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[Drama 2016] Moonlight Drawn by Clouds / Love in the Moonlight ☪ 구르미 그린 달빛


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Whether one likes or dislikes a drama character is based on both subjective and objective perception just like in our real lives. Of course there are some whom you dislike at first sight, you just dont like the person's face and this happens to everyone.

In the earlier pages, we had a similar case where some readers commented that folks seem to praise CP/PBG acting more than Raon/KYJ in MDBC. That created a ruckus with a lot of comments volley exchanged between the supporters of each actor/actress/character. I supported some of the comments then in that if you deem a character to deserve more support from the forum readers or favourable comments/sympathy then the onus is on you to write more on that character to share why he or she deserves the support. It is not for us to tell you why we dislike a particular character. 

We now have a similar case, if you think HY deserves more sympathy or to be liked, please do research on her character, share more stories about her role, screen cap each time she appears on screen, upload posts of her regularly. The way to change other's perception is to provide insights constantly.

We all have different characters that we like, it is up to us how we wish to show our support but asking others to justify why they dislike a character is not an optimum approach to help change an already negative perception. I look forward to seeing more posts from those who support HY. 

We are all here to support MDBC so lets rally behind the characters that you like. 

Since you probably reply to my post, I want to explain some things.

First, I raised a question because I was quite disturbed by the posts that today criticized HY without any good reason. Since I've seen the same attacks on second lead females in other dramas, I am puzzled by why people attack women but not men. My puzzlement  is even greater given the traits of HY., who is a very modern woman probably by the standards of that period. As I've seen from the drama, HY is shown as an educated woman, quite intelligent, outspoken and sincere with her feelings. Probably she had a sheltered life and her father allowed her to speak her mind, so she can be naive and she is presented as a little bit naive. She is also presented as being optimistic and not knowing much about the world and intrigues of the palace. She can also be a little bit self-centered, as when she was dealing with the prince's sister. But nothing to cause the level of dislike that appeared on the forum after 14th episode.

One usual complaint against her was that she follows the prince around (as if YS does not follow quite a bit RO around, especially in this episode). But I found this particular complaint quite unfair after today episode for it was not quite what happened. The first encounter in this episode was by no means her following him around. The second encounter, yes, indeed, she went to him but she also had something quite important to discuss: she was just selected as his future wife. Although he said he will not love her, he agreed that their marriage will be mutual beneficial deal, a deal in which as HY understands they will respect each other and work together. But the Prince, because of his suffering, was rude to her this episode, ruder than usual. Usually, he was either smiling to her and reject her or at least talk with her in a normal way, as two business people that are on the verge of striking a deal. 

Second, you say that people are entitled to having preferences. Of course, but usually, when these preferences are targeted against some characters that represent people, who are part of groups that are minorities or are usually discriminated or are treated badly (and women are often more discriminated than men), people should explain their preferences. I am not saying that a priori these preferences are wrong or that one should side with the female characters whenever they appear, but I think that reasons should be given.

Third, I wrote the post out of curiosity. I am interested in what people think and very curious why they prefer one character to another. I was very happy when somebody replied to my post and explained his/her preference. I disagree with the reply, but I find it useful as probably other did. 

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I suspect thr guy with thr moustache is the guy whom by reported to beforr he knew eunuch sang sang was the head of cloud society. By and eunuch sang sang talked about traitors in their society when by mentioned sang sang hid his identity to catch traitors.  I wonder if this is the guy who betrayed them. 


I dont know how to wait till next week but because our otp met and hugged in the last scene, I felt I could get through the week easier. Again i have never been so crazy over a drama. Pgm and kyj are slaying their roles so well! Same for jinyoung ! 

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Morning ..!!! 

What an episode last night . Pd nim surely love to troll us. I never thought that reunion scene at the end. Lol.! Saranghae Pd nim:blush:

I'm just curious. The dress that Raon is wearing is the same in her APAN speech right? That room tho :flushed: i can't wait for the next episode ..!!! Lol! 

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3 hours ago, Earth2KatyD said:

Annyeong, chingus! I may be out of commission from our MDBC forum in the next few days since we may lose power (NO Episodes 13&14 BTS/NGs and Episode 15 preview for me. :().. Just got hold of some breaking news that a huge hurricane is going to hit our way (I'm from the Southern parts of the US). Would certainly appreciate your prayers, much kindly.. Kamsahamnida! 

Currently, this is the hurricane's path -- 

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Dearest chingu, please be safe & we'll wait for your comeback here. Sending prayer to God for protecting you & fam from anything bad. Gbu dear *hugh

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19 minutes ago, petstsengko3 said:

Morning ..!!! 

What an episode last night . Pd nim surely love to troll us. I never thought that reunion scene at the end. Lol.! Saranghae Pd nim:blush:

I'm just curious. The dress that Raon is wearing is the same in her APAN speech right? That room tho :flushed: i can't wait for the next episode ..!!! Lol! 


Think the room they used for the speech is just a display, not for the drama.

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3 hours ago, Earth2KatyD said:

Annyeong, chingus! I may be out of commission from our MDBC forum in the next few days since we may lose power (NO Episodes 13&14 BTS/NGs and Episode 15 preview for me. :().. Just got hold of some breaking news that a huge hurricane is going to hit our way (I'm from the Southern parts of the US). Would certainly appreciate your prayers, much kindly.. Kamsahamnida! 

