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[Official] Yoo Shi Jin - Kang Mo Yeon


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To all these new members that come in and have your say and wondered why you have been treated indifferently, you felt upset, attacked, unjustified etc etc 

I want share with you something: 

i have more than 300 posts and I have never been attacked or singled out for flaming before and why?

i don't say things that are totally irrelevant! And I backread ALOT and when I started in March I read everything before I even make my first post here!!! It's about making an effort people!! You must at least know the style here before you even start so you don't become a thorn!! 

Things like: other couples, other artists that's not related, ask questions to answers that can be found if you ever make an effort to back read, tell people here your tiny little voice in your head that disagrees with what's being said here just simply because you want to say something or just to make a post blah blah 

moving on to @joongkyo why she say she wants out everytime she gets pissed by you people? Because for the insane amount of good she does here, 1 single person can make her wonder why she even did what she did and that's the way she express her displeasure. 

We talked Everyday on pm and she is the sweetest girl I can vouch for! Our conversation can go up to 10 pages!!!! I must be crazy talking to someone unkind right? And why is it that me and the other members who know her all liked her so much and never felt that we were talked down or anything? Because we see what she did for us here and know why she had to step in to intervene to protect the SS she believed in and you people go and make her the villain just cos she stepped in to say something? You can say something so can she!! and I would do the same any given day!! 

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1 minute ago, melissala said:

No, that's 100% her.  Not sure what others are seeing lol 


10 minutes ago, finickyfray said:

LOL, i think its her. maybe others can verify :)




9 minutes ago, ludadeer said:

Oooo.. So i got tricked hahahah.. Im sorry everyone!!! 

Should i remove the link ?



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Congrats for DotS's nomination at Baeksang Award and especially for SJK and SHK (I'm not quite familiar with the award but it look like a Golden Globe which consist of movie and television category). After all the hard work during 6 months, DotS team totally deserved the nomination.

I hope the best for the team, especially for SHK. I just visited her soompi's forum and all Kyonatics feel so blessed with her 3rd nomination at Baeksang. They said she totally deserved it and I totally agree with that. I never bored to write this, I love KMY character more than I love YSJ because her character grew up more than YSJ during 16 episodes just like @melissala wrote. We laughed, smiled and even cried together with KMY. I hope the jury panel could see that and be objective because it's very rare to an actress to show all those emotions only in 16 episodes and SHK totally nailed it as KMY.

If Di Caprio finally won his best actor after all this time, SHK could do the same thing. And if she didn't win, in my heart, she already be the best Korean actress.

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@ludadeer She is absolutely gorgeous!!!!! Thank you for sharing that picture!

I hope you guys appreciate the humor in these. I cracked up when I saw these.

Cr. DC Inside SJK ... Yeah, aside from this thread, that place is now a must-visit site for me.






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Just keep the good vibes, we need not get angry with the irreverent posts or people. Save our energy and give our couple the supports. Just put them or cast them aside, knowing them are nuts  Do not lost to the evil around us, must be strong to fight with them. Just my 2 cents.

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10 minutes ago, angieknows said:

I hope you guys appreciate the humor in these. I cracked up when I saw these.

Cr. DC Inside SJK ... Yeah, aside from this thread, that place is now a must-visit site for me.


LOL. That pic is so hillarious!! I mean like how can his orange pants so resemble with that carrots?!! Aahaaaahah that's so funny indeed :lol:

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This is awesome news for SJK, SHK and DOTs  as nominees in the various catergories in the upcoming Baeksang Awards.

I believe like most awards, the winner will be gauged, amongst other criteria, on the difficulty level of the drama/movie character portrayed as in the range of emotions, the integration of that character with the rest of the drama/movie characters and how well the character is received by viewers. This includes bringing out the best of co-stars to complement himself/herself, without crying for attention all the time. Also, the nature of character portrayed - how different it is and how much talent has been put into the character to bring life into it such that its impact is immense and audiences are drawn into the realistic portrayal and embracing it totally.

I would want to add my own criteria - how much withdrawal symptoms the audience will experience long after the drama has ended, with the characters still endearing and fresh in mind.     Lol.....

SHK has carried out her portrayal of KMY beyond praise, because she has topped the character with awesome cream & design, with a dash of beautiful flavors here and there, sprinkled with in-depth emotions and experience and prepared with tender loving care, incorporating all the difficult ingredients into one beautiful wholesome and awesome character of a doctor who is as real as you and I can get, or even more, much more. She has drawn us deep into her various scenes, most of all her crying and sad scenes, and teased us with her cute and sweet scenes. If there is an award for crying scenes, she takes the cream off the cake for sure. No matter how many times we watch, there'll be lingering tears even. She has shown courage in adversities, even if she had to make a life-saving choice, amidst heart-wrenching decisions. She can be the normal woman who falls in love with a soldier and hesitated because of the mystery and demands surrounding him. Her fears and anxieties are real. But she chose to love him despite the odds.

