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[Mainland Chinese Drama 2017] Three Lives Three Worlds Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms 三生三世,十里桃花


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Hi everyone, I am a reporter from Global Times, the 2nd largest English newspaper in China. I am currently working on a story concerning young Chinese female stars. If you are a foreign fan of them such as Yang Mi, Zhao Liying, Yang Ying (Angelababy), Zheng Shuang and would like to share your idea, please contact me.

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Just to hold my addiction off until ep 46 air, been watching all my favorite scene and all the BTS and omg, I'm just fangirl crushing on Mark so much more :wub:. I love the behind the scene and just seeing their fun atmosphere and personality. Mark is definitely such a goofball that you can't help but constantly smile or laugh. I think if I'm one of the staff, I would be in a fit of laughter daily because of him. 

Re-watch most of my YH / BQ scene until the next episode air, I notice there are really rarely instance that you can truly see how happy YH is (I mean not smiling but when he's truly laughing happily). He's usually a serious and stoic person who smile mostly and very rarely instant that you actually see YH laugh so happily ( like when him and Su Su were traveling to the Chang Sea and they were holding hand). He was fully out of his stoic shells and laughing, truly just free to love and be happy like a normal mortal. Watching him first experience love makes me like his 3rd uncle, feel with joy and giddy that he knows love and is so happy. The only person who bring happiness to his life, she's his world. And it's those rare instances when he's really laughing (that isn't very Ye Hua) that I'm like omg, look how extremely happy he is, lol.


Sorry guys, just me rambling on until we get more episode. This drama is my addiction so I need more, lol :blush:


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@Lyna Again, I really like your insight and comments! I am so aligned with your views and similarly I found myself gravating towards my favourite scenes as we all eagerly wait for the next episodes.

I'm particularly anticipating the next episode as I can't wait for BQ to finally return YeHua's love! It's one of my favourite part of the novel and soon to be drama! YeHua will be completely exonerated by the end of the drama and I know (swoon and starry eyes) that I will be fangirling him again :blush: We can all have party to celebrate our crush on Mark - in the most non-stalkish way. 

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Episode 45 was too gloomy so here's something to lighten up the mood - material for making prosthetics in the early days - the humble lotus root. Other inventions during those ancient times - mobile phone with GPS function (magical bronze mirror with voice and video conferencing features, and allows others to track your location), and transition lenses that becomes tinted when you step outdoors (BQ's eye mask that magically appears whenever there is strong light). 

* moodily waiting for throw-BQ-over-shoulder-march-into-chambers episode * :confused:

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@Lyna @thundergirl3 keep the ramblings coming, I love it! 

From BTS, you can see Mark and Yang Mi get along so well and i bet it made the film set/crew all happy, even the director was always laughing at their goofy ways. Most men are reserved and remain 'manly' for appearance sake, but Mark is so comfortable that he shows and says pretty much anything, that is indeed a very attractive trait of a man! We LOVE! His wife Gao Yuan Yuan is absolutely stunning as well, what a beautiful couple....

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@omiki I'm so sorry I know it's meant to be a sombre moment because our sweet, selfless YeHua loses his arm but it simply looks as though it's been replaced by a potato or is it a gourd!? I shouldn't laugh but guilty as charged - I did! Standing ovation to the actors for keeping a straight face. I'm sooo impressed.

@Purestupidity Yes, he's pretty cool. I suspect it's his background so he doesnt take himself too seriously, just only his work! Gosh I'm in trouble!  I love this guy :heart::heart: :blush:

LOL, you may regret encourging me - as it drives my husand mental because I do love a good ramble :grin:

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4 hours ago, whitesky20 said:

I have a question about something that confused me.

I remember when Yehua first met Susu when he was in the snake/dragon form, he commented that she wasn't very pretty although she had a good taste in clothes or something like that.

However BQ is supposed the most beautiful woman in Qingqiu, and Susu and BQ are supposed to look super alike so what's the deal?

I remember when the demon king was stripping away her powers, he mentioned something like he's also taking away her appearance... did that affect it? But seems to be she and BQ are still easily recognizable as the same person.

Also when Little Dough was talking about his mother for the first time he mentioned that she was a "meiren" (beautiful person) although I guess he could be biased in this regard.

Anyway I might have missed an explanation at some point coz I admit I fast forwarded some of Susu's scenes because couldn't bear to see her suffer. I cried so much that part of the story that my eyes were swollen and puffy for 3 days after. My BF thought I was crazy haha.



Based on the english translated book i have read, i think there was no change of appearance when  BQ becoming SS.   Also YH named BQ as SS because he thinks she was beautiful even in her simple outfits, he even thought her surprise or trouble face was also lovely LOL.

