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[ Drama 2016] The K2 더 케이투


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Chingus, i just watched the ending of a chinese drama i was enjoying throughout and omg..what's with the ending where the main lead just opens his eyes due to a long coma! The end!

Omg. Writer nim for K2, please dont do something like that to me. To us. 

I need hugs and kisses and sweet words and cute moments. With JeNa. Please. Heal my wound from the ending i just had to watch :bawling:


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4 hours ago, siddo said:

@auroredawn:  Intention, yes that's exactly I want to know about YJ. What was YJ’s intention behind hiding Anna these 14 years. 

Was she hiding just because of JSJ’s Presidential ambition?

Was she hiding her to keep her away from her own evil step family? 

Was she hiding her to control JSJ?

The first 2 gives her a benefit of doubt. To me it's  questioning her intentions.  It somehow paints her less bad. Though YJ herself said in episode 2 to KDM  that she uses Anna as a tool for JSJ, somehow her actions can't make me believe that. Her actions somehow brings up her intentions. I remember her action when she hurt her hand when her step brother took Anna away and nobody knew where she was for a while. That me questioned why would she hurt her hand, gets so stressed about a girl she doesn't care much. Likewise the writer has given much scenes and actions of Yoojin which makes me want to know her intentions.  

Regarding Anna’s deprivation of freedom. I too feel bad that she was deprived of her social freedom and I'm very angry on YJ for that. But here I want to know whether she was given freedom to do any other things like any other normal person. That'll make me know her intentions again.

And the 3rd option, well I still don't know how she's controlling JSJ. She's making him the President, but this is what he always wanted/ wished to be. If JSJ believed that YJ could hurt Anna, she could have made him do anything. From sleeping with her, to forcing love to her,  to ask for his loyalty, to forever become her slave. Isn't this what everyone talks here? That she likes to keep people slave to her, so she had a jackpot with Anna to keep JSJ to herself. But I can’t see any of this happening. 

I think we can talk and talk about this but will never to reach to a same point. Opinions and interpretations will always be different here in this case. So let's just see if the writer sheds any light on this part.


Let me make this clear, I don't want proof of Anna facing abuse, I want proof of Yoojin perpetrating abuse or not? Because abuse is no small thing. As a YJ fan, this is something I should know, I feel. And I'm not attacking Anna with my questions asking writer for the answers. I'm not justifying any of YJ’s evil actions but I'm eager to know what were and are her intentions. I do not feel what YJ did is right, I only want to know why she did it? 

Please please stop accusing us YJ fans of justifying her bad actions and let us be. What I write is my personal interpretation and I don't think anybody's understanding me in my interpretations (by understanding I don’t mean agreeing). What I'm doing is finding some “hope of goodness” in my favourite character of show. That's Yoojin.  I don't think it's bad to hope that we YJ fans still want to see some goodness in YJ. And all my posts are regarding that itself. I don't intend to demean or have demeaned Anna or any other character of the show except JSJ (for obvious reasons) ;  just want to see some nice traits in the character I have invested my time in. I'm someone of the belief  ‘Hope till your hope dies’ So I will continue this hope till the show ends and I'm not forcing anyone to agree with the ‘hope’ I make in my  posts nor do I intend to shove my opinion down other's throat.  It just makes me upset when my ‘hope’ is confused as my excuse to justify her evil actions, as my support towards her bad deeds or my hatred towards other characters of the show. Trust me, it's not.

In case if anyone intends to quote this post, please, please don't. I can't explain any more than this. Gtg ttfn..

@siddo Since the first part of the post was addressed to me, I would kindly respond to some of the points that you made.


I have no ship. I like Anna as a character because I like her background story (vague and all). I also think that YJ is a fascinating character. I am trying as much as possible to be fair to both of them.  I will not try to demean one in order to elevate the other. I write only based on my perception and interpretation of the story being presented.

