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[Drama 2016] Moonlight Drawn by Clouds / Love in the Moonlight ☪ 구르미 그린 달빛


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I know this was posted already even i never backread because our thread literally speeding liked a bullet:lol: but i can not help to reposted this

Who's heart doesn't ache with the thought of seeing your loved one for one last time? :bawling:





One is happy and content while the other one is sad and worried.








So much feel





When I look at you
It’s like I’m looking at myself
We resemble each other so much

When you’re hiding and crying by yourself
It’s like I’m crying
I almost run to you but I don’t



Maybe it was long ago
Before we were thrown into this world
As we interlock our trembling fingers
We promised to protect each other

If we become one again
Let’s never say goodbye
Even if the cruel storm shakes us
Let’s not fall down

Maybe it was long ago
Before we were thrown into this world
As we interlock our trembling fingers
We promised to protect each other

If we become one again
Let’s never say goodbye
Even if the cruel storm shakes us
Let’s not fall down


Please, if we become one again
Let’s never say goodbye
Even if the cruel storm shakes us
Let’s not fall down
Let’s never be apart
Let’s never break down


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13 minutes ago, totesinluv said:

I am delurking because this episode just straight up killed all of my emotions and now I'm just a blabbering mess full of words. I posted this comment in another site but I just want to share this here too because this episode has done terrible things to my heart and I just have to word vomit somewhere...somewhere where there's people lol

When Ra On said to her mom, "He is waiting. He doesn't know anything," my heart just broke into a million pieces. She made her decision right then and there to leave the palace for good and her mom knew how heartbreaking that was for her daughter. Then I saw the title: Tenderly, Goodbye. I whimpered internally and prepared myself for the worst and like I predicted (everyone has predicted the same at this point, right?) everything went downhill for everybody. Well, the princess and her admirer was spared I guess, but that's a small consolation for all the clusterfvcks that had happened in this episode.

Where do I even begin? The king is still as neurotic (and absolutely useless) as ever giving the PM even more power than he already has and deserves. The PM's flotsam and jetsam are as freaking maddening as ever. I don't expect less from villains but boy, how can they be so irritatingly evil yet look like imbeciles at the same time. I cannot wait until they pay for all of the lies and crimes they've committed. Off with their heads already, show!

Yoon Sung, my poor, poor baby. I never got the SLS but I feel for him. He has done so much for Ra On but all his efforts were unrecognized and unappreciated. He also knows everything from Ra On's true identity down to the Queen's baby shenanigans (he like 80% know by now..probably) which puts him in a very dangerous position. Despite being a Kim, I don't think he'd be spared if anyone finds out what he knows. I bet the crazy queen would be the one to kill him, if a Kim would kill a Kim.

Byung Yeon and CP's bromance is on the rocks and I absolutely hate it. It made me happy when YS and CP actually talked about what happened with their friendship and CP acknowledged what YS did for him during the attack but we all know there's still a pretty young lady driving them apart and they naturally despise each other guts because of that but can we please get our 3 young musketeers back together before this show kills me for realz.

Ha Yeon also deserves a paragraph of her own because damn girl WHY YOU DO THIS TO YOURSELF? She's equal parts brave and masochistic and I don't know whether I should hug her or slap her awake instead. This doesn't make her pathetic though because I do understand her feelings and what she's offering to CP is her unwavering love despite having a loveless marriage if CP accepted. I rarely feel anything but contempt for a love rival (I'm looking at you one-faced girl from Cinderella and the 4 Knights) but Ha Yeon is more than that. I want her to be happy. She deserves it.

I obvs have to talk about Yeong and Ra On as well because WTF GUYS ARE YOU REALLY TRYING TO KILL ME OR WHAT. Their scenes absolutely destroyed me. I was in tears the entire time they were both together. They shouldn't be alone, I tell you. It's dangerous. Seeing Ra On hold back tears the entire episode was fvcking painful. We all know she's saying goodbye to all the people who became her friends inspite of the challenges of living in the palace. These are her people now but she had to quietly say goodbye without them knowing. And then there's CP acting all happy and cute because Ra On's being extra sweet and cuddly and he doesn't have a freaking clue that it's all because she's saving this all up when she's far away and wouldn't be able to do these skinships anymore. And that fvcking hurts me so bad. If I have to wail one more time, "HE DOESNT FREAKING KNOW SHE'S LEAVING SOMEBODY TELL HIM PLZ", I'd seriously die. And from the moment CP wakes up from their night cuddling (srsly, they just cuddled *smirks*) up to the moment he learned the truth about Ra On and discovered her gone, it was just unreal. The show ripped my heart open, pulled it out and stomped on it for good measure. We now have to wait for another episode to see what emotion measures more for CP. Is it distrust? Love? Longing? Sadness? Anger? All of the above?

