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[Drama 2016] W-Two Worlds 더블유


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Now excuse me while I'm off watching some puppy vids. I need lots of puppies (and ice-cream) to survive ep9...

PS: on rewatch... if he does not remember her, he at least still smiles at her extra hard - the way he used to first time round... And the ring scene left enough of an impression for him to think about her when a doctor was needed (?)...

PPS: I'm watching this on repeat as desensitisation therapy, just in case ep.10 continues on the same tone...

PPPS: YJ's being called in and out of existence in KC's world feels like a very special circle of hell (and I was kind of mad at KC for putting her through it, tbh). But then on some level it is the ultimate proof that they are meant to be: even when he cannot remember her, his soul is still longing for her... Heartbreaking but extremely romantic.

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OMG OMG OMG What an ending to episode 9. It is so twisted.woa-onion-head-emoticon.gif I was thinking this was a slow episode....

13 hours ago, stargazer187 said:

Well, I'm rewatching episode 8 now while waiting episode 9 uploade later on...

So, I feel so amazed with what kang cheol said here. It's like a preface abstract of a script. It sounds very logical to an illogical fantasy genre. But sincerely, it sounds like real truth. Well, it is. I'm glad that the writer gave the answer and explanation though this. What I've doubted and confused before, many of them are answered. But again, the writer throws another questions to us that needs to be investigated by KC and discussed by us here later on... lol. I realized why is this super illogical fanstasy drags so many interest from a lot viewers, this is the secret receipe from the writer, giving the suspense and postponing the romance in the right time and with the right way. It balances everything. And I feel so excited, curious and giddy. And I think it's not a bad idea to give my trust to the writer.

Thank you for writing down Kang Cheol's findings and the analysis :wub: It really helps to make sense of this new episode.  The real killer/hoodie adjussi did have an awakening like Kang Cheol ,but his memories of what happened in 'the dream' didn't go away like everyone else's in the webtoon. It makes me think that Kang Cheol's memories of that time didn't go away either but they are buried deep because he is so afraid if he remembers it would be Yeon Joo's death sentence.  I just want him to be able to be able to share those memories with her. Aside from that I'm with you we might as well sit back and trust writer-nin. I just give up trying to figure out what comes next except knowing every Wednesday and Thursday I will be yelling OMG, WTH at my laptop and be truly in awe of Song Jae Jung's imagination.  

@charlieblue17 What a great fmv! It just brought tears to my eyes. That's such a perfect song for Yeon Joo. Thanks. 



Edited by evie7
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Well as usual W episodes generate alot of buzz and discussion that are all passionate and sometimes heated. And regardless of the current ratings and if that reflects korean audience preference i thought the plotline is still ok. For one no one can say its predictable. In all my past comments, you could tell im not exactly in favour of lots of angst and in fact has a low threshold of pain (seeing yeonjoo this hurt literally i feel the pain too :tears:)

Yeonjoo herself later comments in ep 10 why do they need to separate if it has come to this. The situation turned worse instead of better. But it doesnt invalidate the decision kang chul made at the end of ep8 or yeonjoo following his instructions. This is life. Theres no certainty the decision you make is the right one. At that time given the known and unknown variables Kang Chul step up to make that infamous decision. Sometimes making the hard choices is harder than we think. I dont thk of it as heroic. I dont thk of it as unheroic. He made a quick assumption that it would be the best for everyone given that his friends could disappear and yeonjoo would have a bullet to her forehead if he had let things cont the way it was. At that point ghost had the upperhand. Kangchul was no where near to catching him nor knowing how to do so. He just didnt factor in that ghost's will is as strong as his. 

I havnt felt this sad over a drama in a long tym. And i credit it to how sad the current plot is and hyo joo's acting. But i have faith in the writer and were all saw upcoming released pictures of couple sweater icecream dates etc. Currently the balance is tipped towards thriller, angst and horror. But at the right time, we will have the romance and even comedy back. So have faith to those who are nursing a heartache watching the last 2 episodes.

Sorry for the long rambling. I promise this is my last for today :P


Although kang chul doesnt remember yeonjoo. I believe his heart does :heart: He is aware of her and keeps looking back at her too.


