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[Official] Yoo Shi Jin - Kang Mo Yeon


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Before I stop speculating :D .. (huhu most of the time I talked about their relationship and very less on their achievement :D .. though I am happy for both of them and want the best for them)… just want to address the BTS ..

I think KBS should be responsible to fuel up speculation … I think if they were concern about dating rumor (and it effect to their chances of winning daesang) , they should have not aired the BTS .. or at least edit out those suspicious interaction ..

I am sure they know the implication of that BTS – if her hairband can be the source of dating rumors .. imagine what that BTS of SJK nuzzling SHK shoulder can do?

If they are worried about their dating rumors – they will not admit going out together that often .. I am sure SHK would have requested the owner of MAPA chicken restaurant not to update anything about her on his IG .. I am sure her answer would be different during the interview (like what we have been discussing about them and their dating speculations)

I trust both SHK and SJK – they are very open about their relationship …  they are not afraid of speculation … they are not afraid of anything ..

They must have thought it over thoroughly .. including people around them. That is why they are doing what they are doing now (we discussed this remember?)

Let say they are dating – so acting the lovey dovey screen may come easy to them but … what about SHK amazing acting skill when she received the news that YSJ is dead … (SJK is alive .. living and happily flirting with her during shooting and he is not somewhere dead) .. was it not acting ? The expression.. the tears .. the torn look the anguish tone (voice) .. the quiver in her voice … she delivered each line convincingly PERFECTLY …   Even though we know YSJ did not die – we cried we her .. we felt her pain … we felt her sorrow .. it’s not just lovey dovey moment that we focused on .. it is much much more.. the earth quake scene … the arab prince scene.. kidnap scene .. and many more .. Are they (jury) going to overlook all this? … just because of some speculation by the fans??????????? … (anyway – hehehe.. going through the IG postings is a bit extreme though .. that I agree would have a negative effect to them) but … spazzing on the BTS … their chemistry .. thinking there must be more that meet the eyes ..  or speculating about their dating timeline .. I think this is normal and happen in every shipping thread we’ve been doing it for more than a decade (I remember how we used to go crazy over every little clue about Rain and Kyo) and so far dating speculations by fans are harmless (unless it’s the media that break the news).

I have this thought maybe their individual fans are so worried of the way things turning out.. afraid that SS are real and they hate to see SHK/SJK together because they want her/him with someone else or some fans really hate seeing their bae getting hitch up with ANYONE .. so they came up with this??? ..

I don’t know I am very skeptical when it come to this .. because I’ve experience this before ..

Anyway - I shall not  discuss this further and shall abide to the request :D .. Like everyone here.. I only want the best for her and for him .. if not spazzing about their relationship is good for them .. so yeah .. by all mean I will abide to it.

Anyway – LBH won daesang for All In, amidst dating rumors .. hopefully it will be the same with them

Sorry I am a bit rebellious … I have to voice out my concern :D .. 


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very well said @joongkyo and @melissala... as the saying goes, Let us all KEEP CALM :) I have to admit that sometimes i get annoyed by some post on instagram especially when i see some edited pictures... :mellow: I may not be a regular poster on this thread but i promise to be a loyal supporter of SJK and SHK. :wub:

now, time for me to backread and vote. Have a nice day everyone.;)

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@joongkyo  @melissala   and everyone: Can you help to edit a picture that have the link to the voting site? So we can put it on our twitter, instagram to get more fans's attention. 

Is it right for us to promote that way :).

I just want to vote and vote and get more votes for our Dots. Pls share your ideals! thank you!

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You can vote as much as you want. Just keep clicking!  Voting is unlimited.  Ends May 1st! 


If you click too fast you'll get a pop up though, so watch out for that.  Don't just spam click, but you can repeatedly vote.

(also vote for YAI's movie on the 2nd tab if you feel like it. :D )   

Enjoy a picture



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Thank you so much @joongkyo @angieknows @melissala and others for informing us about the current situation. Showbiz hasn't been and will never be simple and fair, let's do our best to protect our SongSong comrades!

