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[Drama 2016] Moonlight Drawn by Clouds / Love in the Moonlight ☪ 구르미 그린 달빛


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4 minutes ago, moodypie said:
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Goong was my fav drama...although it wasnt my first. My first kdrama...hehe...too shy to mention...it wasn;t a perfect drama like MDBC but I watched it many times at that time. Today I kept thinking why on earth I swoon over that drama. The other dramas that are not perfect but I love the overall ost and BGM was Heartstring and Dreamhigh. 

I love the instrumentals for Iljimae (Lee Jun Ki version), Dong Yi, and Yi San. MDBC is fast becoming a favorite, especially the BGM in the scene where RO approaches LY as a girl for the first time in the garden. I really hope that track is released for purchase!


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7 hours ago, Jillia said:


I'm not even sure if I want to go there again as I told myself not to comment on HY until next week's episode but as I've been quoted by @tzupi ... here you go.

I won't quote your whole post but only the key points I want to reply to. Also everything under the spoiler tag, so that the Moonlighters who simply want to enjoy the drama don't have to scroll past my thoughts on HY.

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First of all I appreciate your effort to defend Ha Yeon but I don't see any effort to understand Lee Yeong's point of view. The first time I read your comment I thought it was all over the place. I didn't know where to start because I have a lot to say. And when I read comments like rude I actually think of Ha Yeon as well and I will explain that later.

Maybe I should start from the beginning, so MY post won't end up being all over the place.

When I started watching MDBC I wasn't the least worried about Ha Yeon. I was even excited to see Chae Soo Bin in a drama for the first time because I was curious about her. And I want to emphasize when I write about Ha Yeon I write about her, not Chae Soo Bin. Just want to make clear I wanted to see Chae Soo Bin in this drama.

I was even curious about Ha Yeon when PD-nim said we will be surprised by Ha Yeon because she will be different from other 2nd female leads. So I had high expectations for when I started watching MDBC.

And then she appeared and I thought she was... cute. A very classic noble lady. I wasn't blown away but she worked out fine because it was clear she was there to represent the difference between Ra On and Ha Yeon.

And even though I wasn't wow'd by her I was still curious after she met Lee Yeong in episode 5. I was also surprised to see her being introduced so late but thought of it as a sign of confidence in the writing department.

I also defended her back then in this forum because there were many people already determined not to like her simply because she is the 2nd female lead. I didn't feel that way, so I defended her and asked Moonlighters to wait and see.

But then I started to feel worried because she had her scenes with Lee Yeong's younger sister, Princess Myeongeun, and I was so surprised how rude Ha Yeon was to the Princess. I didn't see it as „oh look she is spunky“, no I thought of it as „wow! She really doesn't know the court's etiquette“.

Her father even said that she was scolded for arguing with the princess when they were little.

As soon as Ha Yeon finds out about Lee Yeong being the crown prince she wants to pay more visits to the Princess, to bring body size reducing tea. And this puzzles the Princess as much as it puzzled me. Because Ha Yeon's ulterior reason was to have a reason to come to the palace more often to see Lee Yeong.

This already diminished by opinion on Ha Yeon a bit.

Then the next time she sits there being bored and simply not showing even a little bit of effort to engage with the Princess.


Then she starts questioning the Princess about Lee Yeong and if there is any way to meet him when he is alone. And as soon as she has the information she disappears without even saying goodbye to the Princess. I don't know if you would call it spunky and fresh, I call it rude.

She did another rude thing when she took away the book from the Princess, so she can read what Hong Sam Nom aka Ra On has written as love advice.

She does both with a smile.

When she goes to the garden it's the first time Ha Yeon invades Lee Yeong's personal place... a place he wants for himself. But at that time I didn't think much of because it was one of the very few scenes Ha Yeon got and at that time Lee Yeong saw right through her trying to fabricate a story how she got there. And at that time it was the first time so I didn't hold it against her. I thought she has a crush on him and simply wants to meet him. How she got there was terrible: by feigning interest in the Princess.

From then on we see scenes here and there with Ha Yeon.

And she experiences the second and very clear rejection from Lee Yeong during the bracelet incident. Again he is seeing right through her. Later he saves her and it only takes this very natural act of „I protect a lady because that's what a good man does“ to make Ha Yeon hopeful in regards of persuing Lee Yeong. Even though for him it was nothing – he even calls it „an accident“ – and he leaves her right away to visit his mother's tomb.

