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[Official] Yoo Shi Jin - Kang Mo Yeon


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Don't think people should overreact. So even if they didn't display evidence of a relationship while filming, it doesn't mean that something didn't develop later on. 

1) End-Dec they wrap up filming and by January they meet up in New York. There are reports they were holding hands but everything seemed a bit strange. In this day and age, how come there were no photos and even then, why did they choose to admit that they met up if there were no photos to prove it?

2) On 22nd Feb is the first PC and SJK doesn't even mention SHK although she compliments him. When does the male lead ever not praise his leading lady especially if they were friendly enough to meet up in NY? 

3) By the mid-March PC, SJK still doesn't say much about SHK.

4) KBS new 30th March. By now he says he and 'Hye Kyo' are entertained by the dating rumours and he seems to be careful not to hurt her feelings.

5) 1st April - SJK hosts dinner but no photos with SHK taken.

5) Hongkong 6th April. SJK calls SHK very pretty and the most beautiful actress in Korea. Also commended her personality, inner heart and acting experience. First time he is so effusive about her. Protective of her at the airport but they don't want to be photographed together socially. She leaves earlier but leaves her stylist behind to help him.

6) Concluding press conference 15th April - SJK suddenly refers to SHK as noona and sunabenim for the first time. Why? Thanks her for her kindness and for being a role model. Shippers get all upset.

7) 17th April fan meeting - Now SJK says he wants to get married in his 30s. To who?? Why is he even saying this?

In contrast to SJK, SHK has been absolutely consistent. Maintains that SJK is a close junior colleague whom she respects. Only once mentioned that her heart 'fluttered' at the "Apologize or confess" question. She is likely to remain consistent ie. denying everything since she said she would never admit publicly to a relationship again. 

So much of the shippers' confusion is due to the mixed signals he sends out. Either he himself is not clear what to do or say or his team is very inexperienced in advising him. Whatever it is, there does seem to be more than enough circumstantial evidence that there is something going on although they may never admit it.


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@joongkyo LOL they say that to superimpose Raymond flamboyant UAA styling on JK is Kyo way of keeping tab lol 

and adding on, I believe Saint Laurent likes to dress Kyo and suddenly Ki turns up at the airport with Saint Laurent jacket and shoes with Kyo styling entourage. She must have played a positive influence in getting Saint Laurent to dress him as well so she is really taking care of the bf well 

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*sending a box of J. Estina jewels to @joongkyo *

Another photoshoot of SJK that uses the stylist from UAA that is close to SHK. 

I will go to sleep happily thanks to you. 

Song2 should release a photobook with designer's clothes. Location can be Europe, and the stylist and photographers can all be SHK's choice. 

I'll buy it. 

Good night everyone!

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Waaaaaaah thanks @joongkyo

now we know who was behind all about sjk huuh :phew:

they both turning in the same circle ...

She helping, preparing, hiding then watching with smiling, she let her namja shining at his top popularity ..  

Oooh i'm touched ...

Gret job goddess..  :wub:

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Once is a stranger.

Twice is a coincidence.

Three times is a tail.

I feel like we have too much evidence or "coincidences" for this couple. 

Maybe that's why I'll go down with this ship haha 


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Oh God, I was super busy at work and couldn't check on here since yesterday and had to back-read a lot pf pages, now my head hurts and I feel dizy lol but it was worth it, if not for anything else I got to read the amazing, truly masterful finding of our captain @joongkyo, I've said it before, I don't know what you study or what career path you will choose in the future but sure as hell FBI, CIA, Dispatch and all other investigative or intelligence services would use your amazing skills, I am not complementing you, only stating the truth. You probably get this a lot from our true shippers here but from the bottom of my heart, thank you, for taking the time and filling this ship with such joy, you are an example of how a shipper should be, basing your belief in facts, having fun while doing it and just enjoying the ride.