So I guess at the moment we can do the following things, kindly comment or provide more suggestions of your own:

  • Stop making speculations and analysis: any new discovered information or pictures or hints at the moment and afterwards should be keep in secret until the seniors of the ship inform new announcement. 
  • Spreading the urgency of stopping speculations and emphasize the importance of protecting our SongSong's career to the local units: by sending messages directly to your KiKyo shippers at local forums, Instagram, facebook, Twitter, other social platforms... especially to the communities that use English as the main language or tend to create pictures to make the speculation. 
  • In addtional, also inform them about the vote of BaekSang award: http://isplus.joins.com/100sang/event/100sang_poll_event.html

    It's time to unite and protect our beloved two, my comrades!
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2 minutes ago, spycase007 said:

Sorry. my questions is about vote how can i vote?? nothing happen after click DOTS drama. or have to signup first for id? sorry im not understand language!! thanks!

Just click.  That's it.  It doesn't reload or anything for you?  It should. 

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The voting is unlimited, the moment you click on the circular option UNDER the DOTS picture your vote will be counted and the counter will immediately refresh allowing you to vote again. This process can be repeated by you as many times as you want.

Currently we're in the lead but I noticed that the jump in votes has slowed down quite a bit compared to the jump in votes for the other two drams i.e. Signal and R1988 (earlier DOTS was 60% of the votes, now we've gone down to 53%).  

Since the poll allows unlimited voting, it's an advantage and a disadvantage. It means you can vote as many times as you want but others have that option too and the voting trends can change dramatically especially considering how the fans of other dramas who have realised that their dramas have no chance of winning have decided to lend support to the the earlier mentioned dramas.

So please keep voting!

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Warning: I like to write long posts, because once I start, I cannot stop myself.

There is something we all have in common. And that is the love we share for our Song2. I believe we are here, because we all noticed the unbelievable chemistry those two had and wanted to know whether there is more to it. 

We all come here, to find out news, talk with each other and share our enthusiasm about Song2. We all are basically dying to know, if there is any truth to this. At least I am, and I believe I am not alone.

But we are fans, we are public opinion and we are quite influental in numbers, We have the power in our hands. And with great power comes great responsibility. 

I really dont like a word true in a context, true fan, true shipper or true anything, because I believe anyone has a right to express themselves and no one is above the other. Thats why I am going to appeal to your sincerity and honour. 

We are all adults or will be at some point in our lives and this is the time and place, where we can show our character. It is true that I hope for our Song2 to be together, but it is because ultimately, I wish both of them happiness equally. I want them both to be happy and with that in mind, I have to think twice, sometimes three times about my actions regarding them. 

We have a voice and words can be harmful, they can be used in a way we never anticipated. We might hope for everyone to be good deep inside, but humans can be very selfish. And selfishness can ruin everything that is good. And in order to not ruin something beautiful that we believe in, we must bear responsibility. Like great commander Yoon did with unauthorised rescue operation in DotS episode 12. 

We all believe Song2 deserve to be happy. We wish them the happiness, but we also have to protect that happiness. But we all know, that with too much protection, it can come back to bite us. Like it did to lieutenant yoon, when she got sick in episode 11 of DotS. Once we have this protectiveness in us, we all are ready to jump in whenever someone is threatening someone or something we care about.

Sometimes, what I believe is good and right, means something else to another. And when that happens, I am ready to defend my belief. 

Thats why, we all have to be responsible in shipping. Responsible towards their career, happiness and privacy. It is not our place to choose for them, but if we love one or the other or both, we all will believe in them and the choices they make and will support them to the end through our actions and words and show them, that in return, they can believe in us.


NOTE: From now on, any troll attempt will be met with a report button and no other reaction.

NOTE 2: Whoever has any questions or curiosity regarding any past events that happened until now, we have 550+ pages, I suggest to read it first, you will probably find your answer there. If you still have any questions, we are all ready to answer them. Sinceriously, reread the thread first and then join us. We welcome all people, who sinceriously believe in Song2. 

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okay thanks for the infos @joongkyo @angieknows@melissala 

for the sake of our songsong careers, lets do like @joongkyo said. no wonder why so many people or news wanna protect them (i.e dispatch). yeah, we all are actually really love to know the truth about their relationship, but i think if we are the nice shippers of them, we will support them in the right way and really want to see them grab a lot of awards (include Baeksang Awards next month), dont we? so, lets do the best and right thing for our songsong couple. hope the best for their careers and personal life :wub:  just thinking that after Baeksang Awards (maybe) they will tell the world their relationship and marriage plan :blush:

oh yeah bdw i'm just bleeding when saw joongki picts at HBK, his handsome-ness is out of the world in every angles and poses, thanks  @angieknows for your post :lol:

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