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[Drama 2016] Lucky Romance 운빨로맨스

Go Seung Ji

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ra hyang tell him to do the best for this upcoming project

zeze staff are massaging their body and talking about IF

then other staff tell them that suho is come

they are happy and congrats him

seems they gonna do something hit about IF

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ZEZE avengers are relaxing after too much work but they run as they hear SH is back 

DN even has a cake ready for him

one of them start to sing: cause I'm your lady, and you are my love

now SH's speech... that I missed because it lagged

back to BN 

she call BR but she is not home, she left a note

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they blow a candle together

out of know where.. one of the staff tell about bonui


bonui is back to her room

but bora left her a note

she's going out with wheelchair

then her wheelchair stuck

then she ask suho for help

suho seems didnt recognize her

but he keep help her

he ask why u alone not with ur friends?

then bora ask to suho if he knows about zeze factory

then suho tell her that he will bring her to zeze

bora seems recognize his voice but not sure

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Suho is now back to zeze office and the guys give him a cake for congratulation 

I think they changed the company to daebak software.

Suho meet with bora in seoul. Bora ask him for help with her wheelchair. Suho seem to be happy to see her.

Bora ask him where is zeze office and suho offer her his help. 

Bonui call dalnim and tell her that bora is in zeze. Bora ask dalnim to help her meet with je su ho. She really dont remember suho face.

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Dae-Kwon and Yoon-Bal talking about CEO... Ga Seung-Hyun  came in...tells them to come their CEO is back...party at company cake and everything...all of them are so happy SH is there ...BN calls BR...BR left a NOTE ...She will be back ...BR walking ...problems with wheelchair...asks help to SH...She did not recognized him ...wow BN calls Dalnim...said her is worried for BR...DALNIM tells her BR is there ,at company....BR and DALNIM...BR talks about her sister,mentioned CEO ...I bet she wants to reunite them

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BR meeting SH 

I lost a few scenes but BN call DN all worried because BR is missing and DN says that BR is at ZEZE

DN ask BR what she know of SH and if BN talk about him... BR says no

coincidence Gary is at ZEZE too, with gifts for the Avengers

he thanks the Avengers for the hard work and because they helped to find his dad

haha there is a new couple at ZEZE I think

anyway BR call Gary: oppa, where are you?


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this two keep chatting about bonui..


gary give a present to zeze staff

he say thanks to them

they also feel touch about the story of gary and his dad

gary ask about je suho

but he left already

boraa call gary and ask where is she

then gary meet bora at the meeting room

she try the 3d gear

and she didnt believe that bonui made it


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2 minutes ago, siena407 said:

they blow a candle together

out of know where.. one of the staff tell about bonui


bonui is back to her room

but bora left her a note

she's going out with wheelchair

then her wheelchair stuck

then she ask suho for help

suho seems didnt recognize her

but he keep help her

he ask why u alone not with ur friends?

then bora ask to suho if he knows about zeze factory

then suho tell her that he will bring her to zeze

bora seems recognize his voice but not sure

what in the world :o :o  :o i thought this cant get anymore nonsense thanyesterday but it did!!! He did go to BR every day and take notes so many photos but he doesnt remember???? She doesnt remember him too how can this be gahhhh :( i want to cry why all this happen in my fave drama!

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