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[Weekend Drama 2016] Laurel Tree Tailors 월계수양복점신사들 ~ Starring Cha In Pyo, Ra Mi Ran ~


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It's five in the morning and YS is all dressed. She's leaving I think. Cut to DJ's room and he's sleeping.
She stares at the door and goes to arrange DJ's shoes. SHe picks them up and after staring at them, she places them back down and leaves.
As she closes the door behind her, tears are welling in her eyes.
Episode ends.


DJ is looking for YS at the fabric market. 

YS is seen traveling somewhere on a bus. 

MS tells GJ something about YS.

ES and SN go to check up on EY. I think ES is praising EY and SN isn't happy.

YS is working at a farm somewhere. 

TP performs at the end of year music show and later is seen celebrating with DS and Dajung. 

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LSY and HW on the red carpet at the 2016 KBS Drama Awards



Lee Se Young won Best New Actress along with Kim Ji Won of Descendants of the Sun

Both of our couples TY/HW and SD/SN won best couple! There were 7 couple winners. 

Jo Yoon Hee and Lee Dong Gun win best actress and best actor in a serial drama along with the Five Children couple.

Ra Mi Ran won best supporting actress

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Dear chingguss.. finally finished watching last week's eps. Was away for a while due to work but I do keep track the progress of the eps through this forum with all you wonderful chinggus. @TheMsChelsea91..as usual your recap was my life saver. Kamsahanida..

Anyway, after watching the subs, now only I can comment. I've read many of the comments previously which talked about how disappointing was YS and DJ's progress so far and I do agree. Even if I can relate to GJ's opposition (since she has been so narrow minded so far) but I dont see why DS and MS are hesitating as well. I mean we were made to see how DS struggle throughout her love journey with TP, even being 'beaten' by her mom at one point (and to think she is an adult with an adult kid, but her mom still can 'beat' her to make her to come to her senses}. DS relationship was opposed by all, even by DJ for a very good reason - TP, at one point, still did not proof himself worthy of her after he was so insistent on becoming a star, even if he egoistically denied that. But then he started to get everyone's approval after he finally improved himself to be a good and caring bf, future son in law and future father. Even DJ was impressed and could accept him fully. Now YS had a different circumstances. It is not like she did anything wrong in the beginning. The only things she lack was her confident and willpower to say no when GP asked to marry her. She was wronged but she did not do anything that warrant her to be treated like TP. She does not have to improve herself the way TP did (though I think she could do a little bit of confident and will power) but exactly what was her crime to be treated like that by DS? And now MS, again in the beginning we were told about his first love. How circumstances made him lose her and how she suffered at the end. By right, MS could relate to YS and DJ even at the very beginning. When he said "I never consider YS as a daughter in law. I need time to think and accept this" I was very disappointed. What is there to think? I would be more satisfied if he said " I understand you my son. But there is a big obstacle in front of you and it would not be easy. I've been through it. If you want me to help you, give me time to sort this out with your mom". That would be more satisfying.

And then then whole YS story so far..it feels like it is going down the hill..I mean we were given this one character who is both pitiful but lovable (which is why DJ fall in love with her) and instead of her improving, is like she loses even more of herself in every eps so far. Even HW's character were given some room of improvement (when she accepted TY as he is, helping his mom, never giving up on him, improved her temper and even improve the way she sees her surrounding for TY). I think it is not fair for YS's character to be portrayed that way (sorry this is disappointed me talking). The scene when YS finally give in to GJ,and GJ said 'blame her for everything' "I'm sorry". It does not even sound sincere. She sound so selfish and even greedy because she would not give the room for YS to even hate her guts for opposing DJ with her. I mean even at the last moment, GJ makes her feel guilty. Really writer-nim? Do we need to see more struggle for this character? She lost her father, did not get to fulfil her father's wish, forced to marry a gangster, forced to accept a supposedly mother in law who hates her actually, being harassed almost every day and now, not accepted by those who she thinks as her family..Even worse, they had low expectations and regards of her and never regards her as family (Family would never care about status or class or background). To me, the writer-nims had 'cruelly' portrayed YS so far..