                                                                            * * *

As someone mentioned in some earlier posts,  we (the audience) know that YJ had a tragic background/childhood, not because it was shown to us, but because some of the characters told us that she did. Anna’s background was presented to us in the same way, maybe in a little more details than that of YJ.  Anna has been shown protected by guards, under surveillance with practically no other interaction than that of her guards – Actually, Anna had no interaction with her guards until K2 came along. She ate at night. She seemed to always avoid the guards. It is safe to “assume” that Anna lived the last 14 years in the same way. Anna was shown running away and J4, in an earlier episode, stated that Anna has tried to run away many times. The Spanish police was even helping to find her and take her back to wherever she was prior to the escape. For the police to be involved (based on my own interpretation), Anna was not simply hidden.

Option 1 – Was Anna hidden as a way to preserve JSJ’s Presidential Election? Maybe. However, revealing her identity would not really derail said dream, I don’t think. Anna was born prior to his marriage to YJ. She could have adopted her and raised her as her child. JSJ is very good at playing the sympathy card. He would/could have found a way to make it work in the public eye.

Option 2 – She was hiding Anna from her evil step family? Not likely. They seem to be more afraid of her than she is of them. She has JSS at her disposal. There seem to be no indication that this was her intention. Again, I could be wrong. However, based on the information provided, I don’t believe it is likely.

Option 3 – SJS and YJ relationship is fascinating. She allows him to do as he pleases (women and all) as long as he does what he needs to do to become president. The presidency is SJS’ ambition, but it is also YJ’s. I don’t remember which episode it was, but it was hinted that SJS’ presidency will allow her to obtain the family’s Group (I forget the acronym – JB, is it?).

Anna can only be an effective tool if used properly. Using Anna as a way to get SJS to sleep with her (YJ), or to demand loyalty from him, or to forever become her slave wouldn’t have worked in the long run.  It could have backfired. People are unpredictable when they feel oppressed. He could have banded with her enemies and found a way to bring her down. She gave him the freedom to do what he wanted, but pulled the Anna card whenever he went overboard. She gave him a semblance of freedom, but always knew when to pull the cord. Somebody as cunning as YJ would know how and when to use leverage. It only works if used properly. YJ is intelligent; a fact that is shown to us the audience, and talked about by other characters (stepmother, Master Song). She is always two steps ahead of everybody else.

She also probably wouldn’t have felt good about forcing SJS to sleep with her. Who wants to be with somebody that is being forced to be with you? Also, she maintained SJS by her side because he had somewhat of a hold on her. She alluded to that on ep 13, I believe. He had a hold on her (romantic, sexual, emotional…), and Anna was her hold on him.

Oh, about YJ hurting her hand when she learned that her half-brother had Anna --- I think that she did it not because she cared about Anna, but because she lost her one and only leverage against SJS. I would get stressed too if the only effective weapon I had was being stolen from me.

No one starts out evil. YJ did not start out the way she is currently.  Life/circumstance made her this way. We all agree on that. Some people are predisposed to certain personality types and/or disorders. That’s just the reality. Some situations trigger certain traits. A real person with YJ’s characteristics might be diagnosed with a personality disorder.

I don’t hate YJ and I like the fact that you are compassionate towards her. I, too, understand her background, but I cannot excuse her actions. I feel bad for her childhood. I also feel bad for Anna’s childhood. They are both pitiful characters in that sense. However, YJ has resources that Anna doesn’t have. Anna was a child when all this occurs. Even if Anna was not “imprisoned” and was free to roam around as much as she could, the fact remains that she was uprooted and sent to a new country and separated from the only other relative that she had (her father) while believing that she was the cause of her mother’s death. That’s tough for anyone, let alone for a 9 year-old child.

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@perfectsmilebias hello! How have you been? i have missed reading your posts.. anyway I am glad you understood JH's reason on betraying YJ.. Both of us do not want him to betray her but what do we do, what he did is reasonable.. 

I would just have to disagree with some of the tumblrr posts.. 

IMO,I never felt JH is self righteous. But is he morally better than YJ? i think yes, the reason for that has been talked here many times in the forum.. YJ's cruelty against the innocents, actual or implied , is still what makes her character unforgivable.

