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[Official] Yoo Shi Jin - Kang Mo Yeon


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Am so great full with all the tapping leg gif. u guys post here....I keep looking at HK hand...her sexy leg and hand So near with JK crouch...:wub: I know why am missing that part...coz am busy reading the subbed...and I don't have the slow button thingy...^_^

And what @joongkyo post....I give u :heart:...thanks for enlightening...this Ahjumma really appreciate it...

And if I ever heard JK in Phuket for vacation news...I will reg. My self to Hospital...for heart treatment....:D


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1 hour ago, joongkyo said:

ROFL at comments on NB saying SHK is "too cold and mature", do they even know her?. This woman is 15 years older than me and she's jumping around on furniture.


Well, we can just point out to many people who expressed after meeting and getting to know SHK, that she is quite different from what they all expected. They all basically say, that she is down to earth, nice and kind person that cares about others but also has this childish side to herself that everyone finds surprising. 

Even she mentions it several times and even comparing herself to SJK, that she is surprised how mature he is and she feels childish compared to him. 

Watching BTS and the drunk part, we could all see how cute she is, when she gets drunk and basically becomes relaxed and playful. And they confirmed that comes from her own experience and wasnt originally part of the script. It is also a testament of how close she became with everyone from the cast of DotS. For them to know this side of hers. We all know it exists, but only a handful of people were able to see it. The one from Dots doesnt count, because it is acting, even if it comes from experience. 

To me, it seems more like she might be reserved when socialising, but she is always kind and nice to everyone. But once she is in a presence of people close to her, she reveals this playful side of hers.

So, yes. Even if it was a rhethorical question from you, I cant help it, but to express my thoughts about this. She may seem cold and mature to people who do not know her, but people who made the effort to get to know her, they are treated with a very different Song Hye Kyo and will realise, she is indeed just like everyone else. A normal human being, who happens to enjoy life in her own way.

So to conclude, I think that whoever says she is too cold and mature, only got to know her reserved side and only from far away. And once they actually get to know her, they will discover this childish, playful side of hers that will leave them stunned in awe. 


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5 minutes ago, joongkyo said:

I'm writing the next one for the Truck scene which is very detailed, is there any other parts that people want?

 You really have an eye for detail. That's some awesome analysis and observation. Thank you for sharing it with us. And please post whichever part of your observation that you think will make us shippers here happy lol. :)

SJK did really goes out of his way to make sure people know how awesome SHK is. Goddess inside and out :wub:


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Hi all ... I'm newbie here, but been a silent lurker for quite a long time. There's something bother me, but I couldn't find the answer through Google. Is there any relation between Joong Ki and number 23? Is this number special to him? If any of you know the answer, please enlighten me :) I am a bit curious with this number because Hye Kyo write 1.23.2016 when she posted roses boquet in her IG. Yesterday was also 4.23 when she uploaded herself portrait wearing black New York shirt.

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@joongkyo your keen eyes are really something! In all seriousness, are you Hawkeye's relative? :huh: Thank you for another amazing post :lol: . SJK seemed really keen to fish out compliments for his beauty from third parties. This is really a move of one hella proud boyfriend, who wants his close friends to not only notice but has to give out verbal compliment for his awesome girlfriend lol He was definitely in the mood to brag and want to show his lady off to the world :phew:

BTW, I hope you get well soon @joongkyo *sending cookies and macaroons* 

@angieknows Thanks for sharing information with us dear. I look forward to your next detailed post as well :) 

Actually the point that you mentioned about how  'Korean reporters (and the government) do censor and protect certain things from leaking to the public' made me remember on of the private conversation that I had with one member in this thread. We talked about how Dispatch was acting very suspicious and their course of action over this whole SongSong ordeal raised eyebrows at times. I personally think there are two possible reasons for such 'civilized' behavior of Dispatch and these are two ends of a spectrum. 

