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[Daily Drama 2016] Heaven's Promise/천상의 약속 KBS2 Mon-Fri 19:50 KST


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Guest my2centsworth
3 hours ago, Cinderello Martinez said:

i like lee  yoo ri in your lady.. and other drama else well especially bride of the sun hahaha

I saw her too in Your Lady, but I know it as Your Woman. It was my first drama seeing her act. I watched it because of Im Ho and Park Yoon Jae. They are both great actors. It was a good drama.

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In regards to Dohui's mother finding out about Nayeon's identity I think that she will now face a dilemma whether to reveal or not to reveal it will be the question. But in the end I think that she will not reveal the fact that she is aware of the switch. Basically for the main reason that her own secret will be out in the open also because currently she is under the impression that Dohui is still suffering from amnesia and she is going to try and take advantage of it to try and further mold Nayeon into her daughters image. Though do I think that her interactions are going to change towards Nayeon to that my answer would be probably yes they would. I believe that she will start to become cold and distant towards Nayeon atleast when they are alone but still show that she loves and cares about her in public or atleast infront of her husband so that he doesn't catch on that something is up between mother and daughter. Nayeon may find that a bit strange at the start but may not pay much attention to that because she will think that it will allow her that much more ease and focus on her revenge plan and all and she doesn't need to pay all that much attention on whether or not Dohui's mother will catch her in the act or not. Frankly this sort of does make a lot of sense for a few reasons but before I get into that let me bring up something somebody said in an earlier post regarding how Dohui's mother would side with her against Yoo Kyung if she tries to treat Dohui badly showing Nayeon some decent morale support and all. I have to disagree with this point. Mind you had Dohu's mother not found about the switch then I would have agreed with them 100% but this isn't the case anymore. Now that she knows that Dohui is actually Nayeon it changes everything because any kinds of feelings of affection, love or even loyalty she may have had for Dohui don't apply anymore because Nayeon is a complete stranger to her. Now if she needs to cover up Nayeon's identity that is a totally different thing because that personally affects her and her desire to hold onto her family so for that much atleast she will try to keep up the ruse and all or pretend that she isn't aware of anything out of the ordinary and all. But in fighting for Nayeon and her battles that is a completely different story. Also while I know that what I want and what I get are totally different matters even I am against her trying to support Nayeon like that. Now one may be wondering why I am against this when it is obviously a good thing for Nayeon to have the support of Dohui's mother and all in her fight against Team Evil. You are correct in that matter that it is certainly good and all but what I want is for Nayeon to not only fight but win her battles against Team Evil on her own as much as she can without any extra help because that is going to make her all the more formidable when she ends up taking them down and all. She is already getting help from that family but at the same time she is also mostly using her own skills to take down Team Evil which I find all the more interesting than her getting support from Dohui's mother. Plus I don't really like her all that much as well.


What will be interesting to see though will be what choice she will make if she ever gets blackmailed by Yoo Kyung. When I say Yoo kyung I suspect that only she will have the means to do so since none of her family have otherwise contacted her before and all and I can actually see Yoo Kyung threaten her that if she doesn't help her take down Nayeon and all she will reveal to the world that not only Nayeon isn't her real daughter but at the same time how she stole her from her real birth mother or atleast how she did that with her sister and all. What choice is she going to make. At the moment I suspect that if such a thing were to happen then she may clearly side with Yoo Kyung simply to cover her secret also like I said that while she would have tried to protect Dohui this isn't the case anymore. Perhaps things may change somewhere down the line and she may even find someway to redeem herself but as of now I can't figure out how that is going to happen.


