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[Official] Yoo Shi Jin - Kang Mo Yeon


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 @angelicXD i guess there's a misunderstanding here. What i'm pointing out is i want him to be the MAN OF HIS WORDS meaning I want to see those things that the shippers are talking about specially his principles and words about his personal life. Not the MAN THEY WANT HIM TO BE meaning his agency and the haters that are not kikyo shippers. I'm sorry i'm not good with elaborating things.

Well i guess there's no sense of debating about this coz he already did his best and that is diverting, I'm satisfied with it. :)

I know i'm a fan and i shouldn't expect too much from them but one can hope right?



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1 hour ago, angieknows_11 said:

He has to be referring to episode 4, right? LOL. The relationship didn't actually move quickly enough for some viewers because they kept wanting Mo Yeon to stop pussyfooting and just give in.


It's interesting that SJK felt that it was too soon for his character, isn't it. But I felt SJ's directness matches MY's. The only thing holding her back is her fear of falling too deeply for him when she could lose him to his job. That, MY explained wonderfully at the beginning of ep 6.

(And now we risk making this a DotS discussion instead of a SS one. LoL)

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Did you guys see this? I'm sure y'all have... It was released in the beginning of the week ....It's just Songs 'lets meet in an other life.' reminded me of this video again. What a well done job done by a fan!! Too bad it ain't subbed!!

They gotta do one more show tog!!! :wub:


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Hehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! don't go anywhere.. who gonna accompany me here? .. I forbid anyone leaving me alone here..


@angieknows_11  .. :D .. whatever he addressed her ... not relevant anymore right .. We have passed that stage .. 

To those that think SJK/SHK is going to announce anytime soon .. :D don't hold your breathe dear .... (yeah yeah .. look who's talking .. I almost fainted this afternoon during SJ PC I was so nervous..Howell one can dream can't I? .. heheh)


I love the fact that he never forget to mention SHK in most of his answers ... Read his answer you will realized that he put SHK above him ... it's always SHK .. 


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@Bambiina My emphasis is on fun! :) I'm a rational shipper, but I also like to have fun ... It's all just for levity here as long as it doesn't directly hurt the Songs. But I do agree that they are comfortable around each other enough to feel free to address each other in any way. 

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2 minutes ago, angieknows_11 said:

@Bambiina My emphasis is on fun! :) I'm a rational shipper, but I also like to have fun ... It's all just for levity here. But I do agree that they are comfortable around each other.


I  read all of your comments .. don't worry .. I know how rational you are .. kikikiki .... :D .... I was referring to you as comrade .. partner in crime .. because most of the time we share the same sentiment ... 

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Firstly, I would like to say that I am a loyal fan of SHK since AIMH, and because of DOTS I’m now a fan of SJK as well. Like all of you here, I am also shipping them really hard as I want to believe that they are in the early stages of a relationship. But since DOTS has ended, I began to realised that now is also the time where both their ‘love’ and ‘sincerity’ (towards this relationship) will be tested.

By looking at SJK’s upcoming Asia fan meeting schedule and his shooting for new movie ‘Battleship Island’, this means that both of them may have lesser time for meetups…especially when I saw his tired face recently due to the continuous shooting of CFs only. And I believe our goddess will have plans for other projects as well.

I still remember that official statement when SHK split with ‘that man from the garden : ‘…they each had busy schedules with shooting at home and overseas….the overwhelming public attention also caused them pressure…the two didn’t have enough time to overcome these problems and their relationship got worse…’ and I was crying so hard for my goddess…

I think why they don’t confess their relationship to the public is to prevent the stress and pressure that caused her previous relationship to fail. My biggest worry, of course, is whether they will have enough time for each other. I’m convincing myself that SJK will be a different man and he can face this challenge…but I really don’t know if it can last until the end (I hope it really can!!!).  I’m keeping my fingers crossed .