The first reason is maybe Dispatch does not have anything on our couple yet LOL *Insert Kang Ho Dong's 'unbelievable' sound* If that's really the case then well, Dispatch is such a loser. Some members in this thread are even more worth of the reporter title than some people working at Dispatch atm LOL

The second reason which is quite extreme in my book but still possible is that maybe Dispatch had evidences already, but they were  'instructed' by some higher ups to keep this BIG revelation and save it until there is some S.Korea political issues/scandal that needed to be buried by other juicy celebrity news. The thing is if you read K-netizen comments on some dating articles before then I'm sure you will notice some of them gave comments such 'Why revealing this scandal today? Are you trying to distract us from the scandal of this or that person/diplomat matters'.  I'm just gonna stick in the spoiler below some article links in which K-netz expressed their suspicion over the timing of the dating news. In fact, if you take into consideration the date that Dispatch actually got hold of the evidence, then their timing to disclose the news was indeed relatively late and abnormal. 


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53 minutes ago, MrKobegiant said:

I love reading all the posts and certainly hopes they end up together.  He's smitten by her, that's obvious. But I want to put this out there because I am curious to see how many share my sentiments. 

We all know SJK went to NY and looked up SHK. Did anyone think that SJK confessed to her and SHK rejected him at that time and hence his initial restraint approach at the Korean PC? By the end of the PC somehow the old feelings returned. Hence, he was way more relaxed and confident around her in HK and probably started pursuing her again.  Then came Friday's BTS.  SHK must have been shocked to see how much of their feelings showed on screen and took off to Phuket to try and cool things down.  She can't afford to make another mistake at 35. SJK was not tired at Dior event.  He looked SAD. 

Apologies for the long post and please delete if this is trolling.  



nope. i dont think he was rejected. i refute your theory that he was rejected due to 1st the sightings of them holding hands while doing only God knows what in ny (later confirmed by both agencies they met each others for a dinner/shk confirmed they met each other ).

second, at seoul press conference both trying their best not to look close, chummmy whatever you guys been describing. if, he was rejected he wont do what he was doing/ or even trying talk to cik shk. he will completely ignore her. have you been in the rejection situation? you cant even face him/her.


come to think of it, he shouldnt have even bothered to do what he is doing currently PROTECTING HIS LOVED ONES. please try to understand/read the whole freaking article about his press conference at hyatt hotel the other day. SUBTLE reminder by SJK dont mendle with his private live!! (i take that also as reminder dont mess with my lady)

plus he doesnt look SAD. he looks tired.


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11 minutes ago, radim said:

Hi all ... I'm newbie here, but been a silent lurker for quite a long time. There's something bother me, but I couldn't find the answer through Google. Is there any relation between Joong Ki and number 23? Is this number special to him? If any of you know the answer, please enlighten me :) I am a bit curious with this number because Hye Kyo write 1.23.2016 when she posted roses boquet in her IG. Yesterday was also 4.23 when she uploaded herself portrait wearing black New York shirt.


you need to back read the thread. the explaination should be around 300-400 page. i cant remember on what page.

23 is joong ki's favourite number as i remembered.

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@Prentiss you make me remember  HONGKONG again.

if the airport situation isn't a sign of BF protective side.. i don't know what else to say..

Ever since that day, and also HK PC, there was never any doubt for me that they are real.

@angieknows thank you for sharing...  your conversation with your friend must have made your day :D

It's interesting to know the part about the cover up as i am already wondering about it as well.. 



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Another add on from the truck scene bts. Call me insane bcuz i repeat that scene again and again. This time it was right after beauty got both hands down after the 'grabbing big boss neck', her hand was placed on top of big boss. But it was a very quick one. Like less than a second? But that particular gesture, makes me giddy. How i wish i could post the screenshot here but forgive me, still a noob.

Hope someone would see my post and do me a favour on posting that particular scene. :phew:

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@joongkyo Another big thank you for translating another BTS scene for us. I can't get enough, so, thank you for indulging us :) Keep them coming!

