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[Current Daily Drama 2016] The Unusual Family 별난 가족 - Monday to Friday 20:25


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5 minutes ago, maribella said:

I saw a bit of the episode which had the snake SW eavesdropping on her mother trying to talk sense into  the old woman who claimed that DY caused her brother's death. The old woman  said that she should not have had DY ( translation). My guess she gave birth to DY.

I can't watch DY now. She is so pathetic and her obsequious reactions to HR makes me furious. Even more so when she seems really dense as far as SW is concerned. Your niece is an imposter, a fake. I would terminate both their services if found.

Yes thank you for responding @maribella. I also remember hearing DY's mom said she regretted giving birth to DY because SW would have received plenty of love and attention from MS and SA would not have been widowed:tears:. I thought it was a really cruel thing to say as what happened was beyond DY's wish or control. DY is still alive and she will have to live with this guilt forever.

I wonder if we will ever get to see DY revealing the true identity of SW...

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19 minutes ago, sk0317 said:

I wonder if we will ever get to see DY revealing the true identity of SW...


Absolutely not from DY. She is the appointed saintly, self sacrificing  daytime drama tragic female. Maybe DT or HR might turn up unannounced at the house, then it will hit the fan.

what  a wonderful scene it will be.

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52 minutes ago, yamiyugi said:

@sk0317 I don't have both a lap robe or a portable fan heater at workplace. Actually had to look up what a lap robe was. Had seen then in Korean Dramas and all but never knew that they were called that. Always assumed that they were simply light blankets or shawls. Good to learn new things everyday so thanks for that. As for fans some of the senior staff do have portable ones but none of them have a heater in them. Technology certainly has improved though. Still thanks to your advice of fluids I am certainly doing much better so thanks for that.

According to the "scholars-thanks to @jimb" on the internet, the Japanese translation for "Hiza-kake (literally means a cover for one's knees)" is a "lap robe (American)" while the English call it a "(traveling) rug". Since you don't own one, may I suggest you take and use an old blanket from home? I apologize for rattling on this topic and for being nosy, but its seems like your office has insufficient insulation/heating. Working in such an environment over a prolonged period is tough, especially so for a woman when winter progresses. May I suggest taking homemade soups (like pumpkin potage/potato leek soup with a fresh squeeze of ginger juice) with you to the office? You can make a big batch and freeze them for later. Ginger is esteemed as a wonder spice and helps keep your body warm and improves blood circulation. You can incorporate ginger into fresh juices, tea and in cooking. Sending you a basket full of warm thoughts!

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@sk0317 @maribella @booha discussed ambiguities related to DY's birth and relationship with her mother:

What's the story with DY's deceased father? Why does DY's mother prominently display a large photograph of her deceased son, but not of her deceased husband? Why is he never mentioned and why are DY and SW so incurious about, respectively, their father and grandfather?

For most parents, if two of their children were in an automobile accident and one died and the other survived, they would mourn the dead child and give thanks for the surviving child. Likely DY's mother's resentment of her daughter predates the automobile accident. Possibly it has something to do with her relationship with the late father and husband that no one ever talks about.

@sk0317  @stroppyse   Good points about building codes and expectations of earthquakes.  Actually Korea's codes must be pretty good and their enforcement more honest than not since property damage seems limited to wall cracks and the like, pretty much like we experience in California with quakes of that magnitude.  By contrast, in the case of a major earthquake, I don't think I would want to be in a skyscraper in China . .

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3 hours ago, jimb said:

@sk0317  Good points about building codes and expectations of earthquakes.  Actually Korea's codes must be pretty good and their enforcement more honest than not since property damage seems limited to wall cracks and the like, pretty much like we experience in California with quakes of that magnitude.  By contrast, in the case of a major earthquake, I don't think I would want to be in a skyscraper in China . .

Hi @jimb and how's your day? I think it was @stroppyse, our walking Encyclopedia who provided us with the above wealth of information...:)

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My non-Korean speaking take on the Korean language version of episode 101:

# YJ is standing outside DY's house and she goes out to see what he has to say. SW, following at a safe distance, espies them. DY, rejecting whatever YJ has to say, turns to leave but YJ clutches her in an unwelcome embrace. DY pushes YJ away and scolds him. YJ declares his continuing love while DY regards him with incredulity. DY gives YJ a final tongue lashing before storming into her house. SW looks on with both shock and delight.