Even if I dont really like YS's noble idiocy and I even wish she could man up a bit, but this is too cruel for her..seriously..

Okay..enough rambling..we have 12 eps to go,..please writer-nim..do right for YS' character just as you guys did for TP. Make people fall in love with her the way we did with TP. I was disappointed to read in the live recap for the review tomorrow that YS works in a farm. Come on..I would expect her to work in another tailor shop or get herself some degree or something on fashion and then surprise everyone with her success (but still being humble about it). And then I would expect her to be the first to come to MS's aid when he finally loses his sight, so that GJ can feel guilty for her short-sighted view about YS before this. I would expect for TP to tell off DS for being so immature when she herself knows the struggle of being opposed. At least give the chance for YS's character to redeem herself as being worthy to be considered as anyone's in law.

Now..out of all the scenes in the last 2 eps, I enjoyed the most when Ms Ko came on the screen. She is so giyomi. I would say TY (despite all her anctics) would be lucky to have her as MIL. 

As for HW or ES's opposition of YS-DJ, it is understandable because they are looking at the POV of HJ since HJ is their family. So their opinions matters less to me. Eventually I believe HW and ES would accept YS the way they accepted TY and I bet TY would be the one making them realise about how good is YS for DJ.




* sorry ..just my 2 cents..my heart breaks everytime I watched YS cried the way she did in the last 2 eps..hmm..

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@caranthir_idril as @natkat mentioned above LDG and JYH won Excellence Award in Acting for Serial Drama for Best Actor and Best Actress respectively. Both awards are shared with the FC leads Ahn Jae Wook and So Yoo Jin. Good for all of them. Now of course I want to know what my fav couple said in their acceptance speech! The award will give them the encouragement to push on for the rest of the drama and next casting! And JYH looked gorgeous!

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Hello chingus, Happy New Year 2017 to all of you! Wishing you all answered prayers and fulfilled dreams:heart:

1. About ep 38

Oh well, what can I say...we already can predict how will it goes and yes the break-up is inevitable, but weirdly somehow this ep is not as heartbreaking and tormenting as when I watched ep 37...where YS is still intimidated by GP/GP mom/GJ (in ep 38, GP and GP mom didn't appear even for a sec, yeay...). I haven't watch them with subs, but these are the scenes that I love:

- When DJ took pics of YS sewing the suit, the look on DJ face, how he treasures YS...

- When they took wedding photos, their head bumped into each other, and when YS slipped and DJ catch her in a hug, I'm sure this is referred to their previous scene when YS was drunk and the temple scene

- How YS suddenly hug DJ for the last time before she leaves...

- YS was like explaining the details of the tailor shop to DJ (VIP customer numbers, the suit samples, etc) to hand over responsibility to DJ

- How YS still respects GJ when she said goodbye (I know this sucks but this showed how purehearted YS is)

- My heart just broken when I saw the scene where DJ brings her cupcakes, whisper to YS, said "good night, Yeobo" and YS couldn't hold her tears...

Somehow I'm excited for the next episodes! In the preview we saw DJ running in the fabric market looking for YS, GJ was lying in her bed and with regretful face...and I just hope people realize how precious YS is to DJ...i saw YS was moving to a village, it's just a matter of time before she is found...either by DJ or HGP

Wonder what will GP do when he finds out that YS is gone...

And HJ...she will think that she has won. She finally get the chance to get back with DJ and family but hold on miss...with the absence of YS, what you'll get is a desperate DJ that even will treat you worse than before.


Omo! Can't wait for the sub version tomorrow...I'm so happy that almost the casts got at least an award! TY, HW, DJ, YS, SY, SD... They deserve it... Because I can't imagine if their role played by somebody else...maybe the chemistry won't be this beautiful. Still waiting for the group photo of Wolgyesu casts in KBS Award!