Talk about betrayal, IMO it is not as if YJ is a perfect example of a loyal master to her servants, look at how  she is willing to sacrifice her most trusted secretary for JH.. whether it is an actual deed or an implied thought, .. so I actually dont see her  a perfect example of loyalty . it's not actually the question of who betrayed first.but I just dont think she deserves it.. . If she did not harbor any affection for JH, with that temper of hers , he would have asked to kill JH right after he saved Anna from the assassination. 

Like you, I understand JH's reasons on betraying YJ.. and why cant he rub it on her face? The tumbler post implies that JH is not the right person to tell her that? Because he is not righteous ? JH is one of the few people this woman has tried to kill before, so he is the perfect person to tell her about her evil deeds.. Also, some might have forgotten that this is the same JH that saved her from the crash.. this is also the same JH that saved  her from her so called family during the inheritance meeting.. , this is also the same JH that has been vocal on his disappointments on YJ when he compared her to PKS.. She clearly knows JH's capabilities and weaknesses -and stand among the innocents. They might have not clearly discussed that on their agreement, but he knows what his limits are, she was the one who pushed him to his limits..  JH has been nothing but try to support her at first until Anna came in the picture.. And Anna for him at first was someone who he sees as an innocent case that is mistreated by YJ.. He is aware of that even before he fell in love with her. . Yes, true enough YJ gave him all that, ( alias, resources) , BUT Jh never asked for them, she willingly gave it to him.. 

Both of them are aware that they are using each other.. when JH recorded her convo with SW that was the turning point for him.. I think.. So YJ needed to hear that from JH, otherwise YJ would not realize the severity of her actions against the innocents.. jeha's words against hers was all about being sensitive about other people's condition. 

So yes she deserves all of this  setbacks that is happenig to her right now, she needed that, JH just showed her the way to reflect on herself. ( though I dont think the preview is going to that direction) Actually, YJ do not need a friend that patronizes her, she needs a friend that contradicts her..but from JH's words their friendship is over.. so that is a shame.. 

I agree with you on your statement that while you understood her reasons for betrayal, the timing was off.. and after  he has gathered his much needed information from YJ's resources, he decided to drop her.. but she should not be surprised, she knows what he is capable of, they know each other's weaknesses.. but it's a pity that she has harbored feelings for him.. coz again I repeat if JH was just a regular bodyguard for her, JH would have been dead by now.. so, yes JH is the one who can rub it on her face aside from Anna

haist chingu, this weekend is the finale.. I am still hoping YJ gets the redemption that she needed. I dont  want her to die,I want her to face her crimes and ask forgiveness from Anna.. and also I want her the find peace within herself. i dont think getting back the JB group would help for her redeem herself actually.. so thank you for reading my messages.. i know at times we agree to disagree, but we always have healthy arguments ( I believe) Hehe

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Guest julie721

@klgirl I know I can count on you for epic ISIT meme.. 

Guys, can't you believe it's the day before Final? Whoaaaaa stop the debates already, stop wanting to win the arguments and JUST ENJOY the last moments.. Create good atmosphere here so everybody are not afraid entering this thread!!! OK??? So many members here are afraid to enter this thread because the argument makes head spins and brings headache. So can each side reconcile now!!??

lets spam the thread with goodies

Looks like dear Madam miss cloud 9 already


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12 minutes ago, ashvaugn said:

@perfectsmilebias hello! How have you been? i have missed reading your posts.. anyway I am glad you understood JH's reason on betraying YJ.. Both of us do not want him to betray her but what do we do, what he did is reasonable.. 

I would just have to disagree with some of the tumblrr posts.. 

IMO,I never felt JH is self righteous. But is he morally better than YJ? i think yes, the reason for that has been talked here many times in the forum.. YJ's cruelty against the innocents, actual or implied , is still what makes her character unforgivable.

Talk about betrayal, IMO it is not as if YJ is a perfect example of a loyal master to her servants, look at how  she is willing to sacrifice her most trusted secretary for JH.. whether it is an actual deed or an implied thought, .. so I actually dont see her  a perfect example of loyalty . it's not actually the question of who betrayed first.but I just dont think she deserves it.. . If she did not harbor any affection for JH, with that temper of hers , he would have asked to kill JH right after he saved Anna from the assassination. 

