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[Current Daily Drama 2016] The Unusual Family 별난 가족 - Monday to Friday 20:25


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Translation of ep 140 preview


Brat: Mom, why are you like this?! Wake up! Mom!

GJ: Quick, take her to the hospital!

Brat: Mom!

GS: She’s going to be fine.

DT: If you help me in finding Kim Dal Soo, I’ll make sure there is a significant reward. 

YJ: Just in case I have to resign, please find out how to hide the damage. 

YJ: I’m thinking of packing my things and leaving the house immediately. As for work, I’ll keep attending until I’ve wrapped up the things that I’m currently working on.

JR: Hye Ri is pregnant. Are you still leaving even though she’s pregnant? Are you?!


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56 minutes ago, stroppyse said:


Translation of ep 140 preview


Brat: Mom, why are you like this?! Wake up! Mom!

GJ: Quick, take her to the hospital!

Brat: Mom!

GS: She’s going to be fine.

DT: If you help me in finding Kim Dal Soo, I’ll make sure there is a significant reward. 

YJ: Just in case I have to resign, please find out how to hide the damage. 

YJ: I’m thinking of packing my things and leaving the house immediately. As for work, I’ll keep attending until I’ve wrapped up the things that I’m currently working on.

JR: Hye Ri is pregnant. Are you still leaving even though she’s pregnant? Are you?!



@stroppyse, next to reading @jimb's none speaking Korean recaps, which are extremely entertaining--better than the actual drama, I have to say the first line of your preview recap had me laughing out loud. "Brat" is exactly how I've always seen KC's daughter. It's hard for me to even feel sympathy for her. We

@Ldy Gmerm, YJ should be going somewhere whether the family wants him to or not---jail!  He has embezzled money from the family. I can't see them wanting him around once they understand the depth of his crimes. Not only that, I think HR may wise up and not want him either.  She will be raising a child as a single mother while her husband is off in prison.

@jimb, I agree with your list of things that doesn't make sense in this drama when it comes to certain people not knowing some of the others.  There are many more.

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I love that YJ will be trapped into living with HR since she's pregnant.  JR will do her normal thing and threaten him with police exposure if he doesn't toe the line.  He will comply because he hasn't reeped the rewards from his crimes yet.  His mother will pressure him enormously especially since there will be a new grandchild,

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Does anyone else find in episode 139 MS' speech to YJ a little hypocritical?  He told him: "How can you say that you want to divorce her to go to someone else?"  Heck, didn't he want to divorce JR so he could go to SA? He was okay with letting the divorce hang in suspense until he decided he wanted to be with SA, then he pushed JR for a divorce.  :lol::lol::lol:

I also thought JR's conversation with HJ also hypocritically funny. She tells HR that YJ says he love another woman, why is she still hanging on to him.  Didn't MS tell her the same thing, but she wants to stay married to him?  Daughter like mother.

I think the most hilarious conversation, and I hope JR receives soon payback because she's just so arrogant and demeaning. She told YJ's mother that she can't let him divorce HR for such a preposterous reason of having another woman in his heart....:lol: What other legitimate reason is there besides that?

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My non-Korean speaker's take on the Korean language version of episode 139:

# DT spots a Chinese man in a restaurant and stalks him when he leaves. He chases and corners the Chinese man. He literally wrings the name "Kim" out of the Chinese man.

# YJ enters MS's office and hands him a report. YJ is brimming with confidence.

# Then MS takes a cell phone call from DT. YJ's jaw drops as MS repeats what his son has found.

# YJ is in a corridor making a call on his cell phone.

# YJ speaks urgently with Mr. Kim in a restaurant. Mr. Kim stammers something that surprises and disgusts YJ.

# Juran and Grandfather talk in their living room. HR, visibly depressed, returns home and goes to her bedroom.

# Juran follows HR into her bedroom. HR relates her conversation with DY. HR bawls. Juran fumes. Juran whips out her cell phone, probably to abuse DY. HR stops her. Both women seem to recognize, at long last, the reality of YJ's fault.

# Juran rejoins Grandfather and is speechless. MS returns home. DT returns home. They discuss the mysterious and nefarious Mr. Kim.

# YJ returns home. Why?

# Juran shoots YJ a poisonous look. Dead on, no Side-Eye. Grandfather reports DTs findings with enthusiasm. YJ listens without eenthusiasm. Juran barks a summons upstairs for a Talk.