So… Joong Ki ah! I know you can hear us with your heart.  If you have no confidence in this relationship, just be truthful  and we will let you off.  But if you really treasure our goddess and this relationship, I hope you won’t give up whatever happens.  Just be sincere like what our goddess is expecting.

Will always give both of you my fullest support.


P/S: I understand SJK held a PC this afternoon and many are asking for translations and interpreting word by word. But in fact I don’t really care about his answers ‘cos he knows everybody is curious about him and SHK so some answers may be pre-prepared and may not even be true.  Especially when he was in HK he said he will spend time with his family after that HK PC but was actually working, and leaving on 9th April when the official schedule indicates that he is leaving on 10th April.  For me personally, I think I am stupid to be tricked by his words…

Believe what you want to believe.




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Despite the "noona-thing" in his PC today which created quite a fuss(even on twitter), let's keep sailing this ship guys, SongSong/KiKyo couple for the win!! Let us stay positive... They might be the next "blood-kind-of-a-couple" (AhnJaeHyun-GoHyeSun), met on the set,  fell in love, get married, and live happily ever after. *Delulu mode on*:P

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Gosh. Song2 Couple in a saeguk drama would be amazing. 

She can be the emperor's princess who is the smartest in the family. The emperor often asks her opinion for political matters, because the princes are all incompetent. 

He can be the rising soldier of the era. 

Somehow they should team up to save the empire. 

When the Emperor asked SJK what he would want as his reward, he would say, "Marrying Hye Kyo Gongjoonim, Your Majesty. I'm sorry. I have to say this even if you'll kill me later".

A movie like this would be fantastic. 

Oh dear, I think I'm plotting a new fic. 

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@angieknows_11 i wasn't talking about you or anyone who wants to have fun with that.. but i thought i read someone was a little panic as in why he called her that.. so that's why i wrote that. If i imagine that post then i'm sorry.. nothing wrong with having fun / making fun, clearly, and i don't think anywhere in my post where i said / even imply there's something wrong with that. Misunderstood.

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33 minutes ago, ss2016 said:


It wasn't clear in the comment, so, I apologize for the misunderstanding. It's all good :) Let's just forget about it and continue with our fun and rational shipping.

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this ship is sailing guys...you know what...at first..i thought i was the only one who felt that there is something brewing bet the otp of dots..then i recommended it to some friends...and concluded that there is something between them...and then i searched..and found this thread...voila....ive found out not just me..my friends..but you who are always here...its really strange..how this song2 couple has given as a simple connection...and that is love...


so fighting for our song2/kikyo couple...and thanks so much for the updates guys...i do appreciate it..for sharing it here..especially...the good/positive insights...


lets keep on supporting song2 couple...

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I think SJK once say that if he is in a relationship, he will make time for it. Correct me @ilovesjk about this. 

If they are meant to be, no matter how busy they are they will not give in to distance and schedules crap. If two people really love each other, time and work is not an issue. So, this will totally be a test for them. 

Somehow, they still find way to go eat so when in Korea, it looks like busy schedule isn't an issue. 

Also, when dating, don't couples usually eat out a lot? I see this with celebrities couple all the time. They eat out a lot when dating and food always is a happy place to be. Lol It brings happiness. I wonder if SJK will fully enjoy the food because of his new role requiring to be skinny.

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18 minutes ago, jonahviea24 said:

Despite the "noona-thing" in his PC today which created quite a fuss(even on twitter), let's keep sailing this ship guys, SongSong/KiKyo couple for the win!! Let us stay positive... They might be the next "blood-kind-of-a-couple" (AhnJaeHyun-GoHyeSun), met on the set,  fell in love, get married, and live happily ever after. *Delulu mode on*:P


:D to me it's a positive sign .. his inconsistency in addressing her ... :D ... It showed that he is aware of what happening .. he is aware of the 'mistake' (intentionally or not) ... If there is nothing ..ie  'zero' feeling he should have addressed her as noona, sunbae .. and continue to do that wherever, whenever and whatever the situation..