Like you, I understand JH's reasons on betraying YJ.. and why cant he rub it on her face? The tumbler post implies that JH is not the right person to tell her that? Because he is not righteous ? JH is one of the few people this woman has tried to kill before, so he is the perfect person to tell her about her evil deeds.. Also, some might have forgotten that this is the same JH that saved her from the crash.. this is also the same JH that saved  her from her inlaws during the inheritance meeting.. , this is also the same JH that has been vocal on his disappointments on YJ when he compared her to PKS.. She clearly knows JH's capabilities and weaknesses -and stand among the innocents. They might have not clearly discussed that on their agreement, but he knows what his limits are, she was the one who pushed him to his limits..  JH has been nothing but try to support her at first until Anna came in the picture.. And Anna for him at first was someone who he sees as an innocent case that is mistreated by YJ.. He is aware of that even before he fell in love with her. . Yes, true enough YJ gave him all that, ( alias, resources) , BUT Jh never asked for them, she willingly gave it to him.. 

Both of them are aware that they are using each other.. when JH recorded her convo with SW that was the turning point for him.. I think.. So YJ needed to hear that from JH, otherwise YJ would not realize the severity of her actions against the innocents.. jeha's words against hers was all about being sensitive about other people's condition. 

So yes she deserves all of this  setbacks that is happenig to her right now, she needed that, JH just showed her the way to reflect on herself. ( though I dont think the preview is going to that direction) Actually, YJ do not need a friend that patronizes her, she needs a friend that contradicts her..but from JH's words their friendship is over.. so that is a shame.. 

I agree with you on your statement that while you understood her reasons for betrayal, the timing was off.. and after  he has gathered his much needed information from YJ's resources, he decided to drop her.. but she should not be surprised, she knows what he is capable of, they know each other's weaknesses.. but it's a pity that she has harbored feelings for him.. coz again I repeat if JH was just a regular bodyguard for her, JH would have been dead now.. so, yes JH is the only person who can rub it on her face... 

haist chingu, this weekend is the finale.. I am still hoping YJ gets the redemption that she needed. I dont  want her to die,I want her to face her crimes and ask forgiveness from Anna.. and also I want her the find peace within herself. i dont think getting back the JB group would help for her redeem herself actually.. so thank you for reading my messages.. i know at times we agree to disagree, but we always have healthy arguments ( I believe) Hehe

But that's the thing, even though he didn't ask for it he took them anyway and used them to his best benefit. 

And I don't think he should have rubbed it in her face, because she did try to kill him, but he essentially tried to kill her to. YooJin thought her life was at risk when he pointed a gun at her head because she didn't know about his PTSD yet, so they both felt those feelings of fear that comes when people think they are going to die.

He's benefited from his relationship with YooJin. Unlike Anna who has not benefited at all from YooJin, if she were to rub it in YooJin face, she would be completely justified.

But I understand if you don't agree.

So it really comes down to timing for me, if he had said all these things before his betrayal, then his speech would have felt genuine, as if he truly believed those things he told her rather than saying them so he could justify his betrayal.

And I'm still not going to post too much, but I'm glad you enjoyed my posts, I've enjoyed yours. My exposure to this drama has been delegated to some clips and the recaps here.


For all you dedicated recappers, can I ask you one favor?

The election in my part of the world, you know.... that place lol... has really made me feel down.

So, when you do your recap of the last episodes, could you not use too harsh wording for YooJin?

You guys have every right to hate her, and you can totally call her out and criticize her when she does something evil... but.... but... lol I'm not sure... just be a little less harsh?

Despite everything, YooJin is my favorite character, she is close to my heart... and reading the recaps sometimes breaks my heart...

Maybe for the last two episodes, we can just try to enjoy the parts we like the most! Imagine, next week we won't have The K2 anymore... so even though this drama has gone up and down for me... I have enjoyed it and have really enjoyed the discussions even when it got heated lol

So I'm just asking for a little favor... pretty please :heart:


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On 11/9/2016 at 11:52 AM, siddo said:

To my fellow YJ fans,

@perfectsmilebias @bebebisous33 @ReemKanabta @ellesina @jagmac24_111a  @anipanch @Trung Vũ @miriamdream2 @shae @lamylamy  @grapefruit7

I know you're very much disappointed in the way YJ’s character has shaped up. Esp after 13 and 14th episodes. You all think the writer has left YJ with no redemption, no chance at improving herself and it's true to an extent. Even though I still see some hope for her, I also see YJ as someone who is going to die in the end. Yeah, it's crazy to think why would I say like this? But this is the feeling I'm getting from the current episodes and I'm sure most of you share the same feeling, isn't it? 

