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[Weekend Drama 2016] Laurel Tree Tailors 월계수양복점신사들 ~ Starring Cha In Pyo, Ra Mi Ran ~


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Thank you so much @natkat @rubie @chasen8888 for your live recaps tonight :wub: i always appreciate what you have recapped although missed some scenes. I didn't see it as a big matter. For @TheMsChelsea91 that's okay if you couldn't do the recap. I appreciate your effort from eps 1 until now too. You guys are amazing recappers :blush:


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Sorry, I won't be contributing any recap as the raw is out and also because I won't be able to give u the most accurate recap. 


Ep 35 was another great episode. As @bajing said, I find the tone of wolgyesu very powerful as well. The other drama that had excellent and riveting tone for me was MDSY (My Daughter Seoyeong), so I recommend that drama too! Another drama I liked is actually Kbs's Unkind Women from 2015, not a weekend drama but it had an excellent cast and very interesting storyline, plus lots of Korean food as the matriarch was a cooking teacher. 

Back to wolgyesu, I especially enjoyed the interaction between DJ and YS. Their relationship has developed - DJ continues to give strength to YS through his words and presence while YS is also making real effort. At dinner, mr Lee Mansul excuses himself to go out to the courtyard and seeing that Mama Lee and DJ look worried, YS looks at DJ and goes out to offer old mr Lee a drink/soup? The next day, when Mama Lee leaves the room somewhat disgusted by TP, YS takes the initiative to follow Mama Lee to help her in the kitchen. There is emotional connection between the DJ-YS and a sense of commitment to do their best. However, in the entire episode there is definitely that foreboding sense that YS will back off or give in as we keep seeing DJ telling her not to worry, for both to keep going and continuing his teasing. And sure enough, YS gets that order from Mama Lee to end the rship and leave the shop (I think) at the end of ep 35.  

On tone and balance, it was also just nice that ES-HW-TY gave us the laughs and the lighthearted moments to balance the tension building up in the Lee household over DJ-YS. The 3 are so well cast and they look like they are having a ball of a time. It is Xmas after all!  The rivalry between Mum & Daughter for TY's affections and success is hilarious and well-played. When the camera test guy screams at ES and HW to get lost, he really voiced the annoyance some of us might have felt about the 2 women. Annoying but so adorable, these 2 sure hit some weird buttons! 

last but not least, the oh-no moment came ard 48:06 when TP sang what else but Susannaaaa... call me silly but I really thought he had another song up his sleeves. I was thinking ahh choi won young really had to work hard and practise another romantic song for this drama just because he is acting as a singer.. was looking forward to the song.... But no, it's the same song.... otokke... Anyway, moving on, what a lovely roasted chicken truck! Do they really have such things in Korea?? Maybe everyone on set got to have roast chicken... I also had another strange thought.. what would DJ sound like singing Susanna's handkerchief? Hahah I don't think it will ever happen, the notes are probably too high for him! 

For now, we will wait to see how YS responds. And can't wait to see the dinner scene with DJ and maybe a proposal? The leads' scenes have been great with the 'caught in the act' dishwashing, his defence to his Mun in the kitchen, having a beer together, hug in the room, various looks at each other and hand in hand swinging to work. I think at the shop, YS was walking DJ to the door like a wife as he left for his appointment, nice but they should have completed this scene... YS finally has a nice navy blue top (not so thick) but yeah as expected she has her coat on even in the room with Mama Lee in the last scene. Who are these coat sponsors??? Coats are absolutely  gorgeous but I want to see her in more alluring clothes, she is way too bundled up:((( 

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I missed the party for this episode again!! Just finished watching the subbed ep, and....let me just say: THANK GOD FOR TY-HW-ES!!! Otherwise this episode is almost unbearably heartbreaking. 

