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[Official] Yoo Shi Jin - Kang Mo Yeon


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Don't mind me commenting about SJK's interview although it was days ago. I was one looking forward to how he will address SHK. I have to admit that I felt a little bit disappointed after reading his interview.


In regards to dating scandal with SHK, the reporter was only making a statement and not asking him a question. So he didn't response to it directly. In the same time his ideal type was asked. I feel he purposely called her noona/sunbae just to enforce their close relationship as mere sibling or sunbae/hoobae relationship. Personally I feel addressing someone is very habitual and it is not easy to change on circumstances especially to our close ones who we always talk to.

#Mentioning SHK name multiple times

I will be surpirsed if he didn't do that. Dots is not just about YSJ/SKJ although his character is the most popular one. I am still unsettle that SHK is not getting the reorganization she deserves. I understand that she likes to stay low-key and avoid media attention. But she is way too quiet. No new CF, phototshot or fan meeting. Wonder when will we see her again? Back to the topic, SJK is just doing his responsibility to praise his co-star because he ought to.


Now that Dots is over, the more I see the real SJK and SHK the beautiful memories of YSJ and KMY are slowly fading. My ability to linking them is becoming weak. I think my opinion will affirm after seeing the BTS next week. I have never watched SKJ drama before. 

Mod Edit: Please No Mention of Another Ship



As much as I am looking forward to BTS next week, I am also scare that my fantasy will be ruined :tears:

Wish they do PC or fanmeeting in other countries. 

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@midflight Totally agree with you on the things of lower back.

Did you guys notice that Joongki truly had a habit of putting his hand on our Hye Kyo's lower back? (Not her upper back). In the balcony kiss which was zoomed far like hell, this kiss was reposted in the beginning of ep 13 and we had a closer view on their balcony kiss. He had put his hand on her lower back to pull her closer to him. Yap I find it's damn sexy of this action. 

Next, in the finale ep when they reunited in the desert, they hugged so emotionally and then he once again caressed her back on her lower while the other hand put on her nape. I dont know if this was my delulu mode but i truly find these body languages totally yahae :))) (the word he used to describe how she was sexy in the carwash scene).

Bonus, with my experience of watching korean drama including behind the scene, before every intimate scence, the lead actor will politely ask the actress where they can put/ land their hand on her body, or if they found it okay when they touch her in someplaces.. And look, our Ki touched our Kyo in her lower back in almost every hugging scene. And like @midflight has mentioned, i think lower back is quite a sensitive position of an actress hoho.

Finally, about his fan meeting today, i think that there's almost no hint of them because he wont expose anything of his privacy unless he was caught. Lets think that he is trying to protect Hye Kyo and their relationship at the most. 

Btw, i cant help thinking about the thing that he went out and bought her dessert on April 1st because she didnt eat or drink anything at the party. So sweet of our Kikyo coupleeee

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@hclover96thank you for sending the link of Jasper Cho's Happy Together. 

It's very spazzable because when talking about the cast gath, he said "Song2 couple paid for all of us". 


But when asked about how SJK and SHK got along, he said he didn't feel anything special beyond sunbae-dongsaeng. They seemed close but as junior-senior, because they make fun of each other a lot. 

Why do I feel that he slipped saying "Song2 Couple" then go back to protective mode on?

This clip really make me feel that for the people who know them Song2 are already a couple, But I guess everyone around them knows how important it is to protect them. 

I don't mean to create any chaos by mentioning Jasper Cho said he didn't feel anything special between Song2 and that they seem to be close only as junior-senior, because I feel it in my guts his inconsistency is just to protect them. 

The way the guys were sitting on the edge when Jasper talked about SHK also makes me feel that Korean guys are actually still very much enthusiastic about SHK, it's just that she guards her private life so much so she seems too mysterious for them. I conclude that her antis must mostly be girls, who are jealous of her achievements, acting skills and beauty :(

Anyway. SJK's fanmeeting! If he mentions SHK's name even once in any capacity, I'll FLY!!!

So excited!

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@dees33 Please just read @ilovesjk's comment above yours regarding the manner in which Joong Ki referred to Hye Kyo at his recent press meet. Seriously, though, you are putting too much emphasis on it, especially as you're disregarding the way he addressed her as Hye Kyo-ssi all throughout the Hong Kong press con and ViuTV interview. Consider the bigger picture please. To me, they are comfortable around each other, and privately, they don't have to use such formalities or honorifics. In front of the judgmental eyes of the Korean press, though, he has to be proper and careful. Sheesh, it didn't take long to get back to this tired topic ...


Also, his kissing scene with another actress from a previous drama is irrelevant to this thread ... Such a comparison is meant to downplay our reason to be excited for our couple's kisses. If you prefer that kiss from his old show, then, take it to the other ship's thread.

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From now on if I even see a reference of *that actress's name* on this thread, I don't care what your intention is - good or bad - I will report you!.

