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[Mainland Chinese Drama 2017] Three Lives Three Worlds Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms 三生三世,十里桃花


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About the other novel (三生三世枕上书 Three Lifes, Three Worlds, The Pillow Book) which contains the major part of FJ and DH's storyline...b'cos the rights already bought by another studio....they can't just use actually the same parts.

For this drama, probably they want to fill up the episodes, too "thin" with just BQ/YH/MY's storyline.....so they did adapt and modify some parts from the other novel....but also some different stuff. 

But i wonder if the other studio would to film their version of FJ and DH's story....similiarly like the case of Mark Chao's YH....those actors have to break ppl's impressions of the current FJ and DH.


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 Anyway....like the colours of their costumes....usually a char wore a certain colour...but there are subtle shades of it. Also different clans got different textures.

About the boy actor as Ah Li....he's Zhang Yihan Hummer, debut in Amazing China 2015 (4 yrs old). He also plays ukulele.


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I'm all for people who goes all in for love. Not admitting to your feelings will just result in a predicament like MY, and poor sifu is probably kicking himself for not speaking up about his feelings all those thousand of years ago. So by all mean, swallow your pride and fear of rejection and gave it your best shot. But at some point you need to step back and reassess; the object of my affection doesn't reciprocates my feelings, I've done my best now it's time to let go. It isn't just about self-respect, it's also about respecting the other person decision.

What really annoys me about what FJ is doing is that she is essentially imposing her desires onto DH. I don't really like the idea of "fate", but lets go with that since that the reason that the drama gives for them not being together. DH doesn't have a problem with their lack of "fate", but because FJ so desperately want to be with him, she's insisting on changing fate to get what she wants, completely ignoring DH's wish in all this. If he wants them to be together, then changing their fate would have been a decision that they made together.


DH already did his best by her, losing his power in his attempt to give her the love that she wants in their mortal life. At this point, she's just making things difficult for him. For someone who claims to love him, she sure isn't taking his wants and needs into consideration.

The difference between someone who gave it their all without imposing and and someone making a pest of themselves is the difference between being a YH and being a Sujin. And right now FJ is more like a Sujin than a YH. Her insistence on getting what she wants just makes her a burden to DH and the people that love and care for her. It looks like BQ is angry at DH and blaming him for FJ's predicament. This is just ridiculous. DH didn't ask her to do anything, he didn't lead her on or give her false hope; he can't be held responsible for her poor choices. At this point I don't feel sorry for her. I just feel sorry for DH for having to put up with the problems that she creates for him. If they do end up together that's just rewarding bad behaviour IMO.

I'm only partially through Pillow Book and I know the drama has taken a lot of liberties with the FJ/DH story. My judgment isn't based on the book or how the drama should have been, but just what the drama gave us. And drama FJ is getting on my last nerve. 

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But DH did sometimes show some gestures that he got feelings for FJ....and until now, I still felt abit confused about the part when DH decided to live 60yrs as a mortal to undergo some "training"...and he did mention to Shi Ming that he wanted to make up to FJ....that's why SM brought FJ in. And abit confusing to me also...is b4 that FJ kissed his nose, so she should know some of her own feelings for him....instead when she became his concubine initially she needed to use a spell on herself. So overtime FJ's feelings developed further....i think same case of his own feelings for her. 

I feel overall....if he didn't do the initial mortal realm visit, their story might just end there. 

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I agree FJ is just plain action is just plain annoying right now. But DH action is not helping. On one hand he is rejecting her like crazy, and on the other hand, his gestures doesn't match with his words. He rejected her but still comes to see her & made all these 'love like' gestures like caressing her face , kissing her forehead, & being protective. That is not helping the situation. If he has already made his decision, then he should be clear with his actions as well as words so that she will have no hope whatsoever. 

I know they can't do anything with DH&FJ because of copy write, but they didn't have to destroy their love either. They should have shift the couple to other characters. 

I think other productions will have a hard time casting DH & FJ. Despite how the writer did their best to destroyed them in this version, but the chemistry & the acting of DH & FJ is so spot on that when people think of DH & FJ, they think of Dilabra & Vengo. 

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8 hours ago, atgirlina said:

thank youuuuu @crispachu :D

naturally i've been re-watching that particular scene for the 101 times at least :rolleyes:. each time it bugs me to know, what could be sooo important BQ kept stopping YH from kissing her. :wub:

:D you're most welcome. Translating into smooth English phrases has been a fun challenge for me. Unfortunately I don't have the persistence to try doing a whole book yet...

