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[Official] Yoo Shi Jin - Kang Mo Yeon


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@mulder9999 seriously this host is basically just fanboying him and nothing notable to mention with no shipping material as far as I am concerned except that he says his skin is flawless. His eyes, nose, neck all looked good and he lets out a nice body scent 

Ahh thanks to @my_bazuka my new favourite word is : Epicness happens to describe how I am feeling now even though I am still dying inside. 


SJK has got some strong balls there man and ya you continue do your thing while I get ready my tomb to rest well 


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51 minutes ago, wen5471 said:


Lastly, I'm sure that he would not have shared the pics unless it's with SHK's permission so basically they are on the same page. One has to be a total idiot not to see that they have something special going on. 

Sorry to cut your post @wen5471 but since I love it so much especially this part I can't help it. For anyone or -any minirotiy group who are not true shipper of SongSong and are just being here to spy on, please read the quote above :P Stop being in denial and lets get real guys lol 

Unnie Chewy, you never failed to make me laugh like crazy despite how miserably we were dying last night lol As always, your posts are deep, profound for shippers and also full of sacrasm for haters that made me love it to every single word. I hope some specific people with their own delusional tales will be able to understand the level of epicness in your post :phew: 

I said it before and I just wanna say it a thousand times more. SongSong made me happy but your comeback to this thread made me even happier. Thank you so much @joongkyo for your efforts, hard work, pure dedication, passionate support that you have given to our OTP since the beginning of the ship till now. How I love that SJK's personal picture revelation last night was like slaps across the faces & kicks to the asses and blades to the guts of those haters and trolls that doubted you and your findings before. These haters really got nothing on you dear! Please continue the awesomeness and be captain of this most amazing ship ever :)





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15 minutes ago, thelittleclouds said:

We're really being spoiled by KiKyo.. Can't wait for many more to come tumblr_o6pnipWSZt1ubqky2o4_100.gif




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Credit to Kyo and Ki themselves hehehehe tumblr_o6po8w7rJM1ubqky2o1_250.gif

Sorry that I didn't not delete the above photos.. Something crossed my mind, the 2 photos published by sjk might even be edited by shk and sent to him.. I just feel that she love black & white photos...:P

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If he is indeed dating someone else as some shippers like to believe, then I feel sorry for their bias. In the little free time he has now, he hangs out with his "best friend" and keep mentioning her in interviews, keep praising her, saying she is pretty repeatedly. And if he is such a insensitive boyfriend, I wonder why they still ship him with their bias. But we all know SJK is not this kind of man, and the facts and evidences are laid out so clearly in front of us. I can only say they are in denial and refuse to see the light. 

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Dem.. I laugh so hard! Hahahahaha yes indeed, if SJK seeing another woman right now. Then i feel so sorry for her, your namja is very much smitten by no other than Goddess herself.. And SJK is so Proud to showed it to the world..  hikshiks 

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SJK points at screen and says 

그래도 예쁘네요  [Even so ( she's not visible in the picture) she's still pretty ]   그래도 예쁘네요  그래도 예쁘네요   그래도 예쁘네요  그래도 예쁘네요   그래도 예쁘네요   그래도 예쁘네요  그래도 예쁘네요   그래도 예쁘네요  그래도 예쁘네요  그래도 예쁘네요  그래도 예쁘네요   그래도 예쁘네요   그래도 예쁘네요   그래도 예쁘네요  그래도 예쁘네요   그래도 예쁘네요   그래도 예쁘네요  그래도 예쁘네요  그래도 예쁘네요  그래도 예쁘네요  그래도 예쁘네요  그래도 예쁘네요  그래도 예쁘네요  그래도 예쁘네요  그래도 예쁘네요 


I have repeated this part of SJK's fan- meeting so many times!!.


This line blows everything that YSJ said to KMY out of the water. Sorry but IMO real life SJK is way more romantic than YSJ. A man who says a woman is beautiful even when she's not clearly seen in the picture!.


