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[Official] Yoo Shi Jin - Kang Mo Yeon


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I've posted this at the SHK thread, but it seems like everyone migrated to this thread instead, lol.  So I'm posting it here also.

I've translated the portion of Kim Min Suk's interview pertaining to Kyo.  Made me feel so warm just reading this.  Kyo is an absolutely beautiful person who possesses both outer and inner beauty.  Makes me proud to be a fan of hers :)

"When asked if he belongs to the Song Joong Ki line or to the Jin Goo line, he answered, 'I have a loyalty towards the Song Hye Kyo line.  In the beginning I was a little scared when acting opposite noona and made lots of mistakes, but noona was very concerned about me and encouraged me.  Noona often treated us to meals.  This year's birthday, noona also prepared a birthday cake for me, blowing out the candles together."

cr to SHK weibo for the Chinese translations and original article here: http://www.hankookilbo.com/v/0729480724847e6fde22501c8360f5af

Our beautiful angel :wub:


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So after today’s breakthrough let me write some paragraph.Sorry if this mind already mention here, but please let me post mine hehe

For me to sum up these all: we, fans, and media will (at least) remain this couple as a “close colleagues”.  Its means songsong have one step ahead >> officially now they can hang out whenever and wherever they want AS LONG AS they don’t show intimate term. Even they can take selfie and posted it. Well probably in the future there will be many “thirdwheel” in their time. I love this. 

What a amazing couple. 

I’d like to say we don’t know what is actually goin on, some people say most of star they will hide it since their fans will get mad over the partner. Oldfashioned. Idk guys I believe SJK “does observation very well” about SHK, about her past and her solicitudes. SHK now very active in IG, I believe she learn a lot from it, since most of big star share their happiness mostly thru IG. So what I wanna say is, era changes their perspectives. As peoples mention the more they hide the more media anxious to pap them. So here we go.

Guys just relax, we are now in same boat with songsong, enjoy the waves, the wind, the view, don’t need in hurry, we will def arrive, whether with two of them or one of them. 


But I wanna bold here, I stand for SHK. Always SHK.


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Song Hye Kyo is such an angel. No one has ever had anything bad to say about her when working with her. She's a top star yet she cares about every single person on set and makes sure that they are being taken care of. 

SJK really got lucky to have someone like her by his side. 

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Guys. I woke up and there were so many pages to read!! So I assumed.. oh.. something must have happened. *silence* OK A LOT HAPPENED. 

YAY! so happy for the photoshoot! Then BTS made me giggle. Then SHK totally made my jaw just drop with her IG photos. 

It's like a downpour after a drought. 

I'm scared there won't be anything for a while now. But at least we have ep 13-14 coming up. AAAAND they've been defying my expectations during their trip to HK so maybe they have more up their sleeves. 

Anyways, the photoshoot was cute. But I was trying not to get too overly excited since a lot of drama couples do photoshoots like that for news outlets. But it was still the most I was hoping for.. so still super happy. 

BUT the IG photos.. the fact that SHK posted so many! My inner shipper screamed. And then another part of me was grateful as a fan. She knows how so many fans wanted a picture of them together. She loves her fans. And then I couldn't help but think.. she must have been holding out on photos of them for a long time! Because every photo you choose to post is a deliberate choice. And especially more for her case. She probably discussed it with him and then went on to post it since they were together for dinner. 

AND her manager wasn't between them!! 

Aah.. sorry my comment isn't more insightful like I usually try to be.. I'm still in a bit of awe by the IG photos. And am in spaz mode. She looks so playful and happy. I feel like she only really looks like this with people she really likes and gets along with, like her pics with YAI.  And I think she must have been really taken by the fist bump! Very smooth SJK. And I will say it again.. that took some serious guts to do I think. Now I see why SHK always said SJK was actually very close to YSJ's character... lol

Now I feel like they both are playing with my minds.

Just going to enjoy all these goodies when I can since we know how a drought of information can feel. When they're stingy, they're really stingy. When they're generous, they're really generous. Goodness. 

I wish they could do more activities in Korea too!


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1 hour ago, joongkyo said:


Hong Kong media reported the SongSong couple went with staff  to Italian restaurant in Central around

7pm.  Over 100 reporters waiting outside.and many fans there too...some caught a glimpse of SJK entering restaurant.

but SongSong couple made a ninja exit through back entrance around 10pm 

so no one saw them leave.....everyone left disappointed.



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@hclover96 tq for your trans. No wonder puppy calling shk 'my hye kyo noona' in one of his latest post, he absolutely bewitched by her too in Dongsaeng way ofc. To think again Jin Goo also choose shk after asked to pick either sjk or kjw. Goddess really make everyone fall for her eh

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My friend: Hey,what research paper you read in you phone?Your look so into it.

