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[Weekend Drama 2016] Laurel Tree Tailors 월계수양복점신사들 ~ Starring Cha In Pyo, Ra Mi Ran ~


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3 hours ago, SyntaxError said:

does anyone know any similar kdrama's that I can watch to fill the time until the next episode??

if you like this one, then other KBS weekend dramas are a good match. the previous one -- five children -- was a good watch. the younger side couples were charming and the main lead couple's conflicts was fresh and engaging (two people with children choosing to re-marry). 

if you have already seen it, then check out slightly older ones -- sons of sol pharmacy (also known as "my too perfect sons"), ojajko brothers... none of these dramas have terribly bad villains. just normal everyday people with good or bad sides... and there are four couples in both dramas -- so you can pick and choose which OTP to cheer for. always handy if you are not too keen on the main couple. both dramas are about 4 siblings (ojakgyo is 3 brothers + cousin) and so so beside the romance, there is great family dynamics that is fun and sweet to watch.

if you don't mind a little melodrama makjang, would recommend "scandal" -- extremely well-acted, great OST and a love story that is actually between parents and children; found it unusual because of its focus on sons and fathers. it is gripping that you really hope the parents and children make peace and get back on the same page. instead of replaying some cute romantic scene like a kiss/confession, what did we gush about? when the father holds the hand of his young adopted son and the kid looks back delighted.

hoping to catch up on this week's episode before I travel...but wanted to wish everyone here a merry christmas and happy new year.

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4 hours ago, SyntaxError said:

does anyone know any similar kdrama's that I can watch to fill the time until the next episode??

I'd recommend What Happens To My Family and My Daughter Seo Young, both KBS weekend dramas. Both dramas focus on the patriarch of the family and the relationship with the kids. Very strong father-children theme.In what happens to my family, the father dotes his life for his kids but they grew up spoiled and disregarded him, until he decided to teach them a lesson and sued all of them. That particular storyline plus each kid also gets their own little plot and it's cute + funny in their own way. The eldest daughter is a spinster who is a workaholic who is adamant about not settling down after getting her heart broken. The second child, a son, is a doctor who is very-skilled and is so money-minded he got himself into an arranged marriage just to get that leverage in his career. The third son, the maknae, treats their father the kindest but struggles to get a job and to grow up. 

As for My Daughter SY, it's a story about how a woman lied before getting married saying that her father died when in fact he is very much alive. It's a good drama of redemption, forgiveness, and what it means to be a family. It starred Lee sang Yoon and Park Bo Young, who are famous actors in their own right. It also helped to launch the career of Park Hae Jin. 

And as @Lmangla recommended, Ojakgyo Family/Ojakgyo Brothers. That drama was aired back in 2011 i think but i still re-watch it sometimes. Helped to launch the careers of Joo  Won and Uee, who actually showed her acting chops through this. A story about four brothers. Have to say that I was only interested in the second and third siblings' stories but overall the drama was good. 

Oh yeah, lastly, this is Wolgyesu's forum, so just to make my post relevant to the forum, @natkat, thank you for sharing that picture of TY-HW. Clearly looks as if TY will have a makeover since he's going to start modeling and from the pic, it looks like HW is staying true to her job as the coordinator by looking after his makeup and clothes. They both look like models in that picture actually :blush:

I also want to add one more thing that I forgot to include in my last post: TY's openly said that he "loves" HW to HS and JY now. Wonder when he'll tell it straight to HW instead? There's a BIG difference between like and love after all. And in that conversation with JY, he used the word "love" twice by saying "the woman that I love" as well as the infamous "I love HW". I can't believe i'm nitpicking over this issue as I wait for the weekend to come ugh!:crazy:

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@TheMsChelsea91 so maybe HW is gonna take on being TY's manager/coordinator as her full time job. A lot of us wondered what she was going to do with her life now that she quit her job at Meesa. Hopefully, she'll be really helpful in booking TY jobs and managing his schedule. It gets really tricky when you are in business with your significant other and can sometimes ruin relationships, so hopefully everything works out.

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I feel that Dong Jin is very clear on what he feels for Yun Shil because he does not hesitate talking about marriage in spite of having gone through a divorce he is so in love that even the thought that his failed marriage as a caution is not slowing him down. I thought for sure his secret would be given away when he went to all that effort for the room he was preparing for Yun Shil's short stay.He was really very transparent .

