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[Official] Yoo Shi Jin - Kang Mo Yeon


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I'm a silent reader for almost over 300 pages :D
and actually it's been a really, really, really long time since I logged in and made a post, the power of SongSong :wub:

Having watched the BTS, I'm feeling like an idiot because I'm constantly grinning and laughing...LOL
I'm perfectly fine if/when they don't admit they're dating. Rather, it's more fun to see all dots and connect them that their friends are sharing

Though I'm a bit, just a bit, disappointed by the BTS overall, one of scenes that really cracks me up everytime is the hair tie scene. I like SJK's voice tone when he said "arasso" like "can you pls stop nagging, I know how/what to do". And we see SHK's brief face expression like "yeah? ookaaay" while encouraging SJK at the same time hahaha (hard to put in words, arghh..)

Thanks anyway for sharing all infos and insights, I'm loving them

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@Ahpheng I love your comic strips. They're all great!

Awww! @joongkyo shared that a fortune teller said Song2 is very compatible, will bring good luck to each other (I think it's already happening right now) and will be even luckier if they work outside Korea. 


They can have one drama in Korea per year and movies in China and Hollywood. 

Not necessarily working together, but they should definitely live together. To bring luck to each other, and make lucky babies together............

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I lovee the BTS ... I lost count to how many time I repeat ... 

See ... our hunch are right ... we are right ... we saw through them ... we know ... When you are in love it is difficult to hide ... it's not something you can hide ...

My most favourite moment is the script reading session .... SJK nuzzling SHK shoulder in a very familiar manner in front of a room full of 'strangers' ... I wonder if it was an uncontrol act - I mean he didn't realize doing it because it's his habit? .. But I can see SHK was a bit shy and surprised by his reaction ... I wonder if it was a 'mistake' ..

I have never seen any gesture like that before ... I think they have been in some kind of relationship before that script reading .... It's not something a friend would do to another sunbae IN FRONT OF STRANGERS ... :blink:

And they understand that their behavior will be analyzed/dissect to the micro level ... and He knew every script reading 'event' is recorded and some pictures/footage will be distributed to media. 

How can he make such 'mistake' ... It could be because of habit or ... he just doesn't give a hoot .... come what may I brave it through ... ??

I still cannot believe my eyes even though I repeated that moment over and over again .... I am amazed at their level of comfort .. and here we were discussing the possibilities of them together - when the evidence is out there and very clear ... 

I don't need their clarification anymore .. people that still insist there's nothing between them .. I think they need to go to psychiatrist and get their head examined... 

And the BTS - They were flirting with each other ... looking for the chance to touch each other ... I think they were in their early stage 

Stage #1 The infatuation stage. This is the first stage in every relationship. It almost always starts with an intense attraction and an uncontrollable urge to be with each other. Both of you may be intensely sexually attracted to each other, or both of you may just love the cuddles and each other’s company. In this stage, both of you overlook any flaws of each other and only focus on the good sides.


And now I think they are at the final stage - stage 9 (read the link is it very interesting and both SHK/SJK behaving exactly like in that article



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GREAT FORTUNE FOR EACH OTHER? Definitely GOD's plan... ^^

I am curios, for the next movie SJK will shaved his head? I imagine he will be cooler and hotter than before! *sangnamja* 

Oooh noo i can't handle this... *nosebleed

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lol thank you @joongkyo @applegirl2 @msbae81! an interesting piece of article, he's "all-in" work. very smart reporter. to those who freak out : you people should be using ur wit to get ahead and understand the article. :) let's spazz more! 

@shootforthestars thank you for sharing the video. he's so handsome. I also can only see him in the video. he stood out so much! handsome oppa!!!

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On 4/8/2016 at 0:33 AM, calachuchi said:

Salutations to the brilliant people who keeps this ship sailing, you've all been wonderful and I'm grateful for all your efforts.  Thank you all, for keeping me alive. :)

I've been a lurker (w/o a soompi account, my apologies) here since almost the beginning but finally decided to de-lurk just to ask everyone a question so I could finally be at peace.  This is literally my first post so please bear with me. :sweatingbullets:


Remember this scene? Where KMY was so curious about the logistics of LCH & fiancée's conception?



Is it just me or did anybody else thought of the above scene  when this scene  appeared on the recent episode?


(Note: I'm not always 100% sure of the subs but as long as I could get the drift I'm good)

I mean, I don't know. KMY seem to be all giddy about the idea.  And although our Captain claimed he's a patient who couldn't do something, the good doctor did point out that he still "went to the department store". I mean, if you're capable of walking around after a cardiac arrest, going up rooftops and sniping people with accuracy (the physics of the whole thing is quite taxing on the brain), it's safe to say that you're capable of darn near anything. 

Or maybe I just wanted to see little Si Jins and Mo Yeons so bad that I would grasp at the tiniest straw and run with it.

*sigh* I'm just so glad that I've finally let this out. I'll just leave this here and crawl back to the hole where I came from. 