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Happy New Year 2017 to everyone here :star::star::star::star:. I'm assuming the New Year has come for most of us here, if not all. 

First off, I want to say that it's been a pleasure recapping as usual. :wink: It gets easier as the drama goes along for sure so I've been really enjoying the ride so far. 

I've been reading a lot of comments especially post ep 37. @delphinium8593: I think today's episode is ep 37, not 38. Gah, how could I not know after watching this series religiously for months??? 

My thoughts so far after watching the raw ep:

1) Absence of any New Year or even NYE mention? Weird. I really wanted to see them celebrating this. Maybe tomorrow we'll get to see this theme play out. 

2) Noble idiocy. Well, I agree to that despite all the sadness in today's episode, I didn't feel as sad as the previous episodes because mentally, I was ready for this moment where YS would really leave. I'm just curious to see how things will revolve around GJ now. She was adamant about YS leaving DJ and she seemed  ready to face the wrath of the entire family and even DJ because of this so I really want to see how she'll react from now on. I really have no respect for this old lady because despite her best intentions on wanting to protect DJ because of YS's dangerous liaison, she also seemed ready to accept HJ back, something I didn't understand because of all the things HJ said to her about DJ. So it meant she was only interested in her money + status even though she knew DJ would be miserable. DJ is way too good a son to openly defy his mom from now on. So, I think the only way he can demonstrate how miserable he is is by rejecting HJ even more firmly and pour his heart and body into work. Become that workaholic who cares about nothing but work and make GJ realise how that she's wrong. 

3) TY-HW: Despite my liking of HW's character despite my general dislike for clingy and immature characters, today was the first time that I utterly felt annoyed with HW. I mean, I got that she had this loyalty for her stepsister and she didn't really know YS enough else she would've sided with her, but she really went too far with TY. I honestly still don't know their full conversation/fight, but if I were TY, it'd annoy me that HW kept saying that he didn't really love her every time she wanted to get her way. TY needs a mature relationship but HW is in a kiddish-style relationship where you'll have disputes over the smallest things and you have to be together like ALL the time. I mean, come on, get a job or something. How could she have just lied down in his bed as he studied was beyond my understanding. Just because they're dating doesn't mean they have to see each other every single day. Maybe it was time for them to have their first fight but I thought that would come when HW learns about JY. I'm really curious to see how they'll make up for now. TY seems really clueless that HW is mad right now. Actually, scratch that, ES is interfering right now. It seems much more convenience for their meetings to be at the gosiwon anyway since HW lives with her family so I don't know how TY will react from here on. 

4) SD-SN: getting more interesting but things are still unfolding. SD should just introduce SN to EY as EY clearly doesn't see SD romantically at all. Did she perhaps suspect that SN could be SD's wife? 

5) HS-JY ; At this point, I don't care. Just get married and be miserable soon. 

As for the KBS Drama Awards, I have to say that I'm so glad so many of the actors got awarded. @natkat: thank you for sharing the pics. hyunwoo and lee seyoung are together again after the entertainment awards. I have to say I thought it was an old picture because Lee se young was dressed in a similar colour as her dress during the entertainment awards. But seriously, 7 best couples? MBC and SBS only had one haha. Clearly the drama was well-received and I'm glad.

Waiting for the subs for now. Happy new year again, guys :heart:

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50 minutes ago, delphinium8593 said:

Hello chingus, Happy New Year 2017 to all of you! Wishing you all answered prayers and fulfilled dreams:heart:

1. About ep 38

Oh well, what can I say...we already can predict how will it goes and yes the break-up is inevitable, but weirdly somehow this ep is not as heartbreaking and tormenting as when I watched ep 37...where YS is still intimidated by GP/GP mom/GJ (in ep 38, GP and GP mom didn't appear even for a sec, yeay...). I haven't watch them with subs, but these are the scenes that I love:

- When DJ took pics of YS sewing the suit, the look on DJ face, how he treasures YS...