Idk whether the PD team has finished up with the live shooting or they're yet to shoot. So a thought came to my mind about how YJ’s death scene(if it happens) would/could be. 

YJ gets shot down from her rival/ takes a bullet which was for JH and she falls into Jeha’s arms. So looking at JH, 

YJ: (raises her left hand and place it on Jeha’s cheeks) and says Je Haa ya,

JH: Yes, Madam.

YJ: I wish you were born earlier, I wish you were in place of Jang se Joon ( for the 1st time takes his name)..

JH: (Totally shocked, doesn't know how to react.)

YJ: Jeha, if you were been in his place, my life could have been much different.

JH: (stares angrily at JSJ)

YJ: (paused for a minute) she then says, Take care of Anna.  Promise me, you won't become another Jang se Joon. (Meanwhile JSJ who's hearing all this puts his head down in shame)

JH: I promise you, Madam.

YJ: (smiles the way she smiled in the umbrella scene, slowly her eyes starts to shut down and she pauses for eternity)

JH: (bow his head down in grief) and says, Rest in peace, Madam. 

I wish her death scene could have been like this if it's still yet to shoot (in case it happens). Add to it JCW & SYA’s acting would just give it a heartfelt touch and this would be epic for us.

It could give a perfect end to our Jejin ship. I mean what else could be perfect than Yoojin dying in the arms of the man who brought back a bit of human conscience of what was left in her, who brought flow of tears in her dried and stoned eyes, who made her show her compassionate side, who showed trust in her when everyone thought her as betrayer, who made her smile when the chips were down at her side, who called her friend when everyone else thought her as foe, and the most important who taught who her the essence of Love (giving, receiving) and that's no one but Jeha….

It could also be a good ending to YJ the character itself. Her soul could depart from her vicious, creepy and sexist world full of grown vultures in black suits and ties waiting for her to commit a mistake and eat her alive. The ones who mocked her for being a woman left, right and center, the ones who turned her into a living monster, the ones who sucked out the life in her. Yes, she could  go far away from all this to someplace better where she would be wanted, where she would be loved, where there would be the most precious and important person of her life who  supported her till she could and that's her Mother….

Ah! It was really emotional when this thought came to my mind.  What do you think of it, chingus?


Hehehe... I've imagined a somewhat similar ending....

Though the part where YooJin says if she had met JH first rather than SJ is interesting.
I would want more of a line that references one of the first things she said to him, "If we had met at another time, we could have been friends." 

YooJin sacrificing herself for Jeha would be cool, but even though I romantically ship them together, I'd rather go with your second option, she gets shot by one of her rivals.

Jeha sees this, there is a lot of blood lololol...

Maybe she is wearing white and we see all the blood stains... or she is wearing black and when Jeha applies pressure to the wound blood pours onto his hand... hehehe is this too graphic for k-drama? I mean we saw Jeha soaked in blood during the car accident though....

He goes to her fallen body and tries to pick her up to get her to the hospital...

But she resists, there is too much blood, she has been shot fatally, she will die and she knows it...

I'm not really sure what they would say to each other... but its a short conversation..

She dies in his arms.

Jeha's face is filled with this sort of anguish and surprise/horror... like he is experiencing a significant loss he really didn't expect. 
He cries over her dead body.

I think this is wishful thinking hehehehe... but if YJ is going to die, which it seems she will (I mean all these death threats throughout the drama and nobody ends up dead, like blood is to be expected), I want it to be intense and yet simple in a way. Not the slow-mo and echoed crying like during Raniya's death scene... no bells and whistles, just focus purely on the emotions of the characters.