# SW follows DY into the house and needles her re her encounter with YJ. They argue. SW snorts as DY walks away.

# The scene shifts to HR pacing her bedroom, likely wondering where her errant hubby is. If YJ uses his "working late at the office" excuse tonight he's dead meat . . .

# YJ, who has apparently invented a more plausible excuse for his absence, enters the bedroom and survives. HR apparently reprises her grievances against DY, but in a relatively calm tone of voice. YJ looks weary as he leaves the room.

# The Sul family, including MS, is at the dinner table. MS engages the group in conversation while Juran studies the tablecloth. MS excuses himself. DT mentions DY's name. Juran looks incredulous. HR explodes in anger. The Aunt looks uncomfortable. YJ looks more uncomfortable. Grandfather attempts to restore order. HR storms off. YJ excuses himself. Juran gives DT her most malodorous stink-eye and excuses herself. Only Grandfather, DT and The Aunt remain. Grandfather is like, "Where did everybody go?" He looks exasperated. DT looks puzzled.

# Juran and MS are in their bedroom as MS is preparing to return to the village. Juran is angry about something. MS is eager to "get going." Juran stabs MS with whatever verbal knife she has been saving for the occasion, receiving a dismissive glance in return. MS departs for the village.

# DY, her mother, aunt and niece are at the dinner table. SW is remembering the accusations she overheard her grandmother making. SW looks thoughtull, which is never a good thing. DY and SA excuse themselves. SW pumps her grandmother for information about her father's death.

# Holiday's over! DY walks down the hallway to her office, glancing disdainfully at YJ on her way.

# YJ, still in the hallway, answers his cellphone. He is not pleased with what he hears.

# YJ angrily takes his seat at his desk. Lanky Guy chooses an unfortunate time to enter. Lanky Guy receives a tongue lashing. YJ apparently threatens Lanky Guy, who leaves the office with a frightened look on his face. Will the Lanky Guy also be the Fall Guy?

# Mr. Choi enters the office and, sensing a problem by the look on Lanky Guy's face, asks YJ if anything is wrong. Nothing, YJ explains. Mr. Choi, never the relentless investigator, turns immediately to his own business with YJ. They have a cordial conversation but Mr. Choi is evidently surprised by something he is told.

# Juran is sitting at her desk as YJ enters and hands her a folder. Juran is surprised by something she is told.. YJ's further explanation does not put her at ease. YJ leaves and Juran looks bewildered. She does not think to study the folder YJ has left her.

# DT is at his desk. DY enters his office and sits down. They converse amiably. Then DT changes the subject and DY acts surprised and resistant. DT puts on his happy, persuasive face but DY still looks skeptical.

# DY's mother is in the kitchen, apparently with a new tea kettle. Burn. But before she can Hide. and Repeat. The Ghost intervenes. She apparently admits that she is becoming forgetful. The Ghost disappears as SA enters the kitchen and discovers the ruined tea kettle. She apparently tells SA that she was just talking with her deceased son. SA, incredulous and disturbed, breaks into tears. Her mother in law retires to her bedroom and talks to her . deceased son's portrait. (Fun Fact: Number of portraits in home: Deceased son, at least two. Deceased husband, zero.)

# DY's mother enters MS's house for a Talk. What she tells MS makes him surprised and nervous. Sentimental music accompanies the scene. She leaves. He looks either thoughtful or worried.

# KC and the Birth Mother are in a restaurant having their first civil conversation since this series began. We can only hope that the thrashing about will, at long last, be concluded. KC does the wrist-grab-and-drag and they leave the restaurant. The matter is either Headed North or Headed South.

# YJ's father, mother and older brother are talking in their store. All sound and look concerned. KC and the Birth Mother enter the room. Be of good cheer, we're headed North! Everyone looks happy and relieved. The Birth Mother is reunited with her daughter. Both are over-joyed.

# HR interrupts this happy scene. We're Headed South again, but at least on a different track. HR is remarkably cheerful for someone who risks having her head handed to her by her mother in law. HR gives the Birth Mother the Hairy Eyeball.

# HR and her mother in law retire to another room for a Talk. They regard each other warily. Like Hitler and Stalin who could agree on attacking Poland, HR and her mother in law discuss DY. The mother in law lends a not entirely sympathetic ear. Her body language indicates that she is giving her daughter in law a little verbal acupuncture. HR is getting the side-eye from her mother in law as the scene concludes.

# Back to the Kang residence. Lee Sera apparently has the day off and is conversing with her mother. The conversation ends on a sour note.