- When they took wedding photos, their head bumped into each other, and when YS slipped and DJ catch her in a hug, I'm sure this is referred to their previous scene when YS was drunk and the temple scene

- How YS suddenly hug DJ for the last time before she leaves...

- YS was like explaining the details of the tailor shop to DJ (VIP customer numbers, the suit samples, etc) to hand over responsibility to DJ

- How YS still respects GJ when she said goodbye (I know this sucks but this showed how purehearted YS is)

- My heart just broken when I saw the scene where DJ brings her cupcakes, whisper to YS, said "good night, Yeobo" and YS couldn't hold her tears...

Somehow I'm excited for the next episodes! In the preview we saw DJ running in the fabric market looking for YS, GJ was lying in her bed and with regretful face...and I just hope people realize how precious YS is to DJ...i saw YS was moving to a village, it's just a matter of time before she is found...either by DJ or HGP

Wonder what will GP do when he finds out that YS is gone...

And HJ...she will think that she has won. She finally get the chance to get back with DJ and family but hold on miss...with the absence of YS, what you'll get is a desperate DJ that even will treat you worse than before.


Omo! Can't wait for the sub version tomorrow...I'm so happy that almost the casts got at least an award! TY, HW, DJ, YS, SY, SD... They deserve it... Because I can't imagine if their role played by somebody else...maybe the chemistry won't be this beautiful. Still waiting for the group photo of Wolgyesu casts in KBS Award!



I wonder if the village is in Busan...



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5 hours ago, inna75 said:


* sorry ..just my 2 cents..my heart breaks everytime I watched YS cried the way she did in the last 2 eps..hmm..


4 hours ago, caranthir_idril said:


Btw tq @TheMsChelsea91 for ur recap. I cried a river.....:bawling:


I'm sorry to cut your thoughtful post, chingus... hi5 for this. I really cried out loud when i watch YS cried :bawling: it is so sad!! Why should YS has that kind of hard life? I just finished watching raw and will watch again with subs in the morning and i'll cry again for sure.. ottokeee :cry: 

*big group hug, anyone? 

Congrats to all the casts who won the award!! They deserve it! :wub: they are amazing since they really moved my heart. This is the 1st drama that can really drag me in to the drama itself. But i always hope they will give us all a happy ending *fingers crossed

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26 minutes ago, valzki said:



I'm sorry to cut your thoughtful post, chingus... hi5 for this. I really cried out loud when i watch YS cried :bawling: it is so sad!! Why should YS has that kind of hard life? I just finished watching raw and will watch again with subs in the morning and i'll cry again for sure.. ottokeee :cry: 

*big group hug, anyone? 

Congrats to all the casts who won the award!! They deserve it! :wub: they are amazing since they really moved my heart. This is the 1st drama that can really drag me in to the drama itself. But i always hope they will give us all a happy ending *fingers crossed

 I broke down too.  Now that you mentioned it, I'm crying again.  This is for real.  I'm an empath.  So when anyone is emotional I get emotional.  Except for kids, when kids cry; I mobilize to fix what they're problem is.  Kids should never cry---they should be happy.  YS's tears tore me apart. It was so harsh. Gok Ji is the worst.  I don't even put Han Joo as bad.  Gok Ji didn't have to follow through with Han Joo's request; but she did. She knows it was Han Joo who requested the divorce.  It was Han Joo who had little regard to her and DJ's family for all the time they were married.  Yet, yet, GJ went after YS---a woman who clearly loves DJ like know woman ever has.  Who's change DJ from a hard and serious man.  One who even stayed at his father-in-law's company even after he was demoted. Now he's someone approachable, he smiles more often, he speaks up more and he looks happy; happier than he was in his previous marriage.  Why force this on him?  Because you fear for what the future might bring---when you have no clue.  For undersestimating their love, that could with stand all hardship.  

