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[Drama 2016] Moonlight Drawn by Clouds / Love in the Moonlight ☪ 구르미 그린 달빛


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9 minutes ago, plumblossom3 said:

Omg. I can't. I really can't.  Don't know if I can watch tonight's episode. Still feeling so sad. And now starting to be very angry with Raon. How can she do that? How can she take away the choice the right to choose from CP? Like what he yelled at her when he rescued her from the Qing envoy. Who are you to decide what is good for me? 

I'm so angry with her that she has so little faith in their love. That her first choice is to run away and condemn the person she supposedly love the most to such pain, such regrets (because he didn't even know it was goodbye) , such bitterness, such bewilderment. That she already made the decision on both their behalf without even the other person knowing. 

Of course it's all for dramatic effect but I hope their first meeting after this CP will refuse to forgive her because she hurt him so deeply. Not because she's a traitor''s daughter, but because she's a traitor to their love. 


i side you this time. CP should refuse to forgive when they reunite but...... knowing our CP, he can do that for 10 seconds? nah..... i think only 5 secs


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@plumblossom3.  Ra On didn't leave for Lee Yeong's sake though, her life and her mother's life is in danger. She is aware of uproar in the palace, and they are searching for her. Lee Yeong can't do anything even if he knew. So I don't think it was too much for her to ask be their last memories happy ones. That's also what Lee Yeong promised to her, I'm sure he will be understanding. 

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11 minutes ago, mioksf said:

There could be a body pillow between them too that we can't see under the blanket. Poor BPG and his arm though -- surely it would have gotten numb and sore with that weight and in that position for so long.

By the way, good thing that Singapore newspaper writer wrote her article before this episode or she would have had a cow with this bed scene!  Hahaha!

And yes, poor PBG, his arm was probably numb if they took a long time to shoot that scene. But I really hope they had a good rest in that scene. I was hoping that the production team will leave them alone for 1 hour or so to rest in the same bed :w00t: after they finished that sscene.



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33 minutes ago, iheartyoojung said:

The Gaunlet was thrown and Challenge accepted


I enjoyed this scene between YS and CP, an intense one between 2 male rivals

YS first said he hoped by using his bare hand to stop the sword from harming CP, he has absolved himself of being a Kim. This had marred their friendship and caused the rift between them. After which he repeated what he had said in an earlier episode that he will no longer wait or hold back to fight for what he wants (Raon). This time CP took him seriously and accepted the challenge, he told YS to make sure he goes all out to get what he wants. The understanding is sealed, may the best man win!

I wait with bated breath to see how the rivalry between these 2 will pan out, with Raon leaving the palace, has YS' odds improved? 

NAH! definitely not... i am a BIG fan of jinyoung because of Kim Youn-sung.  He is definitely a very eligible bachelor yet i am a bigger fan of Lee Young and Ra On as a couple.  How will he be able to increase his chances towards RO when there is even no chance to begin with.  The relationship between RO and LY is such that it's all or nothing.  They are soulmates, the other piece of the other where one is not complete without the that person.  YS will just live a life of misery if ever (that is the chances is close to NIL) RO will be with him since all their life she will only be longing for LY.  I also don't think YS is the type of person to force the issue, he knows that RO loves the prince and even if he loves her he could gamble but will never ever push RO to like him. Well, it would not really be misery to watch RO and protect him but wouldnt' he anguish everyday of his life knowing and seeing the woman he loves who is with him loving another man in his heart for all eternity?  With the challenge i believe he want to try his best to RO whilst she is out of LY's presence, taking chances, the maybe, the what-if's.  JY knows deep in his heart what RO feels.  At one point in the preview, didn't he ask her if he misses someone far away. What I want only for Yoon-sung in this drama is for him to live a life with a bright future ahead and for someone as beautiful as RO to love him too.


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7 minutes ago, sara2908 said:

Moonlight Drawn By Clouds Ep 13


tv Report  - Naver: 'Moonlight', Park Bogum learns that Kim Yoo Jung is Hong Gyeong Nae's daughter...love is over?

