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[Official] Yoo Shi Jin - Kang Mo Yeon


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Throwback to the first PC. I love the way SJK treats his Lady:wub:

On April 3, 2016 at 11:50 AM, 2cents said:

I like how he tries to subtlely guide her off the stage by touching her back whilst walking down the stairs, i'm sure he knows she's in massively high Christian Louboutin pumps and he's so gentlemen in that small gesture (It's like a "i'll catch you if you fall" gesture), his hand doesn't leave her back until she gets to the bottom of the stairs.
And again when he walks with her to the back of the stage there's so much room but he walks so closely next to her



Youtube thank you @melissala 

btw this fanboy is cute:P




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Well... The entire point of having this forum is because we thoroughly enjoy the SSCouple partnership. If people don't like it, they're free to ignore this page. You can choose to NOT be here. No one is forcing you to read or believe anything. This hub allows us to share what we see and read. If you wish you discuss SS separately or with others, there are forums for that and you can freely check it out.

As for most of us, we like seeing them together. It's not like what we do here influence what they do with their personal lives. We endeavour to do this responsibly, sensibly and without ill-intent. Shipping them doesn't change the course of the world, and as far I'm concerned this is all harmless and in good fun.

We met them. We fell in love with them. And we enjoy seeing them together.

If you don't, then I'm sorry but this is our space. You can find other forums to your liking.






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Annyeong Comrades!

As usual, i need to do my back read in order not to miss out anything on our beautiful SongSong couple :P

But before that, just wanna share uri Beauty pic, i find her so beautiful and fresh here (as always)..160420_2p16_song1_zpsowix4z1f.jpg


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Fwah kudos to both @songsongdots and @ludadeer for taking the time to translate 

good material to always remind us about the origins of song song 

Like he always said: All these difficult things I always manage to do right? 

I still feel original Chinese script has the most feels even the Koreans would weep to because I read out to 2 who understood mandarin and they cried....

To all my fellow shippers: let's never ever forget why we are all here in the first place, and once on this ship: Don't Look Back 


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15 hours ago, finickyfray said:

despite his busy schedule in the morning and flying out the next morning, he still went to hangout. knowing that its the only time to rest before a long schedule. would you do that if you're in his shoes? i certainly won't. okay i should not post anything that can lead to speculations. lol

my post will sound repetitive as many have mentioned this but for someone who achieve a new height in his career and still not trying to dismiss the rumour even showing close relationship. how can we not be pleased? that is why many of us died several times.

i am not trying to convinced anyone to believe what i believe but if you may, let us have our peace. we have our grounds and we will continue to support :) you can go and continue to support what you believe :) 

@finickyfray, i'm sorry to cut off your post. I was doing back reading when i saw your post. I couldn't help myself but to respond to it :P

I was laughing so hard when reading your sentence "how can we not be pleased? that is why many of us died several times". Gosh, this line just went straight to my heart coz i could not agree more!:wub: That what was happening to me and to all of the shipper here nowadays. We die, came back to life and die again, came back to life and die again, countless time! :P

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If I could give your recent post 1000 likes I would be very willing to do so @ludadeer. Your essay about him and her gave me joy and peaceful feeling. It was so beautiful and profound  and I actually cant imagine how wonderful and meaningful it would be when you expressed these feelings in your native language. Thus, I'm grateful that you had taken time and translated your thoughts into English :) 

Unnie Chewy, I'm thinking of skipping your posts in this thread in the next few days. How the hell all of your posts today one after another just turned me into an emotional mess?And that freaking video you urged me to watch was the last straw that broke the camel's back I tell you! The only thing I would want to read from you now is the fanfiction named 'What happened behind that mysterious blind?' that you gave me the synopsys yesterday. Please work on that soon to make up for all the tears of mine LOL Seriously, no kidding about the fanfic! 

Btw, just when the thread is being so fine in its most blissful and peaceful mode ever, some people just had to come in and bursted bubbles again. Ain't nobody got time to waste for you here really! If you don't believe in SongSong then please dont join this thread! Sorry not sorry! 




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ROFL to think we now have to handle people using this thread to plug advertising SPAMS! It's so hilarious I died laughing! That was so funny that suddenly a spam came in!! Oh dear its deleted but it cracks me up and now people would think I am crazy 

And no I didn't intend to make anyone a total mess, ludadeer was the one who started talking about ep 15 to me again and we started the will letter in Chinese and we decided that we should make more people share the sorrow of our OTP....

and the blind fiction is too hardcore to be in main so just forget about it 

OH, did anyone notice how LKS follows SJK today like a puppy despite his height? Don't get me wrong, I love LKS because he is his Best Friend but to see such a towering man following behind SJK is just way too funny for me

hopefullly everyone tonight sleeps with this silly grin on your face. Too many good things coming our way 

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Its 1.38am and im not sleeping... omg...listening to an old favourite of mine... you are my baby by As One.. korean song, not new.. but so romantic..(Not korean so basically just reading the eng subtitles.)..

