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[Official] Yoo Shi Jin - Kang Mo Yeon


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Its about time that all of us must accept the fact that there will be always be non believers in any situation in life. Especially when it comes to couple pairing.

But because Song Song is one ship that would probably be for life so in order to stay on we need to learn how to look the other way because there is no way we can stop them from appearing. 

I believe Song Song will take us through dating,marriage,children and as Long as they are together we will stay on this ship. Everything is spazzable about them even if they grow old and as Long they have news and spotted together, the spazzing will not stop even if we are grandmothers as Long as Soompi continues to be around and aspires to be the longest running shipping thread. 

I see that there are more SHK fans in this thread than on the SHK thread itself because you probably saw how happy she was with this man Song Joong Ki, I hope you guys pray and love Song Joong Ki the same because he too needs all the strength,courage and determination to protect and love your angel. Remember ultimately if they are for real and in for the long run he is the only one that your angel can count on. 

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1 hour ago, lovesongsong said:

Some people just create an account to troll, cos they cannot stand it when we have so much to spazz about these few days. Don't be fooled by their innocent video links. They are actually shipping her with another actor who appears right after her. But it is this kind of disillusioned shippers I feel sorry for. Appearing one after another in a video means they are dating? Lol. Try harder. 

Pity them cos they must be feeling so insecure inside to come here and do such things. 

Meanwhile SS fighting! Let our captain Song continue to sail this ship and give us more to spazz about in coming FMs 


I really don't want to create wars here, as I feel like it'd be an insult to S2 Couple. But I'd like to emphasize that I don't intend to mention that actor and I don't ship him with her. It appears that my genuine intention to share here is being looked down to. That's fine, I will be back to my silent mode again. Sometimes sharing is not caring at all I guess.


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Thank you @ditto1982 for the video, love it :D I hope you don't mind I made some gifs from it...

How to read his expression here after they showed the pic  :relaxed: The way he raised his eyebrows, so cute...it's like he's teasing us.



Just skipped SHK, she's not only a close friend, lol  :blush: 



Move on to...


Love you SJK :love: 

Bravo, you are indeed the captain of this lovely ship :D 


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Hey guys, like what chewy eonnie said, we have to learn how to look other way. 

I love this thread bcuz it's mature enuf for everyone to do so isnt it?

the very BEST thing to do with them is to ignore. 

I mean, bring it on, we wont do anything bcuz i knw our true captain, SJK sshi will definitely do smth :phew:

I trust SS okay :wub:

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Guy don't even pay attention to naysayers and other shippers. Let's just be honest and state the obvious here. They are bitter it's not their ship, and scared we could be right.  We are 6 months past DoTS filming. The drama is over. The promo is over. There is no reason for them to hang out at all anymore unless they want to for whatever reason. The fact is that they enjoy each other's company and despite very busy schedules make time to see each other.  I can see why some other shippers and fans of other people are upset, but we shouldn't even justify their behavior with a response.  Just enjoy all the gifts we've been given.  

That is all. 


ps - don't forget to vote!

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Okay, reading the article posted by @melissala and SJK will be shooting TODAY for LKS's web drama which will be airing on KBS2 (same as DOTS, so he's supporting LKS and KBS). Today is the last day of shooting for the drama.

@khxy yay!, I'm glad!. So is this a Chinese CF?. Did they mention the location of the shoot?

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Thanks for the awesome news @khxy.  Looks like a new camera CF?

Onew talked about SJK on 'Our Neighborhood Arts and Physical Education', a sports variety show.  Earlier when Onew starred in DotS, members asked questions about the drama.  When asked about his relationship with SJK, Onew said, "on the day the drama premiered, I was waiting in front of the TV the whole time, waiting for the moment that I would appear, but my part was cut off.  Song Joong Ki sunbae was the first person to contact me, he told me not to think too much of it and will do better in the future."


I guess this is what SHK meant when she said he really knows how to take care of others.  What a sweet guy :)

Kyo's atStar1 magazine will be out on May 20th.


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SHK loves dogs and SJK is no longer scared of dogs too. Can this couple get any more perfect and meant to be with each other?

For SHK's CF is that a camera she's holding? She's still the endorser of Sony Camera right? 

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The picture where SHK closed her eyes with a little smile. I wonder what she was thinking to have that face. I wonder if ishe is just a good model... But in my delusional mind she must be thinking about SJK to have that kind of expression. Content and happy. Radiant. Sigh makes me want to fall in love.

That looks like everyday Joong Ki. Lol A sweater and his famous shoes 

Is the shooting for Shilla yesterday or this morning in Korea?

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37 minutes ago, hclover96 said:

Thanks for the awesome news @khxy.  Looks like a new camera CF?

Onew talked about SJK on 'Our Neighborhood Arts and Physical Education', a sports variety show.  Earlier when Onew starred in DotS, members asked questions about the drama.  When asked about his relationship with SJK, Onew said, "on the day the drama premiered, I was waiting in front of the TV the whole time, waiting for the moment that I would appear, but my part was cut off.  Song Joong Ki sunbae was the first person to contact me, he told me not to think too much of it and will do better in the future."