Edit: And then Secretary Kim comes in and joins in the tears. Can't leave out loyal lesbian Secretary Kim can we??? lololol



One of the states that messed it all up... I'm so ashamed of my state... Florida :bawling:

And thank you! You're awesome!:grin:

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1 hour ago, perfectsmilebias said:

Maybe for the last two episodes, we can just try to enjoy the parts we like the most! Imagine, next week we won't have The K2 anymore... so even though this drama has gone up and down for me... I have enjoyed it and have really enjoyed the discussions even when it got heated lol

So I'm just asking for a little favor... pretty please :heart:



LOL, I'll try since it seems that with the time change, I get to wake up before 5am to watch this show and my daughter is done with marching band (hooray!!) for the year so I don't have to run her around for practise in the mornings.  Do you hafta mention that part about no more K2? I'm going to be depressed.  Thankfully, my fave actors Gong Yoo and Dong Wookie are in Goblin so I'll be spazzing on that thread along with other familiar soompiers as well.  Yaayyyy!!! Will we see you there too?

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Guest julie721
44 minutes ago, perfectsmilebias said:

Edit: And then Secretary Kim comes in and joins in the tears. Can't leave out loyal lesbian Secretary Kim can we??? lololol

YAAAA!!!! @perfectsmilebias what if there are minors lurking here??? You naughty.. Naughty you!!!! 



YJ dies? Wae?? Actually I don't want any of the character die.. (Even the scumbag JSJ..) I will cry.. Eventhough I think YJ needs to pay for the wrong deed, death is too cruel.. :tears: I don't like her cruel and evil deeds, but I grew attached to her character, just as any of the characters here in drama... 

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On 11/8/2016 at 4:24 AM, Trung Vũ said:

I'm so sad when Je Ha and Yoo Jin are no longer friends. I hope at least writer-nim will let Je Ha support Yoo Jin one more time in Cloud 9, one more time together fight against SungWoon and Gwan Soo. But from text preview, it seems not happen :( For me, if Je Ha leaves Yoo Jin alone with opponents, somehow writer ruin the character of Je Ha :(  

@Trung Vũ  YJ and JH was never friends they were both using each other from the start JH has never trusted YJ from the very behinning.. Would you trust a person that tried to kill you twice I know I wouldn't she order those men to kill him without batting and eyelash..

On 11/9/2016 at 0:10 AM, nona88 said:

okay so tomorrow we going to get the wrap party photos and maybe the preview too  

Friday  we going to have 

  • in the morning new still's
  • after noon , the coffee promise photo with our hot JCW making and the angel YOONA serving ( okay lucky fun's it like dream to have this two do that for you) 
  • at night we going to have ep 15 ep's ( so waiting 


okay the K2 team trying hard to pamper us on the last week right !!!:heart:

i have to finsh everything  before friady i have to be ready all the day and focus only on the K2 news :kiss_wink: i have to work more hard now :joy:

@noona88  Have there been any mentions of JCW next project..?

I'm need to back read but could anyone tell me what page the preview is on..?


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45 minutes ago, julie721 said:

YJ dies? Wae?? Actually I don't want any of the character die.. (Even the scumbag JSJ..) I will cry.. Eventhough I think YJ needs to pay for the wrong deed, death is too cruel.. :tears: I don't like her cruel and evil deeds, but I grew attached to her character, just as any of the characters here in drama... 

@julie721  Was it you and I that said death was to good for her because of the way she made Anna suffer in a convent just because she's her fathers child who isshe to play god jury and judge I think YJ should be made to spend the rest of her evil life in and assulyum with no outside contact at all.. When it comes to SJS he should be made to suffer his actions also you never allow someone to use your child to control you like a puppet.. These two needs to be exposed to society for there infide,ity and evil deeds.. 

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2 hours ago, perfectsmilebias said:

But that's the thing, even though he didn't ask for it he took them anyway and used them to his best benefit. 



And I don't think he should have rubbed it in her face, because she did try to kill him, but he essentially tried to kill her to. YooJin thought her life was at risk when he pointed a gun at her head because she didn't know about his PTSD yet, so they both felt those feelings of fear that comes when people think they are going to die.

