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[Official] Yoo Shi Jin - Kang Mo Yeon


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10 minutes ago, melissala said:

I wish everyone, fans included,  would stop mentioning age because if he were older nobody would even care or have anything to say about it.  At all. Even in the drama people brought up the fact that she was older, or "too old for SJK",  while ignoring the decade age difference between the 2nd OTP.  It's sexism and ageism pure and simple that people use it again SHK.  It's only because the woman is older that people feel they have to either defend it or mention it as something negative.  They are both over 30. Once you reach that age there really isn't much different in maturity levels or anything else.  It's not a factor or anything that should even be discussed. 



was going to post something but you've said it all. Hopefully the last we will ever have to discuss this ridiculous topic.

@hyukgu OOOOOOH, love that gif!. And, yes Dispatch is sneaky, sneaky 

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This couple bts look so cute and they comfortable with each other....they character is same.they look playful at set...

Although they don't dating but hope they can maintain their close relatinship.

who know maybe they will develop feeling in future(my delusions)......:blush::blush:

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4 minutes ago, melissala said:

I wish everyone, fans included,  would stop mentioning age because if he were older nobody would even care or have anything to say about it.  At all. Even in the drama people brought up the fact that she was older, or "too old for SJK",  while ignoring the decade age difference between the 2nd OTP.  It's sexism and ageism pure and simple that people use it again SHK.  It's only because the woman is older that people feel they have to either defend it or mention it as something negative.  They are both over 30. Once you reach that age there really isn't much different in maturity levels or anything else.  It's not a factor or anything that should even be discussed. 

I don't understand why this age thingy is even brought up! It's irritating to the core! It's not even significant in a relationship!

I don't think KiKyo even care!  in love leafLet's keep sailing  animated-ship-image-0015

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On 4/24/2016 at 9:08 AM, chilis said:

4 year age difference isnt big I m older than my boyfriend 6 years and we have been dating for a long time In the beginning I was embarrassed but love does break down all the walls

Damn True! My younger brother's wife is 5 years older him! What is the problem as long as the heart beat for each other? The people who mentioned age is too old fashion. So why didnt they talk about Goo Hye Sun husband-to-be then! 

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If he was 25 and she 35 lol i woukd question the age too. Just because at that age i think men are immature. But SJK is past beyond 30. He's 31 now and he looks like a mature responsible guy. Like that one lady said before that SJK is a man she would like to marry because she saw him helping his parents car wash business. It was buzzling with business. And that he seems the type who will never let his family go hungry. The actresses he played with before actually looked older than him 3 years ago. But he's age now, so it doesn't make a difference with SHK.

Anyways, regarding Park Bo Young's interview. I wonder if she see them together in person or is she talking about them looking good onscreen? The way she says it sounds like she witness it with her own eyes. Lol 

Feels kind of sad. SHK is in Phuket while that man is sick. Wonder where he is. Lol 

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@Chewy Hoe Yes, I will pray for you! Please get a shoutout to Soompi from him!  Well, if he tells you he actually knows soompi and visits this thread before then I will die on the spot LOL 

Missing out OTP already. Anyone knows the date Running man China with SJK episode will be aired? Pls kindly share the detail.



credits: baidu 

SongSong couple seriously needs to reproduce their next generation soon lol 


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No more AGE issue please... believe what we want to believe.. NO MAN is brave enough to shield her after all this years..  She is relax, happy, cheerfull, more and more beautiful these days.. 

I believe SHK already in the right hand now.. kamsahamnida SJK... ^^ 

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On 4/9/2016 at 8:12 AM, blissfullife29 said:

a. SJK in all his scene with SHK, his ears will be blushing red (is it a sign or excitement? or nervousness).


I didn't, for the life of me, paid attention to SJK's EARS in DOTS. I feel so insensitive now. Why are some people so good in noticing things?

I will pay attention to his ears the next time I rewatch. 

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13 hours ago, ilovesjk said:


During filming, it was a casual thing for the cast to share meals and I see SongSong smoothly transitioning that to be a normal thing in their daily lives, at the same time both parties meeting each other favorably. I'd like to call this stage the getting to know each other as Song Joong Ki and Song Hye Kyo and not Yoo Si Jin and Kang Mo Yeon stage. Why I don't think they were a couple during filming? I feel that though they were very close in the BTS, I sense some reservations they still had that if they were a couple they wouldn't have had. 

When they officially became an item? I personally believe it was when SJK busted his sangnamja move and flew across the world to be with SHK in February, the month of love. At this rate, there clearly wasn't anything he wouldn't do for her and I felt she can agree to this! That's my take on it. 


Agree. If they are an item now, I also think it started in February. It also explains why they were awkwardly behaving during first PC. How I wish we could see them together again. 

Regarding SKH statement on "We have done so many times", I believe she was talking about their kissing scenes in other dramas unless track kiss scene was done at last. 

On a side note, SJK seriously need a rest. His eyes are almost half-opened and red. 


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@joongkyo thank you! Cannot wait. 

Omg i just realized that the BTS where they were at the island which was the ending part. Remember when she said whh should she go to the island alone with that kind of beauty face? Lol It's rehearsal but it was hilarious because SJK turns around and ask the staffs for a gun and like pretend to shoot. This just crack me up. How jealous can he be? 

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On 4/9/2016 at 9:00 AM, awestruckshipper said:

HOW IN LOVE???? Can you count how many times he had stared at her like that already??:wub:


So tempted to quote this pic but I better not, right 

I've never watched SJK's work before DOTS, but he got me since ep. 1, all because his deep stares to SHK. 

At first I thought, "Whoah, he's such a good actor!"

But then I have a feeling it's the deep stares of someone in love looking at the woman he's falling in love with. 

I've been shipping them since then.

I was planning to watch the drama after it ended, but after my trip to Seoul last March, my friend put five episodes into my phone and I spent the transit in KL to watch it nonstop. 

Their crazy chemistry really got me. The kind of chemistry that made my heart fluttered indeed. 

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18 minutes ago, dees33 said:


Agree. If they are an item now, I also think it started in February. It also explains why they were awkwardly behaving during first PC. How I wish we could see them together again. 

Regarding SKH statement on "We have done so many times", I believe she was talking about their kissing scenes in other dramas unless track kiss scene was done at last. 

On a side note, SJK seriously need a rest. His eyes are almost half-opened and red. 



They were awkward during 1st PC not because they were not 'together' THEY WERE AWKWARD BECAUSE THEY ARE TOGETHER .... just look at how JK was so comfortable with SHK that he could just nuzzled his head (NOT IN THE SCRIPT -WHATSOEVER) .. he was not acting - It was total spontaneous ... If I am not mistaken 1st PC was in Feb ... before DOTS premier and after NY ?????????????

Their awkwardness WAS BECAUSE THEY didn't want to let the public notice their relationship/closeness .... 

That the only explanation for the awkwardness - NOTHING ELSE ...

and I think SHK was referring to their kisses in DOTS and not other drama ...  May be she forgot that there were not so many kisses.. may be she was talking about their kisses out side filming????????

Wahhh your post gimme ideas .. May be SHK was referring to their kisses OF SCREEN

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On 4/9/2016 at 7:06 PM, joongkyo said:

I'd just like to point out that if people want to discuss/ship Mo Yeon and Shi Jin then you can do so in the main DOTS thread. :) The mods only forbade the shipping of the two main leads in that thread but you can ship the characters to your heart's content.

If we could keep the conversation here as much as possible related to SJK and SHK (*not their characters in the show), it would be much appreciated.



Actually, I wanted to make a correction  - In my earlier posts I had mentioned that maybe SJK was doing a photoshoot for Studio Concrete and therefore Jae Hoone and Hye Young Lee were there in HK with him. But, I found some short clips of SJK to be used I presume for his Thai fan-meeting. Also, looking at many of his new pictures - he looks styled and the locations of some of the places he's at look really really perfect for pictorials.

 In which case, it looks like SJK is actually doing a photo-shoot/video-shoot for his upcoming series of fan-meets.

This both surprises me and also doesn't surprise me

Obviously the series of fan-meets coming up are extremely important to SJK, it'll be the first time after his army discharge and more importantly - the success of DOTS. Blossom and SJK probably want to get everything perfect. I thought Blossom would be extremely controlling and decide the whole tone and look of the pictorials. I was thinking they're going to do that predictable bubblegum and cotton candy sweet, sugar won't melt in my mouth kinda pictorials.

