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[Official] Yoo Shi Jin - Kang Mo Yeon


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45 minutes ago, Prentiss said:

where is kyo??



i tried to stop re watching DOTS. But guess what? kbs world advertisement keep on appearing on my local cable tv, they will show back to back on sat and sun. 

my sis says that i should get a life..but what is life without DOTS..



@Prentiss i got you ..... :tears: yesterdays feels so depressing with all the news and no DOTS.. :tears: but i guess lives goes on... 

Today is the first day i went up early, go for a walk, enjoy the wind.. and wear my favorite lipstick... it feels good... it can't help with the withdrawal but i guess it helps... i'm still going to binge watch DOTS again... but still, trying to find a distraction helps.. The support group here is JIANG!!!!!  

It's not easy tough... so i just stick to the bts for now :P 


38 minutes ago, Chewy Hoe said:

@lynne22 you tell me! Lol even I feel maternal!! 

@phuongfoodiedinh eh bathing in money is actually VERY unhygienic!! Because they contain many bacteria and I don't want it to taint his milky skin lol 

have a look back some FEW hundred pages ago that @joongkyo did a assessment of his wealth, he is probably the richest currently for male Korean star because in China there is report that his earnings is both LMH and that guy from the stars combined lol but I think the assets need to be measured again because he added way more lol 

@songsquare ya and that's just Proya, we haven't count in KT and Vivo, BB and Dominos Pizza and blah blah blah 


@Chewy Hoe  :lol: I know right? his agency better be grateful.


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I just wanted to post this while some people are waiting for translations


For the translations that I promised, I will not be sharing the video link as I have certain reservations. All the names of the male celebrities will also be coded, please do not take this out of the thread. I will give extremely precise hints so that the people being described will be obvious for real fans. The content being discussed in the show is called “Jjirasi” the title refers to the Japanese word chirashi, which means leaflet. 


Mr. Airplane - extremely famous Korean actor, known for his personal and professional life. Considered good looking by some and not by some, his looks are pretty polarising .

Mr. Taxi - extremely famous Korean actor, boring as plain toast but loved by many women for his looks, his looks are more or less acknowledged by all.

Mr. Daddy Long Legs - extremely famous Korean actor, has an extremely good personality and is known for being very down to earth - extremely good looking.

Mr. Art-lover - famous Korean actor - good looking, great actor and loves Art.

Mr. Friend-to-many-celebrities - famous TV Personality who is friends with Mr. Daddy Long Legs.

Mr. Pinocchio - famous Korean actor,  I also MC TV shows.

Mr. Ken - super famous Korean actor, presently in a relationship with someone who isn't Korean.

Mr. I-am-bald-and-wear-glasses - famous personality who owns many restaurants in Korea, is known to be close to many celebrities. Women celebrities never have to worry about scandals with him around.

Reporter 1 (Female) - wearing blue in the video.

Reporter 2 (Female) - wearing yellow in the video.

Reporter 3(Female) - also wearing blue but her hair is tied.

Reporter 4(Male) - thinks he looks like Mr Airplane and Mr. Taxi.

Reporter 5(Male) - wearing a suit in the video.

Reporter 6(Male) - oldest.

Reporter 7(Male) - wearing checks.

Reporter 8(Male) - the one who is left on the panel.







Mr. P starts the segment by saying SHK is the ideal type of all men and the woman that all woman aspire to be. Then they ask the reporters if there are things that they have to discuss regarding SHK, the male reporters on the whole do oohing and ahhing then Reporter 4 says he has always had a list of female celebrities that he has wanted to interview, he names Korea's most famous and gorgeous women - turns out the only one left on his list is SHK, he regrets the fact that he's still not had this opportunity.

Reporter 2 says, SHK is the kind of actress who doesn't come out on TV very often and how she's not very open about her life, even her interviews are more reserved.

Female MC, I think our Reporter 1 knows some information. Reporter 1, of course I do.(laughs). Mr. P says, NO wonder - I thought you had made a special effort on your makeup today. She says - SHK,  is she the woman who captures the hearts of all male actors through her charm. Then Mr. B(ald) says that SHK and he have a Oppa-Dongsaeng relationship which makes everyone gasps in the room. He shares a story of how her fans from China (a fan club) gathered to meet her for  birthday celebration in Seoul at one of his restaurants and he also attended it and sang "Happy Birthday to you".

