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[Official] Yoo Shi Jin - Kang Mo Yeon


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I should be studying, watching Game of Thrones, and listening to Beyoncé's new album, but this thread has so many detectives sharing GREAT information it's more exciting than those three combined. 

@angieknows thank you for the wonderful piece of information; it reaffirms a lot of the things I've seen throughout the thread ;)

I also love how close knit the Songs are in terms of their friend groups and work groups, and speaking of friend groups, it's honestly so touching to see how much the friends value their privacy and friendship. I'm studying entertainment, sports, and media industries right now and if you look at a lot of gossip, it's sources closest to the friends who tell the media such information. To see how little of SHK's private life is talked about in the media is a really good thing (meaning her friends and family aren't they type to blabber and talk). Friends like that hard to come by. 

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@missandrea @angieknows – I can’t get over that head-rubbing-on-shoulder … :D .. still over the moon. I wonder how close they were (at that time) that SJK can just rub his forehead like that .. nuzzled a sunbae shoulder acting all aegyo … How can he did that if they were not close? We are talking about KOREAN CELEB, KOREAN CULTURE WHERE SUCH GESTURE IS A BIG DEAL. If they were Hollywood actor/actress such gesture is normal … :D ..

And to one friend that keep asking about the chronology of the kisses – I don’t understand where you are going with this question (a friend request me not to tag you or quote you but it’s my nature to address any questions/uncertainty brought up to me) … What are you trying to point out? .. It’s clear that they establish some kind of relationship which is beyond ‘just friend’ right from the script reading session. So the order of their shooting kiss to gauge their emotion/facial expression (I presume) was irrelevant since they were in some kind of relationship wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy before 1st shooting. They way SJK looked at SHK while she was introducing herself (script reading session) was a face of a lovesick puppy. And the way SHK smile shyly surprised by SJK (nuzzling her shoulder) but not appearing uncomfortable is more than enough proof that she is as ‘sick’ as he is …

If you are a true SHK fan (or SJK fan) .. you should be happy with who ever that can make them happy and shine like now … oh dear I’m rambling … my actual post is to address below issue … hehehe.. Got side track ladies ..


About – that tsundere – I googled (not that there’s anything lacking with the explanation in this thread :D) .. It’s actually a term to describe a manga character. You know how the character like in manga or anime – always appear distant but actually warm on the inside (once you get to know them). Normally the character in manga has had a rough childhood/life and often treated unfairly thus they adapt the cold exterior persona.

So we can say that MAYBE -  SHK has been through hell and survived, that explained the tsundere attitude.

@rorakitsuzu – If we look at the situation carefully – this term was given to her by someone that is quite close to her it’s from her puppy KMS – please don’t get upset – It’s not the netizen it’s her own ‘friend’. I am not upset by KMS remark … he was being truthful .. and COME ONNNNN … 50% of world population act like that .. there are people that can go huhuhahahihi with any stranger or selective stranger (I can go huhuhahahihi with selective stranger – ie decent, good looking, dress smart with good attitude .. yeah yeah I’m ‘racist’ so kill me :D – I can’t huhuhahahihi with someone that I don’t feel comfortable with) .. but there are people in this universe that are very selective and don’t easily open up to people .. one example is the introvert … so is it wrong to be an introvert? (I’m not saying SHK is an introvert .. just giving some example on human character).

I don’t think KMS having a negative feeling when he said that. OF course any high class individual wouldn’t just open up to ‘stranger’ of course she would be distant somewhat cold … wouldn’t you? And KMS is younger than her – very very very young … so it’s normal to appear distant and please take note – the meaning of Tsundere – “gradually show their warm side over time” .. It’s does not mean some one COLD and Distant .. it’s a term to describe a warm person who hide behind her cold/distant exterior. I want to change that Tsundere remark from KMS to something positive – instead of describing her as cold .. I want to describe as a warm person that has to hide behind a cold and distant exterior.

If SHK is cold and distant she wouldn’t be hanging around having coffee with KMS (and of course SJK) in the middle of the night … A cold person wouldn’t have that kind of smile … A cold person wouldn’t donate as much as she donated … A cold person wouldn’t open a school etc etc …

And if she want to be cold toward anyone in future – SHK please do so esp after DOTS … don’t warm up to anyone other than SJK .. wahahhaha muahahahhaha …

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On 4/23/2016 at 0:28 AM, joongkyo said:

Before I post my other translations, this is a she she she post. I think @Chewy Hoe unnie might agree with me.

During the part in the BTS where SJK is talking about his injuries, let's draw a comparison between the Director and SHK.

