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[Drama 2017] Strong Woman Do Bong Soon 힘쎈여자 도봉순

Go Seung Ji

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Hi, I'm new to the thread and I also love the show! I'm also the thread starter in the discussion threads in reddit/kdrama (if you are familiar of) Pleased to you meet all!

I'm a a fan of Park Boyoung and I fell for Park Hyungshik. I really love his expressive eyes, he reminds me of Jo Jungsuk in Jealousy Incarnate. The scenes where he ate breakfast, staring at the painting, his eyes says it all, no need to speak.


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@Chellsee @parmmaThanks for the stills of PBY, will sleep well with these.

36 minutes ago, Auntie Mame said:

Who would know where to find an abandoned prison? :huh:

I think it's more of a custom made dungeon within a junkyard.  

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This guy's side profile


And the cute ears. I read somewhere hes naturally handsome, with no PS done lol

Anyway i was thkin about the killer. Would the writer go criminal minds crazy like theres another dominant partner maybe a woman who orchestrates and the sub the man does the kidnapping. Or as in Bones its a Master apprentice. Lol i watch too much of those ...

We know from the criteria of voice the height and the ears it isnt AMH IGD or DBK. Yet i felt that person might have crossed path with any of our leads earlier in life. I am still unsure if its d witness when they do unveil the killer n if its someone they know, it has more impact. Just a thought.

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I told myself to wait for more episodes, the tempation was too big(longtime Park Bo Young fan here) so I gave in . I'm screwed :mellow: I watched all the episodes in one go this night :'( Bo Young ahhhhh :wub:

btw, thank to all the ppl sharing updates and making this thread so lively :)

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i think this is th few drama that i dont skip much. there just too many good/funny scene to watch. 1 hour go by fast for me. while watching this drama.

i would not mind if BS get to kiss both MH/GD in the drama. they both look hot.

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I finished four episodes last night. I love it! It has a mixture of comedy, romance and mystery plus the quirky and light tone of the drama. I was not very aware of Park HyungSik at first other than watching him on The Heirs. But I must admit I am beginning to crush on him. Not only for his looks, but the way he expresses emotions through his eyes. Definitely worth swooning over :wub:

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guys aren't you tired of complaining about Guk Doo's character ...I mean It isn't even his fault if he's character is written like that ...*sigh*  Why does people always just see the worst in every person like they didn't do anything right and doesn't even recognize the good side in them...and people nowadays often criticize just because you aren't made the way they wanted... what a sad reality...even in today's world whatever you do, good or bad people will always have negative things to say about you... and like what I said we should be thankful that he isn't written like a typical second lead here where the second lead falls first ,be all that caring and sweet for the heroine right from the start... Isn't it good if we saw him regretting things and seeing him broken hearted at the end and say you deserve that rather than fans saying Guk Doo deserves Bong Soon more... would you like that to happen that people will say the second lead deserves the girl more... I'm not stopping anyone from their freedom of speech I just want people to be considerate with their words... I think that if ever the role was reverse PHS fans will feel the same and I'll still be understanding GD because I don't just judge for bias reason... I always manage to see both sides of the story... you can't forever be one sided...

atleast Ahn Min Hyuk understands and he's not as subjective like others... It's not like it's compulsory for GD to give the same affection that BS is giving him ...


anyway I haven't congratulated SWDBS for reaching 8% in ratings... I already knew it the next day after ep. 4 was aired but I don't have free time to join you guys here... Congratulations SWDBS family! I'm praying that you'll reach 15% in ratings... Hwaiting!!! 15 Funny chat animation expression gifs emoji free download


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The song that is played around 2:00 is not yet released right.?  This drama's OST right?? I like that song for its energy..:wub: At least anyone help me find the singer??