The title, you are my baby... remember the bts scene where kmy was saying aegi aegi to ysj...so cute ... and then im imagining a sjk and shk fanfic in my mind ....you are my baby baby baby baby.... 

and some of the lyrics are like so sweet.... 

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@kirachan to solve your own puzzle, just go through this thread, SHK's thread, SJK's thread or even other shippers' thread. You then will find your answer, it'll come really crystal clear. And your friend, whoever she's Korean or Chinese, from the statement she made, proved to me that she's in no position whatsoever to "guess" about SJK, she has no understand about him nor did she prove she has followed him enough to be able to make a guess about him. Just because she speaks the same language as him does not give her the right to do random guess. 

I speak several languages but never think that gives me the right to judge whoever I could understand what they're talking about.

 I were totally fine with your doubt, but your friend guessing game just ended my bad day in a very worst way.

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1 hour ago, ludadeer said:

Then it came to the last shipwreck in mid October. We all could tell it was their confession to each other needless to do any analysis. That kiss … i even felt guilty watching them, it was just SO PRIVATE! Cos we were watching SHK & SJK’s private moment!!!!! We were invading their privacy!!!!!!


I am 100% agree with this. There so much emotion involved during this kiss scene, and SJK body movement is a giveaway. He looks like he really enjoys it so much. However the guiltiness of invading someone privacy doesn't stop me to keep watching the video shipwrecked kissing scene.  It doesn't matter how many time I watch them kissing (shipwrecked) I still feel goosebumps.

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I don't know if I'm in the position to say this but whoever posting pics of SJK with his  previous partner in IG...I know that those who post that kind of pics are also lurkers here...please stop posting pics like that because you only capture the moment where he's not helping them but if u see the video his always assisting all his leading ladies,,,and comparing the way he act with SHK and others...I think posting like that kind of pics will only cause more trouble for hye gyo...she's the one receiving the hate from their fans...lets just enjoy and focus on our couple...I read some mean comments for her...lets not include them

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My eyes and soul are blessed with every single word of your sharing @ludadeer, thank you, thank you so much for sharing your beautiful perspective to us. I'm happily amazed by how our SongSong affect positively each other while create optimistic influences on us, and we comrades ourselves also learn and interact with each other. Yes I have learnt and widen my world a lot more thanks to you my lovely comrades - subaenims, chingus, juniors. Each day I find more and more reasons to deepen my love towards this ship. 


I have seen a BTS photo that is new to me. lt looks crowded at first glance but it's easy to spot our Kyo, as Joong Ki said: "She looks small whatever the position of hers in the picture is. And she's very pretty." Yes, I totally agree with you on this, our sangnamja :)


Photo credit to hanstgrm_ @ instagram

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I won't be able to sleep if I don't say something.

SJK needs to Promote himself via dating rumours?.  :blink:

Dating rumours are like the plague for any popular actor - they will run a mile in the opposite direction before "using dating news with (insert any actress name) for PR". The only time that actors and actresses "promote chemistry" is during the beginning or in-between the running of a show/movie which is when they need to grab the public's imagination and intrigue them enough that they'll watch the drama/movie. After the drama is over - the actor/actress do not benefit at all from any dating news.....lol...if dating news made actors/actresses popular then S.Korea wouldn't be full of "secret relationships".

Moreover in SJK's case - I don't know if you've noticed - well, if you haven't - the rest of the continent of Asia has noticed him and he doesn't need to resort to cheap antics like "using SHK's name/fame". He's the most famous name in the continent as of now and dating news is detrimental to him - his legions of fan-girls wouldn't be happy with the news.

So, NO - he doesn't need to promote himself by using SHK's name.

Oddly, *some people* seem to forget that SJK and SHK never even promoted the drama with any *hint of chemistry* at their first press conference or even their second press conference in Seoul. LOL....so if they didn't want to "help in promotions" at that point of time...then why would they need to do anything now

Also , do people realise that the party at TMI was a "closed party".  It's not like SJK is some random party crasher who walked in and took selfies with SHK and YAI which he could *USE* as a PR tactic in Beijing.

Forget the fact that SJK wouldn't do that - Why in the world would Blossoms do that?. If they loved the rumours so much then the agency wouldn't have denied it in the first place...lol~


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No one is using anyone for fame. I may not know a lot of actors/actresses, but I've always known that SJK is one of the popular ones. He isn't listed one of the highest paid actors for nothing. Saying that he's using Kyo or their dating rumours for self promo is like degrading all of his previous efforts. He's been working really hard to get to where he is now. 