1. [+8,161, -124] When the background noise receded after hearing Ra On's name..Poor Lee Youngㅠㅠㅠㅠ

2. [+7,043, -139] His world fell apart when he confirmed Ra On's name... Then it started pouring ㅠㅠmy heart sank when he lost the grip on the braceletㅠㅠ So sad

3. [+5,886, -138] They looked so pretty on the bed with the prince offering his arm as a pillow and Ra On staring at him with her bright eyes.. And the kiss ㅠㅠ The bracelet scene in the end is really sad

4. [+5,083, -120] Ah now he knows. What's gonna happen to them? ㅠㅠ

5. [+4,974, -127] My heart burst at the kiss, the ending made me tear up ㅜㅜㅜ Only wanting Ra On and Lee Young to be happy ㅠㅠ I'm so in love with the OST and cinematography. Every episode is epic

6. [+1,709, -16] He had a mental breakdown the moment he heard Ra On's name, I thought the screen was frozen. His acting is legendary, his facial muscles didn't move. Woah!

7. [+1,625, -14] His mental breakdown upon hearing Ra On's name... Park Bogum's acting is daebak ㅜㅜㅜㅜ


Osen - Nate: 'Moonlight', Park Bogum♥ Kim Yoo Jung, sad farewell kiss
1. [+201, -4] He's like a puppy when with Ra On but he's a manly protector from behind. Knowing Ra On left, he didn't act like a hurt puppy but a hurt manㅠ Ra On is all smiles in front of the prince but cries behind him.. Seems cliche but both Yoo Jung and Bogum are expressing those emotions so well ㅠ

2. [+199, -5] The sounds disappearing and the raindrops falling on his royal robe ㅜㅜ I'm so amazed with the directing. They leads are expressing sorrow very well but it's the directing and music that accentuate that heartbreaking feel

3. [+178, -4] The rain symbolizing the prince's sorrow, it made that scene even sadder

4. [+30, 0] Acting and directing were on point today!!!



 thanks for sharing the comments from Knet. And the bedscene really shows that CP is so manly and RO is so feminine. Just looking at 2 of them. So beautiful. 

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36 minutes ago, Grace1003 said:
28 lunatic4kd October 3rd, 2016 at 8:47 PM


I’ve never seen a drama employ moments of absolute silence so well. They are SO different from any other drama that the extra emotional plunge into the blankness of no sound catches my heart and hurls it over the precipice – as if I am screaming silently while falling over a cliff. It makes me hold my breath because I know the angst has wrapped around me like a squeezing snake – and the emotion of the moment becomes almost too much to bear…but just in time, the sound comes back…and the music..and the raindrops…and I let my breath out. With it comes hot tears…and I am in awe. As someone said above, this amazing drama has brought me back to the beginning when I discovered dramas and was overwhelmed with joy at the magic of the world up to that point unknown. I bow in the direction of South Korea with both hands over my heart.






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c as labeled

Malaysia Epop Magazine Cover Story : LoveInTheMoonlight 'Behind the Scene' ( Oct '16 Issue)








The moment when he realised that she left him



Lee Juk melts with his soothing voice in new 'Moonlight Drawn by Clouds' OST MV

By beansss 


Lee Juk's voice is thick, rich cream in this new OST MV released for drama 'Moonlight Drawn by Clouds'

His new song "Intertwined Hands" is a soothing, melting love song about a pair of lovers who refuse to let go of each other's hands even through the roughest times. It perfectly describes Park Bo Gum and Kim Yoo Jung's situation in the drama, don't you think?
Take a listen above!
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@Grace1003 PBG looked a bit run down, seemed his cheeks were sunken in the still photo of ep 14. I hope it is just poor lighting. :tears:

"Love is Over" is such a hauntingly sad song. Listening to it makes me cry from start to end. Another round of free-flowing tears tonight...


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35 minutes ago, tiendoank said:

I think the Kims will reincarnate as KIMchi seller, KIMchi marketer, KIMchi maker....


or will they end up as this?

hahahaha....lol with tears.  @tiendoank you certainly made my day. We have a new level of joke now. 

But I want them to be the toilet cleaners where there are lots of poop to clean devil-yahoo-emoticon.gif?1301948997


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