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[Drama 2016] Moonlight Drawn by Clouds / Love in the Moonlight ☪ 구르미 그린 달빛


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Reality just hit me. Only 1 week of MDBC left. :(

Just 2 more episodes and we're done. :tears: 

I'm gonna miss all the characters, really.


and I still have no idea how the ending is gonna be. Even until now, I still can't see how they're going to make this a happy ending. I can't even think of any solutions at all but hopefully the writer has a great one up her sleeves which will leave us all satisfied.

But wow, time flew by really fast. It feels like it was only just yesterday that I was counting down for the pilot episode to be aired and now...the show is reaching it's end.

I do have to say that I missed the lightheartedness of the first few episodes. I miss the cheeky/childish Lee Yeong. haha. 

I would probably rewatch and reminisce once the show is done. Ahh I'm gonna have such a huge withdrawal. It happened to me after Reply 1988 ended(got into a huge slump after that. didnt visit soompi at all. pretty much didn't do anything besides rewatching and staring at Choi Taek 9-Dan's face.lol) and I'm pretty sure it will happen again after this show officially ends. I guess only Park Bogum has that effect on me because strangely I don't remember suffering from any withdrawals when it comes to other dramas. Not even Kim Soohyun managed to make me suffer from withdrawals. It's only Bogum. LOL XD Strange but true.

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21 minutes ago, PrincessMe2515 said:

Sigh.....I am just so scared and conflicted. What are your thoughts....do you think they can successfully tie up all the loose ends in the next 2 episodes.....I am just feeling that this is going to be a rush job? It just had that kind of vibe......what do you guys think? Doable or non-doable....They just seemed to have had so many convergences right now that I am not sure that 2 episodes are enough!!?!???? I feel like they need at least 3 (4 if the can manage it)...


Chingus I am dying here? How are we going to cope until the end of the week....and what are we going to after next Tuesday without PBG and KYJ gracing our laptops?

Don' worry we have trust in PDnim, he will sort everything out in the last 2 episodes. :heart:


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Just now, nonski said:




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10 minutes ago, snowglobe147 said:

Scene where RO is brought before the king:

PM: It is this girl.

King: Crown Prince. Does the Prime Minister speak the truth?

PM: The daughter of the traitor Kong Kyungrae, Hong Raon. Is this the girl who hid at your side as a man?

PM: Is it true that you develpoed romantic feelings for a traitor's daughter, and hid her?

HKR: Punish only me for my sins. I have never seen her face, never once got to call her name, and she has nothing to do with what I've done!

PM: Prove it yourself that you, Your Highness, haven't shared feelings of love with a traitor's offspring.

PM: All you have to do is cut off her head immediately.

King: Crown Prince! What are you waiting for? Chop off that scoundrel's head! At once!

Soldiers: Yes!

RO: Voiceover: Your Highness. Stop loving me, starting now. Please remember me only as a traitor's daughter. I don't want to leave you with the horrible pain of not being able to protect the woman you love.

(*Soldiers start streaming in and everyone is like, WTF?*)


Thank you so much for the translations, seriously the anguish Lee Young feels at that very moment is killing me @snowglobe147

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7 minutes ago, Earth2KatyD said:

OMO! Kwak Dong-yeon posted this on his IG --

Google Translate shows -- "It is my reddening sky" to the caption... 

To me, he's like giving us a heads up and this only means one thing......



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3 minutes ago, NRGchick said:

We need to storm the castle and in the confusion, grab Kim Hyung, Ra On, CP and Appa Hong and flee. 

Then regroup and figure out how to clean the viper's nest. 



that's just the perfect-est suggestion so far!


anyone please can kindly post the real time ratings please!


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Sound cruel but can the King die instead of everyone? :angry:.


I dont know but why Kwak Dong Yeon seems gives us a clue ?:bawling:


I join you all.................




nooooo you can't die!!!!!!!!

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19 minutes ago, snowglobe147 said:

Scene where RO is brought before the king:

PM: It is this girl.

King: Crown Prince. Does the Prime Minister speak the truth?

PM: The daughter of the traitor Kong Kyungrae, Hong Raon. Is this the girl who hid at your side as a man?

PM: Is it true that you develpoed romantic feelings for a traitor's daughter, and hid her?

HKR: Punish only me for my sins. I have never seen her face, never once got to call her name, and she has nothing to do with what I've done!

PM: Prove it yourself that you, Your Highness, haven't shared feelings of love with a traitor's offspring.