This is the most I've written about a Kdrama and the most I've written in years (whoa!) and it's a testament to how much I LOOOVE it. It's 4 AM here. I stayed up late (or is early?) to watch it because spoilers are the worst. I have to go to work in about 5 hours heartbroken and despairing (and tired lol) but I'll have the strength to carry on because another episode is coming. I have a feeling that one would slay my very being too but there's nothing like MDBC slaying to make you feel so alive with emotions. 

PS I'm sorry for the long post and the cursing(?). I don't know if that's allowed or not since this is my first post here ever. Just let me know if I offended anyone or if I've done anything wrong with my post. Nice to meet you all!



@totesinluv Love every bit of this post! I live-streamed this episode, and I haven't been able to bring myself to watch it with subs yet, it is that heartbreaking for me. So thank you for this, it may have given me a little courage.:cry:

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The episode was heartbreaking...kuddos to everyone here and MDBC' s team. Amazing episode. Group hug*

@totesinluv welcome and your first post is wow, I feel just like you @wilddivine69

But apart from the sad note, can we appreciate the fact that RO left the palace just before the search started, perfect timing...i'm hoping that it's not her in the I will cell in the preview

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41 minutes ago, totesinluv said:


I am delurking because this episode just straight up killed all of my emotions and now I'm just a blabbering mess full of words. I posted this comment in another site but I just want to share this here too because this episode has done terrible things to my heart and I just have to word vomit somewhere...somewhere where there's people lol

When Ra On said to her mom, "He is waiting. He doesn't know anything," my heart just broke into a million pieces. She made her decision right then and there to leave the palace for good and her mom knew how heartbreaking that was for her daughter. Then I saw the title: Tenderly, Goodbye. I whimpered internally and prepared myself for the worst and like I predicted (everyone has predicted the same at this point, right?) everything went downhill for everybody. Well, the princess and her admirer was spared I guess, but that's a small consolation for all the clusterfvcks that had happened in this episode.

Where do I even begin? The king is still as neurotic (and absolutely useless) as ever giving the PM even more power than he already has and deserves. The PM's flotsam and jetsam are as freaking maddening as ever. I don't expect less from villains but boy, how can they be so irritatingly evil yet look like imbeciles at the same time. I cannot wait until they pay for all of the lies and crimes they've committed. Off with their heads already, show!

Yoon Sung, my poor, poor baby. I never got the SLS but I feel for him. He has done so much for Ra On but all his efforts were unrecognized and unappreciated. He also knows everything from Ra On's true identity down to the Queen's baby shenanigans (he like 80% know by now..probably) which puts him in a very dangerous position. Despite being a Kim, I don't think he'd be spared if anyone finds out what he knows. I bet the crazy queen would be the one to kill him, if a Kim would kill a Kim.

Byung Yeon and CP's bromance is on the rocks and I absolutely hate it. It made me happy when YS and CP actually talked about what happened with their friendship and CP acknowledged what YS did for him during the attack but we all know there's still a pretty young lady driving them apart and they naturally despise each other guts because of that but can we please get our 3 young musketeers back together before this show kills me for realz.

Ha Yeon also deserves a paragraph of her own because damn girl WHY YOU DO THIS TO YOURSELF? She's equal parts brave and masochistic and I don't know whether I should hug her or slap her awake instead. This doesn't make her pathetic though because I do understand her feelings and what she's offering to CP is her unwavering love despite having a loveless marriage if CP accepted. I rarely feel anything but contempt for a love rival (I'm looking at you one-faced girl from Cinderella and the 4 Knights) but Ha Yeon is more than that. I want her to be happy. She deserves it.

I obvs have to talk about Yeong and Ra On as well because WTF GUYS ARE YOU REALLY TRYING TO KILL ME OR WHAT. Their scenes absolutely destroyed me. I was in tears the entire time they were both together. They shouldn't be alone, I tell you. It's dangerous. Seeing Ra On hold back tears the entire episode was fvcking painful. We all know she's saying goodbye to all the people who became her friends inspite of the challenges of living in the palace. These are her people now but she had to quietly say goodbye without them knowing. And then there's CP acting all happy and cute because Ra On's being extra sweet and cuddly and he doesn't have a freaking clue that it's all because she's saving this all up when she's far away and wouldn't be able to do these skinships anymore. And that fvcking hurts me so bad. If I have to wail one more time, "HE DOESNT FREAKING KNOW SHE'S LEAVING SOMEBODY TELL HIM PLZ", I'd seriously die. And from the moment CP wakes up from their night cuddling (srsly, they just cuddled *smirks*) up to the moment he learned the truth about Ra On and discovered her gone, it was just unreal. The show ripped my heart open, pulled it out and stomped on it for good measure. We now have to wait for another episode to see what emotion measures more for CP. Is it distrust? Love? Longing? Sadness? Anger? All of the above?