The wedding was such a small affair but I thought DS might have wanted it a bit grander and her daughter really likes the ahjusshi that was very sweet, I thought, as she walked her mum down the aisle.

HW mum is actually a nice person I like how when she praised TY HW contradicted her lol and they both tried to silence her. She seems to be a person who loves her children more than evil. She even tried to assist her step daughter by refusing to bring her home when she was drunk.

I am so glad TY stated affirmatively that he loves HW and I liked how he told JY off about not doing what she wants.

Ojakgyo Brothers was a fantastic drama loved it to bits. My daughter Soo Yeong I did not finish it but it was good too.You should try Life is Beautiful.



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4 hours ago, jimb said:

@sk0317  LOL.  Thanks for pointing that out.  Clearly posting to more than one forum is beyond my capacity. 

I have posted the synopsis to the proper forum but there seems to be no way to undo my mistaken post to this forum.

I think you can edit your previous mistaken post and delete all the one that you type and just type "edited" since we cannot delete our post as i know. Hehe... ^^

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@natkat wow thank you for the pics! I think the producer really think about the timing very well,it's Christmas Eve too in the drama....

Suddenly came accross my mind, DJ never said "i love you" to YS right? All this time he only said "i like you"

Or maybe because i only read English subtitle, they translated "sarang" to "like" instead of "love"

But i think i didn't hear "sarang" just "joah" ... just wondering if tomorrow the word "love" will comes out from DJ/YS :wub:

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1 hour ago, delphinium8593 said:

@natkat wow thank you for the pics! I think the producer really think about the timing very well,it's Christmas Eve too in the drama....

Suddenly came accross my mind, DJ never said "i love you" to YS right? All this time he only said "i like you"

Or maybe because i only read English subtitle, they translated "sarang" to "like" instead of "love"

But i think i didn't hear "sarang" just "joah" ... just wondering if tomorrow the word "love" will comes out from DJ/YS :wub:

Those sweet moments are our Christmas gifts :wub: we've been good, right? :) i am counting the hours to this drama is airing later.  Thank you @natkat for the pics :)

You are right, chingu. If i'm not mistaken too he never said "i love you" to YS. Only "i like you" once (counted 3 with the voice mail) and then they kissed already. Lol :sweatingbullets: i didn't hear the word "sarang" too from him. So it was absolutely only "like".

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4 hours ago, effyisme said:

Will DJ propose to YS over Xmas eve?? hmmmm..


I think DJ proposed her undirectly before and she said yes. But if see recent situations, i don't think it is the right time to propose. Because he said that he wants to marry her after facing all the obstacles.

I hope to see another sweet kiss from all of the 4 gentlemen.haha...

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Hi everyone! First thing first, have a great CHRISTMAS for those who celebrate it!

I am super late for Ep. 34 party, so I wont rehash what have been discussed about that episode. Just dropping by as a prelude to commiserate about tomorrow's episode, ha!

I re-watched some of my fave moments of the drama over the week to tide me over. Some random musings as a result of this "unproductive" activity :confounded::



- Drama: tone, pacing and details

I have been trying to pin down the reasons why this drama get me so much unlike any other weekend drama that I have watched (and I have watched a LOT of weekend dramas) and I think it's because I love the tone of this drama, which is quite different than the standard fare of weekend drama. The last time I see a similar tone was in early episodes of Wonderful Days (before the drama went downhill early midway). There's a wistfulness and languidness in the story telling which is supported by color palette and camera works that enhances this whole mood in the drama. It helps that the cinematography of this drama can be achingly beautiful, for example the scene where DJ saw YS walking alone after her forced visit to the prison or TY confession scene under the lighthouse (although, I do wish the director tone down his penchants for face zoom-in a lil bit, heh). All of these create a sense of nostalgia and warmth throughout the drama. Despite the villainy of some characters and some frustrating circumstances, the drama has consistently never strayed from this tone.

