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[Official] Yoo Shi Jin - Kang Mo Yeon


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3 hours ago, boredahjumma said:

Hi, I had just received email from BaekSang organizer to confirm my attendance. Anybody knows whether I can transfer the invitation to somebody else? Such a waste... It'll be better for any SS shipper to attend on my behalf... :(

Me too. The invitation is not transferable. Such a waste... :(

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Oh my! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you so much @angieknows for providing us with this great project! We all are so grateful you're willingly to help us relaying our love messages to SS :) What a beautiful stack! :wub: Wish you and @~*kYo*~ have a great trip in KR, and of course can get a chance to meet our SS in BS Awards :)


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@boredahjumma Hi, if I remember it correctly when I read the update from Baeksang, the invitation is non-transferrable, unfortunately. Would've been great if it could be transferred to another user. :(

@angieknows Yaaaaaaaay that is so classy and beautiful! Thank you for compiling all of our messages. I feel giddy and excited lol. Hope you have a safe trip to S. Korea as well as ~*kYo*~ <3

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2 hours ago, zznini said:

I didnt expect to see SHK's pic at the airport, bcs I know she is a pro ninja. Lol. When I saw her update on IG, I believe she's in BJ at that time. Then I kept thinking of the question, at what time and when her flight to BJ and the most important thing is whether they meet each other after he returned from SZ or before she went to BJ. I am sorry ladies. I cant help myself not to think about these two. :sweatingbullets::sweatingbullets::sweatingbullets: #dontmindme :D


Actually thinking of the same thing.. could it be that as an expert in the subtle art of invisibility (hehe) she could have well been with him all along... haha.. my imagination is going wild.. may or may not be true but thinking about it made me happy .

@angieknows youve done a great job.. looks so nice and pretty.. hope SS couple would be touched by the messages and the effort that went with it.. again nice artistic work youve done kuddos to u

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Oh wow! Thanks @angieknows for all the hardwork! That box is beautiful. Kudos to you. :blush: 


Even SHK's hand is godly! The lady is just every bit of perfection OMG!:)

And yes, I'd like to echo everyone's call for us to be responsible shippers. Let us give the people around them the same amount of respect that we give our couple. Let us all take it upon ourselves to know how and when to draw the line. 


Here's to hoping for a memorable week for all of us.:blush:

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@angieknows-it looks so beautiful and classy! Thank u again and those who helped for taking up this project and assemble all of our msgs to present to SS. I hope both will read each and every message together so they know how much we believe and support them. No matter how hard the road ahead seems, they will always have fans who support them together. All of sudden I feel like crying...really wish the best for our OTP and hope any negative comments/critism won't hurt them. *fighting*

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3 hours ago, kroosifix said:


Hi @kroosifix, thanks for highlighting. Just wanna reiterate that all my comments above are just my personal illusion or views or opinions. I don't represent those IG people... I am not that tech savvy just like SJK.. I only recently create IG account just to follow but never once repost anything.. So if my actions lead to their actions, I can only apologize as I cannot control their actions. 

Regards to SHK actions, I just think we should respect whatever she do, she knows when to react to the IG people, it's her choice to post new photos or even to delete her account.. She know best what to do. Like in one of her interview, she mentioned that she won't dislike or feel shy when people calling to her when she met them outside in a restaurant or where, as she knows being a famous artist all these are just part and parcel of her life.

There is a Chinese saying:“一种米养百种人“, meaning a type of rice can feed hundred types of people, so I just think with hundred types of people there bound to be hundred types of thinking.. We may not share the same opinion or thinking but I am sure I don't have the type of thinking that would cause any inconvenience to SHK or SJK. (I also never bother with anyone of their friends at all). I am just a normal fan who like them and wish them all the best be it in their careers or love lives! 

Peace out!:)

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On 5/29/2016 at 0:24 AM, smoky1671 said:

The wine kiss video based on the Chinese translation by interpreter


MC: when filming the wine kiss, were there NGs, or filmed in one sequence ? Or repeatedly having to start again?