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@crispachu, many thanks for translating the scene! i'm actually rewatching the raw, with your translation on my phone, just so I can watch it in "real time" - and actually have an idea as to what they are saying. ahhh, you're feeding my YH/BQ obsession for real.  there are so many scenes in Ep 48/49 that make me have googly eyes :wub: and feels, but since I have no clue what they are saying, I pretty much ogle their mutual chemistry and prettiness.  So again, thank you for helping us non-speakers out. 

i truly can't believe this journey is almost over!  I mean, i'm happy because that means we get resolution, but also sad because I'm going to miss the anticipation of waiting for new episodes and of course, Mark/YH/MY. and AhLi. :wink:  bittersweet feels all around.  

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Ep 51 Summary


Mo Yuan and Bai Qian are by the pond, she said this was where teacher took the 3 Heaven lighting strikes for me. Mo Yuan replied all the studies you can't remember but this trivial thing you remembered well. She said I will never forget teacher's kindness (Mo Yuan smiled), from now on, I will be filial towards you (oooooo a stab to the heart!) 

Bai Qian went to ask Bai Zhen to cover her while she goes to mortal realm to see Yehua, she asked for 7-8 incense time, but he insists she needs to be finished in 1 incense time. (That's how they tell time in the past, by burning incense), he changed his mind and decided to go to mortal realm as well to see what she is up to.

She arrives at a study hall and recognized little Yehua, she has heard before that he was a child prodigy, so the mortal studies isn't a problem for him, she looks impressed. He was teased by his classmates as he only had 1 arm, she felt that Tianjun was heartless to give him only 1 arm even as a mortal.

Bai Qian sneak in to little Yehua's room at night, he woke up and thought he was dreaming, so he went back to sleep lol. She wakes him up and told him she is a little goddess from Qingqiu, she knows in 10 years time they will be husband and wife, so she is here to see him lol.

Little Yehua: I'm your future husband???

BQ: Do you not like my looks?

Little Yehua: Mmmm, you are pretty.

I do not know many girls, but even from drawings/portraits, the girls are not even half as pretty as you.

He believed her words that they will be husband and wife in the future, she gave him the beads for his protection, while he gave her his jade pendant, he promised to wear the beads everyday. Bai Qian then said you cannot marry other girls, once you grow up, I will marry you.... He went Ahhhhhh...??

Bai Zhen was listening outside, can't believe that Bai Qian is so scary.

Little Yehua wakes up in the morning and saw the beads, he remembered Qingqiu but couldn't find anything in the books and his teacher has never heard of it.

Fengjiu is sitting outside Kunlunxu heart broken (I'm sorry but I feel slightly irritated by her lack of backbone and keeps whining) she asked Bai Qian if she has to forget about Yehua, can she do it? Bai Qian replied no (Another stab to Mo Yuan's heart). Fengjiu saw Mo Yuan and said so you are awake finally? Obviously she got told off by Bai Qian for being rude. They go off to drink together.

Fengjiu asked about Donghua and why he doesn't like women. ZheYan said Donghua was once the Heaven ruler, he is a remarkable man. Bai Qian asked why he doesn't like women, Mo Yuan replied 'because for this four seas(the peace of all)' this also implies Mo Yuan's choice of not being in any relationship before, his life is dedicated to the good of all man/godkind. 

Li Jing can't enter Kunlunxu, the godly power surrounding it is too strong. He knows from a couple of immortals that Mo Yuan is back and ZheYan/BaiZhen/BaiQian are all there, he is sad. 

Bai Qian asked Fengjiu to go back to Qingqiu to prepare to take over her title and to forget about Donghua, she gets upset as she thought her aunt will support her. 

She bumps into Li Jing who is standing at the cave where he used to stay when he was at Kunlunxu before (he misses Bai Qian), regretting his past.

Li Jing couldn't tell anyone about his father who is going to break free soon, Yan Zhi suggested to tell Mo Yuan, Li Jing said no as he knows Bai Qian will stop at nothing for Mo Yuan's sake and she is getting married soon, he doesn't want to spoil her happiness. He is planning to sacrifice himself.