It's official: I HATE DJ's mom (at least for now since I know she will for sure be redeemed later). First of all, i know that she treated her son like a king, but good Lord, let the man washed the darn dishes. It's bloody 21st century already. I was a bit angry at DJ too for his carelessness though I forgive him because he just wanted to treat his girl preciously. My real issue, however, is not any of this. It's her passive aggressive way in dealing with the news of DJ-YS dating. She knew she could not pressure DJ (because he's her precious son or whatever), so she attacked where she can do the most damage, thru YS. I am so angry at her ultimatum to YS when she knew very well of  YS' situation and what kind of consequences her ultimatum will be for YS. Her ultimatum practically meant that she doesnt give a damn whether YS will be jobless and homeless to be an easy prey for HGP and his mom. That what makes me mad the most. The implied viciousness of it. I am also mad at how easy she seems to forgive HJ when HJ had been quite disrespectful, if not downright horrible, towards her and her family for years. It shows how much she was blinded by wealth and background that you will be easily forgiven if u're rich, but if you're poor? A perceived transgession will negate any kindness and affection that she has received. Gosh, this makes me fuming. I hope tmr's episode will be hopeful. I am praying that the writer will have a compassion to not torture us during the holiday season...


16 hours ago, TheMsChelsea91 said:


@bajing: On Wang's Family, I actually watched the drama but got upset with the ending so I excluded it from my recommendation. It had high ratings and all that but the ending was a letdown. I think it's worth a shot though because  the ending aside, the drama had pretty solid moments here and there. I was super invested in the life of Hobak and her husband's redemption. WOrth to mention too that the actress who plays Dongsook was in that drama as well. Although her character was evil there. As for Ojakgyo's Family, forgot to mention that Eunsook played a rich mother there too. Although her character was not evil there. She tends to play this rich housewife/overbearing mother, I notice. It suits her well..

@TheMsChelsea91: you watched Wang's Family?! Let's do a secret handshake as a fellow survivor of that drama, haha. The drama was actually great or bearable until the wife's candidate competition ep that almost turned me off completely. It was so off-putting and degrading. I held on as the drama went more and more into crazyville just because I want to see what happened to HoBak (unlike you though, I had wished Hobak would just ride to the sunset on her own as I was never completely bought her husband's redemption) and to see SoBak's downfall. Then the ending happened, which shred any remaining goodwill that I had towards the drama. I was also mad at the drama for almost ruining Kim Hae Sook for me. Thus today, I remember that drama mostly with contempt, LOL.


@pimsucre, I also noticed that it was always YS who washed the dishes and helped in the kitchen. Which make me feel that DJ's mom treated her like a maid of the family. Hence, I wonder whether her past kindness towards YS was mostly out of pity (in a "white man's burden" kind of way) instead of valuing her as real family as she frequently touted. Given the recent development, I suspected it was the former.  Which is why I just love DJ's father. He might have not given his consent yet, but he still treated YS with respect and kindness. I hope he will be the greatest ally for DJ-YS.

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HGP's mom was cleaning the floor in YS's room and mumbling to herself before she receives HJ's call and the good news that her son will be released early from jail. She was asking herself where YS is before her mobile rang. Has she taken the liberty to change the combination to the door lock to YS's apartment? Or did she get the combination from her attempt to take a peep at them when YS was punching them before entering her apartment:blink:?

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@TheMsChelsea91 It's actually the early morning for me where I live, so I wake up at 6 AM Saturdays and Sundays to watch live. It's a struggle most days, but definitely worth it :)

I don't know how you do it every week. It was so hard trying to watch and type at the same time lol most of the time I was just typing and not even watching. I really appreciate all the effort you put in recapping every week and I was happy to help out.

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First of all, Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays everyone!!!

3 hours ago, bajing said:

It's official: I HATE DJ's mom (at least for now since I know she will for sure be redeemed later). First of all, i know that she treated her son like a king, but good Lord, let the man washed the darn dishes. It's bloody 21st century already. I was a bit angry at DJ too for his carelessness though I forgive him because he just wanted to treat his girl preciously. My real issue, however, is not any of this. It's her passive aggressive way in dealing with the news of DJ-YS dating. She knew she could not pressure DJ (because he's her precious son or whatever), so she attacked where she can do the most damage, thru YS. I am so angry at her ultimatum to YS when she knew very well of  YS' situation and what kind of consequences her ultimatum will be for YS. Her ultimatum practically meant that she doesnt give a damn whether YS will be jobless and homeless to be an easy prey for HGP and his mom. That what makes me mad the most. The implied viciousness of it. I am also mad at how easy she seems to forgive HJ when HJ had been quite disrespectful, if not downright horrible, towards her and her family for years. It shows how much she was blinded by wealth and background that you will be easily forgiven if u're rich, but if you're poor? A perceived transgession will negate any kindness and affection that she has received. Gosh, this makes me fuming. I hope tmr's episode will be hopeful. I am praying that the writer will have a compassion to not torture us during the holiday season...

