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[Official] Yoo Shi Jin - Kang Mo Yeon


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Continuation from my last posts. Can't help myself but to translate from of the comments on weibo about the Ep16 finale shipwreck kiss scene. 

cr to the owners.

慢慢和爱 : 真的不会有反应么这样的可人这样的深吻

There really isn’t any reaction while having this long deep kiss? (IKR)


free最好的时光 :那沉溺的眼神和进击的双手 好了拉灯让他俩该干啥干啥去吧

That indulging kind of glare/stare and the hand attacking.. okay, please turn off the lights and let them do whatever they want. (HAHAHA)


安琪粉儿 : 重点在小宋都快把乔妹吞下去了,乔妹只能搭上手稳住

The main point is that, uri big boss is going to shallow uri beauty (while kissing), beauty only can balance herself by putting her hand into his arm. 


奔星 : 这一吻是他们才开拍电视剧没多久就拍了。WUli宋吻得特别认真动情,拿出了自己最大的努力。乔妹非常配合地投入了感情。被这么优秀的男人吻过,心情总会激动吧

This kiss was shoot not long ago after the drama starts shooting. Uri big boss is so serious but yet enamor while kissing, bringing up his biggest efforts. Beauty also put a lot of feelings (on kissing). Being kissed by this superb man, wont you get agitated/excited?


豆宝贝0222 : 哈哈,欧巴当兵两年,又没有女朋友,退役后马上就和韩国最美的女星有KISS戏,能不好好拍吗?

HAHA, oppa had enlisted (on army) for two years, no girlfriend, and had a KISS scene with the Korea most pretty actress after retired from military, how can you not shooting it properly?


Beryl有个琳豆豆 : 这真是吻给大众看的,不然这手的位子应该是先捏下巴把脸凑近,再摸脖子把嘴挨更紧. (This comment is super long but i cut it short cuz the contents are kind of byeontae HAHA)

This kiss is really for the audience, if not, the position of his hand should start from pinching her chin then move their faces closer, then touch her neck to make their lips tighter (while kissing).


子子纯: 重点是两个人真的吻了很久很久

The thing is, they two really had a very long kiss. (I LIKE THIS COMMENT ALOT. yes, it was a very longgggg deep kiss)


Really tried my best to translate. HEHE 

I hope this byeontae yet not-so-byeontae post could cheers your monday up ! 

No more monday blues with uri songsong couple ! :wub:



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Soompi ate my post!! I had such a hard time translating to English for you guys and NOW everything is gone!! Can someone translate again into English here for everyone? 

Edited: refer to hclover pictures 


Seriously speaking as much as I want SJK to win best actor, it's hard!! He is up against the best!! Even Yoo In ah and Joo Won is nominated!! 

For best actress, Kyo have better chance despite standing against the best actress there is in Korea Republic 

but DOTS stand a very good chance for best drama 

best director and best scriptwriter: most likely to win 

we only have the popularity award to go for 


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27 minutes ago, joongkyo said:


Best Actor (TV) SJK

Best Actress(TV) SHK

Best TV Drama DOTS




Full link of nomination here - http://isplus.live.joins.com/100sang/

DOTS also nominated for best Directing and best Writing

SJK is up against buddy Yoo Ah In for best Male - TV (Yoo Ah In is also nominated for best Actor under Movie category) and SJK will get to catch up with his old agency's Noona Jun Ji-Hyun as she's up for best Actress for the movie Assasination (if she goes since she's on baby hiatus).

Park Bo Gum is up for best rookie Male - Movie as well, so looks like both UAA and Blossom must be delighted all their artistes are nominated! Funny as he's up against also, the jealous Chairman (Han Seok Wan from DOTS) is also nominated for best male rookie in a Movie.

It'll be awesome to see all of them on the red carpet together!

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Who else can deliver all the cheesy lines without coming out looking like a slim ball or big time play boy. The only person I can think of is WB because he can give the same cheekiness and serious aura vibes as SJK. SJ character looks easy to play but it is not. 

MY character ... Who can act so drunk so adorably that makes you want to hop on that sofa and jump with SHK together.  Who can cry so beautifully and yet suck the viewers in with her. We were like automatically spellbound by her. 

