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[Official] Yoo Shi Jin - Kang Mo Yeon


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@sigang, i know i might be late to say this to you since i just got the chance to read your post. But i still wanna say it..thanks thanks thanks so much for your update/translation above. You really make my day with all the beautiful stories of uri SongSong :wub: Sitting together most of the times during DOTS shooting...wow, they just can't be separated is it :P:wub:

@khxy, i think i'm going to die with all the love if the host is really going to ask SJK those questions and SJK answer it as SJK and not YSJ, haha!

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Thank you for sharing the translated press conference!

Oh how I love he remembered and mentioned SHK several times. Not in all PC he did that, right? maybe because yesterday he met "fake" SHK and it just made him missing her more. deluluu~~

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26 minutes ago, sjk1shk said:

yeah another new picture on Kyo Private IG, now 132,, and someone doing pc in beijing,, again SHK? hahaha you made my day... ^^

it really obvious,, the timing is just sooo... Aah my heart can't... *die


she has update it is not today but after midnight .  Glad told you early this morning .  Because I woke up at 7 ( korean time) in her private ig had 132 posts. And before I sleep lastnite at 12 ( korean time ) her posts was still 131 .:) 

Ps : u can read few pages backward coz someone already mentioned  about it ^^ 

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Thank you everyone for all your contribution to the thread. Although I'm not posting all the time, I'm always here making sure not to miss a single thing. Cant help but say I feel so fortunate as we have so much to be happy about when it comes to SongSong. I hope this kind of feeling will never end.

I found it very interesting that SJK mentioned he accepted his role because of the writer and SHK when previously in his Elle Oct 2015 interview, he stated he accepted the role and then heard later that SHK was also offered and secretly hoped she'd accept.

While YSJ's role was offered to various actors, we now know KMY's role was always originally SHK's so it makes more sense that she was offered the role prior to him. Also, she mentioned that when reading the script, she felt that the role of YSJ needed to be portrayed by an actor that would give the character justice as she knew YSJ would be one of the main recipes of success for the drama.

The way she stated it, it sounded like at the time, an actor had not yet been decided to play YSJ. So it really makes more sense what SJK is revealing now that at the time he received and accepted the role, he knew SHK had already accepted to play KMY. So just as I originally thought, SHK was one of the main reasons SJK took on DOTS.  Heck it took him only 2 days to decide! Wonder why he told it differently before. Again with the inconsistency, Joong Ki oppa! Why? :phew:

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Sorry guys I didn't mean to stop the spazzing but I have an APPEAL

PHJ(CITT) guy is drawing close to SJK in the iqiyi popularity votes 

SHK is leading with no one even close to her at single digit 

this is a open voting and it costs nothing to vote! 

Please vote generously for SJK now utilising all your/family devices and 1 device is 10 votes daily 

and your reward will be to see them going up the stage 1 more time!

Remember the voting ends 31th May so please vote Everyday 




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So happy reading all the updates regarding his FM PC :wub: In some questions he's asked, I like how he kept mentioning SHK's name even if actually that's not necessary for him to do so lol but still that man just LOVES to mention her name no matter what :heart:  And as Chewy unnie stated, now I am looking forward to "count" how many times he'll mention SHK's name too in HC and RM China :lol:




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@hclover96, thanks so much for the translation on uri Hye Kyo's part. She really knows her well even before the shooting starts. The more i read about both of them, sometimes they're the one who accidentally spilled out the beans about their so-called "friendship" :P And thanks for sharing SJK latest PC photos, as usual he's good looking even though all of us know how tired he is nowadays. SJK, Fighting!

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This is what i was just thinking @ilovesjk how he mentioned before that he hoped that SHK take the role and that he felt so happy, that it was as if she took the role because he wished for it (somewhere along those lines) then now he admitted that he wouldn't miss the chance of playing YSJ because of the script and of course because of SHK. Lol what is it really SJK-ssi? And didn't he agree personally/verbally to take the role? Correct me if I'm wrong tho. Kekeke. Either way, we are grateful that DOTS turned out this way. 


P. S. It appears to me that he is still and will always be a SHK fanboy despite how close they are right now :wub:

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2 hours ago, Chewy Hoe said:

Chewy's Conclusion: SHK is fast becoming his Favourite name to mention apart from LKS :blush:

oh and this one you must know! The host of the 一直播 commented that his body smell good!  ;) 


I bet SHK is no 1 in his speed dial too :P *wishful thinking*

Aaahh, smells good. Wondering what perfume brand is he using! Haha :P

Thanks for that tidbits, @Chewy Hoe :)

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attention to Song shippers and Kyonatics worldwide...