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@lovely_skham_stv Thank you for your wonderful post. It is very detailed, i applaud you for your time and effort on making the post.

I think i should refer the doubter to you post there in page 791 just to give them a food for thought.... Besides, what prove do they need. Our OTP already laid out all the facts for us. :phew: 

For the doubter, please if you have doubt don't post it here... what you are saying is an insult to SJK's character. Think wisely.

@ludadeer Thank you for the beautiful post.... really appreciate the time you put in translating it for us. Reading it leaves me with a warm heart :wub:  

Your post will be my Quote of the day, as its a wish many of us wants to convey to SHK and SJK.


Joongki ah .. Hyekyo ah ...please enjoy your love, it’s such a tough work yet you had done it afterall.


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Just my thoughts on what I said in this couple of pages back reading. 

Let's see Kdrama actors even if they are dating are one to never divulge such status. It is just not done in K Entertainment. The fangirls need to be serviced and kept happy. So no,  the actor usually projects an image  of being single and available to feed the fangirls fantasy. That is just the nature of entertainment world.  He does not need to promote a love angle. He is a made Hallyu Star already ( it was even fun to see his rise because of this project) . And he is currently  riding  a popularity streak that is just jackpot for his agency and a lot of people will benefit from that (advertiser/promoters/managers etc.) . I am sure they will want to keep it that way.  

SJK has never been that kind of person ( to use another person for his gain) . And it not very flattering to even think that SHG will be used by someone she thinks of very fondly in that way. Not too cool about that scenario ever playing out. 

This is just my thoughts and two cents about that topic.  

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1 hour ago, d172 said:


I am 100% agree with this. There so much emotion involved during this kiss scene, and SJK body movement is a giveaway. He looks like he really enjoys it so much. However the guiltiness of invading someone privacy doesn't stop me to keep watching the video shipwrecked kissing scene.  It doesn't matter how many time I watch them kissing (shipwrecked) I still feel goosebumps.


Every time I watch and rewatch that kiss it just gives me the most intense feels. We need to clap for the DOP ( director of photography) he just captured that kiss so perfectly. And the director too for envisioning that moment.  

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@kirachan although i am a big fan of SHK, i think you have gone too far by saying SJK is using the dating rumors for promoting SJK's FM, you offended SJK and as well as SHK, you made SJK like a nonsense person and Kyo as idiot. The NY incident was happened before the Dots aired and i believe their feelings were blossomed back then. I use to ignore comments which i find weird, but when you wrote it was for promotion SJK is using Kyo, is beyond my patience. He is a big star enough that saying he used Kyo, is just too overboarded, he doesn't need to and it's disrespectful for both SongSong.



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25 minutes ago, zashibear said:

Just my thoughts on what I said in this couple of pages back reading. 

Let's see Kdrama actors even if they are dating are one to never divulge such status. It is just not done in K Entertainment. The fangirls need to be serviced and kept happy. So no,  the actor usually projects an image  of being single and available to feed the fangirls fantasy. That is just the nature of entertainment world.  He does not need to promote a love angle. He is a made Hallyu Star already ( it was even fun to see his rise because of this project) . And he is currently  riding  a popularity streak that is just jackpot for his agency and a lot of people will benefit from that (advertiser/promoters/managers etc.) . I am sure they will want to keep it that way.  

SJK has never been that kind of person ( to use another person for his gain) . And it not very flattering to even think that SHG will be used by someone she thinks of very fondly in that way. Not too cool about that scenario ever playing out. 

This is just my thoughts and two cents about that topic.  

Thank you for mentioning this as I was about to mention how the Korean Entertainment industry works when it comes to dealing with dating scandals, rumors, drama promotions, etc. If anyone is gonna post about having doubts or any using of names just to promote then first a poster have to do some background research to look at the history of the Korean drama/actors culture work. I grew up watching lots of kdramas and this is thanks to Kyo for introducing me to her superb acting on AIMH. Most of the time once a kdrama is done you rarely see the actors keeping touch or seeing each other heck even mentioning each other. Korean actors move on with their other projects or lined up schedule and start a new thing again. That's why when SJK shared a picture of that TMI party with SHK leaning on him and being so close to him I was surprised because that's a rare thing you see in K Entertainment especially both of them know that lots of public eyes are on them not only the fans but also the media. Lastly, K Entertainment are not really big on promoting or using names when it comes to the Kdrama actors this tends to happen more on the idols-company sector. Last bit I just want to say is that this is not hard to figure out when all the facts, pictures, vids, and even SHK and SJK themselves already are giving us the information we need to see what the relationship is between them. 

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