He's benefited from his relationship with YooJin. Unlike Anna who has not benefited at all from YooJin, if she were to rub it in YooJin face, she would be completely justified.

But I understand if you don't agree.

So it really comes down to timing for me, if he had said all these things before his betrayal, then his speech would have felt genuine, as if he truly believed those things he told her rather than saying them so he could justify his betrayal.

And I'm still not going to post too much, but I'm glad you enjoyed my posts, I've enjoyed yours. My exposure to this drama has been delegated to some clips and the recaps here.


For all you dedicated recappers, can I ask you one favor?

The election in my part of the world, you know.... that place lol... has really made me feel down.

So, when you do your recap of the last episodes, could you not use too harsh wording for YooJin?

You guys have every right to hate her, and you can totally call her out and criticize her when she does something evil... but.... but... lol I'm not sure... just be a little less harsh?

Despite everything, YooJin is my favorite character, she is close to my heart... and reading the recaps sometimes breaks my heart...


Maybe for the last two episodes, we can just try to enjoy the parts we like the most! Imagine, next week we won't have The K2 anymore... so even though this drama has gone up and down for me... I have enjoyed it and have really enjoyed the discussions even when it got heated lol

So I'm just asking for a little favor... pretty please :heart:




But that's the thing, even though he didn't ask for it he took them anyway and used them to his best benefit. 

So far he has yet to use the benefit given to him (except for using cloud 9 to gather information), I shall think this as 'payment' for his extra ordinary performance (the umbrella scene) 



And I don't think he should have rubbed it in her face, because she did try to kill him, but he essentially tried to kill her to. YooJin thought her life was at risk when he pointed a gun at her head because she didn't know about his PTSD yet, so they both felt those feelings of fear that comes when people think they are going to die.

I think you have forgotten the difference between YJ and JH - 

YJ tried to kill JH for a 'crime' JH has yet to commit - She wanted to kill him JUST IN CASE - He talks ... JUST IN CASE ... JH didn't not do anything .. he was innocent ...

JH - wanted to kill YJ because she tried to kill him and 2 other innocent people .. and JH wouldn't have kill her anyway - (He even saved her from the explosion)

In any court of justice - self defense is not a crime .. JH was only defending his life .. 



Some people have said that it was not a betrayal but it was. Their alliance was based on a very simple agreement. YooJin promised to give Jeha resources so that he could avenge Raniya and in return Jeha would become part of Cloud 9, in other words he would be her bodygaurd and partner working together to destry PKS. Later on, Jeha made her promise not to attack or try to kill Anna anymore. Resources (which Jeha used extensively) and not attacking Anna, YooJin delivered on her promises.


Just put yourself in JH shoes ... Your boss (which you pledge alliance with), is trying to separate you and the girl you love. She did not try to harm her but she is sending the girl you love away (a few thousand miles away). She tried to control you. You don't agree with the way she handle some issue. And you never really trusted her (she can't be trusted anyway  YJ spied on him - checking what he search with Mirrow)  ... What would you do??

I believe JH thought - YJ can change (I thought so too) ... unfortunately YJ does not change (except that she like him)...  the rest is still the same .. She still the wicked YJ to everyone around her ..

I was about to reply to you @perfectsmilebias but @ashvaugn beat me to it - very nice analysis ..

Anyway I notice that there's a lot of good critics and analyzer in this thread - unfortunately we don't always agree (never agree actually with some of the posters :D ) too bad .. If we can agree on somethings I believe the the discussion would be hilarious ... and fun .. may be we can meet again in other thread (huhu unfortunately -  I don't easily get invested in a drama) ... I drop a lot of drama halfway .. almost drop K2 (will drop if JH abandon Anna - which I think very unlikely - now I can trust JH) .. 

We have 2 more episode to go .. and it will be over .. 

I hope JCW can do another drama before he goes to MS ... I hope he will immediately jump into another drama .. I miss him a lot after healer ...  