The thing about Eun Bong taking her mother to see Dohui. I get people when they say that she was wrong to do so but given the options available to her I think it was okay to do so. I mean ever since Taejoon's mother brought up the point of seeing a picture of a Nayeon look alike do anyone actually think that wouldn't pique the interest of Nayeon's mother or of anyone that knew said people and all. They would all want to see said person and all and not to forget that this is Nayeon's mother we are talking about all people someone that was closest to her daughter and all. In this case she would have gone one way or the other to see this person now if it wasn't Eun Bong that had taken her then she would have asked Taejoon's mother to do so. Either way she would have ended up there. Frankly it was better that Eun Bong was the one to take her because I am sure that Taejoon's mother would not be able to handle herself if she saw Dohui due to her guilt towards Nayeon and her actions leading to her death and all (though that certainly would have been fun to watch) but I also think that perhaps of this very reason she would also try to escape from that place as soon as possible leaving a far more distraught mother in her place and all. With Eun Bong on the scene she atleast could support her mother out of there much better and all. So I think that while it was wrong of Eun Bong to take her mother there it was the best option currently available to her. Yes she could have tried to persuade her mother not to go there but for how long does one think that it would have actually worked. Eventually curosity would have won out and the mother would have gone to see Dohui.


Someone mentioned that Hwi Kyung's mother shouldn't have gone to the dinner with Dohi's father even if it was to thank him for what he did for Hwi Kyung without his wife present so that people wouldn't talk about her. The thing is that she did invite both of Dohui's parents out for dinner to thank him for helping out Hwi Kyung. While she had initially asked him out when she called him she did add later on to bring his wife as well. On top of that I don't know who was responsible for the dinner reservations and all but clearly it was initially for three people. This fact can be seen that when Dohui's dad showed up at the table we could see that there were three glasses of water placed and all. One was infront of Hwi Kyungs mother and the other two were placed where Dohui's parents would seat themselves. That means that Dohui's mother was also clearly invited as well. As to why she didn't show up is anyone's guess. Either Dohui's dad didn't bother informing her of the dinner location since he wanted to spend some time with Hwi Kyung's mother and all or it was indeed as he mentioned that something came up and she couldn't make it. Perhaps she didn't want to see her husband out with his first love and all as that would have been a very akward meal or so. But atleast if she had arrived then people wouldn't have ended up talking badly about Hwi Kyungs mother that day. I can only hope that she atleast didn't keep Dohui's dad's handkerchief that he handed to her to wipe her tears because otherwise that may just cause further problems down the line most probably caused by Team Evil aka Yoo Kyung. Perhaps it would have simply been better if they had rescheduled the dinner unless it was at one of those exclusive places where you had to book way in advance to get a seat and all though that didn't seem like that. Still I guess her being out with him alone in a big public place would be much better than if she had just invited him to her place because then we know that Yoo Kyung would have simply made it out more than what it appeared to Dohui's mother and all. Even if it was done when she wasn't there at home her agent would still be there namely the new housekeeper who is clearly in Yoo Kyung's pocket and all. Still I am glad that Hwikyungs mothers former housekeeper also returned. :) so at present she isn't totally alone and all and when Nayeon joins part of that family she is going to get another ally in that house.


People aren't getting why Hwi Kyung is trying to be so nice to Taejoon even after all that he has been through. The thing is that like I have stated a few times already he doesn't like causing conflicts in the family and is therefore always trying to mend the bridges and make peace in the family. On top of all this I guess he doesn't think that Sejin or Taejoon could actually be all that devious to hurt him. A mistake on his part clearly which he will soon discover. But as of now the only person that he thinks that may try to harm him would be Yoo Kyung since he knows her nature and all and he is coming to realize so is her husband and all but he still thinks that Sejin wouldn't try to harm him because as of yet they have had a good relationship in the past. They both have cared about each other and all as for Taejoon he may still hold out hope that perhaps the others haven't managed to sink their claws to deep into him thus he is trying to prevent that. Also he can still see that Taejoon has guilt regarding his actions and all and he may see that as a sign of hope towards him and perhaps if Taejoon's guilt wins out he may actually do the right thing in the end. What he doesn't get is that Sejin has always been a selfish person who answers to no one but herself and she will use whatever means to get that oh and while she is at that she has to look good can't be seen negatively by anyone and all. As for Taejoon he may be full of guilt and all but in the end he will always side with his greed therfore him choosing the right side will be next to a miracle. Don't know why Hwi Kyung can't tell what kind of nature Taejoon has ever since he read that article on him. Perhaps he is trying to redeem him somehow and make him a decent person.


