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[Drama 2016] W-Two Worlds 더블유


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23 hours ago, pinocchioAsh said:

Yes... after watching again and again I doubt it's the father who's the killer.. so I decided to do some research of my own... kekeke... the word W ...a couple of things stood out when I googled the letter W specifically (I'm obsessed, and I can't stop thinking about W even though I have exams tomorrow!) ... So...

1: Poor w is so infamous and unknown that many barely know either its name or its shape, not those who aspire to being Latinists, as they have no need of it, nor do the Germans, not even the schoolmasters, know what to do with it or how to call it;

2: (This was what jumped out at me in the most obvious way!)The Japanese language uses "W", pronounced /daburu/, as an ideogram meaning "double"

3: The Computing Codes.

This is all courtesy Wiki. Now...on to the drama... if Yeon Joo's appa had contemplated killing Kang Chul along with his family, or by throwing him off the bridge, why would he have named it W ? Out of all the research of the word W the closest relation is the computer codes because Kang Chul majors in Computer science, doesn't he? I'm guessing he turns out to be a genius at coding and hence the name of his company, W..


...but then the Japanese language uses W for double... right now we have double worlds. And two people who have been moving in and out of the two worlds. What I am speculating is, perhaps Yeon Joo's dad can't really go there at will like Yeon Joo.. and that each time he has ended up there he has come back traumatised physically or mentally... that being said, it's really no wonder that his first concern was whether Yeon Joo was hurt... Also...does his lack of shock at her presence in the webtoon, show that she might have done it before? As a child? That's very very Alice in Wonderland! *Squeals*

Also...if you put the maths angle like @LyraYoo mentioned, we actually have the most complex plot angle... speaking of maths... W is the 23rd alphabet.. 23 adds up to 5... which is again half of ten... now I'm just making random connections and blabbering... somebody get this week to pass by fast before I lose my head completely!



that's an impressive reacherche chingu!! I can see how smart all this is but unfortunatly I'm not that smart and reading this post left me in daze :blink: I feel like I really neeeed to decode this 1st!! but I can tell you that yes it can fit well with Kang Cheol's company's name which is a brodcast that works on solving crimes like the one of his family's murder case which is like decoding the clues to solve the crimes!! 

about the father, he has to be transported at least one time before he's constant attempt of murder against Kang Cheol started if we want to think that he only figured out recently about the existance of Kang Cheol's world for real (though I think he knows too much about it) and it's obvious that it's not something pleasant to him but more of an horror and as he said it's dangerous and that' why hee asked his daughter if he's unharmed!!

hhhhhhhhhhh and the last stroke for me is this math connection!! Oh My Head!!! :blink:

I hope you did well in your exam!! you remided me how I was waiting for the last teaser to be uploaded and couldn't move away from the thread while I had an exam by the next day but I did well though!! :lol:

On 22/07/2016 at 7:03 PM, i.am.bugz.funny said:


because he knows that his webtoon became a reality... he was drag into KC's world too not only YJ... and he can't control the story on his own because it has it's own life now...this is why he's so stressed ...Imagine you created something that came to life and it haunts you now...who wouldn't be crazy or stressed with that...hahahaha

and for your 2nd question...Idk if this is the right answer but everytime KC is in danger ...YJ will be drag in his world whether she like it or not...I think fate is moving for both of them.... remember that someone wants to kill KC by injecting potassium on him but he was saved by YJ right on time...


but I believe there is omething more to it than just Kang Cheol being real and will hunt him!! I don't know what is it but there is something we stll to know!!

up till now that's what was the trigger for her intering his world but it would really sucks if that's the only way!!  dose he have to be alway in danger for them to be together?!! no, please!! :tears:

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On 22/07/2016 at 7:11 PM, zairrie said:


Sorry  have to quote this photo.:sweatingbullets: Imagine your ideal man appearing in front of you in his flashy sports car looking sexy as hell like Kang Chul did! I seriously wanted to know what's going on in Yeon Joo's mind at that moment. I bet the fan girl in her is going crazy.  :wub::lol:Totally love her expression in this photo. I will surely be speechless for a moment like her if that ever happens to me. 


hhhhhhhhhhhhh actually she was looking the exact same way I was looking at him with hearts in my eyes!! :love:

On 22/07/2016 at 7:12 PM, pinocchioAsh said:

She holds the key to his life... 

The more Appa tries to kill him, the more complex it gets...the third time, Kang Chul didn't even need Yeon Joo to save him... time stopped (how, Lord?!! HOW?!!!) and he saved himself...

It's all interwoven... I feel like the answer is right there, staring at us and we are not able to figure it out.... arrrghhhhhh!! 

I love this drama and I hate it for doing this to me.. :D

P.S: Someone mentioned Final destination somewhere in the thread.. :D that was my first reaction when I saw that black humongous truck too!!


yees that was the moment I forgot to breath till he pulled away from truck!!... but the first time she crossed to his world it was him puling her into his world and that's how she managed to save him!!

yes!! hhhhhhh we just need more hints to see it!! 

hhhhhhhhhhhh yes it's that good!! 