SJK has displayed a brand new maturity and masculinity straight from the army and YSJ being his first character after, he has done nothing short of being a respectable and courageous Captain who displayed the cool and tough side of his nature, yet hidden beneath is our normal guy who falls in love crazily at first sight and has no qualms about pursuing his love with cheesy lines. He is a tough Special Force soldier yet vulnerable to love and loving his woman. He has shown that when it comes to the crux, no matter how much he loves his job and would have sacrificed his life to be loyal to his country, nothing beats the love he has for a woman whom he can't help falling in love with. He has put his career in jeopardy for her and he has chosen her time and again - during the disputable surgery and the kidnap incident.

SJK and SHK have reconciled the requirements between their characters and their portrayal to such a crazy extent that there is hardly any gap and the result is a combustible chemistry beyond the realms of earth; one that borders on magical and angelic love.

Granted that some actors can do an excellent job of acting and breathing life into their characters and connecting with the audiences.

But SHK and SJK have gone beyond acting. Because they were not acting. They were bringing the real emotions into their characters. Such is the level of difference that not even the most professional actors can beat that. Their characters are portrayed beyond excellence and connected emotionally and superbly with their audiences, leaving an undisguised yearning for more of their romance and sweet finale. The lingering taste is palpable. 

If Baeksang Awards do not recognise the difference, it'll make a mockery of itself, in the eyes of the world. In deciding an award, shouldn't we look beyond mere acting? And give recognition to both of them who have brought a brand new perspective to chemistry in a drama?

And could we please focus on spreading our love for this beautiful couple? Don't they deserve our unity at this crucial moment? 

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To all new members please don't get discouraged with the animosity that is going around here. Just like the other members have been posting, I too, share the same sentiment. 

@joongkyo has spent countless hours in this thread alone to keep us updated and informed about SHK/SJK. We don't call her Captain for nothing! She has been an immense contributor here, and I say it with much validity. If you have time, kindly read her timeline, you will know and understand why & how we, older members here in this thread, are willing to clear her name and support her. We appreciate all her efforts making this thread alive and filled with joyous heart... and maybe, after you actually read her timeline, you would too. Yes, you will be.

Please understand that any members here can make corrections on your post, because they maybe not bias to SHK/SJK. Remember, this thread is solely filled with SJK/SHK's individual or both activities and it is necessary if not, at least try to post something positive. Any derogatory or negative remark can make 1 member, if not all, of this thread irk - cry out a foul! Most of us here are very protective of our OTP. Mindlessly posting irrelevant and unsatisfactory post in regards to SHK/SJK can be and would be asked to edit it out or might call attention. 

Like I've mentioned, new members are welcome but just like any other threads here, there are expectations  warranted. All we ask is you can kindly oblige by the rule and respect each other. If something bothers you, please use PM, it was made for a reason. Verbal/written spat will lead to nothing good, unless one will give up and call truce. 

And to @joongkyo, you are a critical piece in this thread. Please ignore the negativity and know that you have plenty of friends and supporters here. 


Moving forward.....

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@msbae81 I didn't tell her to NOT post.. she said so, EVERY SINGLE TIME something / someone happened. You know, it's a forums, not your private  page.. there's always someone who doesn't quite get the rule, who's in doubt of something, of you, of your post, always something.. how can you threaten to not post every time..? i didn't tell her anything, i just said do what's right for her. If she's happy NOT posting, then do that.. of course she contributes so much, of course everyone appreciates her (like i said, people tell her EVERYDAY how much they appreciate her) but no, if someone acts differently, she threaten to leave EVERYONE behind, until we all gather and beg her not to do that (you know, i join in the first couple begging group, but now, it's like seriously? everytime?) Does it make me evil to say the truth like that? is it NOT what happened here? 


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Hello everyone, finally decided to make an account here. (Beware it's a long post, so you can skip it if you want).

Story time, so, I'm not familiar with the Korean Film Industry as they never appealed to me before even when they were taking the world by storm, :lol:. Plus the fact that I couldn't really differentiate the female actress, they all kinda look the same to me- the doll type. And I find the male actors looking to be quite feminine especially the younger ones. (Yes, major stereotypical of me before, I apologize). Hence, DOTS was my very first Korean drama, I by chance stumbled upon our OTP's hospital scene where Si Jin ask Mo Yeon if she has a boyfriend and that was it for me. I was amazed by three things on that scene itself: SHK's beauty, hands down I have never seen any Korean actress as beautiful as her, such a natural beauty. SJK's good looks of course and his charm. (They kinda broke my stereotype right then) and finally, that raw awesome chemistry, I can pretty much feel it through my screen. Safe to say, I was completely hooked by then, started watching by episode 4, started following Ig accounts and such. Although I'm not familiar with the Korean buzz, I am a big movie junkie and all the while watching DOTS, I couldn't help but be shaken up by SS's raw chemistry as you can't force such good chemistry between two people especially those that makes your toes curl and have goosebumps, (every time SJK STARES AT SHK, like WOW EXPLOSIONS EVERYWHERE.)So I did a little bit of digging around, found the first press con and it was amusing to watch because everyone believed that they looked super awkward with each other but what I saw was that they were trying too hard, way too hard actually to be awkward with each other. Their body language and non-verbal cues were pretty obvious ( yes, studying Psychology will make one to analyze everything although you don't want to so all these body language, verbal, non verbal cues and the mambo-jambo kinda gets imprinted in your brain.:D) Then I did more digging and finally found you guys which I'm super duper glad. After reading all the analysis that some of you amazing shippers posted, (seriously thank you so much guys,I'll do the tagging but I don't know how :blink:)  I have officially become a hardcore SS shipper, (never thought I'll ship two Korean actors together really, lol.)