As for Taejoon and him choosing the wrong side well can't say that he thinks straight all that he is thinking about is consolidating his position at that house so he will do whatever he thinks will help him not realizing that his own downfall is imminent. For instance people have mentioned of how Yoo Kyung will target to get rid of him and all. The thing is that he already knows this fact yet he continues his actions. For instance in the last episode or so when he was drinking with Hwi Kyung and then later on when Yoo Kyung joined him (after Hwi Kyung had left and all) she clearly told him that her current priority was Dohui and that the only reason that he was lucky was because at present she had to take care of Dohui a few pegs down and all rather than him. This means that he should atleast be aware that he is still on her hit list and all. I guess he may think that if he manages to take down AP Foods she may see him in a better light or something and perhaps see him as being as a worthy member of said family. Unfortunately as the old saying goes that Hell Needs To Freeze Over first for that to happen. No matter what he has tried she just isn't warming upto him. She only accepted him because she couldn't control her daughter at that time so she had to give in plus it further didn't help that Sejin was pregnant with his kid. Perhaps had Sejin managed to give birth to their child it may have been a differnt story and all but since the child is no more she feels no need to keep him around. She thinks that she may eventually kick him out and thus convince her daughter to do so. For instance Sejin has clearly told her mother that she can't stay in power and needs Taejoon to help her out. Well now that Sejin clearly has a high position and all she thinks that it will only be a matter of time before she becomes the next chair-person and all and at that point Taejoon will have served his purpose and then Yoo Kyung will try to kick him out. Frankly at this point I really can't see anything Taejoon does to please her. So for instance even if he were to take a fall for something that she may do she isn't going to be grateful to him. Infact she will believe that Taejoon is simply doing what he owes that family and all. Perhaps the only way that I can see her moved by any of his actions would be if he somehow saves her life such as perhaps a transplant? or from a car accident (Nayeon trying to run her down [Not that Nayeon is ever going to get that desperate] but one gets the idea) then just maybe she might get moved enough to like him but as of now she merely sees him as some sort of tool to be used and then discarded. Frankly I don't know if she even loves anyone else other than herself :) . She thinks the world revolves around money and thinks that it can solve everything. Sejin is pretty much the same. Taejoon tries and tries to please everybody but himself and that is why he will live a life of misery. He gave up all rights to any happiness the moment that he chose Sejin over a woman that would have given the world for him to make him happy. Sejin can certainly provide him that world as well but he will still be all alone and what good is having everything if you don't have anyone to share it with.


About the matter of the number of episodes I think the person meant to add ! but forgot to press shift so it ended up as a 1. Causing the confusion. So we are already half way with this drama :)


In regards to the Nayeon/Hwi Kyung relationship Nayeon is doing her best to stick strictly professional and all. Infact she is still acting a bit cold to an extent with Hwi Kyung in the hopes that he even gets over her. Unfortunately she doesn't realize that the real Dohui was quite similar to this and he still ended up falling for her. So no matter what happens she is going to end up tying the knot with him :) Good luck getting out with that. In regards to both sisters I think they have always helped him out whether any of them have ever realized it or not. He has always been on their receiving end and a time will come when he ends up repaying them for all that they have done for him and his family.