She makes the gift for him – which I thought was sweet – and sends it to him. He doesn't even open it and gives it back. She is then confessing her feelings and I think this was what PD-nim meant when he said we will be surprised. It was nice to see her doing so but I also liked that Lee Yeong didn't waver but is very clearly rejecting Ha Yeon for the third time. She is trying to guilt-trip Lee Yeong by saying she had to stay up more than one night to make the gift for him.

Note: At this point I was already posting how I don't understand Ha Yeon being so persistent. If a guy doesn't reject you once but twice he is simply not interested. Ha Yeon felt like a dude from a new adult novel in which the guy chases after the girl even though she is saying „no“ 1000 times. Ha Yeon is the girl in this case chasing after the man.

The fourth rejection follows by Lee Yeong telling Ha Yeon there is already another woman in his heart. It's the turning point because now Ha Yeon is in it. It doesn't matter that she doesn't know it's Ra On. Fact is – even though she wants to marry Lee Yeong and hopes for his feelings to change – now she knows Lee Yeong loves somebody else.

So from this point forward every decision she made and makes, to marry Lee Yeong nevertheless, to hide her true feelings in order to support him (how is still a myth to me though) she does so with no false hope given to her by Lee Yeong. She goes in with open eyes.

And I felt for her in episode 11... I like she acknowledged she was probably acting in a arrogant manner towards him and I felt for her when her face fell when Lee Yeong told her about the other woman.

In episode 13 I also liked how she told Ra On that she couldn't win Lee Yeong's heart and here she makes the decision to hide her own feelings in order to stay by his side anyways. And I actually pitied her because she still hopes for his heart to change.

Then Ra On sends Ha Yeon to the library and we get the scene of Ha Yeon offering the political marriage to Lee Yeong and him telling her he won't ever love her. Her face falls and it's when my pity for her starts to disappear because what did she expect, I wonder? That it would turn out differently? That he would give her a glimpse of hope after rejecting her so many times? It's when Ha Yeon began to puzzle me again. Only minutes ago she said she couldn't win Lee Yeong's heart but still she is disappointed in Lee Yeong's reaction. Of course you could say her heart breaks but I'm not invested in that. The drama didn't make me invest in Ha Yeon's feelings.

I have my moments here and there where I feel for her but I never cared about her love for Lee Yeong because she had enough situations to realize „okay I got rejected I will now stop persuing him“. I would cheer for her if she would actually have any other motif to marry Lee Yeong. Not necessarily power but a little bit like the novel Ha Yeon who did it to protect her family. I would be SO invested in that.

In episode 14 she is calling Lee Yeong out for not even trying to treat her nicely and it's not like I didn't like her telling him that but at the same time I thought: „Girl, this man got other things on his mind.“ To me this wedding and Ha Yeon's feelings are first-world-problems.

I know it's important to Ha Yeon but as the future crown princess she should know her concerns come last. The people, politics... everything comes first. Yes she arguments that if he isn't at peace inside, the outside will suffer... yet she connects that with her wish for him to finally accept they need to become closer.

Also I personally didn't like she used Ra On to make Lee Yeong realize he is in the wrong. I thought it was a low blow using somebody she doesn't know to stir his heart. It's a manipulation that can be easily misinterpreted as being smart.

Overall to me Ha Yeon doesn't meet the expectations I had when I was promised a interesting 2nd female lead. But I still hope for the next episodes to change my opinion and show me Ha Yeon can be more than she is so far.

Now that I've established how my opinion of Ha Yeon changed over the course of the drama here my reply to the key points of your post:

[...] because for a CP who claims to care about his country, when help was offered to him (in the form of a marriage that will strengthen his position), he should have accepted it graciously and continued to behave graciously.“

Why should he graciously accept it? He accepted it and that's it. If it were for him he would marry the woman who makes him a better person and king/regent and that person is Ra On. He fought a long time against the political marriage but even he knows that as a crown prince he doesn't have much choice. But I believe he thought he could live with Ra On as a woman until he found out she is the daughter of Hong Gyeong-nae.

Anyways... Ha Yeon offered many times and even in the end she said she offers it as a political arrangement and nothing more. Of course her ulterior hope is over the time Lee Yeong might develope at least a bit of affection for her. But yes she offers a political marriage and Lee Yeong accepts it. From the moment she showed interest in him he rejected her and was doing so in a gentleman-like manner. Maybe a bit clueless as well because he never courted a woman until Ra On, so his experience is non-existent in gently rejecting Ha Yeon.

So the moment he accepted the political marriage he is also straightforwardly telling her that she will NEVER have his heart and probably wonders if she can live such a life.