Reporter 4 says he's encountered SHK once, that was at a Salon and he was shocked/surprised at the amount of Aegyo she was showing people. She was all smiles and jokes with the seniors and other actors. Mr. P - "So what you're saying is - Song Hye Kyo is actually Song Aegyo!?" (everyone laughs at his corny joke) .

First Issue of the show - SHK, is she a queen of Scandals?

Mr. B starts clapping (lol) .

Mr. P who here has something to share/question regarding this issue. All reporters press the button, turns out this is a very rare thing on the show for all reporters to be interested in the same aspect.

Reporter 5 says he receives a lot of Jjirashi material which contains information about the relationships of several celebrities.  One of the most often mentioned person by his sources is SHK, the interest in who she has dated has been especially immense ever since Full House aired. Mr. B says how does one even get hold of these jjirashi?. Reporter 5 replies there are people who do this and he's received jjirasi reports for Mr. B as well. Turns out there are rumours that Mr. B likes Mr.Art lover and had a big thing for Mr. Taxi - but turns out they're false.

Reporter 5 reveals that one of the best and most active sources of who celebrities are dating are actually people who valet these cars. They take a note of which celebrity is driving which car to which place and with which people. 

Mr. P says - aren't all dramas that SHK appear in huge hits? Reporter 2 says I don't think there is a single person in S.Korea who can say that they haven't watched a SHK drama. 

Reporter 3 says, when SHK was dating Mr. Airplane, even then people were surprised at the news of such top star couple. Reporter 4 says he thinks SHK and Mr.Airplane really matched each other a lot (turns out there is a reason for this!..lol) , apparently he thinks he looks similar to Mr. Airplane and likes the idea of SHK dating a man like him. (everyone agrees they look similar). Reporter 7 tell him if he met SHK in person maybe she'd take an interest in him and all the female reporters shout at him for saying that.

Reporter 6 states that even at the time of her first super famous drama dating rumours came out , Mr. Ken is said to have said that he wanted to be with her (everyone gasps) - Mr. P says couldn't it be that the actors in question just fall for the character that she's portraying on screen?. Reporter 6 says the characters played by her are extremely different and therefore it couldn't have been falling for a certain type of role portrayed by her.

Female MC - what about Mr. Taxi?. Reporter 4 says - I think SHK will be in a world of shock when she meets me, because I have heard that I also look like Mr. Taxi. (people shout at him).

Reporter 3 says when Mr. Taxi and she were seen in their drama, people were led captivated by how much the two appeared to be in love - so natural in their skin ship and full of love. She goes on to say that their dating news became a huge issue because of this and later it was reported that they got together after the drama.

Reporter 1 says that Mr. Taxi was deeply in love with SHK, he was doing  a shoot somewhere out of Seoul for his new movie but he would drive back each and every day just so that he could meet her. Mr. Taxi even went on record in interviews to clear misunderstandings about SHK in the general public. When reports of them having broken came out, their agencies denied it but when he finally left for enlistment it was told to the general public that the two had broken up. Lots of questions were raised why the  Stars and their agencies had lied to the people - the reporter states that both sides chose this timing to best protect each other's interests .

Female MC says she's curious where Star Couples go when they want to meet each other. It's shared by all the reporters that Mr. B's restaurants are the favourite of most celebs to have dates without worrying about invasion of privacy etc.

Later on the reporters share that "CARS" are a medium used by stars very often...people drop and pick their GF's up from locations like movie sets. Also, when filming together - the big cars that they come in?. Most of the times they reach the set in separate care but when returning - one car will have the celeb couple and the other will return empty (I don't know why but this reminded me so much of SJK joking about SHK's car which can fit a cow....super funny is that he had the exact same car..so why is the size of her car so funny to him?)






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Hi SS/KiKyo shippers, good morning from my side of the world.  