Kyo is never and did not ever date the actor that she partnered with in Camelia and MPL.. if she did date him, I'd be the first to mention it here.. but they once shared a close friendship due to work together in a few project.. the actor's fan will know exactly that Kyo isn't his type since he's pretty eccentric in all aspect of life and Kyonatics whose know really well how sensible our Goddess is would have known that he's not her type as well.. it's like oil and water.

shipping is not only the way we want it.. the way we wish it.. the way we hope for it and the way we imagine it..  over delusional is immature and childish. Unless if you are a teenager or a newcomer in shipping universe.. be more and more rational gradually, develop your shipping style.. accordingly.

shipping is also knowing WHO, WHAT, WHY and HOW... and then with our brain that gift by God to use and to think (not just an accessory to complete our body) we must accept the gravity of the circumstances of both person.. do not.. and NEVER force what didn't, what isn't and will will never happen.


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3 hours ago, khxy said:

 I can't watch live, so i rely on weibo and baidu (those who watch live, please correct me if i'm wrong)

 Since your debut until now, what are the most unforgettable thing/moment?

SJK: I have come across many good projects thus i am able to stand here today.Receiving such a good project after my enlistment,i am very happy.

 Do you have any special arrangement for your Chinese fans?

SJK: Maybe i will reveal some of my private photos on my phone

What is the difference between Korean and Chinese reality show?

SJK: Actually, there's not much difference.Shows like Happy Camp and Hurry up,brother do not have much difference with Korean reality show.The hosts are funny,interesting and i had a happy time recording.They are so nice towards others, after recording we became friends.For Hurry up brother, i don't understand Mandarin, the hosts really took care of me and i want to thank them again.Wang Zhu Lan and Baby are great, Hai Tao is friendly.

Will the success of this drama affects the way you pick a project?

SJK: As an actor, it is impossible to say that there is no burden, but i have a solution to erase my worry.When i come across good project,it will raise my confidence so i am still looking for a good project.

Did you ever think that this drama will be so popular?

SJK: At first i never think that it will be this popular, i like the writer and Ms Hye Kyo, of course it will be great. But i never once thought that it will be this popular until i can have fan meetings.

Why did you decide to act in this drama?

SJK: Because i know the lead actress is Ms Hye Kyo, of course i need to act in this drama, such a good script and actress.There is no reason not to accept it.

Is DOTS your most satisfying project to date?

SJK: Actually no, i am satisfied with all my dramas and movie but i really like DOTS.

Do you plan to work with Chinese director?

SJK: I have been wanting to work with foreign director/team since my debut . Now i want to work together when i have the chance.Just like i heard how great Director Wong Kar Wai is from Ms Hye Kyo when we were shooting DOTS, i really want to work with him if i have the chance and i think it will be a great movie.Also, other directors.

What is your next plan?

SJK: There will be 8 fan meetings for these 2 months and after that i will commence shooting for a movie.There will also be new project at a later part.

Do you have any place you wish to go and food you wish to try?

SJK: I have been to China but there are still so many places that i haven't had a chance to go yet. Actually compared to places that i want to go, i have more food list to try.Such as Beijing roast duck, hotpot, noodles and Tofu delicacy.

Do you have plan to participate in Chinese tv series?

SJK: There is no plan for it now, if i have the chance i will participate in reality show.

Funfact: Hye Kyo loves to eat Beijing roast duck

Omg! He has mentioned SHK's name a lot of times! Aaaawww! He must be missing her to death! Yihhheeee! #delulu

@khxy Thanks for posting this! Twas really great! You rock! 


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8 hours ago, sigang said:

Do you remember the picture that a KBS announcer posted in her IG last summer? she posed with SJK in the picture and she said she ran into SJK in KBS hallway. actually the picture was much discussed in DC gallery while airing DOTS . because he wore just casually and  no one seemed to know why he was there at that time. so people just concluded that he was there for shooting DOTS scenes, but there were no scenes like that in DOTS. it turned out later that SHK was alone  secretly shooting the scenes of the show in broadcasting station from DOTS on that day,  so SJK might be there either just to watch SHK or pick her up. (sorry if this has already been discussed here, and wanna know how you guys concluded, and hope some experts here find the picture for better understanding. haha)no wonder SHK mentioned it in DOTS PC that SJK was a reliable person and she really counted on him.

Thank you so much for sharing  :wub: 

I think you're talking about this picture  :D



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