Currently, this is the hurricane's path -- 

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  Image result for our thoughts and prayers are with you   And all those around you, be careful and stay safe:wub:

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3 hours ago, Earth2KatyD said:

Just got hold of some breaking news that a huge hurricane is going to hit our way (I'm from the Southern parts of the US)

Hope everything is ok for you, for Him to keep you and family all are safe :heart:

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HY in the novel behaved quite badly- according to the novel spoilers.


Here- she is written as a nice person. However I actually find it quite unrealistic that an only daughter of a powerful clan is not demure and obedient. Plus traipsing around everywhere without a maid. But since the drama has already taken so many literary liberties I've just closed one eye to it.


As a fan, I am kicking myself this week. $£%€÷€%€%.


How in the world did TWO dramas end up with the male lead  being engaged to the 2nd female leads in the same * beep beep beep * week? Did the PDs conspire together? There is no relief when you watch both episodes next week.


One thing I have to commend on. The PD did a great job directing. To actually have the CP engaged during the OTP separation episode. Plus did you notice the lyrics? Spot on perfect timing. Or did they edit to the lyrics. Gosh... that is why time and time again I say it sucks when Dramafever has the licensing. They don't sub the lyrics. The lyrics are as good as an actor expressing themselves most time.


" My heart is broken " did you all notice the timing?


CP is a really consistent character. I imagine he purposely didn't look for her because he knew it would endanger her. I can't even accuse them of Noble Idiocy as people die in sageuks. In horrifc, painful ways.

Not get drunk at pojangmacha. With soju shots. 


Every week  Every week I appreciate the fantastic directing and music choices. Praising the actors is a given but having such fantastic timely directing means I usually  ( and that's not normal behaviour from me ) have no complaints about the episode. I still wonder how in the world for such a fluffy premise this drama has turned out to be so well written and coherent?

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2 hours ago, bogummish said:

About HY:

CP made it clear from the beginning that he wasnt interested in her, even when he thought he loved a eunuch and not a girl. She sent him a gift, he returned it without even opening it and told her yet again that he wasnt interested. She kept showing up to his "private" places (the library, the garden) those are the only places where he can be untroubled with the girl he loves, so I understand why her invasion of privacy (and repeated at that) is annoying him. First time it happened, she even pretended she just "bumped" into the garden entry lol. 

Then stuff happens and the poor guy is practically forced to get hitched with her, yet he gives her no false hope, he again says he won't be giving her his heart or his love and actually questions why she's so hell bent on getting married with him. If anything, SHE is the one who is forcing this thing to go through way more than him. He has rejected this idea many times and repeatedly told Ra On not to believe what's being said about it.

He is not even interested in being her friend, and that's the contrast with RO and YS, they are actually friends. 

So really, idk what she's so upset about, she confessed her feelings to him, he rejected them many times so she came charging back lying about said feelings and saying it's just a business deal for her yet demanding he care and look at her. Girl, no, just no. 

Also, he is under a great deal of stress, his own eunuch said he works day and night after RO left, he is going after all the ministers at once, no one tells him anything (YS and BY are not sharing any info with him, he has to figure out everything on his own if he wants to find his love), yet homegirl shows up and wants to educate him on the etiquette of greetings? lol

Well said, i think HY expects too much to CP. She doesn't know the "real condition" about CP, Raon, Premier Kim and the minions, she thinks that she will be more appreciated after chosen as Crown Princess. Her intention of her truly love maybe sincere but you all know that's useless. Actually I'm so sorry for her but please HY, could you give some some some space between you and CP? Ok ? Deal :phew::phew:

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1 hour ago, tzupi said:

Since you probably reply to my post, I want to explain some things.

First, I raised a question because I was quite disturbed by the posts that today criticized HY without any good reason. Since I've seen the same attacks on second lead females in other dramas, I am puzzled by why people attack women but not men. My puzzlement  is even greater given the traits of HY., who is a very modern woman probably by the standards of that period. As I've seen from the drama, HY is shown as an educated woman, quite intelligent, outspoken and sincere with her feelings. Probably she had a sheltered life and her father allowed her to speak her mind, so she can be naive and she is presented as a little bit naive. She is also presented as being optimistic and not knowing much about the world and intrigues of the palace. She can also be a little bit self-centered, as when she was dealing with the prince's sister. But nothing to cause the level of dislike that appeared on the forum after 14th episode.


I think it is no big secret that a large percentage of rom com viewers is female who would therefore project themselves (in varying degrees) as the heroine so the popularity of the male lead tends to outstrip the female lead. They are not predisposed to like the second female lead as they are perceived as a threat. This is the reason why the second male lead who does touching selfless stuff that makes female hearts flutters is viewed more favourably cos I think ladies all secretly hope there is someone who can be there for them without asking for anything in return. They are not seen as a threat unless they start engaging in selfish acts out of jealousy. Given the sadness of recent episodes and criticism of HY, I am reminded of the last part of the interview where the cast each said something to the audience to encourage them to support the drama. CSB was speaking in more muted way and Bogum emphasised the drama was not that gloomy. Maybe at that point, she was already channelling the sadness of her character.



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