Im relieved that SHK's lawsuit is going to be settled out of court, which means the said company admitted defeat. YAY for SHK!  And I really admire her for donating proceeds of the settlement to a very good cause.  There is nobody like her.  She's a complete package.

i just want to share my 2 cents regarding "ultimate fangirl".  I don't think we should worry about her.  If SJK is really interested in her, he could have easily asked his BFF LJH to set up a date with her (both LJH and SH acted as siblings in a drama before).  But I guess he didn't.  We all can trust SJK that he would choose the best partner in life, somebody who isn't just a pretty face and sexy body but also beautiful inside. And we all know who that person is. He knows who that person is that's why he flew half around the world (NY) just to have a meal with this very special person who made his heart beat and took his breath away.  

So let's not show our displease towards "ultimate fan girl" for being vocal, more than anything, she's adding value to SJK's popularity. 

Thats all for now and thanks to all for keeping this thread an exciting and lively one!  Happy shipping! 


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8 hours ago, Bambiina said:


Yahooooooooooooooooooooooooooo .. send my regards to them ... Send my kisses to them .. WOW .. just WOW and before the lawsuit even begin official - SHK has won ... POWER OF UNITY ... 

When you do something sincere and if you are wronged - I believe not just the fans are behind her, GOD will also be on her side .. 

About me being forgiving -

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Hehehe … Muah muah to you too .. anyway I think SHK fans are very much welcome (even if they don’t share the passion with SS shipper) same goes to SJK fans … WELCOME since this thread is so informative for both SJK fans and SHK fans (individual fan). I understand that Joongki and SHK fandom (English base fans) must be very grateful to all those people that share information here – be it SHK bias, SJK bias or SS bias … this thread is like a one stop portal where we get news from every corner of the world -  That the reason soompi is very famous for a long time.


This information is valuable to all fans. We don’t have to open so many tab/site … the news are right on our ‘door step’ … I can never thank enough –All the Core member here – that always sacrifice their time for this ship … esp those that share and translate news ..


So individual fan start flocking here for news and also to read comments and sometime cannot refrain themselves from commenting (I fully understand the feeling).. so in that process sometime they tend to be too bias :D and end up upsetting the opposite fan base or sometime post a ‘smirk’ comment… so my advice – Just read :D don’t participate in the discussion.. bring the discussion to your bias thread – tag whoever you want to reply to in your bias thread ..


That what happen here I think :D … (if some comment too bias or appear in sensitive to the opposite fans) .. I am telling myself to be ‘cool’ about it when it happen … we want more people to love either JK or SHK (even if they don’t ship SS) .. right? … We have to be cool and matured (HEH look who’s talking .. wahahaha) … anyway the up and down in the thread is actually what make us strong … it bring us closer .. everytime a crisis happen – I gain more cyber friend hehehe ..  you will see every tom richard simmons and harry will start delurking an support the ship … :D just like Drama and heartbeat – if it’s just a straight line – we all be dead …




@Bambiina just want to give shout out to you .. because i love this post.... especially this part.. :wub:


the up and down in the thread is actually what make us strong … it bring us closer .. everytime a crisis happen – I gain more cyber friend hehehe ..  you will see every tom richard simmons and harry will start delurking an support the ship …


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Our beauty must be resting somewhere...thanks God and all comments from Korean netizens are positive..they're condemning and they called that company a trash company but on the other side they're bashing the new endorser especially the woman...mostly says not to show her face on tv wearing that trash jewelry..some Chinese fans on ig are boycotting the company..justice well reserve for her..such a tough woman

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2 minutes ago, lynne22 said:


@ludadeer :lol::lol: i just edited that part but you see it ya? :lol:  

HIGH FIVE GIRLL!!!  its a little embarrassing to admit but yes i did hahaha... 

Glad i'm not the only one 

Since i was trying to watch dots during lunch time so i just bought salad to eat at my desk n that's why i lost weight hahaha :P guess that's one good thing afterall hahahaha 

And yes it's indeed embarrassing kekeke and yes im glad I'm not the only one too :sweatingbullets:

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I'm sorry I'm being late but....Thanks so much @joongkyo @uknowthat for sharing the good news about our Kyo unnie. So happy now :heart:

Also thank to K-fans for their support to our unnie and say fighting to them in order to bring the good news to Naver front page.