YSJ has nothing on SJK!..lol.



@applegirl2 Unnie and @thepixies Unnie were spazzing with me, and they insisted that I post this on the main and didn't just share it with them via PM. 



******* and I were talking, we couldn't stop spazzing at the timing of his statements ~ DOTS is over - Promotion for DOTS is over - No need to be talking about SHK, in fact common sense says that he should be moving on from his last project and creating as much distance from his former co-star with whom he's been rumoured to be in a relationship.

But what does he do?

  1. Says he hasn't seen her in a long time.
  2. Long time means 48 hours.
  3. Shows pictures with her at his personal fan meeting, despite knowing that female fans may not like it.
  4. He knows - that fans know that Hyun Kyoung, Yeji, Jeniejang etc had already shared pictures with fans sharing that the party at TMI was HK's birthday celebration. Despite that he showed us a picture from that day and he even specified it was just 2 days before he came to Beijing which is such an accurate description!!..lol..because it was one day before Changsha and therefore two days before Beijing. So he doesn't mind us knowing that he attended SHK's bff's party (*remember how I was convinced that he went to shoot that CF on the morning of the 9th despite just landing from BKK because he was going to meet up with SHK and now it's obvious that this actually happened).
  5. And the best part of this whole thing - he's got the craziest schedule in the world right now and he knows her friends are important to her so he works around his schedule to make time for what is important to her....eeeeeh!!.. it's like that scene in the drama where ShiJin tells MoYeon that every word she says is important to him.


SJK is such a keeper!!!!.... <3



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Hello to all the songsong couple shippers here!^^~ what a warm atmosphere you have here. Love reading your thoughts and discussions here. May I join here? ^_^ Actually im just a lurking but waaah i cant anymore.. after all the personal pics which joongki revealed yesterday on his FM waah!~ :D:D:D he and song hye kyo must have something right?? ^^ oh please you two, just admit your dating already.. if Yoo ah in invited them together for a lunch then it mean theyre like a real couple attending a close friend's invitations lol. Anyways, have a great time everyone cause our ship is sailing smoothly. SongSong Couple Fighting!~ 

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Unnie Chewy, please dont hide content, you cant hide your epicness like that. Must show them off to the world lol And yup, I agreed. Your dongsaeng is totally gutsy and brave to put his career on the line for his woman just like that! I guess 'enough is enough' mentality is something  that have been embedded in his character for so long. I can't say its an wise action at current time since I'm sure not only you and me were down and dead over this but well in short-term thinking if such bold move would get him some awesome 'reward' when he's back in Kor then I would say to him 'Congratulations!' LOL Btw, whatever you are preparing for your tomb, slow it down unnie. You still have time from now till 25th June. Don't abandon me yet lah~~~ 

On a total serious note though, I don't understand why some accounts on IG were speading the speculation of couple bracelets again! I mean Hello! Are you really SongSong shipper or just posters who gather hearts on IG? Did you follow SongSong activities at all to know that its her hair tie, and he actually gave his bracelet to his fan in Thailand before! Do you seriously think he would do that if the bracelet was couple bracelet with SHK? And honestly, based on the maturity of SHK and SJK as individual and a whole as couple, they are at the level of sharing present with each other and future together! Not sharing items like couple bracelet and couple caps, shirts or whatever shiett you guys are trying to dig around! Get over these stupid speculations already! 

Venting done! Sorry anyone for the inconvenience caused :) 

@denira2104 thank you dear :)

@haeruma_101 yep yep, please join us and post more dear. Don't just lurk around hehehe



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Still spazzing.. cant help it:wub:

Sooo, SHK basically shows us their picture together in HER ig..

while SJK shares their pic together on HIS fanmeet..

and they keep hanging out together despite busy schedules, rumors, and drama being over..

