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[Drama 2016] W-Two Worlds 더블유


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YJ standing alone at the trial room. KC also standing. OH YEAH!!!! suddenly a key show up in KC handcuff he release himself and A GUN SHOW UP TOO!!!!

KC and DY on their way back to penthouse. DY receive a call. Telling CEO Kang is missing. 

Han with kindergarten student....politic campaign....with lots of reporters with him. ugh so sick...

He is on his way back, receive a phone call. He know now that KC runaway too.

DY pissed knowing the news. YJ then ask him to drop her here. She get out from the car. Seems like DY know something too. YJ get out from the car, wandering alone in the street.

Han in his office, thinking hard. His man report something YJ too, he make analysis. AHA!! he grab his neck fear that someone will inject him with something. 

YJ alone at cafe. OMO KC arrive...how he know to find her????

He wave to her, YJ some and get into the car. She ask everything. They're talking about the happy ending. KC tease her by holding YJ face, YJ take his hand and hold it. He tell YJ to call him "OPPA" and YJ just say "HEOL!!" hahahaha.

KC ask her to meet daddy Oh. Flashback scene, KC on the run with a black car seems like daddy Oh draw everything for him. Then a note appear in the car dashboard. Its daddy Oh address. KC arrive at daddy Oh house in W. The house layout design is different but the monitor is there.

OH CRAAAPPP....KC open the room door, find daddy Oh tied in the room. KC shocked and ask what happen, He ask who tied you, Daddy Oh I tied myself. KC ask why..

Daddy Oh ask is YJ alive. 

KC say she is alive and healthy now. 

Daddy Oh crying knowing YJ safe. 

Fashback scene. Daddy Oh in the taxi...OH CRAPP...he attach the taxi driver....the taxi driver able to escape run into the police. Daddy Oh took by the police. He asked his name etc. Looks like he is changing into the killer again, the memory about him being the killer keep appearing in his head. 

He see the gun and trying to grab it but failed. He is taken to mental facility, keep talking about YJ. He attach the nurse also when the nurse talking about YJ. 

Oh poor daddy Oh he is sometimes changing into the killer and sometimes into daddy Oh. 

He is being tied like a mental patient. 


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At the holding area in prison, a key for the handcuffs suddenly materialize, KC removes his cuffs then a gun appears in his hand. 

DY is driving YJ away from the courthouse, he recieves a call that KC escaped. Meanwhile the congressman is busy with his campaign and is with children also hears about the news.

DY and YJ are talking about what's going on. They seem to be onto something and they're about to do something? DY leaves YJ at a cafe. 

We see the congressman pacing in his room and is remembering a call from his minion telling him of YJ being alive? He suddenly tries to piece everything together.

YJ is at the cafe waiting for KC? He suddenly appears outside in a car. She gets out to meet him and she's worried over what he did. KC tries to comfort and assure her, he playfully grips her chin and she's still not mollified. He encourages her to call him Oppa, she disagrees and says Heol. Cute. KC tells her of how he came to be, of object suddenly appearing and aiding him. For instance, a note appears on the dashboard of his car telling him to go to the place of her father, his studio. 

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flashback from Dad SM

Dad SM in a taxi tried to suffocate the driver.  Driver was able to step out and ask for Police help

Police ask for his name and he said Oh Seung Mo and asks for KC

is he possessed or what

He sees police's gun then remembers shooting YJ and tried to grab the gun

SM in a mental hospital and keeps on asking,mentioning OYJ. He tried to grab the syringe from the nurse

screen froze again :bawling:


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KC is out of the jail and went out to real world to find SM, only to find SM was tied up. 


Flash back SM was in police station, He attacked the police. They sent him to mental hospital? 

KC and YJ in the car. Looks like KC explained to YJ what happened to her father. The killer appeared again.

SM somehow escaped from the hospital.

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