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[Official] Yoo Shi Jin - Kang Mo Yeon


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8 minutes ago, Hồ Vi said:

Dear you guys,

Sorry for disturbing you on an old hint of our KiKyo like this, but is there anyone clarifying our KiKyo dating in New York City in February please? I just missed this important hint on our thread and couldnt find again now, or you can point out which pages we has discussed that? 

I've just heard that there was evidence pointing out that our KiKyo was watching the sunrise together at California in February 14th? Is that true oh god wanna clearify this T___T 

Thanks all you guys! 

So. What have you heard? Was it about the beach scene photo SHK posted on her IG? That is more likely to be Coney Island beach in Brooklyn - much closer to NYC than California. If you want, DM me your evidence. Danke 

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At this point... I don't care what evidence comes out anymore... like I just know with my guts they're dating for real.

Enough hints have been given, enough praises and subtle body signal, TOTAL LACK of denial, and many many more. 

They look TOO NON-CHALANT about these dating rumors around them for them to NOT be dating... And since they're mature adults, well known actors/actresses, they don't have to DENY anything (unlike some other idols...which i really feel bad for them). They just choose to be quiet and let everyone thinks whatever people want to think.

Any of you guys feeling this way?


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1 minute ago, i.am.bugz.funny said:

Permission to post ...I just want to post this mv for my OTP and to grant @Jalhanda request to post my MV in shippers thread too...

thank you!!!


@i.am.bugz.funny....what took you so long :D ??? Glad you shared your video here...I really adore your creativity...I am quite choosy when it comes to Fan Made MVs and yours is on top of my list...so unique and so original...it leaves a very good feeling after watching it. Thanks!

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17 minutes ago, stargazer187 said:

yeah, I don't really understand all of the article, just get a gist of it through bing translator... let's wait our savior translators here... palli.. palli...

well, about this pic


via dispatch

I don't know whether it's just a pure coincidence or they really do it on purpose. What I mean here is, here's my logic thoughts, SJK's arm wasn't still healed well at that time, seeing he's still wearing the cast. So to less the burden for the injured arm SHK just put her coat sleeve ont his arm like that. and the question is --> why did they do that while everyone's pose are in their wrapped arms?

Then, here's what I prefer to think, she did it on purpose and he is gladly happy with it too. To show that thier already deeply in love and their in a active dating mode. :D And the question is --> when will the day come? the they when I read or hear on news that they finally admit they're dating or getting married... yeayyyy...   :wub: I'm so excited like I'm just winning a lottery... lol


At first I was getting all delusional as well. I mean, like what is the purpose of that when her hand isn't even at all there? But I think, it's all for a good laugh. I don't think anyone has mentioned this, but if you look more closely again, the actress that plays Nurse Ha is also holding SHK's arm side of the coat. So, as much as I want to go delusional and spazz over it as well, nurse Ha bursted the bubble for me! Hahaha! 

Late at night here, my fellow shippers! I will go to sleep soon and I'd expect some serious back reading tomorrow! Gaaaaaahh!


people above me ^^^ posted and said the same thing with Nurse Ha! 

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A few things I wanna say:

1)      ABOUT DOTS & SHK: DOTS is definitely one of the most memorable dramas I’ve watched. It’s been almost 10 years since the last time I was this obsessed with a K-Drama. Regardless of all the clear loopholes and illogical parts in the plot and not so fantastic storyline, DOTS has given me all the feels I had lost long time ago with K-Dramas. I think this got a lot to do with the character development and the wonderful acting by the cast. I’m nowhere similar to Kang Mo Yeon in real life but THANK TO SONG HYE KYO, I could feel the drama as if I were KMY. I feel blushed, feel loved, feel doubtful, feel worried, feel pain, feel happiness… together with her. I could feel the way KMY received YSJ’s attention and love, I could feel all her inner conflicts and questions being with YSJ…

KMY is one of those rare K-Drama female characters that I can relate to. People can say all they want about how weak/annoying KMY character is, but to me she is very real, probably the realest character of DOTS. And SONG HYE KYO, once again, makes her character alive. She’s put so much realness, soul and emotions into KMY character. People may question and complain SHK’s acting ability at times but if it weren’t SHK to play KMY, this character would have been far less enjoyable. I’m actually thankful to KES writer for having incorporating the REAL-LIFE SHK into KMY character, being beautiful and successful but too busy and insecure for relationships, scared of challenges but still pushing herself forward to go all in for love, having both maturity and cuteness, being both romantic and realistic…. SHK’s own charms have been very well included in KMY’s characters.  Sometimes I find it hard to distinguish between KMY and SHK.