Another thing that impressed me is the drama's pacing and attention to details (tho I found some bloopers in recent episodes, probably due to live shooting :astonished: ). It's quite rare for a weekend drama to move in such a crescendo where things get more exciting and better as we're closing in towards the end. In other weekend dramas that I have watched, I usually would start to find a lull in the story telling around the middle stretch. But I havent felt any of that with this drama. In fact, I become more and more invested in the story and the characters as the episodes piling up. When I thought we have had our best episode, the drama turn my expectation around by bringing an even better episode. Which is always a nice surprise for me. This is why on principle, I am always against any extension (in a perverse way, it makes me glad that this drama is not a super monster rating success which usually = extension), because I have yet seen any extension that benefited story-telling, if not worse, butchered it. One of the greatest asset of this drama is its pacing, and I would hate to see a great drama ruined by greedy tv station's execs. Add to the pacing, this drama is also quite good with small details. For example: YS jealous outburst/confession when she saw DJ talking to HJ in the shop is built from previous episode when she saw that DJ still has his wedding pictures in his room. It was this and seeing DJ chatting with HJ that push her to the edge and indirectly admitted her feelings. There are a lot of these kind of small details in the drama where things become clear on hindsight. It makes me think that the writer knows where she wants to take her story to, which in many ways alleviate my later-episodes-drama-anxiety, haha.

- Yun Shil: a journey of self rediscovery

As I re-watched some parts of the drama, one thing struck me. From flashback we see that HGP has started to approached YS since she was in high school. Assuming that her current age is around 25-27 (I dont think the drama has ever established YS' age. I based this age calculation from the fact that TY and YS are of same age and TY has graduated from college, been to military service and been job hunting for around 1 or two years) and that she was either 18-19 when her father passed away, this means that YS has been emotionally blackmailed/abused for almost 7 to 9 years!! When I let that fact sink in, I am beyond just sympathizing with YS, but I admire her ability to not completely be broken down by the constant onslaughts of harassment during her formative years as a young adult. When I think about this fact I can see where all the inferiority complex, her hesitation in regards to romance and skinship comes from. All she has known for most of her late teenager and adult life are those that have been shaped by HGP's harassment. This obviously has deprived her from kindness and warmth as evident by her crying when DJ put the side-dish on her spoon when she was sick. That's such a powerful moment for me because it showed how worn down she actually was deep inside that such small kindness reduced her to tears. Basically what I am trying to say is: HGP has given her a warped view of herself and what was acceptable.

I think the writer has done the best job in building up YS' character by doling out bits and pieces of information before we get the full picture of YS as a person. Take for an example, her insistence to work at the shop to the point that she's willing not to be paid. I was initially confused by such a strong stance. Wasnt she poor thus could not afford not to get paid? But then we're given a flashback of her first encounter with DJ's father and the shop. And suddenly everything made sense. Because the shop is more than just a workplace for her, it is her piece of heaven. It is THE place where she felt like a person again instead of an object of a man's obsession. It is interesting that she cave in to marrying HGP after she started working at the shop, when before she had stood valiantly against HGP's forced affection. My theory is that the shop made her want to finally stay in one place, but this made her more vulnerable to HGP's harassment and guilt-trip. Combined this w/ low self-worth & limited hope for better future, she probably decided to take the bullet so she can stop being harassed (which was of course a major mistake, but understandable) and keep her piece of heaven.

I also love how the writer played with the drama trope of a knight in shining armor. For me DJ is not a mere knight in shining armor for YS, but a catalyst for a journey to rediscover her person-hood. I have said before that real life cases have shown over and over again that escaping from abusive relationship are never easy, if not life-threatening, thus sometimes an external factor is needed to jolt the victim out of abused induced haze. To me, DJ is that needed external factor for YS to break her shackles. By treating her so preciously, he basically holds a mirror to show a better version of her which was already inside but mostly dormant thanks to HGP. Thus, it is extremely satisfying to see that once YS is given her self-worth back, she is also pulling her weigh by standing up for herself and her relationship with DJ. That's such a stroke of genius on the writer's part, imo. Which is why, slowly but surely YS has become one of my favorite character in this drama.

- Hyo Joo: should we sympathize with her?