# The Village Representative, with his usual exquisite sense of timing, enters the room and is surprised to encounter SW. Likely he asks, aren't you As Seen On TV? Likely she denies it. SA apparently vouches for her daughter's lie. The Village Representative, a better detective than many characters in this KD, does not look entirely persuaded. He gives SA a gift and departs. SW regards SA awkwardly holding the gift.

# SW runs out the door and catches up with the Village Representative. She pumps him for information on her father's death. As usual, he is a veritable fount of incite-ful knowledge and does not disappoint. SW looks bug-eyed. Piano keys are struck portentously in the background. To his credit, the conversation seems to sadden the Village Representative and he is probably unaware that the information he has given SW will be put to malicious use.

# Grandfather and the Aunt, talking in the living room, are interrupted by DT. DT is not alone! DY follows him into the room. Grandfather and Aunt are surprised but not unhappy. DY hands the Aunt a gift. The Aunt leaves to put the gift away while the other three converse amiably.

# DT shows DY to his bedroom and closes the door. DY is surprised to find books in DT's room. She removes a book from the shelf and they discuss it. This being Korea and not the United States, nothing further transpires before they leave the room.

# DY and DT say goodbye to Grandfather but as, we all suspected, this will not end well. It doesn't. Juran arrives and pitches a fit but Grandfather is now firmly in the pro-DY camp. HR arrives and acts no better than we have come to expect. There is Fight Music in the background. HR pushes DY to the floor (like she pushed a cleaning woman to the floor in an early episode. The Aunt looks on in disbelief. DT protests and Grandfather reprimands HR, who storms off. Grandfather then turns his attention to Juran. The rebuke seems to affect Juran, however briefly. She looks sad and says something about DY that surprises her father and sister in law.

# Will YJ arrive home so that this episode can end with a quadruple bug eye? No.

# DT has driven DY home. They talk earnestly, accompanied by romantic music in the background. She cries. He dries her tears with his fingers. They kiss. Their approach to the kiss takes longer than the kiss itself. Again we are reminded that we are in Korea, not the United States.

# SW surreptitiously takes all of this in. In this instance SW stands for Scorned Woman and She Is Not Amused.

# I was hoping that YJ would emerge from the shadows and give us our quadruple bug eye, but no. We end with a closeup of SW. Her eyes seethe but do not bulge.

# But where is YJ? Not a good night to come home late again . . .


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@stroppyse @sk0317 Sorry about screwing up @stroppyse 's credit for the insightful observations re expectations of earthquakes and building codes. I've fixed that.

@stroppyse :

# Expressed hope that DY will not abandon DT for YJ at the last minute.

DY, a conservative country girl, would in principle avoid YJ who is now a would-be adulterer and a criminal. Also, as much as she probably fears and dislikes HR, she likely would not want to do unto HR as HR did unto her.

# Suggests that YJ will be stuck with Juran and HR for life:

Maybe. But I think YJ has already chosen a life of crime (and freedom) over an honest life of overwork and alcoholism (and HR and Juran.)

Also YJ will not be a salary man to DT's CEO. No Way. No How. To paraphrase Winston Churchill: "Up with which he will not put!"

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@jimb ROTFL!!!:lol: I was laughing so hard I had tears in my eyes. And my startled dog gave me the look. Thanks so much for sharing your most entertaining take/recap of a TUF episode.

Kudos also to the production team for their choice of interlude for this drama. They are something to live for:P. BTW have you noticed how the sound of birds chirping (except on one occasion) always seem to serve as a prelude to a breakfast scene at the Sul's?

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36 minutes ago, jimb said:

My non-Korean speaking take on the Korean language version of episode 101:

# YJ is standing outside DY's house and she goes out to see what he has to say. SW, following at a safe distance, espies them. DY, rejecting whatever YJ has to say, turns to leave but YJ clutches her in an unwelcome embrace. DY pushes YJ away and scolds him. YJ declares his continuing love while DY regards him with incredulity. DY gives YJ a final tongue lashing before storming into her house. SW looks on with both shock and delight.

# SW follows DY into the house and needles her re her encounter with YJ. They argue. SW snorts as DY walks away.

# The scene shifts to HR pacing her bedroom, likely wondering where her errant hubby is. If YJ uses his "working late at the office" excuse tonight he's dead meat . . .

# YJ, who has apparently invented a more plausible excuse for his absence, enters the bedroom and survives. HR apparently reprises her grievances against DY, but in a relatively calm tone of voice. YJ looks weary as he leaves the room.