SJK: Of course there were NGs.. But I really didn't NG on purpose! (Gesticulating vigorously here!)
MC: it's ok, no need .. No need... No need... to explain, I didn't think you had done it on purpose !
SJK: Ah... Sorry (in Chinese) ( with a sheepish smile)
MC: so do you remember how many times you NG'd in this scene? 100 times?
SJK: 10 times..? 20..? About 20 times probably
MC: (voice going up in disbelief) so.. One wine kiss was shot 20 times?!
SJK: (waving his right hand in denial) I didn't do it on purpose!
MC: but I don't think this is something that can happen to such an excellent actor! You are in our hearts an actor of such skill... How can a wine kiss need 20 takes??
SJK: (pointing to lips) I was a little nervous so my lips kept going dry
MC: so your lips became dry?
SJK: why is it like this?
MC: so it was because you were overly nervous, so all the body functions became dried up.. So... That's to say.. Ah, don't know how to put it...
Ok, so I have another question of my own to ask you ...
There are many Korean dramas with romantic scenes, kisses locked in an embrace, passionate kiss scenes... These sorts of passionate kisses, are they using camera angles, or are they really kissing


Sorry to cut your post. It just when i read this, i couldnt help but remember that Wine scene BTS. Is it just my delulu mind taking over, or SHK-ssi indeed look nervous being in close proximity SJK-ssi? Because if its true, then it means, they are affected by each other. And his reaction tho.. :sweatingbullets:



@kristy86 Lmao. Dont worry, i have been prepared for everything that will surely comes later. Or, maybe not, because every time, they both did something that seems like a hint for us, i feel like died. Again. And again. They sure drive us crazy. And happy at the same time. Urghh..  This adorkable couple ..:phew:

Anyway, big thanks to everyone who has shared everything about the news from SJK and SHK. It really makes me happy after a hard that at work..:)

And to @angieknows and @~*kYo*~ have a safe trip to you both, and best of luck from us for the success of your mission (That box is really beautiful and classy). We will wait here patiently for any news. And dont forget to have fun.. ;)




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1 hour ago, angieknows said:

A sneak peek at all your work! This is SHK's stack. Have yet to do SJK's! :sweatingbullets: Looking forward to finishing the project today!



Song Hye Kyo is gorgeous! I hope she goes to Baeksang ... she needs to! LOL.



This should give you an idea of the "message in the box" concept for our project ... except the Songs have a long accordion of messages to go through and a surprise at the very end :)

Aww @angieknows i really love it ! It's indeed looks so classy ! Thank you for the time. i hope you enjoy the trip and got to meet both Songs! <3

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Guest zznini
2 hours ago, angieknows said:

A sneak peek at all your work! This is SHK's stack. Have yet to do SJK's! :sweatingbullets: Looking forward to finishing the project today!



Song Hye Kyo is gorgeous! I hope she goes to Baeksang ... she needs to! LOL.



This should give you an idea of the "message in the box" concept for our project ... except the Songs have a long accordion of messages to go through and a surprise at the very end :)

  Reveal hidden contents




The message box is really beautiful and classy. I love it! :wub:Thank you so much.... 

Hope you will enjoy your trip to SK, have fun with other shippers and get a good opportunity to meet our songsong couple. :) Take care. 

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To @angieknows, @~*kYo*~ and two other SS soompi shippers going to Baeksang -- here's to countless thank you's and *virtual hugs* for all the hardwork, time and all-out support to our dearest SS couple! Have a safe flight and an awesome stay in Seoul guys! Really hoping that you get to see both Songs or one of 'em.. No worries, you've got prayer warriors right here! ^^~ 


And oh btw an update for tomorrow's CHANEL event with our dear Kyo. There will be a live broadcast thru an app as per this weibo account. :)



Ah can't wait to see her hit the red carpet tomorrow!! ♡ 

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Hmm from what I read from the caption. The Salon only said SHK choose the same Color as shown in this pair of hands and never said that's SHK hands really. I don't remember her fingers being so long in DOTS, go rewatch DOTS and you will realise it 

that is probably the hands of the manicurist and holding the name card to promote the shop. Why would SHK do that for them? 

And I managed to find that video link of Baeksang trailer showing only SJK pointing a gun less than a second and no SHK but everyone else! 

Why is it that every drama and movie made it to the trailer except DOTS? Why is there no SHK you tell me? And why do you only show SJK in a quick flash and have other stars in full view multiple times? If this trailer is anything that's deem award winning by BS then please understand my frustration!! How is it a drama with the highest rating not made it there? 

I first saw this video once it was released on its official Weibo and then I tell myself even if DOTS or our OTP is not favoured in BS! I MUST make sure they at least get the popularity awards! 


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