It's bad enough that DJ's mom has become what we all dreaded: the stereotypical, hypocritical, meddling mother-in-law, but what's with this old-fashioned patriarchal concept of men not allowed in the kitchen? Is the writer trying to make a joke of this by getting viewers' upset? When DJ and YS get through all this, they better not continue the traditional route and stay living in the household, or else YS will have to wash dishes (and cook, and do the laundry, etc.) for the rest of her life! I was also somewhat upset at MS for saying that men should not intervene with women's matters. That's what keeps these suffocating mentalities going. Also, yes, everyone has opinions, but as a wise man who thinks about the larger picture, as he's been portrayed so far, shouldn't he conclude that his opinions, and his wife's, shouldn't really matter for the happiness of their children? I hope DJ can be as blunt with his mother as he was with GP, or else I would be disappointed in him too. From what I remember, GJ came from a more well-off family and eloped with a poor MS because of love. Out of all the types of parents, shouldn't she be more understanding? I think it's time for MS to reveal his eye problems, so that GJ could focus on her own husband and also recall the true meaning of marriage.

1 hour ago, sk0317 said:

HGP's mom was cleaning the floor in YS's room and mumbling to herself before she receives HJ's call and the good news that her son will be released early from jail. She was asking herself where YS is before her mobile rang. Has she taken the liberty to change the combination to the door lock to YS's apartment? Or did she get the combination from her attempt to take a peep at them when YS was punching them before entering her apartment:blink:?

I also wondered about that.  If she didn't continue to stay at YS's place, I would have considered YS staying away for a while a good strategy to deter GP's mom from hanging around at her doorsteps, but now it doesn't make much sense. Can she change the code from the inside after she got in?

9 hours ago, luvsdramas said:

last but not least, the oh-no moment came ard 48:06 when TP sang what else but Susannaaaa... call me silly but I really thought he had another song up his sleeves. I was thinking ahh choi won young really had to work hard and practise another romantic song for this drama just because he is acting as a singer.. was looking forward to the song.... But no, it's the same song.... otokke... Anyway, moving on, what a lovely roasted chicken truck! Do they really have such things in Korea?? Maybe everyone on set got to have roast chicken... I also had another strange thought.. what would DJ sound like singing Susanna's handkerchief? Hahah I don't think it will ever happen, the notes are probably too high for him!

I never paid much attention to the lyrics of the song, but I found it fitting and touching in this episode. It's also DS's favorite song. If she had an English name, she'd probably want it to be Susanna.

Other comments:

SD should really stop what he's doing and tell SN the truth. And I think the writer should find a boyfriend for Ms. Ko.

Also, looks like the Korean audience didn't like this episode - 22.0% ratings, lowest ever. Could be just Christmas Eve (but Goblin's doing fine), so we'll have to see Sunday's episode ratings to tell.

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I try to refrain myself from posting but I can't help it but to write. @pinkdicentra well like you I'm also disappointed with MS. I can't understand why he needs time to think about the fact that DJ and YS is now dating. He mention a few times that YS is a good gal. I also cannot understand when he says that he never thought of YS as his daughter in law. MS did ask DJ previously whether he was happy in his previous marriage and the life he lives in but now why didn't he even bother to ask him. Isn't that hipocrasy too. Is YS such a disgrace person that she is not up to par to be their daughter in law compare to HJ. At this crucial moment I believe DJ and YS need all the support from the people around them like TY and the remainder blood brothers so that they can stay strong and not to waver. I believe YS is starting to waver. I would if I were her since GJ is so harsh on her even on washing the dishes. Whats wrong with men washing the dishes. Lee seo Jin from three meals a day wash dishes too. Now that she knows YS is dating DJ so she is now kicking her out of the house and wolgeysu.  It's so sad that a person can change overnight.

Regarding SD, I do understand his predicament of not wantng to be honest with SN. SN can be unreasonable if she find out that SD's first love is the neighbpurhood, capable, pretty with a son and her husband is dead. SN will get all work up as a result SD would have a hard time to reason with her and put up with her unnecessary questioning and jealousy. Remember the ahjumma that brought food to SD in one of the scene. SN misunderstood the whole situation and got so work up and caused a scene. I think this is what SD fear the most.

