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[Official] Yoo Shi Jin - Kang Mo Yeon


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@joongkyo Thanks as always for your excellent translation efforts. I couldn't figure out who they were at first but the first part of translations made it much clearer. Indeed Mr. Airplane is very polarizing both in terms of his looks and his personality as well. It seems everyone can't get enough of SHK these days.

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11 minutes ago, ladylia257 said:

This reminds me of a quote from my favorite SNSD member, Seo Hyeon. "People with good hearts are the ultimate winners".

Unnie... sorry for cut your post..

I'm a silent lurker from other ship.. but don't worry.. i love Song Song couple so much as much as i love my other ship..

n I jump happily when read about her latest legal news... :wub::)

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I have an idea about the guys they said she dated though, but that's it. 

Nevermind. Will waiting for updates happily. Thank you @joongkyo You're a treasure. I wish you could be Song2's junior manager so we can always have exclusive updates like this. 

Thank you @SeGafanlady for giving us pictures of what SHK's apartment looks like. She is super wealthy and she deserves all the luxury due to her hard work all these years. 

And thank you for the huge kissing gif of Song2 too. I can't breath whenever I see it, and I'm seeing it many times, lol. 

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my fave is Mr Baldie of course (hail to our Kyonatics Godfather) he'll bitchslap anyone who dares to talk sheeet about Kyo.. Baldie has been Kyo's sidekick for almost a decade, he's also Kyo's place to ask for advise in the term of relationship (with Mr. Taxi was worst) and Baldie doesn't fancy Mr. Chaebol (who just join some huge agency which one of the singer was still self reflecting on drugs scandal) and I want to thank him for always be there for Kyo anytime she needs a shoulder to cry on or an advise for design interior... Baldie is also the one who taught Kyo how to cook good and easy pasta.. 

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Part 2 - The next 20 minutes of the translation 

Mr. P says in that case, isn't it such a pity that celebrities have to go through such hardships just to meet?. Which is why some Sunbaes help them out and then Reporter 1 quips in by saying Mr. Friend (to-many-celebrities) is very famous for that ... Mr. P says is it?. This is the first time I am hearing about it (Please don't forget that P is an actor, Friend is the friend of Actor Daddy L.L. AND this part is relevant to SJK...lol). So he allows them use of his place. Female MC says in that case all Male celebrities who are friends with Mr. Friend are probably using his house for dating?. Reporter 1 says that's correct! 

Female MC, lets move on...doesn't SHK have another scandal?. With Actor DLL ?. Reporter 3 says - Yes, when they appeared in the drama together even though one of the leads was playing a character with visual impairment the looks of love that passed between the two gave rise to talk of dating. Reporter 3 says SHK was asked if she would like the idea of Actor DLL and she denied all reports. Reporter 1 says she personally asked SHK about this, and she says SHK was extremely adamant and kept on repeating/saying she felt nothing and there was nothing between her and Actor DLL. 

Reporter 1 says that made her suspicious, why all the fuss to refute the claim if it weren't true (everyone agrees) and then Reporter 1 says there was a reason and the reason was DLL was dating another actress, SHK knew about this and therefore was clear to set the record straight [moral of the story? - If SS were dating someone else...then SS would deny it very forcefully].

Then they move on to Actor Art Lover...Female Mc says she's very jealous of SHK (the camera shoots a shot of Mr. B - by the way he is close to both Art Lover and SHK). Reporter 3 states that the Agency denied there being anyting between the two and said they had a relationship that was more like family and with no romantic entanglements. All reporters agree that there is NOTHING between the two of them.

Female MC says they have prepared a special segment of SHK's hangout locations in Itaewon - they say how SHK is not one to hide out at home these days.

Suddenly we are in a Pub in Itaewon, owner shows SHK's autograph and tells the camera that SHK comes often - She has expressed an interest in the tapped beer that the pub sells and asks questions about Beer in general (interesting ,....keep reading) . She sits in the corner because that allows her more privacy and the pub also has a secret VIP room which is used often - SHK comes with a group of people. Next we're in a restaurant in Itaewon - again SHK comes here often , also Art Lover comes here often (This restaurant is the same seen in the picture uploaded by Raymond Chae on his Bday).

Male MC talks about how charming it sounds to hear about SHK out and about in Itaewon , Reporter 3 says in the past while shooting a drama in 2013 the crew used to get together to drink and the second lead actress was treated like a real younger sister by SHK. That younger sister/actress used to drink Soju+Beer drinks but SHK only liked wine at that point of time.

Male MC concludes that SHK is so charmingly attractive that people all fall for her charms, even reporters who momentarily meet her seem entranced. He asks the Female Mc if they can conclude it at that?. She laughs and says okay...

Reporter 3 makes a report of SHK's status as an actress, untouched and incomparable - other actresses can only hope to reach such heights. She shocks the panel when she says that  - after her hit drama in 2013 drama , how many cfs do you think she shot?. Panel guesses numbers like 10 cfs and reporter replies - ZERO. The reason being that SHK is considered such a blue chip when it comes to CFs and her rate for CFs has escalated at an unbelievably high rate due to her sky rocketing popularity 

Reporter in Checks talks about SHK's tax case (Reporter 1 looks uneasy) he mentions how amazing it was that she was able to earn so much money despite not shooting any new drama or Cfs. Reporter 1 immediately clarifies that SHK was working in China and did 3 movies in that interim period to earn the money that she did and also mention the movie that SHK did in Korea along with her existing CF deals 

Reporter in Checks continues to talk about her tax issue and Actor P interrupts saying after all SHK is an actress isn't there a possibility that she didn't know that someone from her team messed up? All reporters agree that it wasn't SHK's fault and she would not have known especially Reporter 3 says the Accountant and Agency were at fault.and the Actor P agrees.