One more think just saw Dramabeans posted their recap don't know whether their comments were posted here but anyway pardon me if posted..  I totally agree with this writer on the ones which I have higlighted

How cute are Bong-soon and Min-hyuk?! I don’t think either of them are really at the warm and mushy feeling stage yet, but their relationship is moving so smoothly and organically that it’s beautiful to watch. Not to mention squeal at. I especially enjoy watching Min-hyuk slowly falling for the mighty pipsqueak that is the awesome Bong-soon. He obviously finds her attractive (given his many “sexy” comments), but I don’t believe that’s what really drew him in. This episode highlighted that she is first and foremost a mystery to him, and he loves solving puzzles. He hired her because she fascinated him, not because he fell in love at first sight. I was really happy to learn that, because otherwise there’d be nowhere for him to go in the relationship if he loved her from the beginning. Now, we get to watch as he slowly softens towards her through the little things, like her cooking reminding him of his mother, or just watching her dance so freely. She’s becoming less of a source of entertainment and more of a person to him.

Admittedly, I’m also really curious as to what Min-hyuk is doing with the whole gay thing. We obviously know that he likes women given his slow gazes at Bong-soon, though at this point, he could totally be bi given all the innuendo he’s throwing out there at Gook-doo. (Hawt.) He’s been called gay to his face and hasn’t bothered correcting anyone, so either it’s partially right, or he’s just having fun with the assumption. It could also be that he likes the idea that people can’t figure him out and just enjoys being a mystery. If you think about his life growing up, he lost his mother, had brothers that hated him and one brother that protected him, had a gangster father that doesn’t seem to care, and multiple stepmothers who are more inclined to drink than play parent. Then on top of that, he left home young, became a CEO of a large company, and spends most of his down time alone in a dungeon game room. It makes total sense that he’s a bit…eccentric. I’d be more surprised if he did have normal interactions with people after all that.

The show still hasn’t quite meshed the dark kidnapping moments with the lighter romcom, but the transitioning between the two halves of the show is getting better. In spite of the tonal dichotomy, I’m really enjoying both storylines. The Masked Man is getting creepier with each bride, to the point where I find myself flinching away from the screen whenever he shows up. It is strange though – and I’m wondering at my own sanity — I didn’t truly hate him until he told his “second bride” to lose weight to fit into her wedding dress. Apparently, in my mind, being a psycho killer/kidnapper is one thing, but ordering them to keep off the weight is a whole other kind of cruel. (There are some things you just don’t say to a girl, you big meanie!)

I’m a little worried about the sheer number of villains in this show, since they’re getting harder to keep track of. I know there are some theories that the Masked Man and Min-hyuk’s stalker are one and the same, and while that would make things easier, I’m not sure I agree with it. These have been completely different crimes thus far, and the motivations are also totally separate: one is for political reasons, the other is based on some kind of twisted bride polygamy fetish. I’m far from an expert and this is just my view so far, but being both a BB gun shooting stalker and a psycho masked kidnapper is a whole other level of multitasking that doesn’t seem possible.

I do really like how the show is turning some of the bad guys into backup for Bong-soon. The high school punks have now pretty much bound themselves to her for life, and I think Boss Tak and Jaw aren’t too far from falling for her as well. I’m hoping for a storyline where the kiddos and gangsters end up joining Bong-soon and Min-hyuk so that they can all bring down the big bad guy(s) together. Team Do Bong-soon, fighting!

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Naver - Osen: [Exclusive] Park Hyung Sik, might be in the same agency with Song Hye Go and Yoo Ah In...Discussing the contract

1. [+3787, -116] Park Hyung Sik Choose a good agency and let's walk on flower path !!

2. [+3596, -107] Park Hyung Sik playing as a heirs of an empire groupe is one of gods...I hope he finds a good agency and rice even more...Such a talented person

3. [+2997, -109] Park Hyung Sik is an actor now. Meet a good agency and be a good actor

4. [+2019, -83] Hul, i hope he choose a good agency and show us more of his acting!

5. [+753, -106] Wasn't he a singer?

6. [+444, -20] ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Just yesterday he was called "Baby Soldier" in real man but waw he really grow up so much

7. [+441, -33] I'm curious where he and Im Siwan will go. I'm sure both of them will settle down as actors, where ever they go, i'm sure they will do great

8. [+379, -32] I wish Park Hyung Sik and Im Siwan to get out of there really soon

9. [+308, -11] The agency plays an important role for the actor, Song Hye Go and Yoo Ah In are both top actors, but If Park Hyung Sik joins, he will learn a lot from his seniors and develop more
10. [+305, -25] I think Yoo Ah In has once praised Park Hyung Sik's acting~ Anyways, i wish all the best for Park Hyung Sik!!!.


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1 hour ago, Mei99 said:



Glad to read this.... I remember, after "Nine", after finding out that he is a member of an idol group, part of me lamenting... "what are you doing wasting your time not honing your (acting) talent..."


2 hours ago, i.am.bugz.funny said:

guys aren't you tired of complaining about Guk Doo's character ...I mean It isn't even his fault if he's character is written like that ...*sigh*  Why does people always just see the worst in every person like they didn't do anything right and doesn't even recognize the good side in them...and people nowadays often criticize just because you aren't made the way they wanted... what a sad reality...even in today's world whatever you do, good or bad people will always have negative things to say about you... and like what I said we should be thankful that he isn't written like a typical second lead here where the second lead falls first ,be all that caring and sweet for the heroine right from the start... Isn't it good if we saw him regretting things and seeing him broken hearted at the end and say you deserve that rather than fans saying Guk Doo deserves Bong Soon more... would you like that to happen that people will say the second lead deserves the girl more... I'm not stopping anyone from their freedom of speech I just want people to be considerate with their words... I think that if ever the role was reverse PHS fans will feel the same and I'll still be understanding GD because I don't just judge for bias reason... I always manage to see both sides of the story... you can't forever be one sided...

atleast Ahn Min Hyuk understands and he's not as subjective like others... It's not like it's compulsory for GD to give the same affection that BS is giving him ...



I consider Gook-Doo like Mary Jane Watson of Spiderman. Just as Peter Parker did to MJ, Bong-Soon hides an important part of herself from him. She dons a different persona in front of Gook-Doo that he makes incorrect conclusions or assumptions. She never bothers to correct it because she wishes that persona is true. Whether it's partly due to her wish to win Gook-Doo's affection or a conditioning (lifetime of telling off by people around her), at the end of the day, she made the choice to hide it. Gook-Doo and Bong-Soon's story is sad, really... 

Should Gook-Doo have known or at least pursued further, pressed for the truth? 

He asks, "why are you always like this... even back then during exams, you sleep all day but stay awake all night in the library?" Aww. He knows her habit because he cares. Even Min-Hyeok looks a little jealous when he learns that they've got long history...

She falters. She chooses to be silent. I bet there have been many similar instances in their past. And unlike Min-Hyeok, who's got "authority" over her as her "boss" to demand answers, Gook-Doo can't press her if she doesn't want to.

But I understand Bong-Soon. One-sided crush, especially when the other party is giving mixed signals and one has one's own wishful thinking, is debilitating. I guess part of the reason Gook-Doo insists that they're friends is for her to open up to him like a friend would without the burden of romantic attachment. Looking at his string of girlfriends, his love life isn't working well either.


Huh... never thought that I'd be "defending" Gook-Doo or Bong-Soon's love for him. I am all for Bong-Soon feeding Min-Hyeok three times a day for life. (Let's face it. You're way too skinny this time, Hyungsik-ah!)...... but as Min-Hyeok's aptly puts it, she needs perspective. Hers is a misery she brings onto herself.  Mostly. Gyeong-Shim (please let her be alive and well by the end of this drama!), her best friend, says so as well (paraphrasing...) "you let your feeling run unchecked..."


Lastly, Min-Hyeok sounds oh-so-sweet at the end of episode 4. But he'll make her pay for her drunken wisecracks... I'll be extremely disappointed if he doesn't.

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