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1 hour ago, pinkdicentra said:

First of all, Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays everyone!!!

It's bad enough that DJ's mom has become what we all dreaded: the stereotypical, hypocritical, meddling mother-in-law, but what's with this old-fashioned patriarchal concept of men not allowed in the kitchen? Is the writer trying to make a joke of this by getting viewers' upset? When DJ and YS get through all this, they better not continue the traditional route and stay living in the household, or else YS will have to wash dishes (and cook, and do the laundry, etc.) for the rest of her life! I was also somewhat upset at MS for saying that men should not intervene with women's matters. That's what keeps these suffocating mentalities going. Also, yes, everyone has opinions, but as a wise man who thinks about the larger picture, as he's been portrayed so far, shouldn't he conclude that his opinions, and his wife's, shouldn't really matter for the happiness of their children? I hope DJ can be as blunt with his mother as he was with GP, or else I would be disappointed in him too. From what I remember, GJ came from a more well-off family and eloped with a poor MS because of love. Out of all the types of parents, shouldn't she be more understanding? I think it's time for MS to reveal his eye problems, so that GJ could focus on her own husband and also recall the true meaning of marriage.

I also wondered about that.  If she didn't continue to stay at YS's place, I would have considered YS staying away for a while a good strategy to deter GP's mom from hanging around at her doorsteps, but now it doesn't make much sense. Can she change the code from the inside after she got in?

I never paid much attention to the lyrics of the song, but I found it fitting and touching in this episode. It's also DS's favorite song. If she had an English name, she'd probably want it to be Susanna.

Other comments:

SD should really stop what he's doing and tell SN the truth. And I think the writer should find a boyfriend for Ms. Ko.

Also, looks like the Korean audience didn't like this episode - 22.0% ratings, lowest ever. Could be just Christmas Eve (but Goblin's doing fine), so we'll have to see Sunday's episode ratings to tell.

Hello posters and hope those who are celebrating the festive Christmas are enjoying it with their families and loved ones.

@natkat Hope your Christmas buffet with your family was great and satisfying:).

I totally agree with @bajing and @pinkdicentra's assessment of GJ. It's in times like these that make me wish the younger MS had the courage to pursue his first love:sweatingbullets:. His first love looked like a kinder person with a pleasant demeanor and I am now glad he got to see her before she made her last journey on earth.

YS is always seen doing the dishes because she is more organized and is a good cook (better than DS) and GJ thinks the kitchen should be out of bounds to men. In stricter households, even woman apart from the wife of the head of the household, is not allowed to "taint" and step into the kitchen without the wife's consent. In order to maintain peace and order, some families have two kitchens for a 2-generation household. That said, YS was chided the last time GJ found them in the kitchen doing the dishes together. They should have been more careful not to "provoke" GJ and give her reasons to scold YS. 

YS is considered a part of the family and like a "daughter" because they have known her since she was much younger and are aware of her predicament. But since she is an orphan (poor), GJ would never see her as spouse-worthy for her prized son, DJ although he is once divorced.

1 hour ago, pinkdicentra said:

I also wondered about that.  If she didn't continue to stay at YS's place, I would have considered YS staying away for a while a good strategy to deter GP's mom from hanging around at her doorsteps, but now it doesn't make much sense. Can she change the code from the inside after she got in?

The combination lock DJ installed for YS looks pretty basic and IIRC has a 4-digit PIN code. GP's mom could have it reset in order to continue to gain access to her apartment.

Following GP's imminent release from jail and threats to harm DJ, his family and the Lee's business, YS looks likely to "go away" and "stay away" from DJ from the preview.:tears: What GJ said to her also plays a big part in her decision I think.

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3 hours ago, pinkdicentra said:

Also, looks like the Korean audience didn't like this episode - 22.0% ratings, lowest ever. Could be just Christmas Eve (but Goblin's doing fine), so we'll have to see Sunday's episode ratings to tell.