# Juran and YJ square off in the upstairs hallway. Juran rasps: We bought you, paid a fair price, and this is how you repay us? YJ studies the carpet. Juran asks about DY, anticipating evasion. She gets cool defiance instead. Juran breaks down. Juran pounds YJ's chest to no effect (why no slap?) DT arrives and restrains his mother. MS arrives and views with alarm. Grandfather has wisely chosen to remain downstairs.

# Juran tearfully indicts YJ. Juran screams. YJ stands silent. HR arrives, seconding her mother's hysteria. Hysterical HR runs back to her bedroom. Hysterical Juran is led back to her bedroom by DT. Only MS and DT remain.

# YJ and MS have retreated to the kitchen for a Talk. MS is initially incredulous: You and DY, what's up with that? YJ replies, Matter of Fact. . . MS's disbelief morphs into fury as YJ continues to reply, Matter of Fact . . . MS stomps off. YJ's time is up.

# Huh! Huh! Juran is in her bedroom. She has regained a measure of control, but no more. MS enters. MS speaks, angry but measured. Juran collapses as MS leaves the room.

# HR weeps in her bedroom. YJ enters. This cannot end well.

# And it doesn't. YJ mansplains without warmth. HR weeps. Then YJ mansplains some more, adding additional issues to the list. HR is even more miserable than she was before YJ walked through the door. He regards her coldly as she cries, leveling a final verbal shot.

# SA and DY's mother are in their house. DY's mother is being ornery. SA is attempting to cope. DY joins them. Her mother is unabatted. DY also attempts to cope.

# SA follows DY into her bedroom. They talk. SA is surprised and disturbed by something she hears.

# The Gu family enjoys a meal in their house.

# Birth Mother studies a paper in her bedroom. She quickly hides the paper as Big GJ enters. They talk. GJ senses Birth Mother's nervousness. She fids a discarded pill on the floor. She finds more in a trash can. GJ confronts Birth Mother. They weep.

# Morning at Bonjour.

# Mr. Han speaks. The gossip Duo and DY listen. Mr. Han departs. Attractive Gossip Lady bubbles with enthusiasm. Then Short Guy With Glasses imparts New Information that surprises his office mates.

# DT sits at his desk looking discouraged. DY enters and hands him a report. They talk.

# DT approaches a townhouse and pounds on a door. A woman answers the door and with considerable irritation sends him on his way. DT receives a call on his cell phone and is on his way.

# MS looks exasperated in his office. They consult. DT departs. Then MS remembers something YJ said.

# YJ is in a corridor speaking into his cell phone. He is accosted by DT. DY presses YJ. YJ is calm defiance. Then YJ is startled by something DT says. YJ stammers some bafflegab but DT is not baffled. YJ seems cornered as DT departs. DT makes an urgent call on his cell phone. He is desperate when he cannot connect.

# HR is in bed looking depressed. Juran joins her. They talk. HR breaks down.

# CJ and his parents talk in their store. The men depart and Big GJ enters. She tells YJ's mother what she discovered in Birth Mother's bedroom. YJ's mother receives a phone call and is bewildered.

# Juran and YJ's mother talk in a restaurant. Juran rants. Juran barks orders where a request for assistance would be more appropriate. YJ's mother for some reason submits. At the conversation's end Juran looks down, then up, her idea of a bow. YJ's mother bows deeply. Recent experience has taught Juran nothing.

# YJ, for his part, is speaking desperately into his cell phone.

# YJ is on a street preparing to meet Mr. Kim. But DT has arrived and will meet Mr. Kim first. YJ blanches as DT recognizes that Mr. Kim is his brother-in-law's sometime luncheon companion.

# YJ might as wll head for the airport. No need to pack a bag.


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49 minutes ago, jimb said:

@lclarakl  My memory on this is a little foggy, but didn't MS sign the divorce papers Juran handed him before he moved to the village and met SA?


Hi. I know you addressed the question to @lclarakl, but this is something I remember from when I was still watching. MS signed the divorce papers and left them with JR. However, she did not sign nor file the divorce papers for the longest time. When MS started asking about it, that was when JR started begging MS not to get a divorce after all since she still loved him. It was only after the incident where SW was found to be an identity theft that JR signed the papers, then gave them to MS rather than filing them herself. It's not clear that MS has filed the papers himself as yet, so MS and JR may still be a married couple. 