Regarding the awards this is my personal opinion, I really really really want SHK to bang the best actress award. Why, I'll tell you. I watched episode 15 raw so I don't understand the language hence I'm only relaying on the actors emotions and of course when that happens you don't experience any distractions whatsoever. It's like watching a film on mute and the actor's emotion is the only thing that speaks to you and you'll know if they have converted their emotions correctly if you feel the same way as them. SHK single handedly took upon episode 15 all by herself, her emotions were so on point that my heart clenched every time looking at her tear stained face. So what I'm trying to say is, if someone who has no understanding of the language can pretty much feel all that she is feeling, what else do you need really. And I think among all the characters SHK's were the one that had such variety of emotions. (I might sound bias as I have not watched any of the drama that is nominated alongside DOTS so I don't know how good they are but this is what I personally feel.) Maybe Shk's case will be similar to one of Hollywood's famous actor who finally won an Oscar after being snubbed by so many times, lol.

But coming form a shipper's heart, I hope both wins so that we can see them together on stage, on the red carpet and hopefully Kyo will upload a picture on Ig. (Yes, this is my delusional side taking over cause I miss them so muchhhh!) But, realistically speaking, we can only pray and hope the best for both of them. Hopefully we will be celebrating in a months time!

Ps: Thank you so much for the shippers who constantly contributes to this thread, we wouldn't have come this far without you guys. I'll try my best to contribute as well but I don't think I'm as resourceful as some of you, lol.

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7 minutes ago, jl08 said:

This is awesome news for SJK, SHK and DOTs  as nominees in the various catergories in the upcoming Baeksang Awards.

I believe like most awards, the winner will be gauged, amongst other criteria, on the difficulty level of the drama/movie character portrayed as in the range of emotions, the integration of that character with the rest of the drama/movie characters and how well the character is received by viewers. This includes bringing out the best of co-stars to complement himself/herself, without crying for attention all the time. Also, the nature of character portrayed - how different it is and how much talent has been put into the character to bring life into it such that its impact is immense and audiences are drawn into the realistic portrayal and embracing it totally.

I would want to add my own criteria - how much withdrawal symptoms the audience will experience long after the drama has ended, with the characters still endearing and fresh in mind.     Lol.....

SHK has carried out her portrayal of KMY beyond praise, because she has topped the character with awesome cream & design, with a dash of beautiful flavors here and there, sprinkled with in-depth emotions and experience and prepared with tender loving care, incorporating all the difficult ingredients into one beautiful wholesome and awesome character of a doctor who is as real as you and I can get, or even more, much more. She has drawn us deep into her various scenes, most of all her crying and sad scenes, and teased us with her cute and sweet scenes. If there is an award for crying scenes, she takes the cream off the cake for sure. No matter how many times we watch, there'll be lingering tears even. She has shown courage in adversities, even if she had to make a life-saving choice, amidst heart-wrenching decisions. She can be the normal woman who falls in love with a soldier and hesitated because of the mystery and demands surrounding him. Her fears and anxieties are real. But she chose to love him despite the odds.

SJK has displayed a brand new maturity and masculinity straight from the army and YSJ being his first character after, he has done nothing short of being a respectable and courageous Captain who displayed the cool and tough side of his nature, yet hidden beneath is our normal guy who falls in love crazily at first sight and has no qualms about pursuing his love with cheesy lines. He is a tough Special Force soldier yet vulnerable to love and loving his woman. He has shown that when it comes to the crux, no matter how much he loves his job and would have sacrificed his life to be loyal to his country, nothing beats the love he has for a woman whom he can't help falling in love with. He has put his career in jeopardy for her and he has chosen her time and again - during the disputable surgery and the kidnap incident.

SJK and SHK have reconciled the requirements between their characters and their portrayal to such a crazy extent that there is hardly any gap and the result is a combustible chemistry beyond the realms of earth; one that borders on magical and angelic love.

Granted that some actors can do an excellent job of acting and breathing life into their characters and connecting with the audiences.

But SHK and SJK have gone beyond acting. Because they were not acting. They were bringing the real emotions into their characters. Such is the level of difference that not even the most professional actors can beat that. Their characters are portrayed beyond excellence.

If Baeksang Awards do not recognise the difference, it'll make a mockery of itself, in the eyes of the world. In deciding an award, shouldn't we look beyond acting? 


As unfortunate as it seems, the panel seem to judge solely on acting according to my intense reading these few days. They are made up of professionals in their own league and how much real feelings they exude for each other would not be in their books. Unless they happen to be SS shipper lol 

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