The director talks about SJK's nature and his will/drive to film action scenes on his own and talks about how SJK came back on set after two weeks even though his leg hadn't healed and he was unable to walk. SJK responds saying that he's apologetic to the Director for the inconvenience he caused. From this interaction itself one understands that the two view each other as colleagues, therefore  while the Directors respects SJK's commitment , SJK is apologetic to a colleague for the changes in shooting that his injury caused. It's not like the Director talks about SJK's emotions at that point of time nor is SJK overly explanatory about his apology. 

However, we see the next part and while it's SJK who is doing the talking - the actions being described are that of SHK.

  • SHE calls HIM
  • SJK says, SHK knows his personality - which means SHK is someone who has taken the time and effort to understand SJK, and even as a SJK fan I can see that his personality isn't the easiest to decipher. The fact that he knows that she knows him means that SHK definitely definitely TOOK AN ACTIVE INTEREST IN HIM.
  • SHE is the one to reach out to him and comfort him when he's at his worst, she is worried that he is feeling bad that he allowed himself to get into an accident but her foremost concern is to offer him comfort and she's worried that he's feeling guilty.
  • SHE is the one who said she UNDERSTANDS HIM, but told him he shouldn't beat himself up over the accident and asked him to concentrate on feeling better. (this shows a deeper concern for him rather than shooting. Honestly, if he was just another colleague she could have just been really irritated that his injury would mean extra work for everyone, instead her first instinct is to comfort him which shows their relationship and feelings towards one another).
  •  SHE is the one who goes out of her way to coordinate with the director, she says she will do the bulk of the shootings while he's injured. Actually this MEANS A LOT, you see the shooting could have been deferred after all the cast wouldn't have expected SHK to continuously work non-stop and nobody would have made such a request of her. But however the fact that she offered to do so, a big part of it for me is because she didn't want people on the set to have any ill feelings towards SJK and secondly she didn't want him to be at home worrying about what the crew was going through while he recovered. By doing so she's taking care of him in two ways - protecting his image on set and making sure that he doesn't have to worry about the delay in shooting. To me this speaks volumes about HOW MUCH she cares about him, she could have easily have asked the shoot to be postponed for the two weeks that SJK was recovering from the injury but she didn't, do you see why?

I keep nodding my head reading your post, thanks so much for pointing this out and make it clear for us. Like SJK said, they understand each other and compliment each other so well on and off camera. The last point above shows us how much she cares for him. They deserve each other and they deserve all the happiness in this world.

@Chewy Hoe

I was lol'ing reading your drunk post and it took me quite sometimes to get what you meant by he he he and she she she, I am so slow... I'd like to get drunk just once, but can't even drink beer so I'll pass this one, only juice for zero night 3 days for me then, lol.


Wow, you are really a great body language reader. Your explanation on the way he sits are so on point. 

And I love to read your post about your Korean friend, I am still backreading now. It also seems to me people there are kind of protecting uri couple and will not say anything about them. I don't know if I am reading too much into this, but I will feel so touched if this turn to be an open secret in SK, and people decided to keep silent to give them privacy bcos they love them too much to let their relationship be under the spotlight. 

My fave, love their smiles here, I don't think they are acting  :heart:



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Some other points to add on from the BTS

a. The fish (baby scene)..it was soo cute that SHK said it in her cute voice to SJK  and the thing is SJK smiled and continue the conversation...another instance where they were "in their own world". If those were sibling vibes i dont know which siblings does that:phew:.

b. Another observation is they both speak with other in "loving tones" quite different from normal conversation with other people..(it again showed a level of intimacy).

c. The deleted hug adlib..where he stroked her lips,,,,if that doesnt point out the actions of  "a lover " i dont know what love means to people.

d. In the acting /characterization of the roles..its like their real "love" spillover and that is what made the world enchanted with the Song Song Couple (u can call me delulu)

e. Finally im wishing also for the Songs to have a pictorial or couple interview together like Goowon...that would make me and i assume the whole world happy:wub:

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The thot that SJK might have flown on impulse to NY to look for SHK to confess his feelings n perhaps ask to start dating her officially is very romantic n exciting. It is something that I think SJK would do given his driven character. Plus it was in Feb n perhaps he got bit by the Valentine's bug.

I drew parallels with what Brad Pitt did to Angelina Jolie after Mr & Mrs Smith. They were attracted to each other but he couldn't act on it coz of circumstances. After the filming ended, he sorted out his personal business n surprised AJ by flying to where she was having vacation. The rest as we know is history. They r now happily married with 6 kids.

i hope for the same for Song-Song. Luv this couple to bits.

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Huhu .. It hurt me !! 


I don’t really like SongSong to be compared to Bradjolie, I can’t be happy for them when their happiness cost someone’s else happiness. Though it was ages ago … I still cannot get over it .. I guess once a fan always a fan? I see a lot of SongSong shipper like them ..


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1 minute ago, Bambiina said:

LHuhu .. It hurt me !! 

