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[Official] Yoo Shi Jin - Kang Mo Yeon


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Good Afternoon!

Wow still busy in the thead! Now that I have a day of rest I can thoroughly enjoy backreading! 

I'm still in awe about the sheer shock, no one would have thought they were going to come out of that vehicle the way they did. Anyone see the distance between them? I for one did not, attached to each others waist and those hands that everyone keeps exclaiming about! They really looked beautiful!


 I wanted to give my 2 cents in why SJK seemed to garner attention as to why he didn't seem to be his regular self.....

This is not something that is a normal occurrence at awards shows. 

This is definitely out of their comfort zones when it came to standing there with the flashing bulbs going off ever 1/10 of a second. 

To me his number one priority was assuring SHK that everything was fine. He is right next to her 99.9% of the time. His protective side came out. That constant unwavering attention to his and her surroundings. No pause in terms of locating her hand. She was confident in how she claimed his arm and the look in her eyes.... That look of comfort and trust I speak so highly of!

I feel that his expressions only revealed the seriousness in how he carried himself.

Id like to believe that yes she came to accept the awards with him but she decided to walk hand in hand, her hand clutching his arm, or clutching his waist as her admittance to everyone that SJK is really a special man.

Honestly the type of reaction they got from coming out of that vehicle probably was a relief for them to know. 

I swear SS always seems to find ways to out  due themselves lol. LAST NIGHT WAS MEMORABLE, for two extremely private people to acknowledge that yes they are close. Now no one can doubt exactly how close.





P.S. Before you eat food cart food, please make sure your chicken is cooked thoroughly. I know from experience :blink:

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One for their biggest supporters, Dispatch! This screams royal couple of South Korea! :wub:

woke up today thinking yesterday was a dream and looking at the number of SS royal pics in my camera roll in my phone.... NOPE IT WASN'T A DREAM

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5 hours ago, thepixies said:

Happy Post-Baeksang Day, everyone!

Was yesterday Day 0, and today Day 1 in SS reality? Hee hee


South Korean media, the media of the whole of Asia are going to be full of how much they look like a bride and groom.

Even Dispatch is shipping them. 

This is from Dispatch's weibo last night. They highlighted the way Mr S looks at Ms S. Then in a reply to a comment, they said this group of photos gives the impression of a wedding.


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Please don't pass off trolling by claiming to be new or a casual reader then try to dampen the euphoria here by claiming you think SS are merely "close friends" and this is "progress" in their friendship. Puhleeeze. Girl, we have seen your likes before and just because you have adopted a more friendly mien, does not lessen your trollness.

So if you want to hang onto your other otp go ahead. You cannot hope to affect the reality that is the love between Mr and Ms S. But I pity you. I really do. 


2 hours ago, angieknows said:


Will share my Baeksang stash later ... really, not quite of a stash! LOL. 

But let me get to one of our missions here: Getting the box to Song Hye Kyo by dropping it off at Studio Concrete.

Meet @cestlavie88's arm!


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We met up with my friend Jihea there so that we could put the finishing touches on the box. She provided the painting for the lids. While it was a collaborative effort, we also didn't consult with each other, so, the paintings don't quite match the overall design of the boxes. She will be the first to admit that the paintings are not her best work. She was crunched for time and may have spread herself thin when she took on the project. In fact, she was finishing the paintings that morning before we met. I had wanter her to just to do a rough pen line drawing, something that's more abstract/non-representational. LOL. In any case, the paintings do look much better in person. :) And I'm grateful that she's been a part of our SS project

I was too spastic at this point, so, if I was bubbly and a bit loud, it was because I was happy to have reunited with Jihea after many years and mainly because I was nervous about handing the box to the SC folks. Jihea was certainly not looking forward to being the mediator. LOL. Being the Type A that she is, Jihea was quite hesitant, already seeing the worst case scenario: What if the staff doesn't want to take the box to give to Hye Kyo? LOL. Guess we would have to worry about that afterwards, but we first gotta seize the moment!