No wonder they got the lowest rating among all episodes :vicx: the other drama like Goblin and Weightlifting Fairy and TLOTBS is giving their audience sweet kiss scenes for Christmas instead of this nerve-wrecking episode :bawling:

1 hour ago, sk0317 said:

Following GP's imminent release from jail and threats to harm DJ, his family and the Lee's business, YS looks likely to "go away" and "stay away" from DJ from the preview.:tears: What GJ said to her also plays a big part in her decision I think.


Yes i also predict the same storyline...YS will sacrifice herself for Mrs Choi peace of mind...leaving DJ behind and first option, got back with GP or ran away somewhere else...Maybe the next episodes will be the journey of DJ searching around for YS because she will leave the house and not coming to the tailor shop either.

Oh is there won't be a "happy" new year for Wolgyesu fans?

Thank God we have HW-TY to cheer up a bit though...

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16 minutes ago, delphinium8593 said:

Yes i also predict the same storyline...YS will sacrifice herself for Mrs Choi peace of mind...leaving DJ behind and first option, got back with GP or ran away somewhere else...Maybe the next episodes will be the journey of DJ searching around for YS because she will leave the house and not coming to the tailor shop either.

Oh is there won't be a "happy" new year for Wolgyesu fans?

Thank God we have HW-TY to cheer up a bit though...

I hope YS talks and consults DJ before making a decision. DJ could arrange for YS to leave their town/neighborhood for the time being. It might be wise to get away from GP, his mom and the snobbish and obnoxious Mrs. Lee for a while.

:) The highlight of this episode was how much fun Ms. Ko seems to be having at the expense of her daughter:grin:. Although she should be thankful that her future SIL is such a nice guy, likes her enough and doesn't seem to mind to include her in his first Christmas eve's celebration with his GF.

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29 minutes ago, sk0317 said:

I hope YS talks and consults DJ before making a decision. DJ could arrange for YS to leave their town/neighborhood for the time being. It might be wise to get away from GP, his mom and the snobbish and obnoxious Mrs. Lee for a while.


Wahh if that is the case, it would be great of course. Sadly, because YS did not tell DJ that she was going to meet his mum, and coz YS had in an earlier ep threatened GP that she would disappear somewhere he couldn't find her, it seems the likeliest scenario is for YS to back off. Like many of u have said, when a future MIL hates a prospective DIL, it can be a very difficult obstacle. YS will hide this from DJ n break both their hearts. 

Btw I saw that KBS Ent Award clip of Hyun Woo n Lee Se Yeong that someone posted. Thank you! Great personalities! How does Hyun Woo laugh n smile all the time?! 

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36 minutes ago, luvsdramas said:


Wahh if that is the case, it would be great of course. Sadly, because YS did not tell DJ that she was going to meet his mum, and coz YS had in an earlier ep threatened GP that she would disappear somewhere he couldn't find her, it seems the likeliest scenario is for YS to back off. Like many of u have said, when a future MIL hates a prospective DIL, it can be a very difficult obstacle. YS will hide this from DJ n break both their hearts. 

Btw I saw that KBS Ent Award clip of Hyun Woo n Lee Se Yeong that someone posted. Thank you! Great personalities! How does Hyun Woo laugh n smile all the time?! 

I really think it will be good for YS to take a breather from those around her. YS could make her return "after the storm is over". No doubt, HGP will hunt YS down no matter where she may hide or go. He managed to find her in Seoul after she made her escape from a drunken GP in an earlier episode. However in a typical K-drama, it will be "normal" for YS to leave without telling anyone though:tears:. HGP may be a hindrance and threat in the DJ-YS relationship, but getting the snobbish Mrs. Lee on their side will mean so much and they can become united and put up a better front to face more obstacles in the path and search for real happiness.

Hyun Woo is genuinely happy and I guess when you are surrounded by LSY and the rest of the fun gang from TGOWTS, there is more reason to "laugh and smile all the time":)?

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Sorry for skipping through so many comments, I've been meaning to quote comments here and there but decided against it because the next ep is in less than an hour and the only reason i'm posting is because I noticed this glaring error from yesterday's episode. It was minor, but i noticed because of the timeline of yesterday's episode. 