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“W”, Force Tremendous.. 1st among Most Discussed Drama after 2 eps

News on 22 July 2016

W became the most discussed drama (45.8%) after 2 episodes. After the first broadcast on 20, W was second on the list, and then after the second episode was aired, following the favourable comments in online discussion forums, and led Uncontrollably Fond (39.3%) by 6.5%, Wanted is the third (12.6%)

Also from 18-22 July when both Mon/Tue and Wed/Thurs drama ended, total discussion for drama included, W is leading Doctors by 0.7%.




Trans: http://amyhsk.tumblr.com/post/147849881968/w-force-tremendous-1st-among-most-discussed

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4 hours ago, irenetan said:

Hahahaha... yea, tough challenge but i'm sure Kang Chul will overcome it. Not sure if this has been discussed before, I have a feeling that the person who wound Yeon-Joo's father (as in the long preview) is someone else and Kang Chul will try to protect him bcos of his love for Yeon-Joo. Just my guess... :lol:

Yeah, he is just the man for the job!;)
I also think that the one who stabs Sung Moo is someone other than KC, probably that cloaked man. I have a feeling he also went out from SM's control. I don't feel like Sung Moo is the real bad guy in this story. He is freaked out by this turn of events but not that evil. I think Sung Moo will soon realize all the repercussions of his actions. He started out writing a story but the person became real and all of the bad things he subjected his character to with all the pain it caused is also real.

Btw, guys do you think Sung Moo knows the identity of the cloaked man? Maybe he created this character first choosing to decide on his identity later in the story but the story came to life and now he also doesn't know who is hiding behind the cloak? Could it be something like that i wonder...

3 hours ago, CirchelJorice said:


I just can't hold back my curiosity, soooo why is KC always insisting that YJ is not pretty and his doing things for her or asking his secrety to do something for her, it's not because YJ is beautiful/pretty and in fact HS thinks she is pretty (she even says that KC love YJ at first sight) and everyone in the manhwa world (medical team etc) that she is pretty and I think she is really pretty too. Can somebody please if you know the story behind it tell me kamsahamida x 

Lol, because he is in denial.:D I think it will come to bite him later. HJ pointed out that KC compliments only those who he has no interest in. He would have to sweat it to make her believe his words when he actually means it. She can be a bit dense on this stuff especially since she believes herself to be average.

On, the side note, I find HJ prettier than HS actually. HS has this posh style while HJ has this natural appeal and quite beauty about her.

@thea2410,  thank you SO much for the title! I was searching high and low for it! The song is very beautiful and perfectly fits with the theme of the video. Awesome work! Hope to see more of your MVs in the future!;):)

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On 22/07/2016 at 7:27 PM, usagi1997 said:

I rather think he is the hooded guy. He probably made kind of evil pact with someone. His old works failed and then he just came up with a big hit who was above his limits. Probably 10 years was a time limit until his works will start getting real and killing off the main character will end this kind of spook? At least her dad knows exactly this other world exists and how to mend the story. Of course he doesn't want his daughter to find out.


On 22/07/2016 at 7:38 PM, i.am.bugz.funny said:


Actually even when the teaser was released ... I really suspected YJ father to be that hooded guy... because the one who stab KC on the rooftop of the hotel...was smaller than him... And as you can see in the presscon LJS was taller than the actor that is portraying YJ's father ... so maybe he was the one ...but when I saw ep. 1 the one who shot KC's family is a different man judging by the height and how he moves... 


I wonder how will KC respond ...if it is revealed that he's just a webtoon character...I bet he will be sad with that ....most of all if he's already fallen inlove with Oh Yeon Joo... omo I'll be ready to cry a river for that moment....


he can't be the hoodeed man because he was drawing Kang Cheol being stabbed by him (hooded man) and after being leeft to bleeed to death Yeon Joo's father was pulled by Kang Cheol I believe to thee webtoon world and thee hoodeed man is strong unlike Yeeon Joo's father (he can't fight against Kang Cheol like the hooded man is doing in the preview)!! but yes he did make a deal with the deevil from the look in hi eyes and the fear he's going through but don't know what's that deal is about!!

was the hooded man that maller than Kang Cheol? yes, hee was shorter but not by the hight of Yeon Joo's father which means he can be the same person in both case but that way hee has to be not that old than Kang Cheol for him to be able to mantaine his strong physique till now!!

don't reminde me of that only thinking about it makes my heart ache for him!! :tears: that would really be painful!! I belieeve he'll realise that before his relation to Yeeon Joo gets deeper but still it will hurt like crazy believing that hee's not the master of his lifee questioning his entire life and decisions and even feelings and even the feelings of those you lovee and care about!! :tears:


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On 22/07/2016 at 7:39 PM, zairrie said:


I remember seeing a stillshot of Yeon Joo in her younger days. She and Kang Chul probably formed a connection in the past. You could be right that she might have created him in past. Or she might have entered the world of Kang chul in the past but she doesn't remember? Haha! Let's keep the theories coming. :lol:


hhhhhhhhhhhh all theee thories!! :w00t:

but Kang Cheol's story only been workeed on by Yeeon Joo's father when she becamee an adult (around 26 years old) how could she be linked to him since heer young age?!!