Either way Nayeon's war has begun on the Jang family and this war is going to involve everything at her disposal whether those are mind games, or financially etc... They won't know what hit them. Frankly it wouldn't have made all that much of a difference if Dohui had survived or both of the sisters were alive to tag team and cause even more issues and all. But then the issue of poor Hwi Kyung would remain and all. So in a way I am glad that Nayeon atleast survived. Though she has the added advantage of knowing the Jangs the best so she knows just how to hurt them and all. :) As for Dohui's mother I think that a time will indeed come when she will have to finally let go of her dead daughter and perhaps even help out Nayeon in her revenge but like I said they will have to work out their issues first. For instance the only way that I can currently see her going to support Nayeon is if she can somehow be convinced that Dohui's death was due to the actions of the Jangs or that her days were numbered and she still chose to help Nayeon even after knowing the truth and all. Perhaps that she wasn't going to leave her mother even after discovering her real family and that she wanted to have a bond with both of them. As of now I can't really see how the Jangs were fully responsible for Dohui's death. I mean I get that she was at the wrong place at the wrong time and all and that she was only there because Yoo Kyung had placed Nayeon in that hospital so she was indirectly responsible for Dohui going there when a fire just happened to happen and that might sway Dohui's mother to help take down the Jangs for what they did to her. But I think it would make more of an impact if that fire that was set was deliberate rather than an accident. What I mean by this is that patient that set fire was hired by Sejin's dad to take care of Nayeon. Perhaps he was to kill her in the confusion or make sure that she died in the fire maybe even a doctor or so was also involved in this. Otherwise I can't see Dohui's mother helping out Nayeon and all. Though you know what will really be interesting is if we find out that the fathers in this show aren't total idiots as they may look. For instance what if Dohui's dad somehow already figured out that Dohui wasn't his daughter ages ago but still loved her and kept up that secret just to keep her close and all. Apart from that he also couldn't go back to Hwi Kyung's mother because she was already taken. I would say that he should just stay with his wife no matter what but that may change. Also while we are on the topics of fathers knowing the truth what if Sejin's dad also knows that Sejin isn't his daughter as well. But he pretends that he doesn't know this fact because then he would lose all the power that he has gained by being around Yoo Kyung. The moment Yoo Kyung knows that he knows the truth she knows that she will have no further use of him so she would try to kick him out. That though ofcourse would mean that she was aware of exactly how ambitious he really was and Yunae didn't know this. If that were the case then I am glad that he didn't end up with Yunae or that his daughters don't know of who he really is.


Another point that someone made regarding the fact that Dohui's father is more of a father than her real father and that she doesn't need him and all. I think that is a bit unfair to him. The reason that I say this is because of the simple fact that one is totally unaware that he is a father to anyone else apart from his daughter while the other person thinks that Dohui is indeed his daughter so he treats her accordingly. Now if both fathers know the truth that is a tottally different matter and all. The only reason that Dohui's dad is treating Nayeon like his daughter is because he thinks that she is indeed his daughter Dohui. As for Sejins dad he tried to treat Nayeon well because she was Yunae's child whether she had adopted her or not was a different matter. He tried to make it work but when his family couldn't get along with her he dumped and forgot about her. Frankly I can't trust this man anymore. He tends to make empty promises that he can't keep. He promised Nayeon when he sent her to the orphanage that he would have been back for her and no matter what Nayeon told him he should have kept his word to her and kept tabs on her. Then again it is unfair of me to judge him for things that I don't know about. For instance he may have indeed tried to do his part behind the scenes and all. For instance the chicken place perhaps he gave Nayeon's mother the money or location to open one up. He may have thought that his part ended there and that he didn't owe Yunae or Nayeon anything after that.


As for the matter of the earring someone said that he may have seen the earring somehow in Nayeon's hand and he will later on wonder why his wife only has one. The thing is that he won't. If he saw the earring in her hand he would only believe what his wife said in regards to Nayeon stealling from her was true and all. To be honest that earing isn't of any use to Nayeon unless she plans to use it in her mind games. Such as Dohui wearing a pair of identical earring when she comes to some function. While we know that one of them is the original that Yoo Kyung lost that night and the other a spare that she made to match. So when Yoo Kyung sees them she is going to freak out and wonder why Dohui has such a pair. Even more interesting would be if those earring that Yoo Kyung made were supposed to be one of a kind aka custom made only for her etc... :) Ofcourse no one else will figure out why Yoo Kyung is freaking out and she can't readily explain it without giving up her involvement in Yunae's death and all. If she confronts Dohui why she has the same kind of earring Dohui can use some interesting excuse though I would love to hear it. