder how SJ will react when he finds out the truth.  Maybe he'll forgive his "father," I wouldn't.  I lived a lie.  I lived for 20 years.  I had a brother that you kept me from.  I mean this is deplorable to me.  It's when I think of all this that I am actually disgusted by this family.  I don't speak of the grannies, in laws or my girl.  I speak entirely of the father and AR.   AR did play a role in those actions on HW's father.  

What I do know...or at least heavily suspet---SJ will start having memory flashes of scenes and names. 

Yeah, so you all know I hate and abhor HS. Ah well. 


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20 hours ago, chocolatepie said:

SJ father- i don't blame him for saying those things to HW father in the past. First of all, he gets information from the 2 witnesses (who lost their shop & academy) that HW father was drunk during that time. I wonder if the female doctor was 1 of the culprit for writing a false report that his alcohol level was above the limit. Secondly, SJ adopted siblings (not sure how many of them in the bus) were injured too. For a parent whose child is serioudly injured, you won't be in a understanding situation when you heard that the driver is drunk. In the eating place when he was drunk and SJ came to fetch him, i thought he will accidentally reveal SJ was adopted. 

HW-i don't blame him though for his revenge plan.  And i can see that his feelings towards JE has really changed. Only that he doesn't knows about it. Now that he knows SJ is adopted, i hope he do not continue or postponed his revenge plan. Writer-nim, you have to let him find out more about SJ, otherwise he will be hurtig the family that brought up his precious brother. 

Annyeonghaseyo @chocolatepie... I love what you wrote about SJ's father and HW. They were both victims and HW doesn't know that. I feel that SJ's father is still in the wrong though for not telling his wife about SJ/SW. We see that he is full of guilt over what happened unlike HW's other victim they don't feel any guilt for what they did. 

SJ's mom friend is so guilty about her reports on hW's dad. I can tell because she tried to put the blame on SJ's dad. All SJ's father wanted was for the investigation to find out what happened the day of WH accident. His child and other children almost died that day. He was a parent looking out for his children. The fact is SJ's father loves his children and was racked with a lot of guilt over what happened while the rest of the group just didn't care. In fact the treachery store lady didn't remember the  children she bullied was being raised  by SJ's father. That right there proves she wasn't a good person. 

HW's pain is physics and emotional. He really needs to heal, he really needs a real family. He needs LOVE  last time he saw his father, his father asked him if he can take care of his brother.. It's almost like like he broke his promise to his brother. The scene when HW's dad begged him to not to send him to jail so he can take care of his children. 

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1 hour ago, vaberella said:

I'm just a big surprised by this question, since it was presented in the last two episodes.  HW's father used to be the bus driver for that school/Academy in the town. I think it was in the last episode we see him looking as the sign went down.  The father told the owner that she would need to get it fixed because the bus has problems.  The owner told him that if he wanted to get it fixed, he should pay for it.  The man is poor and no money.  He couldn't do it.  

He's driving the kids to school and the breaks of the bus stop working.  They get into an accident. Everyone accused HW's father of drinking--various people claiming they smelled it off him. One of the children died (a girl I think).  SJ's "father" was one of the biggest proponents in having the man arrested.  HW's father was accused of drunk driving.  He wanted HW's dad in prison.  But the police released him until the results came back.  Well because the police released him the family (towns people) of those students came together one night or the same night and attacked him.  Kicked him, punched him and so on.  That supposedly sweet and level headed old man we see now HS or SJ's "faher" was really the one pushing it and an active participant. 

Well, after that HW's father went to HS asking for forgiveness and brought him vegetables and fruit.  HS takes off his tie in disgust and throws HW's father and the fruit on the ground---he said to wait for the results for proof. Well, HW's father, it would seem feel into depression. Maybe if he had fixed the bus properly, maybe if he hadn't driven the bus all of these "MAYBEs" or "What If's" can drive a person crazy. 

Even if cleared he wouldn't be able to find a job anyway.  The tie that SJ's "father" (HS) took off in his fit of anger, was the same tie that HW's father used to kill himself. That's why in this episode he looks at the tie and hates these people even more. 

So this was more about supposedly bringing HW's father to "justice".  I put this in quotation because if they truly believed in that they wouldn't have beat that man to a pulp where he could have been left there dying. 


I maybe the only one.  I do believe in two wrongs don't make a right.  But I find HS cruel.  I understand HW's actions.  I actually suppor them. These people who felt all righteous, who treated his family like crap were still committing crimes.  This is what made his actions so easy.  They didn't stop.  They didn't live a rigtheous life.  Why then stop his revenge plot. As for HS and why I find him cruel...you come to see you were wrong.  That man wasn't drunk and you and "your people" drove the man to suicide and then you take one of his children in as a way to do what?  To appease your actions? To in some way say sorry?  No, No.  That's not how this works. 

I wonder how SJ will react when he finds out the truth.  Maybe he'll forgive his "father," I wouldn't.  I lived a lie.  I lived for 20 years.  I had a brother that you kept me from.  I mean this is deplorable to me.  It's when I think of all this that I am actually disgusted by this family.  I don't speak of the grannies, in laws or my girl.  I speak entirely of the father and AR.   AR did play a role in those actions on HW's father.  

What I do know...or at least heavily suspet---SJ will start having memory flashes of scenes and names. 

Yeah, so you all know I hate and abhor HS. Ah well. 



I saw the ep 20 and 21 with the flashbacks to HW's father. More specifically, I'm still curious about HW's father's death, though, and wonder whether we've been given the full story around it, or whether there was an even deeper conspiracy of some sort. For instance, the positive blood test alcohol, though when I went back and re-watched, I think the positive result was faked by one of the other women. Also, the lynch mob style beating of HW's father feels wrong. I wonder if there was something else going on with Hyung Seob to bring about such a violent reaction given that he hasn't been depicted as a violent person in the drama per se. Anyway, I still think there is more to the story, but I could be wrong, and it could be just as it's been shown thus far. 

As for the revenge, I can understand HW wanting revenge. And, as they didn't care about him or his brother when they crucified his father, then he won't show mercy on them. Given that they've all lived relatively happy and prosperous lives while his father is dead and his brother was lost, I can understand how HW feels. Still, the revenge is making him less human, burning out all the softer emotions in him in his hatred and drive for revenge. For his peace of mind, at some point, he's going to have decide it's enough and let the rest go. Perhaps once he's reunited with SJ?

It's an interesting question to think of how SJ will feel once he finds out the truth. On the one hand, these people caused his father to despair to the point of killing himself, leaving his children to fend for themselves. On the other hand, he grew up being grateful to that family, and having been raised by them. I think he's going to be in complete conflict with his feelings. Especially so since he already doesn't like HW, so won't know how to feel about him being his long lost brother. I think SJ grew up thinking he was Hyung Seob's son by another woman as the rest of his family thinks, so this will all come as a great shock to him. In a way, Hyung Seob adopting SJ and raising him, probably out of guilt over his part in his father's death feels cruel to SJ as well. Also, how did Hyung Seob know to go to that orphanage to adopt SJ? I guess he was keeping tabs on the children somewhat? 

The drama does seem to be getting more and more complicated. 

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1 hour ago, vaberella said:

I'm just a big surprised by this question, since it was presented in the last two episodes.  HW's father used to be the bus driver for that school/Academy in the town. I think it was in the last episode we see him looking as the sign went down.  The father told the owner that she would need to get it fixed because the bus has problems.  The owner told him that if he wanted to get it fixed, he should pay for it.  The man is poor and no money.  He couldn't do it.  

He's driving the kids to school and the breaks of the bus stop working.  They get into an accident. Everyone accused HW's father of drinking--various people claiming they smelled it off him. One of the children died (a girl I think).  SJ's "father" was one of the biggest proponents in having the man arrested.  HW's father was accused of drunk driving.  He wanted HW's dad in prison.  But the police released him until the results came back.  Well because the police released him the family (towns people) of those students came together one night or the same night and attacked him.  Kicked him, punched him and so on.  That supposedly sweet and level headed old man we see now HS or SJ's "faher" was really the one pushing it and an active participant. 

Well, after that HW's father went to HS asking for forgiveness and brought him vegetables and fruit.  HS takes off his tie in disgust and throws HW's father and the fruit on the ground---he said to wait for the results for proof. Well, HW's father, it would seem feel into depression. Maybe if he had fixed the bus properly, maybe if he hadn't driven the bus all of these "MAYBEs" or "What If's" can drive a person crazy. 

Even if cleared he wouldn't be able to find a job anyway.  The tie that SJ's "father" (HS) took off in his fit of anger, was the same tie that HW's father used to kill himself. That's why in this episode he looks at the tie and hates these people even more. 

So this was more about supposedly bringing HW's father to "justice".  I put this in quotation because if they truly believed in that they wouldn't have beat that man to a pulp where he could have been left there dying. 