# The Sul family, including MS, is at the dinner table. MS engages the group in conversation while Juran studies the tablecloth. MS excuses himself. DT mentions DY's name. Juran looks incredulous. HR explodes in anger. The Aunt looks uncomfortable. YJ looks more uncomfortable. Grandfather attempts to restore order. HR storms off. YJ excuses himself. Juran gives DT her most malodorous stink-eye and excuses herself. Only Grandfather, DT and The Aunt remain. Grandfather is like, "Where did everybody go?" He looks exasperated. DT looks puzzled.

# Juran and MS are in their bedroom as MS is preparing to return to the village. Juran is angry about something. MS is eager to "get going." Juran stabs MS with whatever verbal knife she has been saving for the occasion, receiving a dismissive glance in return. MS departs for the village.

# DY, her mother, aunt and niece are at the dinner table. SW is remembering the accusations she overheard her grandmother making. SW looks thoughtull, which is never a good thing. DY and SA excuse themselves. SW pumps her grandmother for information about her father's death.

# Holiday's over! DY walks down the hallway to her office, glancing disdainfully at YJ on her way.

# YJ, still in the hallway, answers his cellphone. He is not pleased with what he hears.

# YJ angrily takes his seat at his desk. Lanky Guy chooses an unfortunate time to enter. Lanky Guy receives a tongue lashing. YJ apparently threatens Lanky Guy, who leaves the office with a frightened look on his face. Will the Lanky Guy also be the Fall Guy?

# Mr. Choi enters the office and, sensing a problem by the look on Lanky Guy's face, asks YJ if anything is wrong. Nothing, YJ explains. Mr. Choi, never the relentless investigator, turns immediately to his own business with YJ. They have a cordial conversation but Mr. Choi is evidently surprised by something he is told.

# Juran is sitting at her desk as YJ enters and hands her a folder. Juran is surprised by something she is told.. YJ's further explanation does not put her at ease. YJ leaves and Juran looks bewildered. She does not think to study the folder YJ has left her.

# DT is at his desk. DY enters his office and sits down. They converse amiably. Then DT changes the subject and DY acts surprised and resistant. DT puts on his happy, persuasive face but DY still looks skeptical.

# DY's mother is in the kitchen, apparently with a new tea kettle. Burn. But before she can Hide. and Repeat. The Ghost intervenes. She apparently admits that she is becoming forgetful. The Ghost disappears as SA enters the kitchen and discovers the ruined tea kettle. She apparently tells SA that she was just talking with her deceased son. SA, incredulous and disturbed, breaks into tears. Her mother in law retires to her bedroom and talks to her . deceased son's portrait. (Fun Fact: Number of portraits in home: Deceased son, at least two. Deceased husband, zero.)

# DY's mother enters MS's house for a Talk. What she tells MS makes him surprised and nervous. Sentimental music accompanies the scene. She leaves. He looks either thoughtful or worried.

# KC and the Birth Mother are in a restaurant having their first civil conversation since this series began. We can only hope that the thrashing about will, at long last, be concluded. KC does the wrist-grab-and-drag and they leave the restaurant. The matter is either Headed North or Headed South.

# YJ's father, mother and older brother are talking in their store. All sound and look concerned. KC and the Birth Mother enter the room. Be of good cheer, we're headed North! Everyone looks happy and relieved. The Birth Mother is reunited with her daughter. Both are over-joyed.

# HR interrupts this happy scene. We're Headed South again, but at least on a different track. HR is remarkably cheerful for someone who risks having her head handed to her by her mother in law. HR gives the Birth Mother the Hairy Eyeball.

# HR and her mother in law retire to another room for a Talk. They regard each other warily. Like Hitler and Stalin who could agree on attacking Poland, HR and her mother in law discuss DY. The mother in law lends a not entirely sympathetic ear. Her body language indicates that she is giving her daughter in law a little verbal acupuncture. HR is getting the side-eye from her mother in law as the scene concludes.

# Back to the Kang residence. Lee Sera apparently has the day off and is conversing with her mother. The conversation ends on a sour note.

# The Village Representative, with his usual exquisite sense of timing, enters the room and is surprised to encounter SW. Likely he asks, aren't you As Seen On TV? Likely she denies it. SA apparently vouches for her daughter's lie. The Village Representative, a better detective than many characters in this KD, does not look entirely persuaded. He gives SA a gift and departs. SW regards SA awkwardly holding the gift.