@my_bazuka Heh. I hope Dispatch is not keeping the evidence just to use as a distraction from a political scandal. LOL. I actually think Dispatch is investigating ... they're looking harder, and when it's someone as popular as Song Joong Ki, I can't imagine that they wouldn't be following him. It just so happens that Joong Ki has been really busy lately, but it is interesting that Dispatch didn't seem to catch on that the Songs and the cast have been hanging out. That was before Joong Ki's schedule filled up! If there is a cover-up or something, I'm thinking the Songs' agencies might be exerting some clout over Dispatch and other press folks. My friend said that she gets the sense that people want to protect the Songs, and I can see that with how the Director was the one to shut down the rumors ... and yet still, the Songs haven't done the denying. The best protection from anymore speculation is if the Songs were the ones to give a clear denial. LOL. I have to go. Will share more later :) 

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1 hour ago, joongkyo said:



SJK and JinGoo Interviewing SHK (56:45)

SJK in his best announcer voice says, "And coming from this side, we have Song Hye Kyo-shi" the video gets cut when he approaches her telling her to wait and come towards the camera probably because he held her hand without permission and that would have been a big issue!. SJK tells the cameraman, "Could you please add some effects?." he wants background music for her when she walks into the  camera frame (lol..how cute!). SHK gets embarrassed and walks off saying "What do you think you're doing!" - she probably knew this interview IS NOT A GOOD IDEA!...lol..SJK continues giving his description for the effects he wants "A Talk with Sgt. Seo Daesang starring Guests" he looks back to realise that she's escaped from the scene. He asks JG who will be the topic of discussion today, JG turns around to make sure she's gone and whispers "The person we'll be discussing is the person there, Kang Mo Yeon-shi". SJK says, "Are you sure that it's  KMY-shi?. Is there anything to talk about KMY-shi?" [Since JG's fictional show is a gossip show, what he means by this is there anything worth gossiping about her..meaning, is there anything negative to talk about?]. JG says "She's too perfect, that's her flaw/her minus side" lol, immediately SJK agrees saying "Yes, that's right" and JG says "that's a huge problem/a huge flaw" [I am dying at these two idiotic fan boys!].


OMG! I can't find enough  words to describe how amazing your detective skills are!!! what would we do without you?

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22 minutes ago, my_bazuka said:

The second reason which is quite extreme in my book but still possible is that maybe Dispatch had evidences already, but they were  'instructed' by some higher ups to keep this BIG revelation and save it until there is some S.Korea political issues/scandal that needed to be buried by other juicy celebrity news. The thing is if you read K-netizen comments on some dating articles before then I'm sure you will notice some of them gave comments such 'Why revealing this scandal today? Are you trying to distract us from the scandal of this or that person/diplomat matters'.  I'm just gonna stick in the spoiler below some article links in which K-netz expressed their suspicion over the timing of the dating news. In fact, if you take into consideration the date that Dispatch actually got hold of the evidence, then their timing to disclose the news was indeed relatively late and abnormal. 


This!! Actually i have a  cousin who lives in S. Korea and that's her take about Dispatch keeping it on the down low about our Kikyo couple. Kikyo are now considered the National couple coz they are both hallyu stars. That will mean they already have someone on the lookout or someone tailing this two everywhere they go. That's how media and reporters are. Lastly, if we shipper can see and connect the dots what more the media and reporters? So it is highly possible that they are waiting for some big political scandal to arise coz that's how they handle celebrity scandal there before they released the kikyo card. It's hateful to think that this celebrity relationships are being treated as a scape goat for political scandals.

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@joongkyo you are perfect, waaaaah... i totally didn't see onew at the back. and after watching the subs i also realize that a lot of things can be translated better. AND YOU ARE THE ONE THAT CAN DO IT REALLY WELL!!! 정말 감사합니다 esp when you are not feeling well! thankyouuu! i will watch again, again and again

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