Also, I've read a lot of pages and particularly tried to skip the negative vibes of some of them, so many trolls and haters, I will not comment too much, just know that you posting here and pretending to be something you're not will NEVER sink this ship, neither will make it sail your own ship (if you have one) or damage our Song-Song in anyway, it just manifests your insecurities. Please, remain in your spots and let us shine, it's our time anyway :D 

I've been part of this thread and ship since page 30 and will remain here until the end, will sail this ship through storms and good weather because the destination is a beautiful island, decorated for a wedding that's going to join two people in marriage.

BTW @joongkyo   have you chosen the dress yet?? My mother is a designer, do you want any help? :D 

Much love to all of you, happy sailing! 

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@joongkyo u're superb, smart and i feel the way you get deduction and make sharp conclusion is so original, you have your talent to become detective, like conan or sherlock holmes perhaps.. :wub:.... you can't compare with some people in ig which only copy and paste and pick up in here and baidu, than told people that their made it.. no..no.. it'so richard simmons... just four thumbs for you... 

And when i see, the post bout hanie ig, i think that person took about this flower in here because if i'm not wrong @joongkyo have post about it before


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Wait, SHK described SJK as passionate? Passionate in what? And virile? Virile in what? Hahah How does she knows? 

When I think of those words, I need to pull my braun out of the gutter.

and you know SJK said anything his gf said is correct or do is right? Goodness, he sure is listening to her associating himself with her circles. 

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Woooahhhh @joongkyo you are indeed one of a kind. I have seen alot of shippers out there but you have taken this to the next level! Salute! Since I couldn't keep my eyes open earlier I had to sleep with SJK's body on my mind and joongkyo's findings on the flowers. I wake up to find even more evidence! I will need to go through your posts again to digest everything. Thanks again for returning to us. Let this ship sail again and make all the haters and trolls walk the plank! Ajjjjaaa!!!

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Hooooooomg is this what people in Asia wake up to!?!?!! This was me --> *falls asleep to @joongkyo's news and wakes up the next day to her news too!* 

Fantastic finding as usual wow and SS is probably the only couple that surprises me time and again and I thought we've been over their ninja moves but nooooooo they probably have 10000x more up those sleeves and hoods! What even is SJK doing with Blossom still at this point of time tho! ;)
Noone takes care of their bf like SHK does! All hail the Queen! Obvious subtlety to only those who can see it :phew:
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8 minutes ago, stargazer187 said:

Morning all...! Yayyy...it's finally wednesday...!!


wishing what the spoiler told is true, that they saw too many of sweetness, better be true. Really... happy the special will be subbed, I wonder will this three specials will rock like usual and win the rating battle? Well, can't waitttt...


cr as tagged

three days in a row... yuhuuuu...!!


YAY! More DotS today. Three nights, zero days - KBS-style! Lol

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yet another interesting reply from SJK (I know this is old, but I find his reply really interesting)

during HK PC, SJK was asked about the most unforgettable moment in Greece 
without a second thought he started to reply saying "I think Hye Kyo and I can agree on this.." (like if he was speaking for Hye Kyo as well)  then he talks about filming at Navagio beach and  :blush:  how happy they were blah blah

finally he adds this to his answer "I think we probably felt the same while filming just like what you would feel watching these scenes in the drama" :phew:

May be this is what you were talking about SJK?

hehe too much information? I just love your honesty SJK!


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6 hours ago, airaseyo_stv said:

@cheese79 oh...maybe the connection is poor so you couldn't see the pic. i think you can try edit it out later :)

THANK YOU CAPT. @joongkyo !! wow, i feel like playing detective being in this ship, but whoops detective is my childhood dream! haha! i already thought that it was too suspicious that the flower arrangement is soooo identical, but i didn't have any ground base before, BUT, you give me the hope *winking eyes* :blush:

i need to sleep now tho, thank you for today guys! i'm sure enough i'll sleep smiling today with this songsong ship sailing to their beautiful personal Urk beach lol :heart:

I tried to edit something that maybe the link. I hope it works but if not, maybe I just delete my quote. I don't want to give problem to this lovely forum. Thank you @airaseyo_stv :D

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