# SW runs out the door and catches up with the Village Representative. She pumps him for information on her father's death. As usual, he is a veritable fount of incite-ful knowledge and does not disappoint. SW looks bug-eyed. Piano keys are struck portentously in the background. To his credit, the conversation seems to sadden the Village Representative and he is probably unaware that the information he has given SW will be put to malicious use.

# Grandfather and the Aunt, talking in the living room, are interrupted by DT. DT is not alone! DY follows him into the room. Grandfather and Aunt are surprised but not unhappy. DY hands the Aunt a gift. The Aunt leaves to put the gift away while the other three converse amiably.

# DT shows DY to his bedroom and closes the door. DY is surprised to find books in DT's room. She removes a book from the shelf and they discuss it. This being Korea and not the United States, nothing further transpires before they leave the room.

# DY and DT say goodbye to Grandfather but as, we all suspected, this will not end well. It doesn't. Juran arrives and pitches a fit but Grandfather is now firmly in the pro-DY camp. HR arrives and acts no better than we have come to expect. There is Fight Music in the background. HR pushes DY to the floor (like she pushed a cleaning woman to the floor in an early episode. The Aunt looks on in disbelief. DT protests and Grandfather reprimands HR, who storms off. Grandfather then turns his attention to Juran. The rebuke seems to affect Juran, however briefly. She looks sad and says something about DY that surprises her father and sister in law.

# Will YJ arrive home so that this episode can end with a quadruple bug eye? No.

# DT has driven DY home. They talk earnestly, accompanied by romantic music in the background. She cries. He dries her tears with his fingers. They kiss. Their approach to the kiss takes longer than the kiss itself. Again we are reminded that we are in Korea, not the United States.

# SW surreptitiously takes all of this in. In this instance SW stands for Scorned Woman and She Is Not Amused.

# I was hoping that YJ would emerge from the shadows and give us our quadruple bug eye, but no. We end with a closeup of SW. Her eyes seethe but do not bulge.

# But where is YJ? Not a good night to come home late again . . .


Thank you for your recap! I was really hoping that the writers do not further explore DY's birth mystery this late into the drama, but here we are. We're not getting enough plot uncovered already

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11 hours ago, maribella said:


I saw a bit of the episode which had the snake SW eavesdropping on her mother trying to talk sense into  the old woman who claimed that DY caused her brother's death. The old woman  said that she should not have had DY ( translation). My guess she gave birth to DY.

I can't watch DY now. She is so pathetic and her obsequious reactions to HR makes me furious. Even more so when she seems really dense as far as SW is concerned. Your niece is an imposter, a fake. I would terminate both their services if found.

sometimes i is DY dad a married man when G/ma say things like this.


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@valsava  Suggested that DY's father may have been a married man:

Perhaps.  She likely had a husband who left her the farm and a decent house, but perhaps one she didn't much like.  She falls for what passes in the Village as a smooth talking Romeo whom she comes to dislike after he impregnates her.

All of this would have had to have been on the Down Low, however, since she doesn't seem to bear the brunt of village gossip.  Also, Man Su and SA were living in the house when DY was conceived, so she would have had to have been very discreet indeed. 

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# Suggested that, against all logic, the writers may reunite DY with YJ:

Good point. They may be at loose ends now that KC-GJ-Birth Mother are finally winding down.

# States that YJ deserves a life with Juran and HR:

Agreed. But life with SW would be just as bad.

# Suggests that DT may yet abandon Bonjour for the cinema:

Agreed. But YJ doesn't know this, hence his turn toward the Dark Side. Also, if there is a lot of Kumbaya at the conclusion, DY may become CEO. By that time, however, YJ will be behind bars or living in Macao or whatever . . .

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@jimb, WHAT would this forum do without you and your totally amusing wit? You are the star of this forum, everyone looks forward to your recaps! Seriously. Thank you so much for the "play by play" recaps, and all the "color" that you add to it! So hilarious! I even read excerpts to my husband, and he started laughing, too!  

Ok, back to the story. I'm sick of SW, period. Don't even know WHY her fathers DH has all of a sudden become an issue for her. This girl seriously needs to "get a life", instead of worrying so much and envying DY's. She's always making like she's a victim, when she's actually victimizing DY. Enough already, I'm sick of her!!!!

When is whatever YJ's doing come out into the open? There aren't too many episodes left, this writer needs to get cracking on this plot! We want some action, more "HA!!'s and bug eyed expression from JR, please!!!!! Lol


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