ZheYan told Bai Qian that Mo Yuan will go into seclusion to recover, so best to go and accompany him. She brought fresh peach blossoms into Mo Yuan's room. Mo Yuan asked her if Yehua treats her well? She replied 'the good way he treats me is different from the way teacher treats me, but both are sincere'. Mo Yuan said that's good then....(sadness ooooo Mo Yuan I will console you!!!) He plays the guqing, ZheYan hears it outside and said 'sigh...,,,bad timing bad timing' (he feels Zheyan's sadness)



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@Purestupidity, thank you for the summary!  Omgsh, little mortal YH looks and sounds so cute. i can't handle it.. If I didn't know the story and deeply love the characters, would I think it slightly creepy that a grown woman is staking her claim on a what is essentially a little boy? :wink:  maybe.. but bc I know what's going on,i'm ok with it. As for MY, gosh, my heart is breaking for him.  He went all those years without love, for the good of the realms, and now that he found someone he wanted to cherish, she's fated with his quasi-younger bro?  not gonna lie, my heart went "ping~" when reading your description of MY's reactions.  If his experience isn't a lesson reminding us that Love is all about timing - then i don't know what is. While I am a YH/BQ shipper, I seriously cant' help but wish BQ could split herself into two so MY can get his HE too - he is just as fab as YH, after all. 

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Uhh...not gonna comment on FJ/DH's story.  Everything is going according to the spoiler before, so what said has been said before.

Comments: FJ (Dilraba) got the good part in this drama.  She got carried around by 4 different guys!! It's like playing hot potatoes. 

If DH clothes get any darker, he will be the next YH...

Best part: When SJ even gets rejected by mortal YH!! Totally deserved it. 

Question: In the three lives three fate rock: whose name is next to FJ?  Can't read chinese..

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14 minutes ago, linh5000 said:

Uhh...not gonna comment on FJ/DH's story.  Everything is going according to the spoiler before, so what said has been said before.

Comments: FJ (Dilraba) got the good part in this drama.  She got carried around by 4 different guys!! It's like playing hot potatoes. 

Best part: When SJ even gets rejected by mortal YH!! Totally deserved it. 

Question: In the three lives three fate rock: whose name is next to FJ?  Can't read chinese..


It's Wenchang Dijun (文昌帝君) but in the novel there're only 2 Dijun. According to wikipedia, Wenchang Dijun's job is the same with DH and SM is under this Dijun. OMG, maybe writer is going to give us a little hope???? (I mean, maybe DH will change his title into Wenchang? XD)

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5 hours ago, faythe said:

I agree FJ is just plain action is just plain annoying right now. But DH action is not helping. On one hand he is rejecting her like crazy, and on the other hand, his gestures doesn't match with his words. He rejected her but still comes to see her & made all these 'love like' gestures like caressing her face , kissing her forehead, & being protective. That is not helping the situation. If he has already made his decision, then he should be clear with his actions as well as words so that she will have no hope whatsoever. 


Are you referring to the end of episode 52? If yes I wouldn't hold that against him or see that as him encouraging her. He does likes and cares about her and isnt so heartless that seeing her so injured wouldn't evoke feeling of sympathy and protectiveness. Throughout their association - with the exception of their mortal life - DH has always made it clear where he stands on their relationship. 

I'm not quite clear on this, but it seems like he told Siming to create his mortal love line with FJ as a way to let her live out her wish. If someone can help to clarify this. But this would be the only thing that he did that I would considered as giving FJ false hope. I guess it's just good intention that backfired spectacularly. He has been very explicit in ending whatever romantic ties between them after coming back from the mortal trial. I don't think he could be any clearer than rejecting her father's suggestion for a marriage between them.

I've seen a few viewers commented elsewhere lamenting that DH loves FJ so why won't he just accepts/admits to it. All I can say to that is - so what if he loves her but for whatever reasons chose not to pursue it? He's well within his right to make whatever choice he wants. FJ can try to persuade him, but ultimately she needs to respect his decision. This just reminds me of Journey of Flowers where viewers seems to hate Bai Zihua for not admitting to and accepting HQG's love whereas I was just annoyed at her constant "sifu why won't you admit that you love me" whining towards the end of that series. Rather heartless of me, I know.

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3 hours ago, faythe said:

I really like God of the underworld in PB! He & warrior yan yiwu are such some awesome characters! I have to say PB have so many awesome male characters!

True, Fengjiu is loved by so many people. Siming, Xiao Yan, Guchou, Su Moye, Qingti, and even Changyi Sengjun, to name but a few.