Honestly till this point, that SHK and SJK have real feelings for each other should no longer be a question anymore. They don’t have to tell the whole world they are dating or love each other for people to realize they have fallen for each other. ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS. The fact that they made time and effort to hang out so often outside work, the fact that SJK has been showing protectiveness, admiration + respect to SHK times to times, the fact that they have been acting passive-aggressive very weirdly about their public relationships, the fact that SHK’s style has changed drastically to more tomboyish and comfortable one (just like someone’s) while SJK has been acting and dressing much more maturely since they started filming for DOTS …. and the way they act-like-not-acting-at-all for all their intimate scenes…. everything spells LOVE. If that’s not love, I don’t know what is.  If all these things were just an act, then they should receive Daesangs for faking everything with such amount of realness.

Whether or not they are going public with their relationship, it’s their choice. I’d rather seeing them going secretly strong till the final stage or even maintain this “close colleagues “ relationship than hearing them publicly announce they’re dating but break-up a few months afterwards during the inevitable “busy schedule”. Actually I’m even fine with them not officially dating cuz you know putting a claim on a relationship can sometimes become a big burden, especially for huge celebs like Song-Song who are constantly busy and scrutinized by the media. Even for normal people like us, starting calling someone we like as “boyfriend/girlfriend” means responsibility already. So whatever relationship Song-Song are having right now, I just wish them to maintain it and be serious enough about it till a point both are ready for the final big thing.

SHK is already 35 years old and she’s had enough of pain and suffering in her private life in 20 years of being an actress. She deserves everything beautiful in this life. She’s got everything but that one man who is ready to be the shoulders for her to lean on. And I truly truly wish that SJK is ready to become that man one day!


It actually shocked me to hear from SJK that he wanted to get married in his thirties. Joongki-ssi, that’s NOT something you should say to your fans in your fanmeeting!!! Even established actors in their late 30s don’t usually say about marriage at all. Nope, even ordinary guys do not talk about marriage in their early 30s these days unless they’re getting married for real. Seriously I have my utter respect to Song Joong Ki after this.  I’m sure he clearly knew what he was saying and how much impact those words have on his fans and that “someone”. His fans, nope – just anyone with clear mind can easily figure out that SJK is obviously having some serious relationship with someone right now. But he did it anyway. Mad respect for this guy!

We can’t 100% confirm that SHK and SJK are in such a serious relationship right now. But if they do, then we can be very sure that SJK is smart, wise, mature, sensible, protective, loving more than enough to make SHK a truly happy woman as she deserves. SJK is probably one of those rare male celebs who can handle his fame, his fans and his private life really well. Looking at how he’s been handling questions about dating rumors, relationships, private life and how he presents himself in front of fans and the public..., I’m pretty sure HE’S READY!


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Another almost 15 pages to back roll .. Just a great way to kick off new week

" the sporty' that he said for me is more the boyish style of the girl either in clothing style n personality.... N that's definetly shg.. :heart: her personal picks of style is so different when in cf or cp.. You can look in her insta or in youtube .. Specially nowadays she's usually wearing short, shirts or sweater.. With sneaker ( this his effect that also include of his ideal type ) or leather boot n for personalities in her book she said she's more like a boy then a daughter also from people that they met even zang zhi yi can say that.. She's tougher then she's look/appereance

For sleeve coat still... My opinion is Nurse ha only helping sjk .. She's kind aware that shg had loosen up n sjk refuse to let it fall... For me is like a statement from sjk n shg is not ready for it.. Love is about brave enoughtl to take the pain n happiness inside it n hope is all worth for both n only wish of happiness n all the joy n succes in life for any decisssion they gonna take

@phuongfoodiedinh that's you said about shg lovelife just ... .. N when you said about sjk.. I just aaaaammmmmmiiiiiiinnnn .. No more hurt so she can make a new book with new love life with pics of her n hub n children

Gonna back read now... Eager to know what on wed n thurs coz maybe is gonna be new scene hope is gonna be more goodies  of good memories to more tighten our memories of both n dots 

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54 minutes ago, thepixies said:

So. What have you heard? Was it about the beach scene photo SHK posted on her IG? That is more likely to be Coney Island beach in Brooklyn - much closer to NYC than California. If you want, DM me your evidence. Danke 


1 hour ago, Hồ Vi said:

Dear you guys,

Sorry for disturbing you on an old hint of our KiKyo like this, but is there anyone clarifying our KiKyo dating in New York City in February please? I just missed this important hint on our thread and couldnt find again now, or you can point out which pages we has discussed that? 