So, Jihea handed the box to one of the baristas and explained everything to her in Korean: Cestlavie and I were enthusiastic fans from the US and Singapore, and we represented international fans of Song Hye Kyo, and that we were also fans of Yoo Ah In. Figuring that they're close friends and belong to the same agency, then, perhaps we could give the box to them, the SC folks. She didn't mention Song Joong Ki because she wanted to make sure that the box was accepted. She told them we were passionate/enthusiastic fans, but Jihea made it clear that she had absolutely nothing to do with our project. Haha. It wasn't just because she was embarrassed, but it was also to convey that we weren't sasaeng. That we were legitimately sane but enthusiastic fans. I don't understand Korean, but judging from their faces, the staff was iffy. LOL. The baristas passed the buck to a tall girl who was manning the calendars and postcards. She seemed to be the head person of that place that day. Jihea again explained everything, and Jihea said you could tell that the girl wasn't particularly happy about the whole thing. The girl told Jihea that they will give the box to the CEO of UAA (since SHK and YAI are both housed by the agency) if/when he stops by SC. When I saw that she took the box and set it underneath her stand, then, I got giddy. LOL. Jihea said thank you, and I followed it, too, with a very peppy and grateful thank you. LOL. Jihea said, "Ah, you embarrassed me!" LOL. But our friendship has always been like that! I make her do things that she would never do if she weren't my friend. LOL. But I really won't be able to show my face there for at least another year!  

So, here's to hoping that UAA's CEO stops by SC soon so that SHK gets the box---SOON!

The girl (on the phone) on the top right of the pic manning the calendars and postcards was the one who accepted the 


Before Jihea arrived, though, @cestlavie88 and I explored Studio Concrete, which is a cozy hang-out for Korean hipsters. LOL. It's quite open and minimalist. 

Here is the first floor.

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I wish SJK had another picture there ... Anyway, another zoomed-in shot of SHK :)


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they both are really so brave and adorable acting like this even with all rumors about dating them are very hot nationationally snd internationally. After seeing their interaction and being together like this in public events, no surprise media and all fans are saying like that. Thank u for sharing @thepixies. I really wish to know what will they tell if they take interview in nearest future! 


@angieknows thank u soo much to u. U r just so brave! Really thank u for all the trouble that u take to deliver those message box.

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32 minutes ago, joongkyo said:


It is!.

Lol...puppy had gone up to announce the award and then when he came back Kyungsoo was sitting in his place!. SS had to ask YAI to move one seat in because the seat next to YAI had been empty through out.

SS couple and their crew..lol..Puppy's hurt expressions!


Here's puppy's hurting look... :frown:


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I still can't get over how impressive SJK was last night. It was all about protecting her. Yes the cast members all say that they are "best friends" or "very close colleagues". But it could be argued that she should be just as close to YAI whom she has known longer and who is from the same agency. Yet it was obvious that her bond was closer with SJK. I am sure they had the option of receiving their awards separately since the voting was for them as individuals and not as a couple. Yet they chose to come together, leave together and accept all awards together. You could see that he was not happy she hadn't received an individual award. And he took the decision to leave before the group photo which they must have known would raise comments. While watching DotS I always had to remind myself that SJK was not YSJ. SJK said so himself. But he has so many of the same heroic characteristics as YSJ. First and foremost, to protect his Beauty at all times. (Swoon). No wonder they are referred to as the 'iconic' SS couple. She is so lucky to have him.   


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I just freaked out back reading the pages... This couple ...they don't let you remain a silent reader!!!

Perfection. That's the way to define them. 

And to all who said that they are just friends.. ARE YOU FRIGGING KIDDING ME?! 

This ship sailed a long time back and yesterday's awards proved it!!

Love them both to bits and pieces!! Kyaaaaaaa...I'm going micheosseyo! :wub:

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18 hours ago, joongkyo said:


This is from the time that they arrived, cute how Blossoms and UAA entered the hall together!. Considering PBG and YAI had walked the red carpet earlier compared to SS couple.

@angieknows OMG!!.. check your PM now!


marriage between two families (UAA and Blossoms)? my heart... waaah!! i can't handle all the feels. :-DDD


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22 minutes ago, luvforever said:

Some of my favorite moments is how Kyo may look shy from the red carpet but her body reflexes still constantly looks for SJK whether it be his hand or arm. They are like magnets to each other:heart:




YESSSSS MY FAVE MOMENTS TOO! I couldn't stop repeating the gif/video of this moment! We saw alot of SJK being the one initiating the gentlemanly/protective gestures to her, but this one... I'm in love how SHK by reflex grabbed his hand to turn his attention around back to the cameras in front of them to pose (and their waist grabbing ensued yet again aaaaah!!) like a gf would, so damn naturally! After which, some posters also mentioned how SHK hand grabbed SJK's hand who was already holding out for hers and she didn't even have to look at where his hand was... So attuned to each other istg nothing else existed in their world yesterday night except themselves and the support they knew they had from SS lovers!