I would argue NO. And here's why. I would sympathize with her had her sudden turn of attitudes towards DJ's parents happened before she knew about DJ & YS. I can probably try to sympathize if she stopped her obsessive behavior once her proposal to get back together was rejected by DJ twice. But instead, out of spite, she went straight up to DJ's house to tattle (thankfully DJ's bros managed to save the day). Her lack of self-reflection that actions, i.e. the way she treated DJ like he's not worth the dirt on her nails, have consequences is almost infuriating. Because of this and her spitefulness, her regrets rang hollow to me. I think to some extent she sincerely wants to get back with DJ, but I think a bigger part of it is her inability to accept that DJ has moved on with a woman so below his station. She was practically beaten by a woman who owns so much less than her in terms of background and wealth. Thus, I suspect a big part of her behaviors are driven by her pride instead of sincere regrets.

In some ways, HJ and HGP are quite similar though her method is less violent but more sneaky. Both of them are unable to accept the word NO and will go crazy when things didnt go their way. For both of them, their romantic interests are just objects to fulfill the pride and revenge in HJ's case or obsession in HGP's case. The way HJ treated DJ can also be seen as emotional abuses, although DJ's reason for staying with her was more due to his desire for personal grandeur and respect for his FIL which was probably easier to get out of. Yes, I can see that the way HJ was brought up has made her into self-entitled-narcissistic person bent on revenge towards her step family. But is this enough for me to sympathize with her? For me, the answer is a resounding NO.   

Can't believe that I just wrote a whole essay about this drama. I wasted my brain juice on irrelevant stuffs :bawling::bawling::bawling:


On Weekend drama recommendations

I would concur with those who recommended My Daughter Seo-Yeong, Five Children, Ojakgyo Brothers and What's With My Family. Some other dramas that I would recommend would be: Unexpected You/Husband's Got Family (which was a drama that put Jo Yoon Hee on the map), Smile, You (Jung Kyung Ho was very adorable here), Jang Bo Ri is Here! (which is not a great drama but can be quite campy. And the hanbok! the hanbok!), You're the best Lee Soon Shin (Just for Jo Jeong Seok), All About My Mom (which was generally ok to great with some very frustrating middle part), The Legend of The Witch (for the sisterhood, though the romance of the main couple is super meh), Can You Hear My Heart (still one of my fave Kim Jae Won's drama), Flames of Ambition (Super Makjang but can be quite addictive), Assorted Gems (tho I am still a bit salty that my fave couple didnt happen, sobs), and Beautiful Gong Shim (for a non-villainy Nam Goong Min).  I am on the fence about recommending Wonderful Days as it opened with quite a bang and was great during the first third, before slowly seeping away into mediocrity.

I would advise against Wang's Family (that drama is an "abomination" imo, LOL), One Hundred Years Inheritance (another drama written by the writer of Wolgyesu which was quite popular and won some awards but made me want to slit my wrist watching it. Yeah, it's that bad), Gold Rainbow (not even the prettiness of Jung Il Woo makes this worth watching), Goddess of Marriage (what a waste of Kim Ji Hoon) or  Thrice Married Women (has one of the worst weekend drama ending ever!). Told you all, I watched a LOT of weekend drama, *ashamed of self*

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6 hours ago, bajing said:

Hi everyone! First thing first, have a great CHRISTMAS for those who celebrate it!

I am super late for Ep. 34 party, so I wont rehash what have been discussed about that episode. Just dropping by as a prelude to commiserate about tomorrow's episode, ha!

I re-watched some of my fave moments of the drama over the week to tide me over. Some random musings as a result of this "unproductive" activity :confounded::

I thought i'm the only one doing that! I watched ep 1-34 just now:wub:

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- Drama: tone, pacing and details

I have been trying to pin down the reasons why this drama get me so much unlike any other weekend drama that I have watched (and I have watched a LOT of weekend dramas) and I think it's because I love the tone of this drama, which is quite different than the standard fare of weekend drama. The last time I see a similar tone was in early episodes of Wonderful Days (before the drama went downhill early midway). There's a wistfulness and languidness in the story telling which is supported by color palette and camera works that enhances this whole mood in the drama. It helps that the cinematography of this drama can be achingly beautiful, for example the scene where DJ saw YS walking alone after her forced visit to the prison or TY confession scene under the lighthouse (although, I do wish the director tone down his penchants for face zoom-in a lil bit, heh). All of these create a sense of nostalgia and warmth throughout the drama. Despite the villainy of some characters and some frustrating circumstances, the drama has consistently never strayed from this tone.

