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[Drama 2016] Moonlight Drawn by Clouds / Love in the Moonlight ☪ 구르미 그린 달빛


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Prince voice over talking with kim hyung, he told prince raon was gone, and he cant find her.. 

now he is meeting with kim clan..

he told him about to stop what they are doing about searching Hong rebellion team.. *he looks angry with kim clan.. 

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After dressing he went to the king's hall and is now in discussion with the ministers

He seem in a sour mood (who could blame him) and he directs it to the two evil Kims

PM kim just looks on while HY's father was able to speak up with PM looking on

LY issues some orders with conviction and seems angry

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CP ordering something that doesn't favored the bad ministers.

Dum and Dumber talking with Jeoha

CP getting mad


Eunuch Jang back to the Eunuch quarters. He looked so tired that even the way he talks is like he is aging

Eunuch friend asking for RN

Eunuch missing RN


CP talking to lawyer Jung

Lawyer said he find something weird and explain it to CP



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now, eunuch jang looks tired, and raon friends try to entertain him.. 

her friend ask: where is hong eunuch?

jang: i dont know, hong suddenly left in the morning. Where are u hong eunuch? I miss u..

next JDR told something to prince.. 

some guard distrub their conversation, and report him about something.. 

and prince told him "lets go, i need to check that"



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she is leaving, and get help by yoon sung to past the gate

yeong scene and he touched the bracelet, 
he thought and his leg gave up
he wore his gown with stern face, 
a voice over probably by byeong yeon when yeong asked about ra-on whereabout
he is in the court, 

in the eunuch place, 
they asked why eunuch jjang has half of the face (lookd so tired)
eunuch jjang said it's okay for him to be tired but the crown prince looked sad, 
they asked where is hong eunuch cause he is disappear, 

Mr jung and the crown prince is on discussion
then a palace patrol come to his chamber, 
they said someone get captured, he thought it was RA-On

uyBG8ax.png IGFhNYA.png






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Palace Guard enters and talk to CP

CP looks a bit shocked

Guard must have told him that they captured the rebels

CP: Let's go, I have to see it for myself

At first glance, CP thought it was RN

But it wasn't her


RN was with her mom

Mom was knitting

Flashback to Eunuch Han and RN talk about the flower

RN asking about her father


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CP is anything but happy

Eunuch Jang with the other eunuchs...are they missing Raon? Yes, they are! 

The brothers in-law in discussion. Is Master Jung relaying a vital information to the CP?

A palace guard enters informing the CP that they'very apprehended a woman who had the same description as Raon. CP went to the prison cell only to discover that she's not the one. 


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