But in the drama i think if he said out loud what he really felt is kind of cheesy LOL. 

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4 hours ago, linhthao said:

Okay I don't know if I can get my work done after today episode. The break-up parts of DH&FJ will be a torture to watch. I need to buy more tissue, and spoilers too LOL.

@faythe: you mean Vengo will be in Liehuo Rouge?

Yes but I don't think he's the lead. But that's ok because if he's playing the protective guy who likes her, that role is pretty good.  It's like his role as DH.

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While waiting, enjoy the clip of Ye Hua & Susu / Bai Qian's moments.


photo Peach 42.jpg 
    Bai Qian or Su Su, just as pretty as she can be....


   photo Peach 60.jpg  
               Lovely embrace ....

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Can not wait for tomorrow morning 4:30 am to watch episodes of 44 and 45. Thanks God it's still friday tomorrow so it will be 2 episodes right?

Is there any recap? I do not understand the language. I read their body language and listen to background music as changing mood of the characters.

Thank you before :D

God Bless You. Hug all.

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7 hours ago, thundergirl3 said:

@Lyna Yes, and it also helps that he's such a good kisser too :blush::heart:  

I might add that there have been only two actors who managed to look awesome and handsome at the same time when they're spitting blood - Bai Zi Hua and Ye Hua. Ahhh, yes my two beautiful favourite flowers!!

 Who is BZH?  Which drama?  TMPB is my one official CDrama I have been addicted to.

YH, he isn't flawless but yet Perfect, does that make sense!  Mad fan crush on Mark!! But not stalkerish, just appreciation of his effort, commitment and portrayal of YH as an actor!  He is such a treat to observe as a person/man as he seems so humourous, down to earth and personable on the many BTS.

Oh recently too I'd think he do well in the modern novel "Stewed squid in honey" as the older, hot and very calm and cool male lead.  Sorry off topic but I also recommend this novel to read,  it's translated in English on Shushengbar BUT I cannot confirm if the rights to adapt to drama has been bought yet.  Same author as Love 020 with Yang Yang.

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@Sary Em Who is BAI ZI HUA?! Sorry had to say in cap-lock for sound effect. Don't get me started. Look it's a fabulous drama which I believe was also directed by the same director. It's another particularly angst drama (hmm bit of a pattern with me). Look it up on Soompi thread and there's plenty of information on it. Mind you, Wallace Huo was absolutely breathtaking (literally) as he was extremely aesthetically pleasing to the eye (to nth degree in my opinion).

I'm not into ethereal looking male lead but Wallace was so good in the drama that I was totally smitten (sigh, and more sighing)! Anyhow this isn't the forum for it. Just head over :grin:

As for Mark, my other flower boy, oh don't get me started as it may borderline stalker-ish  :grin: I won't deny it, I'm totally addicted to this drama. Similarly to BZH, this drama has taken over my life a little but who cares - I LOVE IT :heart:

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12 minutes ago, Purestupidity said:

@meifang89 Mo Yuan is back!!!!!!!! Yeah!!!!! Ooooo Bai Qian and Yehua are talking about wedding date!!!! Oooooooooooooo overall all good news except the appearance of SuJin and Qingchang.

Right! What a happy eps! :lol: Su Jin never a good news <_< Wait, who is Qing Chang? :huh:

But from the preview compare to the novel it should be very near ending but we still have 10 eps hm... hope they won't dragging the story :mellow:

And they better give happy ending for Dong Hua and Feng Jiu plus no need to add that crazy demon princess and that man for forced marriage.

I want happy ending for Yan Zhi and 16th disciple too.

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@Purestupidity and @meifang89 I must be well and truly hooked or at least infatuated with Mark (in the most superficial way because it's not like I know him personally) I DO NOT like men with beards or any kind of facial hair (actually I secretly loathe them) but Mark with that beard as Mo Yuan is very smexy. Gosh I need to google some photos of cute kittens to get over this fangirling crush on Mark. 

I don't know how Mark does it but he feels and acts like another person. Even his body language and in such a short space of time, you can tell he's not YeHua. Amazing!

I'm very curious as to how it plays out in the upcoming episodes. The author was rather ambiguous regarding MY's feeling about BQ so it will be interesting to see what's the director's take on it...oohhh how exciting. Although I'm more inclined to say he was 'interested' and would have liked the opportunity to progress or explore the relationship a little further but he's definitely not heartbroken by it. Not in the same way YeHua would be if BQ decided to choose MY after all. How sad would that be! 

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