Footnote: I work in construction and almost all of my close friends and colleagues are guys. We do everything together---take selfies, get drunk together, at one time even shared an apartment. We're as close as we could get. But never, not even once, did I make any of our selfies my lockscreen. lol. It never even crossed my mind. Granted, none of them looked like SJK but y'all get my drift. (This is in ref. to SHK's IG posts. Super late reaction but might as well) ^_^

Thank you all and I hope everyone will have a happy weekend.



Just found this post :)

I think you're insinuating that could the couple did that before the sleeping in each other's arms scene. The thought did cross my mind, but you made me think it's possible. A possible point of view indeed. 

And yup, there are things we'll do with our boy friends and things we'll only do with our significant other. Love your post!

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This voice recording was from SJK's FM recently, regarding his ideal woman questions.

He can answer all the questions instantly, except question about he likes dongseng or noona woman? His used about 5 seconds to think this question (:phew:). He must struggling how to answer this. Haha.

Listen at time ~1:00.


credit: baidu bar

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@kshxkyj daebak! knf here! are you seeing what im seeing too? This reminds us a lot of them right? Geez from squad goals to sharing things to almost everything they do. If only they have the same fan based like we have around the world then it won't be a problem doing detective work and spazzing for the stolen shots and bts. Alas they don't so we can only rely to their squads dropping hints here and there and fans insta. Anyways happy to see a co-fan here. Kikyo fighting!! Ship full speed ahead!! :heart::heart::heart:

@joongkyo Thank you for always keeping the thread alive without your updates i don't think this thread will be hot as it is now. :star::star::star:

To all the posters of this thread i want to say thank you so much for keeping the thread alive, full of insights and fun. I'm sorry if im being emotional it's just that i just finished watching the last episode and it's now settling to me that it really is the end of Big Boss and Beauty. And now the story of Kikyo begins! Keep believing, Keep holding on and don't stop praying. Prayer helps and STOP THE HATE. Believe in them and trust them. From experience trust me it helps. :blush::blush::wink:

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Watching the truck kiss for the umpteenth time and having reconciled the sweet passionate kiss with SJK asking his mum for permission before the shot, I conclude that his mum must have given more than her blessings for her son's nuptial with our beautiful lady, since the kiss is so beautiful, slow and intense all the way into the sunset.

Way to go, SJK! Oma definitely seems more than happy with her son's choice. .   :D

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3 hours ago, Bambiina said:

I lovee the BTS ... I lost count to how many time I repeat ... 

See ... our hunch are right ... we are right ... we saw through them ... we know ... When you are in love it is difficult to hide ... it's not something you can hide ...

My most favourite moment is the script reading session .... SJK nuzzling SHK shoulder in a very familiar manner in front of a room full of 'strangers' ... I wonder if it was an uncontrol act - I mean he didn't realize doing it because it's his habit? .. But I can see SHK was a bit shy and surprised by his reaction ... I wonder if it was a 'mistake' ..

I have never seen any gesture like that before ... I think they have been in some kind of relationship before that script reading .... It's not something a friend would do to another sunbae IN FRONT OF STRANGERS ... :blink:

And they understand that their behavior will be analyzed/dissect to the micro level ... and He knew every script reading 'event' is recorded and some pictures/footage will be distributed to media. 

How can he make such 'mistake' ... It could be because of habit or ... he just doesn't give a hoot .... come what may I brave it through ... ??

I still cannot believe my eyes even though I repeated that moment over and over again .... I am amazed at their level of comfort .. and here we were discussing the possibilities of them together - when the evidence is out there and very clear ... 

I don't need their clarification anymore .. people that still insist there's nothing between them .. I think they need to go to psychiatrist and get their head examined... 

And the BTS - They were flirting with each other ... looking for the chance to touch each other ... I think they were in their early stage 

Stage #1 The infatuation stage. This is the first stage in every relationship. It almost always starts with an intense attraction and an uncontrollable urge to be with each other. Both of you may be intensely sexually attracted to each other, or both of you may just love the cuddles and each other’s company. In this stage, both of you overlook any flaws of each other and only focus on the good sides.


And now I think they are at the final stage - stage 9 (read the link is it very interesting and both SHK/SJK behaving exactly like in that article



Yes!! I definitely agree on this!! This is obvious that there were familiarity already between SHK/SJK. I know both of them have acknowledge that they have seen each and have interacted one way or another in the past, but this part of the BTS, is telling us rather differently. Nudging your head to someone like that in front of everyone, and like @Bambiina said, at this point, are still strangers to them, are just a little odd. They have something going on already, I believe, prior to this script reading! I do not for a second thought that it is just a "sweet nothing" kind of interactions. They are too chummy and seemed in a close relationship already to be having some sort of physical contact and this gesture is a sweet one, not a tap, not a brush of arms... But acting all cutesy and endearing. Gaaaaaaah! They are just too much! Lol! 

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@triplezg That's not from today. He's sitting in Mo Yeon's house lol! Believe he's wearing the clothes from the car wash scene.. Wonder why this was filmed so early? Must've been somewhere in December then

edit: oh wait wasn't that fc smile cup thing what he did with the RM members in january? then it's an old video alltogether

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