I guess this is what SHK meant when she said he really knows how to take care of others.  What a sweet guy :)

Kyo's atStar1 magazine will be out on May 20th.


Thanks so much for sharing this :D SJK is so kind and considerate towards others. My deep respect for this man. So he must remembered others scenes so well to know right away that they cut Onew's. He is indeed a sweet guy. His kindness must left a big impression on Onew. 

So many updates since yesterday, now we have SHK new cf and SJK cameo in LKS's drama, we are spoiled. Thanks for the updates shippers :D 

Update on Baeksang Voting

SJK: 70.77%

SHK : 86.95%



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7 hours ago, mummyjoshua171 said:

Thankyou @ditto1982 for sharing the video..

well..it is been proven monday is actually SONGSONG day....so many happy news we got yesterday...

Regarding to the video that our friend ditto had posted here, I just want to pointed out something here...someone had already said this but I just to emphasize it again...when the MC asked SJK if he is now close to YAI and SHK...it seems that SJK just answered that he and YAI are close friend but he left out SHK's name. He can always answered the MC ..''Yes I am a close friend to YAI and SHK.."but he didnt answered like that. If I can recall... SJK did said that what people like about him is that he is alwasy being honest...and we can see that during all his PC or FM...so my thought is that...yes he and YAI is a close friend...but he cannot said like that to SHK right....hehehehe....so again he is being honest to us...

even in ELLE china magazine...i think SHK just indirectly admitted to us hahahaha...SJK is certainly a humorous man...and SHK like a humorous man...(wahhh..i remember episode 9..where KMY just confessed her love to YSJ..on the truck...remember her line... 'I think i just confessed, should i apologize"...)  this words certainly also i would like to relate SJK KBS interview where the anchor asked him whom he will save in real life whether KMY or YMJ..and again SJK said certainly KMY..if not someone will get angry...

so many co incidence so many similarities between this two...

Then..the only thing is matters to us is TIMING...again God made everything beautiful on its own time....^_^ all we just need to do is have faith on them and wait for their big announcement...:D

In the meantime... i just want to encourage all of us here to not go beyond their privacy...yes we say we are SJK or SHK fan...die hard fan or whatever..but pls behave ourself..had control in ourself in digging information..pls not ambush people IG and giving so many headache to the owner asking so many questions...if you want to know mr google is always there to help you...to me...I dont have that kind of capacity to get so many information related to both of them...maybe because i am not that IT savvy. But i must say ...thanks a lot to our friends here... @joongkyo @Chewy Hoe @khxy @hclover96 @sigang for their updates...translation ... SALUTE!

ok..must back to my own life..need to finish research proposal....

Till then...happy shipping and quoting our Eonnie SHK... COMRADESHIP! LOYALTY!

Blessed Tuesday everyone!

Sign off.

9.39 am M Y


@mummyjoshua171 Here's my 2 cents on the q&a portion where in the mc asked on the close friendship he has with yai and shk..i agree with you he tried being honest on his answer.but you can also tell that he dodged the question in a way that isn't obvious.(it was a smart move on his part) because the mc did'nt get the chance to push the issue/question. And as we all know when a person tries to dodge a question either he's got something to hide.. Or something to protect..but for me  its more likely he was trying to protect on whatever it is that he and shk have right now. :wub::wub::wub: .    @kristy86 , @hclover96 & @mummyjoshua171 so glad you guys liked the video..been watching it for like a gazillion times and still cant get over it..hahahahha lol.

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i will pray for Song Joong Ki also unnie Chewy Hoe. SJK indeed is a GREAT man after all, and the woman who have him will be very very lucky ^^ 

i am SJK fans also,, he has amazing heart, typical of a family man.. *calm down my heart dont beat to fast okay, hehehe

btw, this morning i have a little conversation with my husband, i tell him about SJK being too open about his 'friendship' with SHK and i showed him SJK picture with YAI and SHK. i tell him that SJK never act like this (a bit open about his relationship) before with his ex gf. then my husband answer me.. i swear this is his answer as a man... 

"my wife, you have to know that at one point, when a man is ready to take another step in his life and he feel very comfortable around the woman that he loves, and also if he feel this is the woman i want to spent my life with, then yes.. the man will be proud to open it to others.. tell others about her.. talking about her all the time.. because simply he cannot contain his feeling in his heart"

OMG,, my husband thankyou for understanding your wife shipping heart.. hehehehe

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Everyone who has shared pictures from Louie Tucker's weibo account. Please delete them , the actor's mother just deleted all pictures from her weibo. I don't think she was allowed permission to share such pictures and videos!.

Also - looks like the cf was shot today, early in the morning because I could hear birds chirping in the background...lol

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seems like the news are getting on it alr...the title of their articles are like whao..

and they wrote Abt the part of PBG that SJK got jealous

6 minutes ago, lov3kikyo said:

She just posted on her IG again :)



She deleted it thou and reposted again on the same topic

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