I maybe the only one.  I do believe in two wrongs don't make a right.  But I find HS cruel.  I understand HW's actions.  I actually suppor them. These people who felt all righteous, who treated his family like crap were still committing crimes.  This is what made his actions so easy.  They didn't stop.  They didn't live a rigtheous life.  Why then stop his revenge plot. As for HS and why I find him cruel...you come to see you were wrong.  That man wasn't drunk and you and "your people" drove the man to suicide and then you take one of his children in as a way to do what?  To appease your actions? To in some way say sorry?  No, No.  That's not how this works. 

I wonder how SJ will react when he finds out the truth.  Maybe he'll forgive his "father," I wouldn't.  I lived a lie.  I lived for 20 years.  I had a brother that you kept me from.  I mean this is deplorable to me.  It's when I think of all this that I am actually disgusted by this family.  I don't speak of the grannies, in laws or my girl.  I speak entirely of the father and AR.   AR did play a role in those actions on HW's father.  

What I do know...or at least heavily suspet---SJ will start having memory flashes of scenes and names. 

Yeah, so you all know I hate and abhor HS. Ah well. 


 @vaberella  Chingu, I so agree with you after watching episode 20 and 21... I so want HW to feel so much better, the pain he is suffering is real and raw. HW has nightmares and he gets heart pain. I am so hoping he doesn't have real heart problems. 

You aren't the only , Yes wrongs don't make it right but HW's pain is what makes me feel these people are getting exaactly what they deserve. Each one of those people have no right to be sad for w=getting caught or losing the livelihood. They didn't care about HW's father who had to sons to take care of. They bullied this man in front of his kids and the kids were bullied by the adult too. We haven't seen everything that happened in the past. I think s there will be more flashbacks to come. I wonder how was HW's life in America??? I hope his childhood wasn't truly horrible. I have a feeling , HW may have ended up in the system in America. For him to still care for orphans like that and to know about their situations. Wanting to help these orphans and help them get on their feet shows he is actually a good man. We have seen some of HW's good side.  Most of these people who gang bullied HW's father lied to HS . The witnesses lied that HW's dad drove drunk even the lady doctor knows they lied to protect the academy director when she was at fault. I did not know it was the driver's duty to fix the buses they ride. I thought since the bus belonged to the academy, it was the academy's job to  make sure the bus was safe to drive and it was repaired by a mechanic. 

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21 minutes ago, stroppyse said:


I saw the ep 20 and 21 with the flashbacks to HW's father. More specifically, I'm still curious about HW's father's death, though, and wonder whether we've been given the full story around it, or whether there was an even deeper conspiracy of some sort. For instance, the positive blood test alcohol, though when I went back and re-watched, I think the positive result was faked by one of the other women. Also, the lynch mob style beating of HW's father feels wrong. I wonder if there was something else going on with Hyung Seob to bring about such a violent reaction given that he hasn't been depicted as a violent person in the drama per se. Anyway, I still think there is more to the story, but I could be wrong, and it could be just as it's been shown thus far. 

As for the revenge, I can understand HW wanting revenge. And, as they didn't care about him or his brother when they crucified his father, then he won't show mercy on them. Given that they've all lived relatively happy and prosperous lives while his father is dead and his brother was lost, I can understand how HW feels. Still, the revenge is making him less human, burning out all the softer emotions in him in his hatred and drive for revenge. For his peace of mind, at some point, he's going to have decide it's enough and let the rest go. Perhaps once he's reunited with SJ?

It's an interesting question to think of how SJ will feel once he finds out the truth. On the one hand, these people caused his father to despair to the point of killing himself, leaving his children to fend for themselves. On the other hand, he grew up being grateful to that family, and having been raised by them. I think he's going to be in complete conflict with his feelings. Especially so since he already doesn't like HW, so won't know how to feel about him being his long lost brother. I think SJ grew up thinking he was Hyung Seob's son by another woman as the rest of his family thinks, so this will all come as a great shock to him. In a way, Hyung Seob adopting SJ and raising him, probably out of guilt over his part in his father's death feels cruel to SJ as well. Also, how did Hyung Seob know to go to that orphanage to adopt SJ? I guess he was keeping tabs on the children somewhat? 

The drama does seem to be getting more and more complicated. 

@stroppyse...... After reading your post, I am so hopping there isn't any more mystery to this story because that will make HW even more madder than he already is. The fact HS raised SJ, after knowing SJ had a brother who was probably missing SJ and he  kept it to himslef will hurt SJ more. HS also visits SJ's father resting place and I wonder how many times does he go there to see him. I think the fact that HS raised SW will be what stops HW's on his revenge plot. As we can all see SJ loves this family so much and it will hurt him whe he finds out it isn't real. Once he finds out HS and AR were the cause of him becoming an orphan will confuse him and hurt him. Your right HW's revebge plot is truly turning him into a bad man but i think love from his brother will finally heal him completely. 