Based on yesterday and last week's episodes, it was implied that TY had to rush off after the wedding to go to work He had to rush to the point where he didn't even get to eat at the wedding, as told by YS through the phone conversation with TY. That's all well and fine, but remember last week's Sunday episode when TY left his workplace to find HW and ES in a limo? that took place AFTER the wedding too, and it was revealed in that scene that TY was only about to leave to a camera test. Flash forward to today's episode, all of a sudden, TY did not go to a camera test, but the actual shoot instead after the wedding, because 1) He was surprised by ES and HW's presence 2) They were all wearing different clothes 3) The rest of them were shown coming back from the wedding. So basically, how could TY be going for both the camera test and the actual shoot right after the wedding? Didn't make much sense and I noticed it, unfortunately NOt sure if anyone did. 

If  I was wrong, could someone explain to me then about this crazy timeline? Because no matter how many time I rewatched the last couple of episodes, I couldn't help noticing this glaring error. :sweatingbullets:

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9 hours ago, bajing said:



@pimsucre, I also noticed that it was always YS who washed the dishes and helped in the kitchen. Which make me feel that DJ's mom treated her like a maid of the family. Hence, I wonder whether her past kindness towards YS was mostly out of pity (in a "white man's burden" kind of way) instead of valuing her as real family as she frequently touted. Given the recent development, I suspected it was the former.  Which is why I just love DJ's father. He might have not given his consent yet, but he still treated YS with respect and kindness. I hope he will be the greatest ally for DJ-YS.

sorry to cut your post, chingu ^^ 

ah yes i just noticed that everytime YS comes to Lee's household, she always do the home work things, wash the dishes, prepare the food and even cook. Lol... how pity she is and i am a lil bit sure that DJ's mom is kind to her because of she feel pity to YS. i'm curious why she didn't let DJ helped her to do the dishes. is it because of she doesn't want men do the dishes or she considered her maid of the family neither member of the family? i'm paying more respect to Mr. Lee not because he is sick, but he is wise as a father and a man. How can Mrs.Lee forget that Mr. Lee was poor also when she married him.even Mr.Lee reminded her this, she didn't change. 

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22 minutes ago, TheMsChelsea91 said:

Sorry for skipping through so many comments, I've been meaning to quote comments here and there but decided against it because the next ep is in less than an hour and the only reason i'm posting is because I noticed this glaring error from yesterday's episode. It was minor, but i noticed because of the timeline of yesterday's episode. 

Based on yesterday and last week's episodes, it was implied that TY had to rush off after the wedding to go to work He had to rush to the point where he didn't even get to eat at the wedding, as told by YS through the phone conversation with TY. That's all well and fine, but remember last week's Sunday episode when TY left his workplace to find HW and ES in a limo? that took place AFTER the wedding too, and it was revealed in that scene that TY was only about to leave to a camera test. Flash forward to today's episode, all of a sudden, TY did not go to a camera test, but the actual shoot instead after the wedding, because 1) He was surprised by ES and HW's presence 2) They were all wearing different clothes 3) The rest of them were shown coming back from the wedding. So basically, how could TY be going for both the camera test and the actual shoot right after the wedding? Didn't make much sense and I noticed it, unfortunately NOt sure if anyone did. 

If  I was wrong, could someone explain to me then about this crazy timeline? Because no matter how many time I rewatched the last couple of episodes, I couldn't help noticing this glaring error. :sweatingbullets:


Yes i did notice this also but i think the timeline goes like this (in my version):

TY finished his duty as the MC in DS-TP wedding, goes straight to the burger joint to change clothes, and got picked up by ES-HW in a limo, they went to a test camera (the story is not told to us, long story short it was a success, they signed a contract, remember ES told TY in ep 35 that she managed to add an extra 300 dollars to the contract) and maybe they got an appointment for the actual photoshoot in the different time in the afternoon, so ES-HW managed to go home and change clothes. TY goes by himself and find ES&HW already in the location. Is it possible? 

By the way, i would like to leave a little message for DJ here:

"In case YS ran away from Seoul...you can find her in her father's favourite temple, Remember the place where you drive her there, there was storm and you have to spend a night there? Yes, you fill find her there...there's no other place...even GP have no idea about that place" (I'm being delusional:phew::phew::phew:)

Mustering up courage to watch another heartbreaking episode tonight...