@joongkyo: for your hints, I try my best to guess but...ok, don't mind me, I'm not familiar with K-entertainment so it will safe with me. Waiting for your post as alway :blush:.


@hclover96 oh I love love love these big gifs. Thanks for posting. It helps to up my mood a lot hehe because I've been missing our SongSong and Dots.

@lynne22: I get up late recently because we don't have to check Dots's ratings anymore lol.....But I will try to do something new too to keep calm without DOTS. I'm happy because we still have this wonderful journey with SongSong/Kikyo here.


I'm so sorry for quoting many unnies/chinggus today but:

@Chewy Hoe  @Bambiina and other chingus: You're like my/our vitamins :blush:

(Backreading again.....lol)

Edit: Thanks Chinese fans so much, too, for taking promply actions to support SHK.



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7 hours ago, alleverything said:

Lol @joongkyo Mr. I-am-bald-and-wear-glasses is very accurate


Except for Mr. I-am-bald-and-wear-glasses I have no clue who the rest of these people are :lol::blink:

edited: Mr. Airplane check. Mr. Taxi check. Mr. Ken check :sweatingbullets: ...Mr. Daddy Long Legs check. Mr. Friend-to-many-celebrities check. Mr. Art-lover check.... Mr. Pinocchio check :D


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Hahaha! I guess I am not alone on this bus! I only know that bald head guy that is a restaurant owner too. LOL. Everyone else on the list, I don't have any idea, the more I think of it, the denser I get! LOL! PM me if u know! I thee beg! Hahaha! 

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OK first of all..... what are those list? @joongkyo onnie jjinjja mulasso.... 

and Mr Bald with glasses and women need no worry about hmmm he is the one who cook fushion pasta with chicken in that variety show "barefoot Friends" right? the rest... I maybe and maybe not know who they precisely are... @joongkyo U can pm onnie for enlightment.... gomawoooo.

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Thank you @joongkyo and @uknowthat for the good news. I'm so grateful that the said company finally sees the light (more or less).

The amount of concern people are throwing on this is as if SHK is The Current UN Ambassador hahahah. She IS globally loved after all. Glad that this legal dispute solidifies that. 

This reminds me of a quote from my favorite SNSD member, Seo Hyeon. "People with good hearts are the ultimate winners".

I hope she is celebrating it with SJK tonight :)

Thank you all for the posts, pictures, gifs and insights. Special thanks after the two said people in my first sentence above @twtwb @hclover96 @Chewy Hoe and @WildDivine69

For those of you who couldn't open page 600, I tried it with Internet explorer and it worked. Maybe you can try it too, so you don't have to miss even a page of this thread. 

I'm ok with SJK's BR CF. What I thought at first was, "Wow, so pink! Aigoo, so handsome! And awww what a nice almost kiss scene. And, ZOMG I WANNA HAVE BR JIGEUM!!!".

That's the effect for me. 

I'm fine with seeing him with another model/actress, because I know it's just work and I he didn't go all the way to NY just to have a meal with that girl in the CF. Quite confident I'll feel the same no matter who the girl is. He's SHK's permanent property lah, hehe.

I want SJK to be even more successful and that includes movies and cfs with other actresses. 


At this rate, even if he has an intimate scene with another actress, I'll be fine, because no matter what, there's only SHK. Instead, I might watch it carefully and wonder whether he and she do the same things also or does it even better when they........


Regarding joongkyo's upcoming post, I have no idea who the guys are lol. I think I'll just read it happily.

More than her gowns at the red carpet of awards, I'm dreaming of her in wedding dresses, and the simplicity of this one knocks me out: 


Dreaming of that Song2 Royal Wedding.

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@joongkyo at first i didnt understand which one is mr this and that, so i guessed i'll be patiently waiting for the translations. Now that i've finished reading it all, i can relate mr this and that. 


Thank you so much for your effort, it means alot for me :) @joongkyo

I'll be waiting patiently for another minutes ;)

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