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1 hour ago, UnniSarah said:

@stroppyse...... After reading your post, I am so hopping there isn't any more mystery to this story because that will make HW even more madder than he already is. The fact HS raised SJ, after knowing SJ had a brother who was probably missing SJ and he  kept it to himslef will hurt SJ more. HS also visits SJ's father resting place and I wonder how many times does he go there to see him. I think the fact that HS raised SW will be what stops HW's on his revenge plot. As we can all see SJ loves this family so much and it will hurt him whe he finds out it isn't real. Once he finds out HS and AR were the cause of him becoming an orphan will confuse him and hurt him. Your right HW's revebge plot is truly turning him into a bad man but i think love from his brother will finally heal him completely. 

In all honesty.  I don't think his revenge plan would be successful. When SJ finds out the truth about what happened to his father and why and why his brother became the way he was. HW saw everything that happened to his father---EVERYTHING and he protected SJ from it all. SJ's going to move away from the man who raised him.  I don't know if you noticed...but it was always odd the way JE would talk about SJ.  Almost like he was a stranger in the house and thankful that they gave him a home.  She says things like, he's very sweet. He was always polite to his parents and never spoke back.  He was obviously very different to his two other brothers.  I'm sure that could be because AE might have treated him poorly early on.  But there's something odd for me whenever she mentions JE.  She even shuts down/guarded at time when HW mentions.

Anyway in regards to HW's success---as I said SJ will have so much to deal with--it will separate him entirely from his family.  He might even become closer to HW and want to know more. But that will be after he deals with all of that mess. SJ will separate himself from everyone except DH & JA won't be able to say anything. 

Also, maybe he'll even have his memories come back, little by little. It's the typical pattern of a trope like this.  Considering for me DH is going to have some drama of her own---since I think MJ's dad is her father.

Anyway, SJ will be trying to find out more anyway, so we're on the path to something. I think there will be only two things that can heal HW---I think some of you might be surprised by my order: 1)JE---I know right.  I think she'll brighten his life and make him rethink things that are important (his smiles are genuine when he's with her); 2) SJ after he figures things out--SJ will go through his path of forgiveness of HS; so then he'll try to bring HW across.   

1 hour ago, UnniSarah said:

 @vaberella  Chingu, I so agree with you after watching episode 20 and 21... I so want HW to feel so much better, the pain he is suffering is real and raw. HW has nightmares and he gets heart pain. I am so hoping he doesn't have real heart problems. 

You aren't the only , Yes wrongs don't make it right but HW's pain is what makes me feel these people are getting exaactly what they deserve. Each one of those people have no right to be sad for w=getting caught or losing the livelihood. They didn't care about HW's father who had to sons to take care of. They bullied this man in front of his kids and the kids were bullied by the adult too. We haven't seen everything that happened in the past. I think s there will be more flashbacks to come. I wonder how was HW's life in America??? I hope his childhood wasn't truly horrible. I have a feeling , HW may have ended up in the system in America. For him to still care for orphans like that and to know about their situations. Wanting to help these orphans and help them get on their feet shows he is actually a good man. We have seen some of HW's good side.  Most of these people who gang bullied HW's father lied to HS . The witnesses lied that HW's dad drove drunk even the lady doctor knows they lied to protect the academy director when she was at fault. I did not know it was the driver's duty to fix the buses they ride. I thought since the bus belonged to the academy, it was the academy's job to  make sure the bus was safe to drive and it was repaired by a mechanic. 

I know you are being sarcastic about the bus driver fixing the car, it made me laugh.  That's so true...the bus driver drives the bus not repair it.  Cheap as people. 

You know again, my issue with these people "being sad"---they continued their wrong doing.  They didn't stop.  Their behaviour then is their behaviour now.  HS tries to amend it---I always feels his mountain climbing every day is for that very reason.  

Again, I can't defend HS.  HS was already angry---all of the parents were already angry.  I can't defend HS for one simple reason---the beating they gave him after HW's father was released. It is unforgivable for me. I, I can't.  I also thing the blood test showed he wasn't drunk---or there wouldn't be such a reason to keep saying "I'm sorry, forgive me."