Therefore, having Jae Hoone as his photographer  may seem odd to some as JH isn't really a *fashion photographer* who shoots covers for magazines  -  but it looks like SJK and most probably SHK, weighed heavily in the decision making of how his picture book would look like. Just look at the clothes, locations that he's been pictured at - they're all great examples of art and construct in design. In fact the whole thing is both so modern and urbane that I would have thought that Blossoms would have stepped in, however the agency does seem to be (*very much like UAA in that sense ) a place where the artists are allowed much autonomy in decision making. It seems they're letting him use a team of his choice, a location of his choice.

 I find it surprising that SJK would shoot his picture book in HK, not because HK isn't a good enough location. But Europe is the default place for S.Korean stars to shoot pictorials. It gives them more freedom for working at public location shoots and just generally, they go ga-ga over the European locales.

But, it's like another Korean netizen commented - Isn't SHK's fashion sense so contemporary these days, very street fashion?. 

These locations in HK seem to fit the bill of just about everything SHK is into these days --- also the fact that she flew to HK just to see the Art Basel show --- I mean I know she loves art and everything but to me it looks like her last trip was more of a location scouting trip.

I won't be surprised if she's the one who is deciding the theme, look and locations. Which is why Jae Hoone and Hye Young Lee both seem to fit in perfectly with her vision. Looks like the sort of important decisions that an extremely caring GF/fiancee or wife would do. 

If my guess is accurate, then I'd say their relationship is even more serious that what I had initially imagined. Also, a lot more sweeter and believe me I thought it was plenty sweet before.




X*No, I am not writing a fanfic....lol, in my mind this all makes a LOT of sense*


Pardon me for reposting something from 9 April, but I only get the chance to spazz this now. 

SHK, you are such a caring wife. I mean gf. Well actually if you two secretly already signed a wedding certificate, I won't mind. You can just tell us later when you're ready to have a baby. 

Argh! SHK helping him arranging everything for his photoshoot is crazy sweet omg why are they so sweet?

This. This makes me believe she's in Thailand to really help him prepare for his fanmeeting. ZOMG SUCH A SWEET SAMONIM.


But husbands usually listen to their wives the most, don't they?


In my head they're SO MARRIED already!

Gosh, backreading gives me so much goodies! Thank you everyone, and especially @joongkyo

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I see a troll.

Posting one translation before I log out.

Looks like more and more news reports are going to come out now. News articles talking about SonSong's lack of knowledge of slang terms used by young people in SK (lol!).


source http://www.ytn.co.kr/_sn/0117_201604241150097558


SongSong couple's reactions on learning the meaning of "Tsundere" for the first time.

2016-04-24 11:50

Drama "DOTS" special episode is causing people to discuss SongSong couple.

During the airing of the special episode, Actor SJK starts a session of self camera where he starts to interview "Baby/youngest soldier" KMS, he asks KMS to give him details of what sort of a favourable treatment does he receive from lead Actress SHK. 

KMS says, "SHK is a good senior to me who takes good care of me and she is pretty" . To which SJK replies " Everyone knows that , even the people in China know this". SJK demands another answer from KMS as he feels KMS stated the obvious.

Then, KMS replies " Actually SHK is a Tsundere style" . Both SJK and SHK seemed unaware of the meaning of term and asked people around them to explain the meaning .

Someone from the back replies " Someone who is cold but also takes care of people"




SongSong couple reacted saying "Ah, I see" and SHK suddenly jumps up and jokingly asks KMS "Do you want to die?" 

Tsundere is a term commonly used by young people, the fact that SongSong couple didn't know the meaning of this term has been the reason for a lot of laughter amongst many people.

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On 4/9/2016 at 10:52 AM, applegirl2 said:

Yes ! I agree.. I only ever sniff my husband n kids.. not friends that I hug.. and I don't think the director will tell him to do that ;)

It's a very natural thing that he did... as SJK.. NOT ysj



Now this makes me think he keeps burying his nose on her shoulder and seemed to inhale like she's his oxygen because well - he's inhaling the lovely scent of his future wife.


I think I need a sedative white reading this thread. I'm really losing my sanity over this couple. 

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thankyou again @joongkyo i guess reporters also need to rewatch the bts several time before writing. cos its too cute and sweet so they cannot stop watching and replay. lol 

i was saying that i wont be online til late tonight but cannot help my self. omg how? good that i check the thread the moment you post. hahahaha. 

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