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I don’t really like SongSong to be compared to Bradjolie, I can’t be happy for them when their happiness cost someone’s else happiness. Though it was ages ago … I still cannot get over it .. I guess once a fan always a fan? I see a lot of SongSong shipper like them ..



@angieknows Thanks for the insights from your poor friend! Think the media in the past helped to mould the awful perception, so maybe now they want to atone for it. 

@Bambiina me too! 

@kristy86 I adore that last kiss scene. Their softened gazes...the tone of voice... Thanks for the gif!

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11 minutes ago, Bambiina said:

Huhu .. It hurt me !! 

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I don’t really like SongSong to be compared to Bradjolie, I can’t be happy for them when their happiness cost someone’s else happiness. Though it was ages ago … I still cannot get over it .. I guess once a fan always a fan? I see a lot of SongSong shipper like them ..




and as for SongSong couple case, its bring happiness :) 

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11 minutes ago, hanhkhohaiduong said:

Is anybody see the video? 


It's nothing chemistry, right? I'm really bad in analyze. Can anyone help me analyze this? Thank you so much^^



I sincerely hope you're not a troll, I don't see the point of you adding this video?. Obviously we don't see any chemistry between them otherwise why would we be shipping SS?.

The only chemistry I see in that video is the love that SJK and PBY have for the director of WWB.


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On April 23, 2016 at 2:07 AM, hyukgu said:

SJK: "I need my mum's permission."

SHK: "Still? We have done it a lot tho."

SJK: "No, I must ask her."

SHK: "You should have asked already!" 

DC Inside




Location /Sequential order of filming the Kiss Scenes..... [My take]


FIRST: WINE KISS.....[S.Korea/Taebek]






cr: @angieknows



  • What's your blood type?


  • Tent scene
  • Goodbye....





Cr: Original Owners



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22 minutes ago, hanhkhohaiduong said:


It's nothing chemistry, right? I'm really bad in analyze. Can anyone help me analyze this? Thank you so much^^


We know that PBY is SS shipper too and im forget the date when PBY do the interview that she tell she is SS shipper. but If the interview is happen after this video then i think she already ask SJK-nim about him and SHK-nim lol and we can tell what SJK's answer is :phew: ( based on PBY's answer in the interview about WWB movie that post on previous page ) its just my speculate coz i forget the date PBY do the interview sorry if im wrong :)  

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7 hours ago, ilovesjk said:

@ladylia257 About SJK rubbing his head on SHK at the script reading couldn't have been the tent scene because it was revealed they covered episodes 8 and 9 during the script reading. The tent scene was in episode 16. :) 


But which scene from 8 and 9 that required him to rub his head on her shoulder? Was there a deleted scene we didn't see? Or he just feel like it? It's a big mystery to me.

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 Back reading but just finished watching the subbed BTS. These two were a lot closer than I even anticipated. Even since the first script reading, SJK rubbing his head over and over on her shoulder and she didn't even flinch... That intimacy and comfortability was there since the beginning. SJK is such the jokester on set, he seems to be a humorous guy with a very cheerful personality. Who wouldn't like him? I felt so bad for poor Kim Beom when they were giving him a hard time tho, lol. And SHK, gosh she is too adorable for words! That drunken scene with her jumping on the couch, she looked just like a kid.  When she apologized for being cute all I could think was, how can a woman pull off so much cuteness at her age? I chuckled when she said she doesn't leave alcohol behind at the wine kiss scene. I love how every scene of them were just filled with laughter, you could tell they had so much fun. I've never seen SHK being so playful and touchy like that with her co stars, I only saw the BTS of TWTB. But she was more reserved compared with SJK. BTW, do these two know what personal space is? :lol: or do they just really like being next to each other? LOL, on the boat bts scene they sat RIGHT next to each other, like there is no barrier between them. I remember during the Arab scene, when they were on the couch, their shoulders even touched. At first I thought maybe they were supposed to be that close. Now I believe it's just a habit between them. I get if you're comfortable with someone but even I don't let people in my bubble like that. They are attached to each other like magnets and neither seems bothered by it. 

One another thing, they're comfortable and close behind the scenes, yet in real life they show something else. If there really is nothing going on, why not act like you guys do in the BTS? And this is the sole reason why I believe they are real. :D *Sorry for the long post lol*

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PBY refusing to answer about how SJK is says a lot to me. Maybe I'm over analyzing but I believe typically when the actor and/or actress has a significant other, it reserves people from commenting about them in fear of misunderstanding. I really feel like PBY know something about SongSong that made her feel it was not her place to give her comment about SJK. It's even more telling that she mentioned that SongSong are a great looking pair and that she wished to not interfere. Also sorry for bringing this up but PBY was also the one to reveal to the public who SJK's secret ideal girl was. This was something SJK told her in confidence though she ended up revealing it, lol. It should tell you all how close their friendship is for him to open up about such matters to her. I really have a feeling she might know about SongSong. 

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