Should he give her hope by saying „oh yes I would love to marry you. Thank you so much! I'm sure we can make this work.“ That's not who Lee Yeong is and honestly I would hate him if he would say something like that to Ha Yeon. Simply because it would be fake.

That would be like drawing a line in sand... a line in sand disappears over time but Lee Yeong established a line in stone, it won't disappear.

He will marry her, for the power of her family, like she offered, and nothing more will come out of it for her.

HY was the voice of reason last episode, pointing out to the prince the flaws in his character.“

I don't see her as the voice of reason. That's a far stretch... Lee Yeong has other things on his mind then Ha Yeon's supposely broken heart or that he is rude to her. Or that he should acknowledge her when he passes by.

Also she is as flawed as him, doesn't know about court etiquette, walks around in the palace and invades the crown prince's inner circle by disturbing his privacy.

Calling him out isn't turning her into a voice of reason when she can't even give herself a good advice in how to handle the situation with her own feelings.

[...] he lashes out to HY with anger, and this is is consistent with him being a somewhat spoiled brat, but I do not think that we as viewers should cheer for him[...]“

At this line my eyebrows rose so high in surprise that they disappeared in my hair. How in the world is Lee Yeong acting like a spoiled brat? This man works day and night to occupy his mind from the heartbreak, pain and sadness... He is a human being with flaws. He isn't perfect. Episode 14 is there to depict what's going to happen when Ra On isn't there. When the other half of his heart isn't there. Some might say „oh but a woman shouldn't determine his personality“. Sorry but in this case it does. And the fact that he makes a huge mistake handling the situation with Kim Hun shows it. Everything went pretty well for him until now and now he made his first real mistake and you already think he is less worth being a regent or king? That puzzles me.

Lee Yeong in the beginning of the drama was rude and looking like a spoiled child but when you read my character thoughts post on him you should know he is anything but a spoiled child. His mother is the reason why he is the person he is now. Like I said he isn't perfect and he IS rude. But he is also smart and has his people's wishes on his mind.

But in episode 14 he is overwhelmed by many different emotions and this is partly a plot device as well because we're now in the last part of the drama and things need to escalate and in order for them to do so, Lee Yeong needs to make mistakes.

It's called fallout... consequences... Actions have consequences. Ra On leaving Lee Yeong had to have consequences for him and Ra On.

Ha Yeon invading Lee Yeong's personal space, repeatedly persuing him, talking back and giving him advice when he is clearly not in the mood for her presence had to have consequences for her.

So your comment confuses me.

Since I was interested in how people perceived HY, her being criticized for what seems to me to be a fault in CP's character is strange.“

I give that right back to you... You criticize Lee Yeong for what seems to me to be a fault in Ha Yeon's character.

You need to see both sides. Nothing is black and white. Ha Yeon isn't perfect. She isn't terrible but she isn't perfect either. Same goes for Lee Yeong and Ra On and any other character.



Thank you for this post. I was almost on the verge on agreeing with you about the prince's lack of rudeness in the garden scene. almost... because I said to myself that I need  first to look a bit in the situation of women in that period. Until now I must confess that i judged HY by comparing her with early modern/medieval women from europe. But Korea is not Europe, of course, so I said to myself that I need to see whether the status of women in Korea during the Josen dynasty was as bad as that of women in the europe.

why I still think the prince was rude in the garden scene?

The life of women in the Josen dynasty, especially of nobler women, was awful: they were segregated from men, leaving their lives in their quarters; their duties were mostly to stay pure, obey their father or husbands and make babies.I was surprised because it seems that their life was worse than the one of women in medieval europe. If I were to compare it with another period, I was thinking that the most similar society with the same treatment of women (that i know more of) is that of ancient greece. In the light of these 'discoveries' about the status of noble women in the Josen dynasty, the discussion HY has with YS, with the prince, with her father receives a new dimension.

I liked her character because HY fights to have some agency over her life, she refuses the first offer of marriage but she chooses the second. Why? For the prince, for her family, but also for being together with somebody who will be a good king. She refers to this several times.

(You said that she was rude with the princess--I was thinking that the princess was rude with her to put her to count her exercises. I am joking about this, but really I cannot find her at fault for leaving, especially since the princess was presented as more naive and superficial-a character for comic relief. There was no life and death situation in which HY leaving could be considered rude.)

Now returning to the prince and HY: The prince was quite concerned in the library about her choice: he spells out to her what kind of life she would have. That's why his question in the garden about why she is not in her quarters is hurtful and kind of rude.