Nothing cant keep them from each other lol. while the drama still airs the drama casts and staff is their 'chaperones', now that the drama's over, it's SC people and YAI. but the constant aspect is.. SHK and SJK just got to have another 'meal' together. haha. That's why they made it clear early on that they indeed meet often to eat together. they both are genius with PR lol

our OTP is the best everr.


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This news is capturing the imagination of Koreans at the moment, a 85 year old grandmother names Yang Geum Deok wrote a hand written letter to SHK thanking her for her decision to turn down the Mitsubishi deal.

The letter is extremely emotional, the grandmother in the letter talks about being taken at the age of 14 in the year 1944 to Japan and recalls the horrors of what happened to her and the people around her under Japanese Colonial rule. She addresses SHK as 송선생님 which translates to "Song Teacher", which is a sign of respect especially coming from such an elderly person.

The whole letter is such a tear-jerker, especially this last bit (*Dispatch made a mistake with the grandmother's age - which is 85 going on 86, they had written it as 88 so I have made the necessary correction)



고마운 송선생님 보고싶습니다. TV로는 자주봅니다. 선생님 건강하시고, 가내 모든 행복이 깃들기를 85세된 양금덕 할머니가 두손모아 하나님께 올리겠습니다.

I miss seeing Song Teacher, please come on TV often. This 85 year old grandmother will pray to the almighty above that you remain healthy and have all the domestic happiness.



So happy that SHK's decision is providing so much comfort to old people like Yang Geum Deok Halmoni (Halmon means grandmother or someone old enough to be a grandmother). It's so touching that Halmoni sent this hand written note to SHK, I cried buckets so I know SHK must have cried buckets too.



양금덕 할머니, 송혜교에 손편지…”가슴 대못 빠진 느낌”



[Dispatch=김수지기자] 일제 강점기인 1944년. 14살의 한 어린 소녀가, 일본인 교장에 속아 나고야로 끌려갔다. 도착한 곳은 미쓰비시 공업장. 배고픔과 서러움을 참아가며 강제 노역을 했다. 85세 양금덕 할머니의 이야기다.


그런 양 할머니가 15일 배우 송혜교에게 자필 편지를 남겼다. “대통령도 못한 훌륭한 일을 송 선생님이 했다는 이야기를 들었다”며 “눈물이 나고, 가슴에 박힌 큰 대못이 빠져나간듯 기뻤다”고 말문을 열었다.

실제 송혜교는 지난달 미쓰비시로부터 광고 모델 제안을 받았다. 에이전시에 따르면, 미쓰비시 자동차 중국 CF 모델 1순위였다. 하지만 송혜교는 “전범기업 광고는 할 수 없다”며 단번에 거절했다.

강제 노역으로 인한 고통을 호소했다. 양 할머니는 “너무 장한 결심을 해 주셔서 감사하다”며 “우리들은 돈이 문제가 아니다. 아베총리와 미쓰비시로부터 사죄 받는 것이 첫 번째 바람이다”고 말했다.

마지막으로 양 할머니는 “기필코 사죄를 받고싶다. 그래야 저 세상 가더라도 눈을 감고 갈 수 있을 것 같다”라며 “이 한 목숨 다할 때 까지 도와주신 분들과 힘을 합하여 꼭 싸워 이기겠다”라고 마무리했다.

한편 근로정신대 할머니들은 지난 1999년 일본정부와 미쓰비시 중공업을 상대로 소송을 제기했다. 하지만 2008년 최고 재판소에서 패소했다.

이에 근로정신대 할머니들은 한국 법원에 다시 소송을 제기했다. 그 결과 1심과 2심에서 승소했다. 그러나 판결을 불복한 미쓰비시 측의 상고로 대법원 계류 중이다.


다음은 양금덕 할머니가 쓴 전문이다.


저는 일제 강점기 1944년 나주국민학교 6학년 재학중이던 14살때 일본인 교장 선생과 일본헌병이 우리교실에 와서 일본에 가면 중학교를 보내준다. 돈도 많이 벌게 해준다는 감언이설에 속아 일본에 갔습니다.