Me: Songsong research.:phew:

My friend:Errr..never heard about that kind of research before..

Me:This is still a new research, but i think the conclusion was a happy conclusion,:rolleyes:...because the researcher for this research using James bond level for their methodology...hahahaha:w00t:

-In the end,my friend take all his thing and sit far away-

"If i can sleep now,i already have a nice dream"

Should i confess or apologize to my assignment that i love songsong couple more than them?:tears:



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Dear friends, 

What a great day for all the shippers! I seriously plan to read and enjoy this fun thread silently, but what happened today, and some shaken posts due to the effect of possible reverse psychology thrown by this lovely couple (my belief) has somehow forced me to rationalize things and look at the bigger picture of it. Please bear with me a little. 
So they said they are close colleague? Sunbae and hoobae who, after 7 months of filming plus prior character building discussion with the writers, with insane chemistry and all, still meet, drink, dine, and discuss things ever so comfortably? And to prove their point of close colleague, now they post some selfie with "friendly" vibe? And some cryptic, "friend-vibed" caption? 
I beg to disagree. Reasons being (timeline adjusted): 
1. NYC rendezvous. No firm denial from both sides, regarding the exact circulating rumor. The rumor stated that some people saw them together, shopping, holding hands. The reply stated that they indeed met in NYC, for friendly dinner. Am I rite? Or did I miss something?. 
2. 1st PC. Awkwardness, unlike their previous PCs, particularly for SJK side. They tried to protect SHK's image? If they are only close colleague, then nothing should be covered anyway, just act casually, but not very chummy as, skinship every several minutes or overpraising others. If one day a rumor starts, just firmly deny it like so many other celebs out there. But no, they went to aloof direction. Even though some subtle gestures, in my opinion, still apparent to us. Idk about SJK, but still like, that water bottle instead of glass was questionable enough, I like to analyze SHK more, and one big question rose when Jin Goo playfully answered question for Onew, "Yeoshi-nim", and SHK reacted shyly, I think people laughed. Friend will laughed. But no, SJK kept showing poker faced, even somehow showing a strict face, and I do believe he heard and saw the interaction, yet he, the close friend, couldn't even smile? SHK even looked at him through the corner of her eyes, like checking his reaction, and immediately toned down. 
3. Their insane chemistry since ep 1, which keep on escalating along with the new episodes. My own highlights, over many, many highlights, like their closeness every time the two of them talked, etc etc, were: the truck kiss scene. Again, I tend to analyze SHK. Her kiss was, like one of the members here said, a pure feminine attack. So, very, very sexy, I highly doubt SJK himself could escape totally unharmed from it. The way she initiated and maintained the kiss, the way she closed her eyes and progressing to kiss him, to me, screamed Love and Passion, deep passion. I believe she's a great actress, and I've seen some of her kissing scenes in TWTL, passionate yes, but the "pure feminine" element was lacking. With SJK, it was done very gently, yes passionately. Well, true friend there. Another one was in ep 11, the "blood-type" joke. Is it even possible for SJK to act the laugh the way he laughed? I believe laughing is something spontaneous. You could fake smile, smirk, etc, but not a sincere laugh. The way he laughed at the first joke was very spontaneous, amused, and his eyes were shining throughout the scene. Now to SHK, I must say that, she is stunning, but the way she laughed and smiled until her eyes almost closed (after the doll act and before she entered the barrack), to me, is the prettiest of her that I've ever seen. She seemed very, very happy and joyful I didn't see KMY anymore. Among all of her beautiful pictorials, red carpet, previous drama/film, etc. and she flashed that smile to who?. Well, if that's not mutual attraction, then I don't know the meaning of like and love anymore. 
4. Their constant avoidance of public until today. Even in their DoTS team dinner. Everyone also avoid taking their pic together, or they simply refused, I don't know. I just think its not match for a close colleague. Close friend. If all of these avoidances and being ninjas etc were done to protect SHK's image, they, the very clever and PR savvies, with agencies and all, with constant monitoring of internet and what people said in it, should be aware since the very beginning that the moves they took for several weeks only raised suspicion. Why didn't they try to nip the bud and just show their natural closeness from the very beginning? Why should close colleague behave that way?.
5. They hangout with other friends at midnite. Which according to some experts in this forum, was out of habit. SJK for hanging out with single female past-co star, SHK for hanging out with past co star at all, at midnite. Only find the time to hangout then? That's dedication as close colleague, I say. Oh, and why there was still no selfie at that time again?
6. Today we could see their BTS, like only two of them, how they behaved towards each other. My understanding of Korean culture is surely lacking, but from what I've seen, they were very comfortable and close indeed to each other, to the point that the SJK, the very polite, well-mannered and proper man, teasing her sunbae and noona openly, even dropping the more appropriate choice of words (according to the translation of BTS brought to you by joongkyo). Today, we also witnessed how he casually called her sunbae, noona, with "hye-kyo-sshi". This is the ever proper and polite SJK we're talking about, and as far as I know, Korean honored the appropriate choice of addressing people, and even a slight deviation in it could bear some meaning and consequences. And to mention that they were promoting drama as well as Korea abroad. And I firmly believe SJK is not that careless that he wouldn't think of the consequence of the words he choose in a PC to address his older, more experienced co-star. What I'm trying to say is that they are being inconsistent with their supposed motives and strategy. To change from being a close colleague with no apparent closeness, to the ever friendly and chummy co-star just in day? What's with the operation-protecting-kyo? Why didn't they use a single method consistently since the very beginning, see if it works in short time and if it didn't, swiftly change the direction? Why must they wait too long? After all the suspicion and theories arose? And we're speaking about two people who treat and treasure their fans very well. I don't think they have any intention to troll us. Whats the benefit anyway, except for some overwhelmed psych wards and cardio wards? 
7. The ultimate proof, again, for me, was the news broadcast interview for SJK. A perfect, ultimate chance to sweep all the feared rumor that'll hurt SHK and his growing reputation under the rug once and for all. It is him who says it by the way. Who are we to question his sincerity if  he denied the rumor? (although I firmly believe we in this thread will continue to ship them no matter what). And the anchorman blatantly brought the issue. Point blank. What did he do? No denying. Just faintly implying. Cryptically implying. This is the SJK, who thoughtfully and tactfully answered other heavier questions. Anyway, where's the term "close colleague" when we need it? Did he ever say it in the interview? 
Have I wasted an entire page alone? Pardon me. I think there are several points that I forget to write. Maybe next time. Sincerely, I like the two of them to date, be happy, get married, have a beautiful family, and together till the end. I just don't see why they cant, or wont. From the previous interviews, we could see that they match each other's criteria. And that's not even touching the visual level. SJK, being well mannered, considerate, protective, and loyal, and SHK being humble, thoughtful, kind-hearted, outgoing and witty. Seeing their interaction, they seemed like very happy, very relaxed, comfortable around each other (the BTS, the recent selfie, the sharing of stylists and circle of friend). I think that's enough a reason for being together. I imagine them being together is totally YSJ and KMY level. Playful, sometimes discussing serious things, or simply smiling and enjoying other's company. And the overall effect has bring the best of SHK. She simply glows with happiness in the recent pics and 2nd PC. I dont think I can find any other reason but SJK's presence and influence. Well, I don't know if having a very close colleague could really change a person. Not even her former circle of friends, including self-professed very close dongsaeng YAI could bring such an impact. My conclusion? 
My ship, the ship is still sailing strong. 
Thank you for bearing with me till the end. Hehe. 
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What a day! Ooh so happy that cannot speak in word anymore. 