Another thing that impressed me is the drama's pacing and attention to details (tho I found some bloopers in recent episodes, probably due to live shooting :astonished: ). It's quite rare for a weekend drama to move in such a crescendo where things get more exciting and better as we're closing in towards the end. In other weekend dramas that I have watched, I usually would start to find a lull in the story telling around the middle stretch. But I havent felt any of that with this drama. In fact, I become more and more invested in the story and the characters as the episodes piling up. When I thought we have had our best episode, the drama turn my expectation around by bringing an even better episode. Which is always a nice surprise for me. This is why on principle, I am always against any extension (in a perverse way, it makes me glad that this drama is not a super monster rating success which usually = extension), because I have yet seen any extension that benefited story-telling, if not worse, butchered it. One of the greatest asset of this drama is its pacing, and I would hate to see a great drama ruined by greedy tv station's execs. Add to the pacing, this drama is also quite good with small details. For example: YS jealous outburst/confession when she saw DJ talking to HJ in the shop is built from previous episode when she saw that DJ still has his wedding pictures in his room. It was this and seeing DJ chatting with HJ that push her to the edge and indirectly admitted her feelings. There are a lot of these kind of small details in the drama where things become clear on hindsight. It makes me think that the writer knows where she wants to take her story to, which in many ways alleviate my later-episodes-drama-anxiety, haha.

After so many episodes, i'm trying to say this but lost for words, but the way you say this, oh my! :wub:


Can't believe that I just wrote a whole essay about this drama. I wasted my brain juice on irrelevant stuffs :bawling::bawling::bawling:

I love your essay and would read it again and again:sweatingbullets: so your brain juice is definitely not wasted! I wish i could write as beautiful as yours! Pls keep writing!


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Do you think the actress playing ES is having a great time? She has never ever shown a nice side to her bitchy mother or MIL character. Here- she is almost being shown to be an upcoming doting mother in law. I am really amused by her at present. I shudder to think what she would have been like as a young fangirl. Like who's her name in Reply 1997 I think.

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thank you so much for sharing the pics @natkat :) Oh gosh, I really can't wait for this weekend's eps. I think TY will definitely get that modeling job and probably begin a successful modeling career. ES and HW always seem to have too much time on their hands so, what better way to channel all that time than to be the road manager/stylist and follow TY around? 

Unfortunately, I have a bad news for all of you for today.. I'm going out for dinner with the family and will not be able to live-cap tonight's episode :tears: Hopefully someone else can take over for today? Or just wait for the raw to be released or something. Really sorry. Will be back for tomorrow's ep as well. I'm kind of bummed too considering I'd miss today's ep live. But well, sometimes you just can't help it. 

Hope you guys have a blast today. and really hoping someone else can do a brief live-recap or something. I might be the one IN NEED of a live recap instead :sweatingbullets:


@bajing: On Wang's Family, I actually watched the drama but got upset with the ending so I excluded it from my recommendation. It had high ratings and all that but the ending was a letdown. I think it's worth a shot though because  the ending aside, the drama had pretty solid moments here and there. I was super invested in the life of Hobak and her husband's redemption. WOrth to mention too that the actress who plays Dongsook was in that drama as well. Although her character was evil there. As for Ojakgyo's Family, forgot to mention that Eunsook played a rich mother there too. Although her character was not evil there. She tends to play this rich housewife/overbearing mother, I notice. It suits her well..

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YS mother-in-law tries to cause a disturbance at the wedding but because of the quick action of TP, DS, SN, SD they grab her before she really says anything and drive off with her. YS feels really bad though and apologizes. SN and SD scold the mother-in-law. DJ goes to his dad and I think might confess to him that him and YS are dating. YS sits alone in her new room sad. DJ comes in and reassures YS that it's going to be alright. He gives her his boutonniere.

TY calls YS and asks why she sounds sad. TY goes in for his modeling job and ES and HW are waiting for him. TY is surprised and HW apologizes blaming her mom for wanting to come. LOL they are causing a disturbance yelling at each other. While TY is trying to model they constantly interrupt and try to fix TY's posture and his smile. The camera man is getting annoyed. He screams at them to GET OUT. And they put them in a side room to get them out of the way. HS call ES asking where she is and she says he is with a friend.

stream lagging

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