Reporter 4 talks about SHK's apology for the tax issue, how it was to see a top actress coming out and do a 90 degree bow and apologise for her mistakes in front of the entire media.

Reporter 3 shares that she was there during the PC of the movie and none of them had expected SHK to address the issue like that, they thought questions would come up from the media side but the issue would be skirted.

Instead SHK walked up on stage before the PC started with an apology letter in hand and made her apology to all present, the reporter reports that she personally saw how much SHK's hands trembled as she made her lone walk up on stage to address the eager press. 


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I woke up to good news that SHG's suit will be settled. I hope she has a good lawyer that will really look out for her interest. Positive karma! And she will donate the proceeds now that will generate more good Karma for her!

Epps so many pages to back read. I love it . Thanks everyone for sharing the news and details. 


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Like I said, the video is pretty huge since the content is more than an hour long show talking about SHK. 

The next two parts of the translation will be added tomorrow since I received several messages saying you're all waiting for the translation so that you can go to sleep. My advice, don't wait up and sleep. I will upload it tomorrow. 



Mr Bald and Beautiful puts Female Reporter 2 in her place for talking about SHK, Information about SHK's family and past, Information about SHK's diet , Interesting mentions of a certain "Hally Star" ? , Envy of other actresses and what they say, What managers gossip about regarding SHK , more gushing about SHK from reporter 4..lol

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@joongkyo Thank you so much for the hard work of translating dear! I had so much fun reading the trans. I know they were discussing in details about SHK's work and personal life but I can still feel their protectiveness over her and admiration towards her from the MCs and reporters. 

The part about Itaewon hangout, bear instead of wine etc... is such an eye-opener LOL Her tastes in certain things have definitely changed lately!!!

Well, a piece of what she described about herself when she's in relationship suddenly came to my mind: 


"I am not the warm / hot type, or I should say I do not know how to act like a spoiled child. I am a bit solemn, more like a boy. Therefore, I will not let him know even if I like him. However, my character will change according to who is my boyfriend. " 

OMGGGGGGGGGG! I so want to jump up and down right now lol




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Thank you sooo much @joongkyo for the detailed translation of the video segment. I thought I wouldn't get it haha, but as I read along I finally who was who! I like, per your interpretations, how these reporters and all involved are all interested in SHK. All seemed to like her in general, not just an actress but as person, SHK in real life. I like it even more how they clarified and things and not tarnish her & her career even more. They seemed very respectful and a few are very close to her. She isn't SHK for nothing! Regardless of her past - dating rumors, tax scandals etc, there is nothing else - nothing more to dig in and around her. She deserves nothing but praises for all her acting performance, massive hot dramas or movies even endorsements are selling high. She has grace and she has values to keep. Nothing can put her down, even blemish her career. She is nothing short of amazing, seriously!!

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@joongkyo Thank you yet again! Another fascinating and enlightening translation! And I'm glad that SHK was discussed positively as well. It must be a bummer to have to date in secrecy like that but I guess there is really no other way when you're a celebrity. And by all indications, where there is a will, there is a way and that would be the case with KiKyo. Just another indication of how well this ship is sailing :lol:

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I read and will read again many time because I can realise some connections to know who is who :) now.

Amazingly the way you use some words to describe these MC/actors, I really appreciate your skill. It's very interesting to read, and think, and imagine hehe. 

And there's a part that really touches me but I'm not going to quote (because I'm worried it will be discussed so much again). Just want to say THANK YOU for your hard work. Thanks for translate for us. :wub:

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@joongkyo thank you for sharing the translation... it's really a very fun read eventough i had to re-read it several times untill my eyes were popping, i really like how you worded " friend is the friend of " :lol: 

I'm really glad to read your translation because the way i see it, SHK must have had a good relationship with them, because most of them looks to be very supportive and protective to her. 

And like @alleverything said everything just CLICK :wub: :lol:

@yumiko_hitoshi our feeling are the same about that part.... 




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@joongkyo Wow, my deepest thanx for your hardwork and your willingness to treat us with more insight to SHK and the people around her. It's obvious that you deserve more than thanx that everyone here can provide. IF WE GET THE DAY SHK AND SJK ANNOUNCE WHAT EVERYONE IS HOPING FOR. A BUNCH OF US FROM THIS THREAD SHOULD MEET IN S.KOREA AND CELEBRATE ONE OF THE BEST DAYS THAT A SHIPPER COULD HOPE FOR!!!!! CORRECTION THR BEST DAY THAT THE WORLD COULD HOPE FOR!!!

I'm glad everything has worked out for GODDESS, even though I knew it was going to. 

 Good people always win in the end!

Reaction to the Baskin Robins CF: No reaction, He was great in being his cute self but was their feeling behind it? ABSOLUTELY NONE, it's actually good to see that my eyes aren't deceiving me and that the way he looks at SHK is much different then other woman. I believe a majority of us woman and maybe even men here can understand what I'm trying to convey

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@joongkyo thank so much for translating it..those nicknames you came up with made it actually fun..I feel like I was reading a blind item..which I love blind items by the way :lol: is the video available in YouTube or other sites?

and now it makes sense why I felt SHK was kinda reserved towards Daddy Long Legs during their drama..if you watch their bts you will know what I mean..both of them are having fun that time but not like what SongSong has..SongSong are like always on cloud9 :wub: SHK was respectful to Daddy Long Legs' relationship..

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