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2 hours ago, delphinium8593 said:


No wonder they got the lowest rating among all episodes :vicx: the other drama like Goblin and Weightlifting Fairy and TLOTBS is giving their audience sweet kiss scenes for Christmas instead of this nerve-wrecking episode :bawling:


Yes i also predict the same storyline...YS will sacrifice herself for Mrs Choi peace of mind...leaving DJ behind and first option, got back with GP or ran away somewhere else...Maybe the next episodes will be the journey of DJ searching around for YS because she will leave the house and not coming to the tailor shop either.

Oh is there won't be a "happy" new year for Wolgyesu fans?

Thank God we have HW-TY to cheer up a bit though...

is it possible that YS will not run to DJ nor GP at the end? Lol.. the story is getting more complicated because of this DJ's mom. ckckck.. why the PD-nim couldn't give us the best Christmas gift ever for this Christmas? another drama like goblin really cheered us the most. i got distracted last night from this Wolgyesu because of that drama. i don't want my Christmas ruined by desperate story either. Lol... i am going to watch the 35th eps now after preparing my heart :tears: 

EDIT: i think i will be late watching last night's eps as the newest eps is going to air in the next 20 mins. Lol..

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14 minutes ago, delphinium8593 said:


Yes i did notice this also but i think the timeline goes like this (in my version):

TY finished his duty as the MC in DS-TP wedding, goes straight to the burger joint to change clothes, and got picked up by ES-HW in a limo, they went to a test camera (the story is not told to us, long story short it was a success, they signed a contract, remember ES told TY in ep 35 that she managed to add an extra 300 dollars to the contract) and maybe they got an appointment for the actual photoshoot in the different time in the afternoon, so ES-HW managed to go home and change clothes. TY goes by himself and find ES&HW already in the location. Is it possible? 

By the way, i would like to leave a little message for DJ here:

"In case YS ran away from Seoul...you can find her in her father's favourite temple, Remember the place where you drive her there, there was storm and you have to spend a night there? Yes, you fill find her there...there's no other place...even GP have no idea about that place" (I'm being delusional:phew::phew::phew:)

Mustering up courage to watch another heartbreaking episode tonight...


It is possible, although it sounds unlikely. Firstly, it would seem illogical that they would call only TY to the camera test, because then, they wouldn't need to test him at all and straight up hire him. Secondly, they'd need more than a mere few hours to deliberate who'd get the contract in the end right? Plus, the actual modeling contract would need to be drafted, signed by the authorities, etc. Basically, something that would not seem possible to accomplish in a mere few hours. Right now, for me at least, it just seemed as if in TY-Hw-ES's world, several days have passed while it was still the same day with the rest. Until after the shoot at least, because it was Christmas Eve. 

As for your heartbreaking message to DJ, well, I'm sure DJ will think about it IF YS escapes. we still don't know how it'll turn out. I think as I mentioned yesterday that YS will use the Christmas Eve date to break things off with DJ. Clearly she was waiting for DJ to take her out to dinner when GJ made her come to see her. 

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Episode 36:

Episode resumes at the Lee household where GJ is confronting YS over her dating her precious son, DJ. She told YS to leave her home and the tailor shop. YS is stunned.
GJ directly asks her to break things off with DJ. YS is on her knees, begging her to allow them to be together. Dunno what GJ is saying but YS is tearing up. I think she's questioning
why YS is interested in DJ or something. She also says something about hoping YS can understand a mother's feeling. GJ gets on her knees and is crying herself, basically begging YS to end things with DJ.
This puts YS in a tight position, as she begins crying harder. 

YS runs out in tears and almost bumps into MS. She apologizes and leaves. MS comes into their room and asks GJ why YS left like that. I think GJ says that she knows everything and all that. MS tries to reason with
her but GJ isn't having any of it. MJ says he understands how she feels but tries to reason, still. GJ doesn't want to listen any longer and wants to drop the conversation, I think. 