As for episode 139, I really, really want the show down between YJ and his mother. I would like YJ to flat out blame his mother for ruining his life by pushing him in directions that he didn't want to go. While YJ is an adult and this would be totally unfair of him to blame his mother for his lack of manhood and his greed, him saying that to his mother may be the only punishment that his mother will actually get for being such a nasty, money-hungry piece of goods. Otherwise, she won't take any responsibility for any of it. In fact, she'll decry the fact that she had set him up for life and he had to mess it up, all for DY. She may still do that anyway, but I would like to think that her child publicly castigating her may cause some self reflection on her part. I realize that this is too much to hope for, and it is more probable that she'll guilt him into trying to stay with HR. And, crazy HR may still want him, even if he is a jailbird. Or perhaps as someone suggested, YJ will decide to live with HR instead of being a jailbird. Since the law doesn't seem to matter in this drama, it probably doesn't matter that YJ has embezzled and committed fraud. The Suls will probably cover it up so that HR can have her husband.

On the rare occasions where I actually watch an episode, I fast forward through DY's scenes because she annoys me so much. I made the mistake of letting her scene play in the background while I was doing something else, and so heard it. Ugh. She's such a twit. She's now "oh woe is me, Director Sul may be suspicious of me and YJ" to her SIL. Umm, well, given that she's never bothered to clarify or explain anything to DT even when asked point blank to do so, and in fact, went out of her way to lie to him every chance that she got, how could the Momma's boy dimwit do anything other than make the obvious assumptions. No? My apologies to anyone who still wants DT and DY to end up together. I still vote that DY quit yet again to go work on her farm along with her SIL, and perhaps actually take care of her ill mother. I don't care what DT does, though it seems as if his character is finally grooming himself to take the top position at Bon Jour when and if MS steps down. 

I probably would be even more disgusted with this story, except it's actually not any stranger nor more stupid than the reality tv show called the American elections.


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Thanks for the intelligent comments.

Also thanks for the information on the MS-Juran divorce papers. 

@lclarakl  Suggested that MS was no better than YJ since MS wanted a divorce to pursue SA. 

Rather, MS's decision to divorce Juran predated his acquaintance with SA.  MS was fed up with Juran and wanted out of the relationship regardless, before he had an opportunity to meet or consider any other woman.

On the other hand, YJ clearly stated that his desire to reunite with DY was the principal reason he wanted to divorce HR.

Also, MS was married to Juran for 30 years.  MS initially only wanted to spend some time alone in the village, a separation which clearly held out the possibility that they might live together again if they could work out their difficulties.  It was Juran who deemed this unacceptable and presented MS with divorce papers.

In marked contrast, YJ has been married to HR only a few months.  (Who is really sure whether they are happy or unhappy in their marriage during the first few months?  "Free at last to be me and you" after the marriage ceremony is bound to bring surprises, not all of which will be welcomed.)  Moreover, HR is still (insanely) eager to reconcile and reach an accommodation with YJ.  YJ has made it clear that his desire for DY is so strong that nothing HR can do will dissuade him.

So in my estimation, at least, MS is not a hypocrite.


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2 hours ago, jimb said:

@lclarakl  My memory on this is a little foggy, but didn't MS sign the divorce papers Juran handed him before he moved to the village and met SA?


You are correct, however, he didn't really give it much thought. He also knew his divorce probably wasn't final. When he became interested in SA, that's when he wanted to verify that the papers had been filed; he was determined at that point to start a new life with SA.  When later confronted by JR about SA, he acknowledged, if I recall correctly that he had her in his heart. MS said she wouldn't give a divorce, but later consent. 

I agree their situation is a little different, but in a lot of ways, it's similar. After 30 years of marriage, MS should just deal with it. After only a few months of marriage, I can understand YJ saying, I can't deal with this foolishness (although he has his own brand of foolishness)...lol!

@stroppyse, I agree with you about DY.  That's the problem with her--she doesn't clarify much.

@jimb, your recap had me dying.  This line just had me laughing and I couldn't stop:

# Juran tearfully indicts YJ. Juran screams. YJ stands silent. HR arrives, seconding her mother's hysteria. Hysterical HR runs back to her bedroom. Hysterical Juran is led back to her bedroom by DT. Only MS and DT remain.


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6 hours ago, jimb said:

YJ made HR pregnant?  Yipes!  His Big Head and his Small Head apparently had different agendas . . .

@jimb Hello,  Loved your recap, I'm still laughing at the above post but isn't this always the case when ever was there a time when the big head was in sync with the little head..LMAO.. I tell you isn't it poetic justice.. I'm wondering will he say just because I want to divorce her don't mean that I can't be a father to my child..

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@jimb  big head little head :w00t::D:D

I knew of a few real life couples who were on the verge of divorces and the wives became pregnant. It would not be shocking if the fathers were someone else.