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W is insane, in a good way though. 1st they gave us heart breaker scene then the ending is scary and thrilling. poor subong. he have to deal with it alone. I really can't predict this drama. song jae jung nim, you are a genius!!! It's really a roller coaster ride watching. 

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Actually I am indeed curious has to why the Killer remembers everything? If it because he was in the real world when the 'dream' was constructed? So he retains everything from both the real world and the manhwa world? 

And this ability to steal faces, I mean wow where did that power come from? The killer seems more powerful than what is let on. 

And now YJ seems to switch between the real world and the manhwa world quite seeminglessly. I wonder now what is the 'factor' that causes her to be dragged back and forth. 

Though i feel slightly disappointed about the twist, but this really has helped keep us on our toes. The storyline is anything but predictable. I am truly looking forward to the next ep next week. I am curious now how events will unfold. I want to see what brings KC and YJ back together. 

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It’s very subtle but I appreciate the friendship between Yeon Joo and Su Bong. I think he knew at least till an extent how attached she was to Kang Chul. So he made Chul’s love story ending very subtle so it’s just hinted at the fact Chul and So Hee might get together. Su Bong could have full blown drawn out a confession or a kiss between Chul and So Hee. But instead, I think he took Yeon Joo’s feelings into consideration. I think that’s very sweet.

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@loveandpeace09  Wow, thanks for your explanations ! It makes sense now ! I wonder if the pattern will continue ? After the 4th time,  YJ told KC the truth so the 5th time YJ enters W-world should be Han River to see the submerged KC, then 6th time, reappear in jail cell...

KC's explanation of black-hoodie in Ep 9 should be the real reason for existence of black-hoodie. More straight forward than our speculations :vicx:

The writer's other work - Nine times time travel did not enjoy roaring ratings too. That plot was very meaningful and full of suspense but not your typical romantic K-drama. That show only has one real kiss scene and a couple of romantic scene. W-World already has many more sweet OTP moments and scenes. 

BUT I like W-world ! The team is doing a great job to make us believe the crazy plot and breathlessly waiting for each new episode ! :lol:


If the writer's previous work is any indication of W : things in the current "timeline" in this drama will go terribly wrong and OYJ or whoever will be forced to reset the events again.........:crazy: 

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13 hours ago, yren said:

 That was hard for me to digest as well! lol! I have nothing against SH but that scene was a no no for me! I know it's part of the story but I just love my OTP so much that I can't buy that particular scene even for 1 second! hope not much of that on the upcoming episodes!( Sorry SH) YJ has suffered so much already that I just want her to catch a break, her tears is really breaking my heart! my poor baby suffering alone! :bawling: 

I agree I could have lived my life with out seeing KC stoking SH's hair and smiling.jcdragon_pray.gif Please writer-nim spare us from these types of scenes. 

@tianaa thanks for posting the blog sitejcdragon_hi.gif

12 hours ago, drmjs said:

o make an impact, the killer needed to go on national television to vilify himself by going on a shooting rampage, inciting KC to catch him. The twist - he found a way of evading arrest because he can now go to the real world and hide. I guess, this would be where YJ would come in, KC would have to catch the killer in the real world - who is now SM? Okay, where are the other pieces of my gray matter again? Lol!

I'm so happy that you can make some sense of this. I can't even find my gray matter at this point but that just makes so much sense that hoddie adjussi can back and forth between the worlds.

@nonski Thanks for the roll call

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W–Two Worlds: Episode 9
by girlfriday | August 18, 2016 | 56 Comments


Maybe up is down, and down is up. And I could’ve sworn that yesterday happened already, but now I’m not so sure. I didn’t used to think those rules of the universe were arbitrary, but who’s to say anymore? I guess if this were any other drama, I might say there were new twists in every episode, except when you create a world (or two) where literally anything can happen, do you even call them twists anymore? Crazy things happen, and that’s just a day that ends in “Y” around here.

continue reading here


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I'm disappointed with rating, even when I wanted to say I don't care, actually I do care.

But I wont let my disappointment to interfere with my pleasure of watching this drama. It is beyond daebak if you ask me. LJS is sublime in both appearance and acting and his nuance acting at police station is simply awe-inspiring. Episode 9 is the best episode so far just cant wait to see the next.

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