I believe they also come to the point in their relationship (whatever it may be) where they are very comfortable with each other and How he addressed her does not matter anymore .. (now I believe he is being cautious) ... 

If they are not ready for marriage yet ... don't declare to the public .. NOT YET ... 





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2 hours ago, twtwb said:

Happy Together
And the peace and happiness go beyond the screen. And I'm not speaking about their conferences with the press, their interviews with the media or their interactions in the public, I'm talking about the behind-the-scenes footage and photos in real life that were captured when the two actors were most comfortable, and more or less just being themselves. Again, simply have a look at these photos and footage, and you will find peace and happiness of them being together. The photo posted above is an example. There is no need for you to investigate whether they were holding hands or not. This is not even the photo of only the two of them. But please have a look at the photo with heart and you will find heart. Like what they showed us onscreen, their smiles offscreen are also very natural, sincere and precious. I rarely see them (especially Song Hye Kyo since I know Song Hye Kyo more) this happy and comfortable while being with other friends and previous co-stars. I bet that the behind-the-scenes photos and footage that will be released next week will further confirm my point.

For now, let us treasure the moment of them being happy together and of us being happy together. Let us enjoy the moment while we can and as long as we can.

Credit of photo: photo owner


Thanks a lot to @twtwb for your touching and beautiful post. I have read it for many times and I will try to keep your spirit when shipping.

 I am glad I was right about SJK. He didn't disappoint me because he didn't deny it, that's more than enough for me. 

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Ohhh..It's Bambiina again ... hihihihihi ..

I want to share my tots.. 

SJK management must have a lot of experience dealing with dating rumors... SJK too .. this is not his first drama .. I believe they have carefully lay out and plan everything ... If we know about the dos and don't ... their culture .. how they should address their senior .. how to behave in front of media (how to avoid dating rumors) .. do you think SJK.. SHK and management do not aware about this?

They are professional .. eps SHK ...She is a Hallyu Star) 

I am sure they are more advance than us ... I am sure they know how to curb the rumors ... ONCE AND FOR ALL .. but they didn't do anything.

:D ..It's not mistake or blunder on SJK part ... :D ..  ohhhhhhhh I don't know where I'm headin with this comment..

 I don't make sense ..excuse me .. excuse my english .... DOTS OVERDOSE


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I agree with @twtwb let's us all Song Song Shipper still believe that they are HAPPY TOGETHER. Why there are people who demand for confession of dating. It's Song Song private life. As long as there are many fact findings that been show by @joongkyo & others (sorry if I don't write all active users that also contribute more in this thread) but I really appreciate what you all been doing to keep this thread active & reliable. 

SJK can give answer that not satisfied fans, but what I think until now he never deny anything about the relationship with SHK, I even find every translation of his interview show how he admire SHK. People here also has been witnesses of how protective he is in every PC, airport sightings when they went to HK. I choose not to believe what been said because there's so many things that they try to cover just by using words, the most important is what he has DONE, act speaks louder than words. 

I just want to say, I'm still here with you all the loyal shipper of Kikyo... sorry I don't write much now, but I will keep send good vibe & keep on the believe that OUR COUPLE ARE HAPPY TOGETHER.  

OOT... is anybody kind of feeling down of like getting a Song Song deprivation (as KMY & YSJ) after the drama is ending? I really like our OTP as YSJ & KMY and part of my heart still not ready to let go of this Drama. It's really affected my life, and I will need time to get used until I find another interesting drama / movie. 


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10 hours ago, Bambiina said:


태양의-후예 torrent ... just type this out on the google search .. there will be so many site to choose from my favourite is tosarang or torrentkim .. they are very fast - normally about 10 min after drama ended ... (torrent link that is) ... you can choose from the lowest to the highest resolution - just raw - no sub .. as for sub has to go to subscene.com and search there 


thank you for sharing that @Bambiina ..this means a lot :) 

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