I do not like the idea of HR getting pregnant. She wanted JY, she got him, she wanted his baby, she got it. All the time she has been badmouthing DY and shoving her around. Not that the witless DY does not deserve it ( fight back if you are not at fault) but I feel HR has not been punished at all. I have never liked the oversived heifer. She is rude and if not for her fancy clothes, she would have been a street hooligan.

Now we see the second actor has become the hero? I would not like it if I were the YJ actor, but if the money  is not changed, I would accept it. :rolleyes:

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i thought ep 138 and 139 were good eps since all evil parties are getting the comeuppance and retribution.  HR and JR and YJ mom tore YJ from DY by appealing to his ambition and drive for success, he was of course dumb to choose success over love but now that in HIS mind he is successful or about to become successful he is tearing himself away from HR.  Turnabout really is fair play!  All the pain and hurt that DY felt at YJ rejection almost immediately after their engagement, the cold attitude he displays his lack of sympathy and respect all that DY felt HR is now experiencing and it took DY pity in ep 138 to finally get her to see some of the light that DY is not the seductress that cant get her claws off YJ but its YJ dirty paws that cant keep off DY ( i know that used differing references just now).  I love it when there is retribution with revenge its true justice.

JR still is not humbled though.  What is wrong with her, at least HR is reflecting but JR continues to be deflecting.  Its still her fault that she never caught YJ in his lies, she did NO follow ups as a person in charge but she wants to scold YJ for not following up.  She still insists on keeping people who love each other apart and still treats people as though they are her servants,  Please writernim bring her pain, her dismissal was not enough she needs to be humbled more.

@jimb I love your term mansplaining.  You are funny! 

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Now that YJ's mom is aware of her pet son's intention to divorce HR, will she call DY and scold her for being "the other woman" and at the same time, ask her to keep SW under control and not to "pursue" CJ:lol:?

I'm on the fence with the news of HR's pregnancy. She got herself knocked up before the OB/GYN's appointment. No real surprises here that she is finally pregnant with YJ's kid since she clearly told YJ and DT she was trying for one. Despite YJ's confession he married HR because she is the president's daughter, and that he has no feelings for her, he might be forced to stay with HR because she is carrying his child. I hope JR and the rest of the family won't use her pregnancy as an excuse to not press criminal charges against YJ. He deserves to be jailed, rightfully. Whether YJ and HR will divorce is another matter. HR is only feeling 1/6 of the hurt, humiliation and shock DY experienced when YJ announced his wish to end their engagement. The writers have to make HR so clingy and for reasons unknown to us, insists she can't live without YJ. As a condition for remaining by HR's side, will the Suls "forgive and forget" YJ's shortcomings (plotting to take over Bonjour, embezzlement and for causing the CGC supplement's scandal and its loss incurred) and not report him to the police? Then the USB in DY's keeps will become redundant.

DT is shown to be taking up more responsibilities in his job and is dealing with the "internal matters" on his own terms and initiative with much success. DT might be groomed as the next CEO after MS settles and cleans up the mess left behind by his lawful wife, JR. Apart from directing films, DT can pursue a career in the police force should he decide to leave Bonjour:lol:.  

Will DY be able to come up with another bestseller that can help boast Bonjour's sales within the next 10 episodes? It took DT and DY months before they were able to come up with the mulberry gochujang (including fermentation)...Since sweet potatoes are in abundance now, will she be able to make a unique sweet potato jam? What about a BBQ sauce that includes grated apples instead of pear?

Another 2 weeks and we will be off TUF's hook:lol:. Have a wonderful weekend!

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8 hours ago, jimb said:

YJ made HR pregnant?  Yipes!  His Big Head and his Small Head apparently had different agendas . . .


@jimbSo funny....I too was a bit shocked to learn that YJ has been doing the horizontal mambo with HR since he says he doesn't love her and loves DY.  Hum...does this mean there is an upper and lower brain?   

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Re your wish that YJ serve some time in prison.

A lot of men would look at this situation and conclude that a prison sentence with a definite beginning and end would be preferable to being sentenced to life as Juran's son in law and HR's husband with no prospect of parole.  Either way he is not to be envied.

On a different subject, it looks like HR was in the hospital when she learned she was pregnant so I guess this won't turn out to be a false pregnancy.


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12 hours ago, jimb said:

YJ made HR pregnant?  Yipes!  His Big Head and his Small Head apparently had different agendas . . .

And here I was thinking all along that no head would help against the apparition of DY's brother!  I guess not. That's some real shoddy work by the ghost if he couldn't prevent even these to loveless ones from doing... what was it... yeah, the Shakespearean "beast with two backs" as we called it earlier.  Damn you, ghost!

I guess the ghost wanted these two to be punished with having to live with each other. Haha.

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