That old woman is even underestimating her own son.  One she thinks is capable of anything.  She clearly shows that she doesn't believe he would stand up to possible ridicule or shame.  That he couldn't stand up to a thug.  DJ has shown he's more than capable to stand his ground.  This old lady drives me bats*** crazy.  For real.  I'm telling you the mom's, except for Eun Sook (who has been ridiculously redeemed exponentially), have shown themselves to be selfish, possessive of their sons, and forcing their will on YS.  YS can't win on any damn side.  Then she's losing someone she clearly would die for.  While, being stalked, tortured, and emotionally abused by another.  I

I just can't.


This is the first drama to draw you into the characters.  Girl, you have not seen enough of them.  I avoid melodramas---but one that will always stay deark to my heart is Thorn Birds---God damn it.  That drama.  My favorite scene, "I'm an Omma now.  You come near my child I will pull your hair out and destroy you!" The lead actress is saying that to the birth mother of the child. Damn, it was raw.  One of my faves. Now I think I'll rewatch it.


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@TheMsChelsea91 i don't know where should i start actually.haha... i mostly agreed with what you thought. I don't quote you because it''ll be a very long post later :sweatingbullets: so i think i just sort some things out. Hehe..

1. About NYE, i think they haven't celebrated it. Just assume this is still few days after christmas?  *scratch my head :sweatingbullets: can YS finish the suit in less than 1 week? Lol.. i forgot this event since i focused on YS's matters. 

2. You have really pointed out well in that Noble Idiocy. I hate that Noble Idiocy in the drama. It's very predictable. It shows how weak our main lead's character. In the end people will find out her "angel" side and finally aprrove her. Lol... and about HJ, yikes :crazy: why she insisted to take DJ back by using that way. She should believe if DJ really loves her, then DJ will come back to her. But if DJ doesn't love her, no matter what she does, DJ won't be hers again. She is kind of annoying evil. GJ should sober up too. She is old enough to do that matchmaking for her precious son. But why it has to be her son's ex-wife? Didn't she learn something? She should remember how HJ treated her family before and she suddenly changed, she calls GJ often now when she never did once previously. Of course she did it intentionally and she wants something from GJ family. And HJ must realize that money can't buy anything esp love :vicx:

3. I couldn't agree more than this. Here comes the stupid mom-daughter. How can HW let her mom involved too much in her relationship. She is not a kid anymore. Like eps 37 she just let her mom took her phone and she didn't try hard to take her phone back. 5. HW has to see TY's sincerety to her and after TY's hard-to-get, she must not doubt TY's feeling. Like i said before, HW should find any job and not playing around TY every single day. 

4. I don't have anything to say regards SD-SN. It is only about time that will reveal everything.

5. HS-JY: This is so LOL chingu! :sweatingbullets: hahaha...

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if i were in ys's shoes probably i will do the same. u run away not because u r coward or u r give up. tt's her way to show how much she loves him. she doesnt want to trouble DJ and she doesnt want to cut the knot between mother-son.  the only mistake is she shud make a police report about GP threat. she shud record all the conversation and let police act accordingly. and then, she can run perhaps to jeju island :phew: it reminds me "on the way to the airport" drama:blush:

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Clips from the KBS drama awards. These videos don't allow embedding, so here are the links:

Ra Miran: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tv6VcJXI--k

Choi Won Young, Cha In Pyo, Ra Miran interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TW7fCBeIDdE

Lee Se Young: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-O-fb-moOzs

Best Couples: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GWMAlFXn9ew



Lee Dong Gun: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wP6e8ee8C78

Jo Yoon Hee: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cd07WsG9RUw

OnDemandKorea has the whole unsubbed version if anyone is interested. Maybe they or KBS World will have English subs in the future.

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