2 hours ago, stroppyse said:


I saw the ep 20 and 21 with the flashbacks to HW's father. More specifically, I'm still curious about HW's father's death, though, and wonder whether we've been given the full story around it, or whether there was an even deeper conspiracy of some sort. For instance, the positive blood test alcohol, though when I went back and re-watched, I think the positive result was faked by one of the other women. Also, the lynch mob style beating of HW's father feels wrong. I wonder if there was something else going on with Hyung Seob to bring about such a violent reaction given that he hasn't been depicted as a violent person in the drama per se. Anyway, I still think there is more to the story, but I could be wrong, and it could be just as it's been shown thus far. 

As for the revenge, I can understand HW wanting revenge. And, as they didn't care about him or his brother when they crucified his father, then he won't show mercy on them. Given that they've all lived relatively happy and prosperous lives while his father is dead and his brother was lost, I can understand how HW feels. Still, the revenge is making him less human, burning out all the softer emotions in him in his hatred and drive for revenge. For his peace of mind, at some point, he's going to have decide it's enough and let the rest go. Perhaps once he's reunited with SJ?

It's an interesting question to think of how SJ will feel once he finds out the truth. On the one hand, these people caused his father to despair to the point of killing himself, leaving his children to fend for themselves. On the other hand, he grew up being grateful to that family, and having been raised by them. I think he's going to be in complete conflict with his feelings. Especially so since he already doesn't like HW, so won't know how to feel about him being his long lost brother. I think SJ grew up thinking he was Hyung Seob's son by another woman as the rest of his family thinks, so this will all come as a great shock to him. In a way, Hyung Seob adopting SJ and raising him, probably out of guilt over his part in his father's death feels cruel to SJ as well. Also, how did Hyung Seob know to go to that orphanage to adopt SJ? I guess he was keeping tabs on the children somewhat? 

The drama does seem to be getting more and more complicated. 

This is why I abhor HS so much and all the others.  You can hate the man, you spit on him.  But to gather around beat him---where he could have died because of your actions.  To me that is unforgivable.  It will always be unforgivable.  Not only that, to put salt in the wound by adopting the son of the very man you almost killed and lead to suicide.  No, I can't.  I will never like his character.  Keep in mind he was one of my favorites until the memories were projected more and more. The very tie HS was wearing is the very tie HW's father used to kill himself and he carries around. Oh the gods..

I think that's why HW's "uncle" is telling him about JE.  This is why for me...it's not really SJ who's going to be the one to really refocus his energies but JE.   She started doing that from the beginning.  JE was someone who was basically thrown away.  Yes, she had a mother...but it wasn't her mother who raised.  If I remember correctly she was adopted by HS and JA. So she's not on her mother's registrar.  This is also why JA was so flippant when the family found out about the switched kids. JE was rejected by her father since he ran away. The thing though about JE, is that she's meant so many beautiful people in her life that all the pain she has experienced is nil to the love. I think that's where she will be a light for HW.   SJ will be an answer to a prayer...but let's be honest here.  When SJ finds out who he is---he's going to be a hot mess and he won't want to deal with HW or HS for a while.  Then I think he'll gravitate to HW until he heals from HS's past actions. 

As for HS adopting SJ, I think it was the police station.  The old man in the episode said he brought the child to a police station that placed him in an orphanage.  So I think it's safe to assume---HS went looking for maybe both boys.  But found SJ and raised him. 

Sorry guys, every time I think about what I've seen in the last few episodes I just..ugh. 

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I really didn't want to share this, because I get highly emotional.  I also didn't want this thread to become all...I don't know...possibly mellodramatic.  But what hurts me the most, that I've been avoiding to say is  the level of madness these people lead HW to experience.  That entire town freakin' gave him PTSD.  For over 20 years, HW is suffering from PTSD.  The nightmares, the flashbacks, the moments of sudden anger or despair.  Twenty years of no help with an extremely severe form of PTSD.

When he screamed as his "uncle" was holding him down....I couldn't.  I just couldn't handle it.  As I said this wasn't something I was meaning to share.  For me, it hurts when I think about it.  PTSD is something I take very seriously. I hate these people who brought him to that stage, I hate these people for essentially robbing him of his family and then living their lives with their own family happily.  

To see it as one traumatic experience to another: 1) seeing his father being attacked in the police station, 2) ridiculed as he tried to fix the bus, 3) the beating, 4) the accusations of stealing, 5) his father bowing down and being shamed, 6)instigating the suicide, 7) losing his brother--that he promised his dad he would take care of.  Now finding out his brother was adopted by one of the people who participated in all this.

His level of trauma is unmatched on the show.  Everyone is living lovey dovey while this man is suffering incredible pain.  Remember when he left their house after their dinner---his heart started to heart.  He has physical reactions to these people.  I watch him because of where he will go.  It's the reason I love Ji Hoon as well...they both need healing. Ji Hoon is healing from his own PTSD.  If this is what HW needs...I'll allow him to have it. 