I've just heard that there was evidence pointing out that our KiKyo was watching the sunrise together at California in February 14th? Is that true oh god wanna clearify this T___T 

Thanks all you guys! 


I missed this thread, had difficult logging in and posting.  I am back!

It's been verified by Chinese netizens that the sunrise was taken at Harmosa Beach CA, and I think it is 100% right as I did compare almost all famous piers of Westcoast and Eastcoast beaches in the States and the pic. of Harmosa matched just perfectly well.   However, Kyo was back to Korea and appeared in the backstage of a stage drama on 14 Feb 2016.

About the NY dating, there is at least one post in K. forum (from translation): 

Friend sent this to me from KaKao Talk

A good friend of mine studying in NYC was in SOHO area shopping and said they saw a very handsome Korean fellow hence kept staring at this person hehehe, that person seems to emit and aura/glow watching watching then they realized it was SJK!  Next to him was a person covered up very well.  He was holding her hand, upon looking carefully it was SHK!


I think there was more than one fan accounts but this one looks really real to me, kakaka~~~

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On 4/16/2016 at 2:07 AM, phuongfoodiedinh said:

Why do I feel that DISPATCH is actually on Song-Song's side on this whole "catch me if you can" dating game? I'm pretty sure Dispatch must have had something solid  on this couple already but they still wait for the right timing to release the proofs? 


Like it just doesn't make sense that Dispatch hadn't caught anything with the amount of times Song Song have been spending together while it has been very actively shipping Song-Song since Day 1. It's Dispatch that released all those HQ photos of Song-Song looking like real couple with such hinting captions. But as fishy and scandal-thirsty Dispatch is, it's still Dispatch not revealing breaking news with proofs. 


The way Dispatch has been acting lately with this couple is imo somewhat similar to Song-Song's (basically SJK's) tactic. Keep hinting but no denying nor admitting.


What do ya think? 

HAHAHAHAHA. i super agree to that. DISPATCH is a SongSong Shipper. hahahah. 

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4 minutes ago, Stella Heung said:



I missed this thread, had difficult logging in and posting.  I am back!

It's been verified by Chinese netizens that the sunrise was taken at Harmosa Beach CA, and I think it is 100% right as I did compare almost all famous piers of Westcoast and Eastcoast beaches in the States and the pic. of Harmosa matched just perfectly well.   However, Kyo was back to Korea and appeared in the backstage of a stage drama on 14 Feb 2016.

About the NY dating, there is at least one post in K. forum (from translation): 

Friend sent this to me from KaKao Talk

A good friend of mine studying in NYC was in SOHO area shopping and said they saw a very handsome Korean fellow hence kept staring at this person hehehe, that person seems to emit and aura/glow watching watching then they realized it was SJK!  Next to him was a person covered up very well.  He was holding her hand, upon looking carefully it was SHK!


I think there was more than one fan accounts but this one looks really real to me, kakaka~~~

OMG truly thankyou for your information and digging too deep into the beaches!!!!
DOTS was on aired at the end of February, it means that fans just got extremely crazy about DOTS at that time. But, the NYC dating rumour was revealed even in the middle of February, its means that the lucky fan girl didn't over make up the things about SJK HOLDING HAND OF A WOMAN which was clearly supposed to be our Kyo!!!

Thanks once again @Stella Heung

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ah... time for the mr song and the "small one" to bless the earth with more mini songs


I really love this gif of SHK... she's so soothing to the little girl (who looks a bit like her as a kid actually) - she'd make such a great mother i think


cr. Elle.co.kr (SHK chinese weibo http://weibo.com/lovehyekyo81?from=myfollow_all&is_all=1) and Hyun_jung_yj insta

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Imagine the shock of that fellow who saw them. Like this must be something. DOTS wasn't airing yet at that time, though it was already a talk of the town. Lol 


i hope to read other fan accounts regarding their NY trip, if there are other fan accounts. 

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1 hour ago, QuynhT said:

At this point... I don't care what evidence comes out anymore... like I just know with my guts they're dating for real.

Enough hints have been given, enough praises and subtle body signal, TOTAL LACK of denial, and many many more. 

They look TOO NON-CHALANT about these dating rumors around them for them to NOT be dating... And since they're mature adults, well known actors/actresses, they don't have to DENY anything (unlike some other idols...which i really feel bad for them). They just choose to be quiet and let everyone thinks whatever people want to think.

Any of you guys feeling this way?


That is most likely  the case for me. In their last kissing scence you can see the true SJK talking not the ysj talking. The laugh in between kiss of SJK speaks volume.  Its my last hurrah that they are dating. And very evident in SJK pc and Fm

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