This is the most I've written about a Kdrama and the most I've written in years (whoa!) and it's a testament to how much I LOOOVE it. It's 4 AM here. I stayed up late (or is early?) to watch it because spoilers are the worst. I have to go to work in about 5 hours heartbroken and despairing (and tired lol) but I'll have the strength to carry on because another episode is coming. I have a feeling that one would slay my very being too but there's nothing like MDBC slaying to make you feel so alive with emotions. 

PS I'm sorry for the long post and the cursing(?). I don't know if that's allowed or not since this is my first post here ever. Just let me know if I offended anyone or if I've done anything wrong with my post. Nice to meet you all!


Loved your post so much, literally my exact feelings rn hahaha

Completely agree with your thoughts on the king as well, I get he is emotionally traumatised, and just hearing the word "rebel" will set him off.. but he really is an incompetent king (._.)". It was him who said he had no one on his side, but he constantly relies on PM.. for every little decision.. Like, you have a son dude....also I want Hayeon to be happy too :( 
I was absolutely heartbroken watching RO smile behind her tears, while CP was being the oblivious cutie pie at the exact same time.. WHY DRAMA WHYYYY 

The drama never fails me..the acting continues to be splendid, and gets better with every episode, never worse.. I can't remember the last time I cried buckets for a KDrama hahaha.. Worth every tear :( 

With the millions of dramas out there, it's great to get something refreshing.. 

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Yikes! I have yet to watch ep 13, but after accidentally seeing ep 14 preview I went on here to read the recaps and comments and ouch, :tears: my heart already aches. Ughh, I'm going to wait until ep 14 comes out with sub and will watch that all together. I'm just not as strong chingus, can't stand feeling sad all day/ all week... Gonna go look at their bts bed scene pic now to make me feel better. Be still my heart. :confounded: 

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The CP Marked RO & RO Marked The CP, The Rest Is Left To Wishes, Dreams & Destiny.....

th?id=OIP.d71142f5c3091155d83e8a48328f6cRelated imageImage result for moonlight drawn by clouds episode 14

I also wondered why RO left the bracelet at first but then I thought about how both of them were always wanting to protect the other.  She for me at least wanted a good-bye that was just like their relationship loving, simple and pure.  Maybe she thought leaving the bracelet would allow him closure and more able to move on thinking it was her that left everything behind. Maybe thinking even that by not having it she too would not be reminded of him...

But in truth she couldn't be more wrong for the bracelet was only an outside reminder just like the dot on her forehead even the first kiss she would give him.  It's the mark on their hearts she can never erase or a promise given in love.  A message without words, his dancing fingers against the soft moonlight from up above its all those memories stored within her & within him...

It's knowing they belonged to one another, tasted the warmth of each others lips and felt the strength of passion while being held in each others arms.  RO left something much more valuable than that bracelet with the CP she left her heart... [心]

I'll never be the same because of you, can't give my heart away, when it's there with you...        USAFG


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9 minutes ago, AprilApril said:

Aigoo. The rating. Why is there such a big drop? My break heart second time :tears:

Maybe/maybe not.

Not that its any consolation, but a friend of mine pointed out Doctors having the same rating on the 13th episode (while others increased of course). Like I said, not a consolation. Hehehe.

On a serious note, the rating is still good and also it's consistent.

Y'all need to stop worrying or wondering why it went down or not. It's still good. :)

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Morning Chingus. Just woken up and wondering how come my heart feel so sad and heavy. Then of course it all came crashing back to me. The sadness, CP''s devastation, CP''s heartbreak, CP crying, that soundtrack, the last few moments of yesterday's episode, the preview. And I'm crying again. Like 5 minutes after I just woke up. 

So here I am at 6.20 in the morning, crying and seeking comfort and solace in these pages. :bawling:

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Noooooo..... this drama makes me sad...cry like crazy...whyyyyyyyy..... ::bawling: I believe this week episodes will be full of tears. And I'm not ready yet to see cp get married to someone else... And what will the PD-nims will do to our cp-ro huhuhuhu.... No wonder if the ratings decrease... Maybe bcs it's lack of ro-cp scenes(?) 


Anyway.... When will ro dressed like a real woman? I  Don't want to wait until the last episode :( come on.. I want to see cp admire her beauty like we had in episode 9/10. CP reaction was really cute and make me smile like an idiot :P

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@totesinluv Welcome to the MDBC forum, and thank you for your animated post! Please feel free to rant, rave and word vomit all over here, we don't mind it one bit, however, let's just turn down the profanity since we may have some minors around (and frankly, I am not comfortable with the language.. no offense). Hope you get my drift, chingu.. Again, thanks for sharing with us today. Looking forward to more posts from you. :)

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