I seriously hope DOTS win all 5 categoris because this drama is the only K drama that got the WORLD all hot and excited ... DOTS & SS Fever. What makes DOTS so successful is the outstanding Director, writers and the actors.  One cannot do without the other.

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I have to admit the competition is hard, but I believe DOTS, SHK and SJK will get their awards. The earthshaking drama, out of this world chemistry, breathtaking cinematography are only in DOTS. Yeah! Am I overly optimistic? 

Ah In oppa, please forgive me, this time I have to give my vote and pray for SJK, mianheyo, lol. 

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Even though the initial excitement of the nomination is probably still riding high for most people. I hope all of us do realise that there is NO WAY that DOTS will sweep all categories, no serious award show functions like that. Also, I don't think most of us have watched all the dramas/actors/actresses mentioned in the nominees list. I'm happy we got nominated for all categories, especially for the acting category because on earlier occasions the leads of extremely popular dramas have been left out of the list.

Popularity of the drama/actor is not going to be the deciding factor after all - it's their acting.

Also, hoping everyone is prepared that SHK may not make an appearance - Baeksang Awards has always snubbed her in the past . SJK will most definitely go, since this is the year he returns from the army - he'll definitely go!.

Lastly, if any of you are willing to vote for the popularity awards - PLEASE DO SO!. I know that voting costs money and we're not even sure that SHK will attend the event. But do you really want to see "I'm-hungry-for-attention-and-queen-of-media-play" all over SJK on the stage?. If you're not ready for that horrifying image  - then please vote!

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I am sooo happy!!! The nominees are out!!!! And to see them together again...... I cannot put into words the joy. *cries* thank you everyone for updating!! Congratulations to the DOTS cast and crew. And to us troopers as well. We will support them. We can do this!!! Fighting!


hmmmm. Voting starts when? And how do we vote? Kekeke


edit: oh. The voting is not free. Thank you for the information everyone. 

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Are all these categories or only the popularity awards base on votes? 

They're bothing competing with dramas that are heavier and darker. That's quite tough because usually darker drama wins.

But I'm still happy they both get nominated. I think they have a chance to win since they got nominated. Fighting.

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Seems like people are confused, let me clarify.

1. Best Actor/Actress/Drama categories CANNOT be voted for - Just like at any other award function there is an academy/jury that decides who will win.

2. Daesang is the BIG prize of the night, there will be two winners for Daesang - one for the TV category and another for the Movie category - the Daesang can be won by anyone - actor/actress/comedian/director etc.

3.Popularity awards are the only CATEGORY which can BE VOTED for - but this voting unlike others requires you to spend money.

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thanks for the Baeksang Awards info, so happy songsong and DOTS got nominated

yes, sure the competition is hard in major nominees, but i have faith especially in Most Popular Actor and Actress (TV) for our songsong

their popularity is no joke nowadays :) hope songsong and DOTS will get many awards, because they're deserve it :lol:

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Serious question: How many of you are willing to spent to get SJK and SHK for Popularity Award?? 

This voting is not free!! 

Basically everyone can be voted for popularity award and these can only happen if you are willing to spent money by voting as both SJK and SHK are up against everyone in the entertainment scene in Korea and no amount of praying or hoping can do this except spending money in voting to make them get the popularity awards 


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Wow. The competition is tough. I've watched all the dramas that were nominated and they were all good in their own way. They were mostly different genre also. All of the dramas were unique in their own way. I've enjoyed watching all of them and they deserve the nominations. But I'm biased toward our OTP and I love them and I think they deserve the awards too,so at least I really really want them to win the best actor and actress award. Kinda hard tho.. huhu.

I pray tho that at the very least we all could see them walking down the red carpet together, linking arms, waving to camera, shooting hearts thru their eyes at all the audiences and reporters. God, what an awesome image that would be. How gorgeous they would look. It would be the most anticipated red carpet ever. Nations couple peopple! Just imagining it makes me feel like jumping around. The day would be another similar experience like Hongkong presscon I guess. :wub:  Now, starts praying that both of them will be there...

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@Chewy Hoe So what exactly is the process involved in voting for the popularity awards? I'm willing to shell out a few bucks (within reason), but where and how can international fans participate in the voting process? I have never done this before (and I never imagined I would even consider doing this!), so, as much information and guidance would be appreciated. Thanks!

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