I just hope the next adaptation of these books would be a better one.

Because I've been re-reading Pillow 2. Xie Guchou explained to Qingti about Fengjiu's love for Donghua.

“It wasn't because His Majesty was an eminent deity and you were a mortal. It was simply because she loved one man while she didn't love the other. Her fate with His Majesty has been entangled for thousands of years. There were numerous times when she said she would let go, but she never really did.” He poured wine into his cup, not minding the fact that the shaken liquor had lost its flavor. He emptied his bowl and said, “Her love for Dijun has become an instinct over the years. Your forgetting her will be better for you.”

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18 minutes ago, Rivajuu said:


It's Wenchang Dijun (文昌帝君) but in the novel there're only 2 Dijun. According to wikipedia, Wenchang Dijun's job is the same with DH and SM is under this Dijun. OMG, maybe writer is going to give us a little hope???? (I mean, maybe DH will change his title into Wenchang? XD)

The book has 2 DiJun? whO was the other one? 

I'm not longer having any hope for this couple.  Just gotta watch for the actor and actress..

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8 hours ago, whitesky20 said:


For sure! Initially everyone would have thought Yang Yang is more visually akin to Yehua... Mark got a lot of flack when he was cast. But now I can't see how any other actor can live up to what he's achieved. Yang Yang seems too young/pretty boy to give the proper depth to the character. And don't forget he also has to be Mo Yuan! He has to summon a lot of gravitas for that role since Mo Yuan is an ancient War God. I feel bad for him he has a lot to live up to.

But the visual effects of the movie look stunning! Definitely much bigger budget. LYF looks beautiful. It's funny that not many people are saying that they can't imagine her as BQ but everyone can't see anyone else except for Mark as Yehua. I will definitely still watch it, although I'll probably be wishing Mark and Yang Mi were in it instead :(



Glad I wasn't part of that debate.  No bias or expectations from me.  I can sit comfortably watching Mark do his job.  Indeed a very convincing actor.  I see him as both YH and MY differently.  Kudos to Mark.  Yes the man is not epitome of handsome/beauty but great acting skills goes further than the outer appearance.  Yang Yang wasn't too bad in Love 020 but there wasn't as any angst and sadness in that drama compared to this one.  BQ portrayed by Yang Mi is also quite natural for me to watch her deliver her take as lead female.

Overall not much complaints or none at all from this viewer other than there's going to be a huge void in me once it's over...enjoying this drama immensely.  Great all around team to pull off this amazing feat and hopefully they all get rewarded for their dedication and nice too see the 100% investment to make it this successful.  And so nice too, it shows both cast and crew having great fun and comraderie behind the scenes.  "Hands clapping" and Big smiles along the way from me!


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6 minutes ago, linh5000 said:

The book has 2 DiJun? whO was the other one? 

I'm not longer having any hope for this couple.  Just gotta watch for the actor and actress..

I don't remember having 2 Dijuns in Pillow books. Not sure about the main Peach Blossom.

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I have to admit I have a weak stomach for any evilness or people being bad or someone doing something unjust. I still haven't watched the part/episodes where SuJin tricked Susu at Zhuxiantai, Tianjun being biased towards Susu for being mortal, Yehua taking SuSu's eyes, SuJin telling Susu she is using her eyes well, etc....Even today's episodes, I have only watched twice ,as much I love seeing Mo Yuan, I can't bear to see him so sad.

BUT I will absolutely savour every bit of Bai Qian taking SuJin's eyes tomorrow, I have waited long enough to see righteousness being restored to that corrupted bias Heaven realm, where SuJin has got away with murder once and once again. I suppose Bai Qian being high goddess, that Tianjun can't really do or say anything after he knows she took her eyes right?

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9 hours ago, whitesky20 said:

But the visual effects of the movie look stunning! Definitely much bigger budget. LYF looks beautiful. It's funny that not many people are saying that they can't imagine her as BQ but everyone can't see anyone else except for Mark as Yehua. I will definitely still watch it, although I'll probably be wishing Mark and Yang Mi were in it instead :(


I think people haven't doubted LYF yet because:

1) She such a visual powerhouse that even if her acting is subpar, her visuals will make up for the acting

2) Yang Mi didn't knock BQ out of the ballpark the way Mark Chao did. I found her SuSu depicting to be lacking many times.

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