나중에 부모님이 그 소식을 듣고 절대 안된다고 말렸지만 자기네 말 안들으면 우리 아버지와 어머니를 다 경찰서로 가둔다는 그 한다미가 너무 무서워 아무 말도 못하고 그대로 끌려갔습니다.

1944년 5월 31일 아침 24명이 나주역에서 기차를 타고 여수역에 도착하니 목포, 광주, 순천, 여수 학생들도 있었습니다. 그날 만난 학생이 138명이 강제 연행된 것입니다.

그날 밤 여수 항구에서 저녁 7시에 배를 타고 밤새 울면서 갔는데 아침이 되어 시모노세카에 도착했다고 모두 내리라고 했습니다. 그러더니 다시 기차에 태워 나고야에 있는 미쓰비시 비행기 만드는 공장으로 데려갔습니다.

처음 일주일간의 나고야의 경치 좋은 곳을 구경시켜주었습니다만. 그후로 당한 서러움 흘린 눈물은 이루말할수가 없습니다.

중학교는 가보지도 못하고 공장에서 일을 시작할 때 부터 맞아가면서 배고픔 서러움 다 견디면서 일본 천왕을 위해 목숨 바쳐 일한 그 결과는 원통하고, 원통합니다.

나고야에 도착해 6개월째인 12월 7일 오후 1시 30분 공장에서 대지진이 발생하여 전남에서 같이 간 학생 6명이 사망했습니다. 나는 하나님이 도와주셔서 공장 속에 깔렸으나 3시간 만에 구조되어 구사일생으로 살았습니다.

송 선생님 얼마전 배 침몰 사고로 아까운 생명을 앗아간 세월호 2주년 추모제를 지내고 지벵 오던 길에 우리나라 대통령도 못한 훌륭한 일을 송선생님이 했다는 이야기를 들었습니다.

미쓰비시 제의를 거부하는 훌륭한 결심을 했다는 말에 눈물이 나고 이 할머니 가슴에 박힌 큰 대못이 다 빠져나가듯이 기뻤습니다. 날개가 달렸으면 훨훨 날아갈 것 같았습니다.

선생님 너무 장한 결심을 해주셔서 감사하고 또 감사합니다. 선생님 우리들은 돈 문제가 아니고 (일본 아베총리와) 미쓰비시한테 사죄를 받는 것이 첫번째 바람입니다.

기필코 사죄를 받아야 저 세상 가더라도 눈을 감고 가겠습니다. 이 한 목숨 다할 때 까지 도와주신 여러분들과 힘을 합하여 꼭 싸워 이겨내겠습니다.

고마운 송선생님 보고싶습니다. TV로는 자주봅니다. 선생님 건강하시고, 가내 모든 행복이 깃들기를 85세된 양금덕 할머니가 두손모아 하나님께 올리겠습니다.


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I'm more than happy to see you @joongkyo feel likes it was a decade passed by, let me send you a big virtual hug :lol:

And thank you for your translation of the news, I can't help but have my eyes tear up after reading it :tears:. After all the thicks and thins with those bashers and haters, our Kyo is brave enough to firmly follow her own direction, put the morality on top with careful consideration on the impact of each project to the society while loves to create positive impact to people around as well as her country - she does the narration for documentary of children who have rare diease, working with professional on releasing Korean brochure in foreign museums - and I remember she shared that once she finds something is right, she will do it, follow it consistently despite of what other people say, utmost gratefullness to her :)

And despite of the fact that:

DOTS promotion is over, there're no need to mention about the co-workers

There're people out there who are always ready to criticise her and throw hate

The sangnamja himself takes a step forwards and acknowledges the world his strong bond with our Goddess, firmly emphasize the beauty of her both inside-out. 

Our Goddess is in good care and protection, needless to say.

And that's why we say actions speak louder than words.

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