I dont know why some jump down the boat, this is the best boat I have been on. Sorry guys, I have been on a boat before, i have been very glad like this, but that boat sinked end of last year. I promise that will be my 1st and only one. 

But Song Song dont let me stay on the bank to see this ship sail. I have to jump on this boat with you until the end.

however, i'm not sure as you guys they're dating. I hope but i hope they will be more happier bur cannot ruined by the popularity and publish bashing.

i just really hope them to be happy and today I'm very sure they're very happy, a real happy "DATING" in HongKong.

sorry i has to go to sleep now for tmr's working.

good night guys and have a nice dream (means our boat to happy ending)

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It's past midnite here.. and I am afraid to go to bed.. I have this crazy thought.  What if Joongki confess.. whatif there's anither ig updates .. 

I am trying to convince myself thre won't be anymore surprise tonite .. SHK know that she can't exceed posting 5 pic in a day... fans might jusst die due to excessive dosage of happiness .. 

This has been a great ride.. I am still not getting over the shock ... keep on pinching myself.. This not a dream.. it's happening .. it really happen ..  Gudnite galss.. see you tomorrow .. 

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So I read somewhere here that someone posted that SJK will be staying in HK for holiday with his family but sadly SHK will be gg back? My delulu mind wants SHK to be able to meet SJK's family and yknow get the introduction wheel gg on! And as @joongkyo mentioned, if SJK doesn't propose to SHK before she leaves for Korea WE'LL BE WANTING TO FLIP TABLES AT HIM HAHAHAHA okay we kid but one could only dreaaaaaaam!! 

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