PM: All you have to do is cut off her head immediately.

King: Crown Prince! What are you waiting for? Chop off that scoundrel's head! At once!

Soldiers: Yes!

RO: Voiceover: Your Highness. Stop loving me, starting now. Please remember me only as a traitor's daughter. I don't want to leave you with the horrible pain of not being able to protect the woman you love.

(*Soldiers start streaming in and everyone is like, WTF?*)


Evil Kim...how can he even utter this sentence. His head should be the one to go.

16 minutes ago, Earth2KatyD said:

OMO! Kwak Dong-yeon posted this on his IG --


To me, he's like giving us a heads up and this only means one thing......



ANDWAEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!! nooooooooooooOoOOOOo crazy monkey 002

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What an ending to an episode! Of coruse BY will now be a rebel and be hunted in the future. But I did notice in that same scene Head Eunich Han was also in the middle of the fighting. So he has ended his lucrative job as the King's eunich as well. So next week, there will be no more guessing and disguising, it is the good guys against the bad guys. BY will take CP away as a hostage along with the Hongs and I don't think CP minds it a bit. There won't be a comfortable bed like in the East Palace, but making out in the forest sounds nice too. There is a moon there too, haha.


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2 hours ago, yaishaj said:

Ah my puppies! Can the Dad's stop with their shocking kids game?! They already have enough going on because of them. 


Seriously ! Can they stop ?


2 hours ago, Earth2KatyD said:

Does the King really think that executing HGN will put an end to his nightmares? I don't think so, buddy!


Isn't he delusional ?? Even before he thought he was dead, he was still having nightmares...


1 hour ago, iamia said:

Woah. This episode is fast-paced and nerve-wracking. I love it!!! No dull moment, it seems.

And that ending!!! I dunno about you, but I love, love, love it. I think Byeongyeon isn't really a threat to Yeong. He's just doing that so that they can get out of the palace, and also to make it clear to the king and all the officials that Yeong is not conniviing with the rebels. Great thinking on Kim Hyung's part actually. I hope Yeong, being smart, picks that up. Although he may be shocked that Byeongyeon outed that he's part of the White Cloud Society, Yeong already had his suspicions before. Come on, Yeong, you can figure this out.

Great, great episode!!!! Woot!


1 hour ago, ruka18 said:


I think he did it to save both. PM Kim is framing CP pointing at him as rebels collaborator while king is ordering guards to end RO's life as well as HGN. So I think BY raising his sword to CP serves a double purpose, one is it could be his way to prove that CP is not an ally to rebels and second he's using CP as a shield so he can save RO.


I didn't think about the point to save CP as well, at least to severe the doubt that he is conspiring with the rebels. Thanks for pointing that out.



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RO's meet up with her father...


RO goes to the prison so see her father and she tells him that she is entrusted by someone to meet up with him. HGN is able to recognize his daughter so he calls her, "Ra-on yah...Hong Ra-on...it's not my intention for you to live such a tough life so that's why I've given you this name". RO asks her father why is he only here now and tells him that he doesn't need to change the world and why can't he stay by her side and just be a good father to her. Her father then tells her that he wants her to be able to live in a better world so that's the reason why he is left with no other choice but to leave home. So RO says that at least he should let them know that he is still alive and adds that she really misses him and says that she really wants to be able to call him, Father. LY overhears the conversation between RO and her father.


RO and LY are about to leave the palace when Eunuch Sung spots the two of them. Eunuch Sung immediately reports to the Queen that he has seen RO in the palace together with the Crown Prince. YS bumps into the flustered looking Eunuch Sung and realizes that something is amiss. When he sees that the Queen seems to be leaving hurriedly with Eunuch Sung, he stops her from leaving and says that he wants to have a word with her. He tells her a story about a baby girl who has abandoned outside of the palace. Hearing his words, the Queen stands rooted to the ground. YS seizes the opportunity and tells the Queen to forget about what Eunuch Sung has told her earlier that he has seen RO together with the Crown Prince. The Queen tells YS even if you were to say all these, who will believe in your words. So YS tells the Queen what if I have the evidence to prove that the baby is still alive. The Queen is infuriated to hear his words but she couldn't utter a single word.

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Thanks friends for recapping and sharing the link. My heart still hasnt recovered from this episode as I read the recaps. I need to watch with subs! Omg wonder how the ending will be. Hope it wont be too rush job. They could actually extend from the looks of it but guess their schedule is too busy. Now I have to wait one whole week for next week?! Sigh!

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