Anyway, PTSD is so hard to heal from and HW's is something else....Even right now I'm crying.  

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15 hours ago, vaberella said:

I really didn't want to share this, because I get highly emotional.  I also didn't want this thread to become all...I don't know...possibly mellodramatic.  But what hurts me the most, that I've been avoiding to say is  the level of madness these people lead HW to experience.  That entire town freakin' gave him PTSD.  For over 20 years, HW is suffering from PTSD.  The nightmares, the flashbacks, the moments of sudden anger or despair.  Twenty years of no help with an extremely severe form of PTSD.

When he screamed as his "uncle" was holding him down....I couldn't.  I just couldn't handle it.  As I said this wasn't something I was meaning to share.  For me, it hurts when I think about it.  PTSD is something I take very seriously. I hate these people who brought him to that stage, I hate these people for essentially robbing him of his family and then living their lives with their own family happily.  

To see it as one traumatic experience to another: 1) seeing his father being attacked in the police station, 2) ridiculed as he tried to fix the bus, 3) the beating, 4) the accusations of stealing, 5) his father bowing down and being shamed, 6)instigating the suicide, 7) losing his brother--that he promised his dad he would take care of.  Now finding out his brother was adopted by one of the people who participated in all this.

His level of trauma is unmatched on the show.  Everyone is living lovey dovey while this man is suffering incredible pain.  Remember when he left their house after their dinner---his heart started to heart.  He has physical reactions to these people.  I watch him because of where he will go.  It's the reason I love Ji Hoon as well...they both need healing. Ji Hoon is healing from his own PTSD.  If this is what HW needs...I'll allow him to have it. 

Anyway, PTSD is so hard to heal from and HW's is something else....Even right now I'm crying.  

You said it so much better thank I could ever. @vaberella ... I agree , bullying and PTSD realllly richard simmons me of too. I am so angry because Hw never got the help he needed. All that anger and fear was soooo tragic. Maybe your order of how HW will heal is through JE and SJ but I still think it's SJ who will make him change. I think SJ probably had a hard time with AR. In today's episode can you believe she tried to put the blame of her husband drinking on SJ. Then tried to get him to look for his mom. I really don't like her because she isn't affectionate with SJ. Even after he told her she is his mother , she still held back a little and didn't let herself be more affectionate. If hat was me I would have given him the biggest hug ever. She still hold herself back. The only person SJ is close too is JE and HS. His other brothers are close to him. He is much more happier with JE. 

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38 minutes ago, vaberella said:

He was working for 3 years overseas, but they had a relationship during that time.  It was made clear when she visited him in Taiwan (in that first or second episode) that they had a sexual relationship. MJ asked for them to go back to that, if not a "real" real relationship.  So I would say for 3 years they would have been deemed a couple.  For the last 2 years, they've spent together and what she interpreted as "couply" things but they were not in a sexual or more relationship during those last two years. He just finalized their standing recently.  But s/he were still doing some of the same things they did before but no sex. Dinner with each other...talking about life (he recently change it to being ONLY about work). 

MJ's assumptions were not assumptions---until the last couple of years.  They stemmed from reality. 


I actually don't believe that they have a sexual relationship given that MJ had already indicated in one of their conversation in the car that he never makes a move on her (or advance on her) which does support that time she visit him in Taiwan when when he escort her back to the hotel in Taiwan, he rejected her advance. I don't believe they went that far in term of their relationship. The only thing I see is the fact that during the first 2 years, they were together most of the time, as colleague and as friends, that they gave each other mix signal. Him escorting her here and there, going to movie, being together. I mean it was something even SJ had admit that at certain point, he was confused whether they were just friends and colleague, or if they were more - if she was truly his girlfriend. Because of that miscommunication and mix signal, MJ is under the impression that they were together (even as an unofficial couple) whereas, the distance in which SJ work oversea for 3 years did I believe make him realize his feelings and confusion. Hence upon returning, he try several times to clear it.

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14 hours ago, UnniSarah said:

You said it so much better thank I could ever. @vaberella ... I agree , bullying and PTSD realllly richard simmons me of too. I am so angry because Hw never got the help he needed. All that anger and fear was soooo tragic. Maybe your order of how HW will heal is through JE and SJ but I still think it's SJ who will make him change. I think SJ probably had a hard time with AR. In today's episode can you believe she tried to put the blame of her husband drinking on SJ. Then tried to get him to look for his mom. I really don't like her because she isn't affectionate with SJ. Even after he told her she is his mother , she still held back a little and didn't let herself be more affectionate. If hat was me I would have given him the biggest hug ever. She still hold herself back. The only person SJ is close too is JE and HS. His other brothers are close to him. He is much more happier with JE. 