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OMG!!!! Real life is catching up and I haven't been able to camp in here for a while. I even forgot Baeksang was yesterday!! :tears: If not for my friend who isn't a SS shipper but SJK's secret wife (in her dreams), I wouldn't know about or OTP sweet moments.

I'd give YSJ a run for his money for the number of times I died and resurrected because of Song Song! Even the cats with nine lives would be jealous. And this is still my soul talking, still haven't recovered from that sweet SS death!! 

Seeing them seriously I wanted to cry. I'm so happy and without all of you SongSong fans and shippers, we won't be able to see them together like that. Thank You for all your great efforts. So far this is the best Song-Song moment to date. If i didn't know any better, they seemed like newly weds. Or a prince and princess attending their wedding ball. They both so gorgeous and even more gorgeous when they're together! They're all over each other. They can't keep their hands from each other, obviously. And they land on familiar places like it comes naturally. 

Fairytale just got REAL. That's one word to perfectly describe these two. If this isn't real life then I don't know what this is. Even the most stupd person will obviously get the hint and know the real deal.

I'm punishing myself for not watching and spazzing last night, I'm going to backread for the whole day.

Kisses to everybody from this side of heaven. 

Anyway, here's the IG post that literally killed me and made my heart stopped 



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Hello Comrades!

Okay for the time being, i'm officially DEAD! :P

Last night, i was stucked in a very bad traffic when getting off from work and it's raining heavily. So, i decided to check my phone and the rest is HISTORY!

I saw that pics of our Big Boss and Beauty attended BaekSang Award together and most importantly hands in hands/ arms in arms, whatever we want to call it! I was stunned, happy, felt like wanna dance and like flying to the moon! I never expect this, i thought both of them will come together but with YAI as the third wheel :P Our SongSong is really something and like to give an electric shock to our shippers heart here! And, in all that craziness feeling, i did not realise that the car in front of me has moved and i did not even move my car! I bet the drivers behind me were mad at me like crazy! Haha! Yes, i know using phone while driving is dangerous but i just can't help it!!!

I can't get enough of looking/watching all the photos/GIF and vids that being shared here since last night. And, i think we're going to cruise to 1000 page sooner than we thought and that feels really great!

On the other note, SHK looks like princess in love in that what i call unofficial wedding gown while SJK looks like prince charming of course:wub: i agree with you guys that both of them knows where to find each other hands or arms It looks so naturally. They are just like a couple who looks pretty much in love!

Okay, i need to go back to my DEAD mode and enjoy the rest of my weekend flying to the moon and back! Happy Sailing, Comrades!

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you know? I just almost didnt feel surprised that they behaving like a super cute couple last night with all the smiles and skinship, they havent met for such a long time isnt it?? SJK even say it in happy camp, what would he do of he meet SHK that time "long time no see" lol


they must've missed each other very much!

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13 hours ago, joongkyo said:

Okay, I don't know if any of you are EXO fans here but D.O who is close to SJK is famous for his creepy smile...lol....please check out D.O's smile at SS hugging YAI...he's not even looking at YAI.



YAAAAS. Huge fan of EXO and D.O. here. I saw him thrice during concerts and Kyungsoo's creepy smile is truly his trademark.  It's like his genuine smile though. I was fangirling hard seeing them all (SS, YAI, D.O.) on the same frame ;)



(c) HI.D & Gute Nacht (Twitter)

#SongSongCouple still trending in PH about an hour ago. It got "spammed" (IDK if that's the right term.) right away but I was able to screenshot from an account who updates the trends..


Hello fellow PH SongSong Couple shippers~ <3 I can understand the feels of the shippers...I mean who can get over of their strong chemistry and presence ~








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Kyo sent a food truck for the the whole crew of drama 'Dear My Friends', the same team that made TWTWB. How cute that she didn't just send food but also prepared that seating arrangement!... I won't be surprised if SJK sends one next to support JIS.


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