Rofl, seriously!. Shippers on this thread don't need the expert advice of fans of this other actress to keep dropping in and *informing us* about their *discoveries*. 






Haters - getting a migraine obsessively reading this thread

 Me - enjoying the ride and sailing on my ship






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I kind of side eye Jasper when he said rather than humorous, SJK is manly. Lol Anyway, SJK can't even speak casually to Jasper who is a guy, yet he can casually refer SHK as Hye Kyo and tease her. SJK is still uncomfortable with Jasper that they couldn't even get familiar with each other. They're awkward. So, SHK and SJK must be very familiar and close so drop the honorific. 


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@dees33 hiiii. cheer up!! why would the bts be the judging factor of your trust in these two? Of course the bts wouldn't include EVERYTHING. The editors would include the "safe" ones. The ones that would not fuel the fire but would affirm their good working relationship. Because everyone is protecting them. They wouldn't reveal ANYTHING that's a complete giveaway of the real score. I highly anticipate the NGs where they keep on laughing. There will also be moments when after the director calls cut they'd look away and talk to another. That's normal. ;) 

its already a privilege to have a peek at those bts moments. Im already happy to see them how they behave with the rest of the staff and crew. So, cheer up! No definite reason to be scared. 

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On March 19, 2016 at 9:31 PM, SeGafanlady said:

Those who said SJK SHK have no chemistry is either : haters, antifan, crazy SJK fangirl who lives in their own hopeless and desperate fantasy.. 

this is a Song couple thread. For Song shippers. What a frog doing in Sahara desert?


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Hey guys! Please don't misunderstand. My point of bringing up another actress is not to ship. Just to state that there is nothing behind the scence although there are so much chemistry on screen. 

Wow!! please read before bashing. I can't even watch innocent man because I don't like the main actress acting. You all are extremely sensitive. The reason I come back to Soompi is because of SongSong. My last login was 2010. I don't come here to hate. I come here to read news and spazz and voice out my opinion. 

Edit: Isn't it forum a place where people voice out their opinion? I am just stating the fact not trolling. It doesn't really matter if you believe or not :) 

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I thought we've been over the Jasper thing.  He doesn't know them and barely had screen time with them, or in the drama at all.  He can't say anything more than what he did and it's not like he can confirm or deny.  Anything else and he'd be getting angry phone calls from their agency. 

And really, I wonder why people think we care if you have "doubts" and "concerns"?   I'm not saying you have to ship Song Song, but if you don't and are losing hope then LEAVE.  Go away.  Don't come and tell us about it.  We really do not care!

Anyway, enjoy a picture to cleanse your mind and eyes




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@dees33 But you're not spazzing ... you're busting the thread's mood by worrying needlessly over another drama's kissing scenes, BTS clips, and his use of honorifics during his press meet. And then, you bring up another actress who has absolutely nothing to do with this ship. 

You can be concerned, but this feels more like concern trolling.


@dees33 You can voice your opinion, but so can others, and as this is an open forum, expect your comment to receive both the good and the bad feedbacks as well. And you're not stating facts. You are stating your own rather negative observations/interpretations. Good thing your post was edited by the mod. 

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I'm smiling at SHK's smiling when he bend down about to kiss her lol even though it was acting but it's too real to be acting. When SJK laugh after he said it's a question, it was so mishievious of him and that laugh was real too. 

I think there will be a chance he will gush about his SHK. These days all he can talk about.

i'm laughing at the screen at his fan meeting hall saying "please don't take a photo" but the fans are taking photos. I hope there is something juicy.

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Hi im a silent shipper and decided to join this thread already ☺️

Pardon me if below is posted already just saw it in instagram, i believe the right picture is from SHK insta that she posted when she is new york with the korean stylist. 


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so according to starnews, joongki will have a "secret guest appearance" in his fanmeet today. WHAT ARE THE CHANCES THAT IT'LL BE HYEKYO? i really want it to be her but i doubt it hahahaha. maybe it's going to be kwangsoo or jo in sung LOL that seems more possible. 

i dont expect him to mention shk ofc since it's HIS fanmeet and not a dots event or whatever. but if he does i'd be really happy <33333 

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4 minutes ago, Kimi Dora said:

Hi im a silent shipper and decided to join this thread already ☺️

Pardon me if below is posted already just saw it in instagram, i believe the right picture is from SHK insta that she posted when she is new york with the korean stylist. 


yes, that person isn't SJK 

people are weird 

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2 minutes ago, joongkl85 said:

so according to starnews, joongki will have a "secret guest appearance" WHAT ARE THE CHANCES THAT IT'LL BE HYEKYO? i really want it to be her but i doubt it hahahaha. maybe it's going to be kwangsoo or jo in sung LOL that seems more possible. 


I think it might be LKS or JIS too, but then again - that's not too much of a surprise! Lol, considering how they're always supporting each other.

I am hoping it's YAI. If YAI appears, I will squeal like a crazy fangirl.



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