On 22/07/2016 at 7:40 PM, ayni said:

Evil pact ??? Have no idea about that , but yes , there is someone else who is controlling all this , changing and intertwining Kang Chul and Yeon Joo's fate. Maybe that someone is hidden in plain sight ?? How about Soo Bong. I mean he has been with Dad for a long time , maybe if not the actual master but he can be a grey shaded character. Who knows ?? The plot is filled with secrets and is forcing us all to think. And I am loving every second of it..


I'm ure there is some kind of a deal he made and that screeen he have with him must be important someehow!! everything is poosiblee but don't see Soo Bong being the one, he's so clueless plus he's now starting to to believe Yeon Joo's unbelievable words and will work with her to understand what's really going on (how she can come in and out) like we saw the last episode and in the preview!!

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10 hours ago, i.am.bugz.funny said:


hey! you're here and you're back... where have you been?...Rania and I are lookin' for you? 38iur 60 + Super cute dog girl chat emoji gifs images are downloaded dog emoticons dog emoji...did you know that... hehehe 7iur 60 + Super cute dog girl chat emoji gifs images are downloaded dog emoticons dog emoji...anyway glad you're back...I think you're so busy that you haven't spazz with us ...these past 3 days I think...so how was your judgement with W drama?... 


Haaaa... sorry, I was busy posting and didn't see ur msg until now. Did you miss me while I was away? :wub: I had to stay away from the thread cos I was waiting for the subs to be out b4 I watch the 1st 2 eps. :tears: But stupid choice I made... and so I've decided to watch it live starting next week. How should I describe the drama? It was so fun and interesting that even my family is hooked on it. Hyo Joo (aka Yeon-Joo) is really entertaining to watch... we can't stop laughing at her expressions and thoughts! And Jong Suk (aka Kang Chul) made my heart bleed with his crying scenes, losing his family and all... :bawling: 

I suddenly have this thinking that when Kang Chul tried to commit suicide years back (on his own accord), Oh Sung-Moo is the one who planted the idea in his head that he has to survive in order to find the murderer of his family. We still don't know why he said he should have killed him back then. It wouldn't make sense for him to kill him at that time when he just started drawing the webtoon (I believe) cos if he did, his webtoon would turn out to be a very lame story! Sorry, don't mind me... I'm just sleepy and talking gibberish, that's all. :frown: I should go to bed now. Goodnight... :heart:

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I agree with @sakura2016, HJ's father can't be the hooded man. Sung Moo looks sturdier than the culprit. Plus let's not forget that when KC's family was murdered the killer was hitting 10 out of 10 with his shots! He has a skill that even professional shooters can envy. And Sung Moo is a drunkard who spends most of his time behind his desk drawing he can't have the necessary skill or physic to shoot and fight the way hooded man does. Plus Sung Moo looked hesitant to kill KC in the hospital, his hands were trembling and he tried to numb himself with alcohol while the hooded man has no qualms of conscious.

Besides why creating so many accidents for KC which could be jeopardised that easily if he could have just go into W and kill KC himself?

The hooded murder should be someone else. What I'm curious is whether SM knows his identity and what if this character was self created? But that's probably not the case, would be too complicated.:sweatingbullets:

@irenetan, hmm, it's an interesting thought to go along with my theory of the murderer being self created character at least to some extent. Maybe SM wanted for KC to find and kill that person because SM himself couldn't do that. But in the end he decided to let them both die when things started to spin out of control (if the hooded man kills KC the manhwa ends and everyone in W cease their existence). Lol, but it does sounds a bit crazy. I'm suddenly remembering Matrix and agent Smith.:D

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On 22/07/2016 at 7:54 PM, alindahaw said:

Omg @ this drama <3 . I just saw an article about UF and W at the main page this morning and decided to watch it due to the comments saying this drama is different  (having no idea idea what it was all about). Now im hooked :D Totally loved it.


On 22/07/2016 at 8:28 PM, Shine2111 said:

OMG!!! If 1st episode was gud, then 2nd episode was even better..

I am officially a fan of W and I want it to stay tis gud throughout..

This show gives me goosebumps every time I see a heart stopping, near to death Kang chul scene and God that 'Who are you' and that scared luk of heroine's dad

Can't wait for 3rd episode.Now, I am regretting to watch it simultaneously instead of waiting for whole series to complete


hhhhhhhhhhh welcome to W's world!! :w00t: I love it when I see more people getting sucked into the drama world without realising where they steped in!! :D


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