I see the scene in the garden in the following way: you have two people who strike a deal, pushed a lot by their circumstances. By this deal, however, one (HY) is deprived of his/her freedom, for almost no personal gain; the other (CP) has to gain--he gains political suport for himself. Now, after the deal was stroken, the one who gains more asks the other one: why are you still enjoying some moments of freedom? this question coming from the prince who already saw what kind of life his mother had, what kind of life the other concubines have, what kind of life RO had, seems to me a hurtful/insensitive question.

Thanks once again for your comments. and sorry for dragging you into a discussion in which you did not want to enter. I quoted you because I liked your observation about CP returning to being a beast. Until your comment, my posts on the forum were to defend HY against what I thought was an application of double standards. In fact, until your post I did not intend to argue for CP being rude in the garden scene (although I was thinking that he kind of was in the first scene with HY in episode 14). But your comment made me suspect that indeed there was some lingering rudeness in his behavior towards HY in the garden. and thanks especially for the second comment, your criticism of my remarks, which again made me think over why exactly I felt some unease with their interaction in the garden.

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For those of you who are anticipating HCY's OST for MDBC ..



here's a video by GettyGo while we wait for it :)  It may make people understand why we HCY fans love him so much.


People who might not be following HCY might not know that many months ago, it was announced that HCY would be singing an OST for a movie, he even attended the press conference for it, but in the end he never sang an OST for the movie, or at least if he did, it was not released. Hence my anxiety for the past several weeks hoping the same thing won't happen to him ever again ... I am sure it won't :)   I read in the comments section of one of the Dramabeans recaps that "Because I Miss You: Lee Yeong version"  will be released this week,  so hopefully, not long for us to wait...



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8 minutes ago, moodypie said:

some of us here are receiving PMs from someone to edit their post, and that mysterious person is not a mod.

Just back track a few pages.. :) 

lol...the selection was quite fast. All I remember was HY met the king and queen, and then she's been selected. hehe...not sure how the actual process of the selection should be. but I don't mind really...just breeze through...and hopefully wedding will be  a breeze too. :) 


5 minutes ago, babysiew said:

someone has been messaging individual members here to delete or edit their posts. not sure who is that person as name was not revealed. Some members thought this someone is a mod but in actual fact is not. interesting indeed 


@moodypie @babysiew  weird  ... why he/she need to ask us to edit our posts ... and he/she is not a MOD !! Ehm ... since i am new here ... i didnt receive any PM .... scary ... so we cannot express our opinion now ..;) i think better to ignore someone like that .... btw , thanks for the info friend ... now time to back track previous pages first ..:)

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23 minutes ago, june_1 said:

this , has been bugging me for a while , from the ep14 when CP had an emotional ( mixture of emotions involves for sure ,anger , hurts , etc ) flashbacks & suspected (unjustly) RO played her part , had a hand in the unthinkable act opening the palace door for the assailants ?!!

i mean , come on !! CP , you're way smarter  then the rest of the dumb & dumber troopers , cant you remember how RO threw your sword to you so you could defend yourself ,  and you should remember too that  RO didnt know about her father until YOU reunited her with her mother , AFTER the attack  ! and those are (among others) important details , clearly able rectify any misunderstandings or misconceptions .

I am certainly hope you're not blindly jumping on the bandwagon of those poisoning people minds  and just stick with what you've believes in all this time .

p/s : im sending the prayers for everyone in Busan all the way from Malaysia . Be safe .

In defense of CP, who as you have pointed out, has shown great cunning and intellect, it is not out of character for him to entertain all possibilities despite being deeply in love with RO. Many a hero have succumbed to blind love. It is to CP's credit that he considered but immediately dismissed the idea as ridiculous even though her sudden disappearance was highly suspicious.

By the way, when CP reunited RO with her mother, neither he nor RO knew the truth about the father/husband. 

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11 hours ago, Jillia said:

Okay, did anyone else receive a weird PM telling you to edit a post? Because I did and I really don't get why because in my post on page 892 I defended BOTH - KYJ and PD-nim. There are some weird people out there. So if this person reads this forum and my post - listen: I'm not your sister and it's rude to walk around PM'ing strangers. Read my post carefully and you will see there is nothing wrong with it.

@Jillia .... i dont receive any weird PM ... maybe coz i am still new here ... but better for you to just ignore him/her ....nothing wrong with your post on page 892 .... i love reading your opinion ... so keep going friend :)



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