YS walks alone and reaches the empty shop, GJ's words ringing in her head. She gets a call from DJ who asks where she is. YS goes upstairs to meet up with DJ. YS apologizes for making him wait. HE asks what happened. 
She lies and says something about a hometown friend? DJ says he was worried that she had problems with GP's mom or something. They leave for dinner. 
They go to this posh restaurant. YS asks DJ if this place isn't expensive because it looks like something out of a drama/movie? YS is doing a good job at hiding what happened just now.
She isn't looking bright, but she still manages to smile. DJ notices something's off and asks YS about that hometown friend. 
After the meal, DJ asks Ys if she wants to have some wine. But YS says it's ok. DJ asks if YS refuses to drink because of something if she gets drunk.
Suddenly, a man holding a box comes and asks if she's YS. He gives the box to her. YS is curios who gave her the gift (seriously?). It's a coat. After she opens this gift, another man comes and asks if she's YS and leaves another
gift for her. I'm not sure what's in this box but DJ asks if YS likes it and she says she does. He says there's one final gift.  YS opens it and it's a pair of black heels (so pretty!)(Side note: isn't it bad luck to give someone 
shoes, since they might run away :O)
DJ takes the heels and helps YS puts them on. YS is touched and tearing up again. They fit her nicely. YS says she didn't prepare him anything, i think. DJ says about how it's okay and how she herself is a gift? He holds her hand.

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how i hope that YS will still be strong and will not run away like she promised to DJ before. can she? i'm afraid she will leave quietly and go out of town? and i can't wait to see how GJ regrets what she said to YS later after seeing her precious son becomes so miserable. she shouldn't involve herself too much in her children's life although she thinks the good one for her family. it is good for her, but doesn't mean good for others, right?

Thanks a bunch @TheMsChelsea91 for your live recap tonight.. muaxx :wub:

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Meanwhile, SD is dressed as Santa Claus and is helping promote YE"s bakery. His phone rings and it's SN but he ignores her. 
SN is working at the chicken place. SHe wonders why SD isn't answering. She resumes her work to serve customers their orders. However, she kept getting the orders mixed up.
She told herself to pull herself together. 

At YE's bakery, YE comes to give SD a cup of hot cocoa. She gets a call from a woman who's babysitting her son. She says something comes up and SD tells her to go quickly.
Right as she left, SN comes by the bakery. SN says it'll be nice to have a Christmas cake. SD sees SN entering the bakery and is shaking in fear. he ends up hiding his face with a funny birthday glasses prop.
She doesn't realize it's SN. She points out how funny the Santa Claus looks. She tries to bargain for a discount for the cake and SD replies with hand gestures alone. SN fianlly chooses a cake and asks SD to ring it up.
SD places the cake in a box while shivering. SN asks how much it is and SD uses his hand signal again. He shakes in fear as he swipes the card at the cash register. SN is completely oblivious and leaves with the cake. 
SD seems relieved from a huge shock after SN leaves.

YS and DJ leave the restaurant and YS is wearing all the gifts she got. The coat, heels, and hat (sorry, I dunno the right term for this).They take a selfie together. 

Meanwhile, at the club, HW tells ES that she was wrong and they should leave for the movie instead. ES refuses. HW tries to plead so that ES doesn't gain entry into the club but the man in charge allows her to enter after looking at her outfit.
HW and TY go after her. HW tries to pursuade ES to leave but ES asks TY if she's embarrassing, to which he says no. ES gives her purse to HW and goes to dance. HW looks mortified but TY finds it amusing. She wants to go down to the dance floor 
to stop her but TY stops her. The two end up watching ES dances from above with their hands together. ES proceeds with playinfg darts. She has the darts tuck in her hair and she's a really good shot. Ty and HW are surprised.
ES sits at the table next to theirs and plays Cham Cham Cham with this guy. You know, the one with plastic hammer. She gets over-excited i think because she's drunk. HW tries to stop her. 

JY and HS come home and ask where ES is. Ajumma says ES follows HW on her date with Ty. The two are shocked. Suddenly, ES comes home with TY and HW supporting her. She's completely drunk. HS is livid but ES is too drunk. HW tells TY to help get ES to bed
but HS tells TY to move and take ES to her room himself. Once ES is in bed, HS keeps going on about what happened, and how ES is embarrassing in front of JY. ES slurs and gives a really low score for JY but a high score for TY. HW chuckles as HS gets even
more upset.
Outside, TY and JY sit in silence together. JY is going on about how it's not enough to seduce HW but TY is going after ES too. TY replies something back. HS and HW come out and join the two. HW is all about how JY and TY haven't met and introduced them
to each other. She's the only one excited. HS, JY, TY look uncomfortable but HW is oblivious. 

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