Yeah, this is why I started noticing how JE describes him to HW. She speaks as though he's a nice guest in their house.  I don't mean that she looks at him in such a way...but her style of speaking suggests this sort of separation.  I agree with you about AR.  I think he's opening up to DH too.  That's why I really want a close friend relationship before romantic for them.  

Oh and the only reason I mentioned JE first is beause she'll be on his side and on SJ's side.  SJ will be going through a lot of things---that's why I think he won't be able to break through to HW...When SJ's figured himself out...then him and JE could tag team.  JE would be the only rational one between the two when the secrets are out.  

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14 hours ago, UnniSarah said:

You said it so much better thank I could ever. @vaberella ... I agree , bullying and PTSD realllly richard simmons me of too. I am so angry because Hw never got the help he needed. All that anger and fear was soooo tragic. Maybe your order of how HW will heal is through JE and SJ but I still think it's SJ who will make him change. I think SJ probably had a hard time with AR. In today's episode can you believe she tried to put the blame of her husband drinking on SJ. Then tried to get him to look for his mom. I really don't like her because she isn't affectionate with SJ. Even after he told her she is his mother , she still held back a little and didn't let herself be more affectionate. If hat was me I would have given him the biggest hug ever. She still hold herself back. The only person SJ is close too is JE and HS. His other brothers are close to him. He is much more happier with JE. 


I have to agree with you guys really the pain HW is going through. I mean, to see him really go through that meltdown was definitely hard to watch. This is one who has been calm and calculating to burst with that raw emotion. But like @UnniSarah, I really do wish for him to get the help he needs and help. Given all his flashback, you can see the pain he suffer and trauma he suffers along with his guilt. To watch your father hurt, bully, and seeing his suicide along with losing your only brother, your only kin who you want to protect no matter the cost. That's a lot for a child to bear. And of course, is it right for him to hurt others through a mean of revenge? The answer is no but through his suffering, he was alone and was never heal, he didn't have the comfort of another to help him learn forgiveness and heal from his pain. Given that even now, you can see how much the past traumatize him. And because of it, you can see that for HW, his only method that he feel would justify and heal his pain is making the others feel his pain the way he did, make them suffer the way he had. It is wrong but that believe is what has driven him for all these year. I can see that JE and SJ will change him. SJ is his only kin and you can see that his purpose of living has been the search for his younger brother. I mean the siblings will go head to head but I think through the process, SJ will learn to forgive his brother for hurting his "family" whereas HW will learn through SJ to forgive HS.

I am actually hoping or more like waiting for the 3rd daughter to make her appearance given that I feel she is the key factor to the past as she was one of the victim in the car accident that result in his father suicide. She may know something deeper that we all (as viewers and as HW and the family) may not know.

As for Jung-Ae, I definitely can see SJ and DH having a hard time with her. She is very judgmental and narrow mind of people and refused to open up to accepting people. You can see that her first impression of Hye-soo and she never open up or accept Hye-soo after that, always nitpicking and belittle Hye-soo on every little thing. And seeing her disapproving reaction to SJ and DH together, it definitely won't be good for them. She may even be judgmental on Dong-hee to be like Hye-soo. And once she knows that HW is ruining their lives and is SJ brother, she'll be much more unaffectionate and resentful towards SJ. I mean you can see how she is much more distant and less affectionate in loving SJ compare to Hyung-Seob (which I am sure that a part of her deep down is still resentful that he is the child of her husband with another woman (or so she believe).

Aside from loving the OTP, I do love the father-son love between Hyung-Seob and SJ. There may be at one point a reason of guilt from Hyung-Seob but with time, I do want to believe that he truly loves SJ like his very own son (since he's willing to do anything for SJ) and likewise for SJ. So I do hope that they keep their father-son love strong once the truth comes out.

As for Dong Hee, the appearance of the strange woman does marked a curiosity to it. Whether that woman could be DH's mother? Dong Hee past is definitely a mystery for sure to me ever since the grandmother made the phone call when they were at the sauna to the mysterious man. Dong Hee had mention that she has no memories of her parent which is interest in that her family never talk about her parent nor is there any photo memories of them. And see her grandmother reaction to the woman is quite interesting as it is. I mean, it does make one wonder whether Dong Hee is truly related to them, whether she was abandon, or (and I pray this won't happen) that there is a birth secret and she's related to MJ (Noooooooooo!)

Sorry for the long post guys! It was kind of my catching up...4 episode in one day :) I have to say at first I was worry about MJ's dad threat on SJ while catching up on the episode but I think it's safe to say that no one will be able to harm SJ since he has Hyung Seob protection and love as well as HW. I think HW would make her dad have a run for his money, lol! That'll be interesting! HAHAH!

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3 hours ago, Lyna said:

Aside from loving the OTP, I do love the father-son love between Hyung-Seob and SJ. There may be at one point a reason of guilt from Hyung-Seob but with time, I do want to believe that he truly loves SJ like his very own son (since he's willing to do anything for SJ) and likewise for SJ. So I do hope that they keep their father-son love strong once the truth comes out.

@Lyna......Hyun-Seob and Sung Joon relationship will have bumpy ride. SJ will have to make a choice because although HS loves him once the truth comes out AR will be even more colder to SJ. Once SJ parentage be revealed the incident will still be a mystery. HS and AR won't believe HW because what he saw will be through a child's memory. They will deny it because they won't think their neighbors could be so horrible. Their lies lead to someone dying. 

When AR and Hs find out that the witnesses lied about HW and SJ's father driving drunk.... they will try to make amend with SJ and HW. But HW will it forgive them because it is too late. HW lost everything because of those lies. He lost his father and his brother. Now his brother dislikes and doesn't trust him. HW has a lot of work cut out for him and getting SJ's trust. I don't think he will tell SJ right away that he is his brother. 


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I just came to comment that DH and SJ do really look like a newly wed couple. Totally adorable. 

I just wanted to say- I know I haven't been paying much attention to the drama. But wanted to clarify a few things. When did I miss that SJ was having a relationship including having sex with MJ? Where did that come from? I thought he said he had a good relationship as in friends working colleagues relationship.

And I thought the lady- whoever she was that ran the lab- falsified the blood alcohol level tests. In cahoots with the academy owner. So they are not accused of negligence by ensuring their bus was serviced and had working brakes. Therefore they thought the erratic driving was due to alcohol intoxication rather than brake failure. I mean I don't know if the father told anyone that.

Like I said I am wondering if I was watching an entirely different show than you guys. I mean I don't care enough about this show to passionately defend the writer. I am here for the young couple. And would admit to watching the episodes most week raw. I just thought that was why HW targeted those shops.

I did laugh though when KJW did the whole ' loose the plot and smash everything scene'. I've seen it in countless dramas with the older male actor or the evil uncle etc. But when this pretty fair man did it, I just laugh. This whole OTT revenge plotline in the midst of another love line, birth swapping and secret chaebol business ×2 is just hysterical. Some parts of this drama is fine. But other parts just look and feel like a farce.

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57 minutes ago, ck1Oz said:

When did I miss that SJ was having a relationship including having sex with MJ?

i missed that part too...i really hopped was only her beeing obsessed...no sex with SJ...I so dislike her character...i found her character very boring

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In epi 21, the rich lady recognised DH grandma. DH grandma seems to have worked at a rich man house and the lady was their neighbour(the lady said something like "are you the one who worked at xxxx house'.. by avoiding her, does it means that if that family knows about DH, she will be in danger? Her birth secret is a mystery.. so mysterious that we do not even have 10% of the truth lol. 

HW- his revenge plan is actually quit ok at this point. The academy boss did evade tax. He also bought over the building where the provision shop was and demand her to move out. All these were done fair and square. Even for SJ 2nd brother, if he isn't greedy he will not fall into it. For HS, i believe HW wants to make the 2 sons get into trouble and sell their house so that he can buy over. . 

SJ- frankly speaking, even if he knows that HW is his real brother and HS was 1 of them who led his father to commit suicide, i felt that he will had a hard time in the 1st 2weeks only. I hope during that time DH is with him. No MJ! No! No! Anddwae!  But i think he will get over it fast and forgive HS and family. If during this time HW insists on taking revenge on HS family, i can see SJ will be protecting them. Why? When they were young, SJ is still small and does not understand much. Even when the father was beaten by them, i think only HW saw it(correct me if i'm wrong). Even when their father commit suicide, HW cover SJ's eyes..when the father went to beg HS, SJ was not there either. SJ has not really seen the things that they did to his father, that's why i think he will forgive HS and family in a short time. SJ is so appreciative of HS that he never create problems for them when growing up. I felt that he knows he is adopted and not that he was the son borne by another woman. 

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