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Aigoo @soniawong gomawo for the lovely pics of JehAnna. So gorgeous this couple. The way Jeha stared at Anna :wub:

Chingu deul, I'm happy and sad today. Happy that its finally Friday and we get to watch Ep15. Sad because K2 is ending, tomorrow is the Finale. No more civil wars in here :P no long analysis (I think K2 made history with the longest analysis in Soompi' history :w00t:), no Ji Chang Wook, Im Yoon Ah and Song Yoon Ah, Lee Jung Jin and the rest of the cast.

I will miss everyone of you here and this thread even though it does give me frowns and heartache.

Thank you all for making this thread so alive :lol:

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42 minutes ago, meh2222 said:

@valsava page 263, chingu! :)

Thanks @meh2222 

16 hours ago, YourHighness . said:

I am very confused with the preview. :lol:

But Woohoo! Right on money with the kidnapping. Who kidnapped her though? Sec Kim? SW? PKS?

Poor JH fighting when so hurt :( Good thing he is our resident Superman. :lol:

@YourHighness .  as we all predicted Anna would be kidnap and JH fighting for his and Annas life my guess is the persons that kidnap her is YJ asst for two reasons the usb and she knows JH wants her life all others are lightweight to him..

I think Yj asst has teamed up with Congressman Park her motive is to kill Jh so YJ can go back to soley depending on her but in the end let Congressman Park and Yj fight for the usb..

Well JCW may get competition LJK is changing his genere and he's also know that action and romance is a high demand.. So my guess he will move into the action genere because he said himself he wants to do it while his body is still able to.. So I would love to see these two in something awesome..  


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15 hours ago, notohaterfans said:

This ending spells perfection...  Hhahaha I like it.  So much hate and revenge on main characters..let there be love in the end..  Hahaha though I don't see it coming specially for YJ and SJ

It easy to get the USB if it's in her hand,  and JH will not put her life in such danger..  I think she is a bait for JH in exchange for usb

Wahahahaa... wouldn't it be a perfect ending .. everyone get a happy ending ..  Korea will get a good presiden (I prefer SJ/YJ to PKS as presiden)

17 hours ago, meh2222 said:





OH JUST IGNORE ME. :bawling::bawling::bawling:

Nooooo .. he wll not die:D .. but don't rule out open end ... lets hunt the writer if its an open ending


18 hours ago, alekaonu said:

hi @Bambiina chingu, I :wub: your comments on YoonA above. Thanks chingu because of your comment, my heart feels happier when I'm in here. If everyone gives her a chance like you, then this thread would be better, less hate. :) 

Chill chingu deul, this week is the finale week, let us all JH+AN and JH+YJ and YJ+Kim and K1+J4 shippers just enjoy this thread and the drama while it lasts. Peace and no War, ok chingu deul? Yaksukhae?


After so long watching Kdrama .. I learned that in order to enjoy kdrama we have to forget about the actor past drama and connection .. we have to 'move' on in the sense open up our mind and accept his/her other costar (easier said than done .. wakaka esp when then chemistry of his/her previous work is off the chart)

I never consider discussion as war :D .. thats the problem with me .. I see it as discussion.. having different opinion is not arguing .. it may seen passionate .. but nevwr fall under 'war' category ..

I always emphasize on collective reading .. skip .. read skip skip .. I am sad to see discussion is interprate as war ..  because of this so call war I came to see .. (may not understand ).. it open up my mind about others that have different view from me.. why they think what they think ... 

It's not heated discussion that make me ignore a thread .. it's when people mistaking discussion as war .. that make me loose interest to post and shy away from a thread... 


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Guest julie721
2 hours ago, valsava said:

@julie721  Was it you and I that said death was to good for her because of the way she made Anna suffer in a convent just because she's her fathers child who isshe to play god jury and judge I think YJ should be made to spend the rest of her evil life in and assulyum with no outside contact at all.. When it comes to SJS he should be made to suffer his actions also you never allow someone to use your child to control you like a puppet.. These two needs to be exposed to society for there infide,ity and evil deeds.. 

I didn't recall I ever wanted YJ to be put in asylum. Or maybe I used other term beside asylum, maybe jail or something like that (but maybe I'm wrong hahahahaha) the thing is yes I want YJ to live. I wanted her to pay for all her mistakes. The bold ones: that is exactly a very good punishments for these two. 

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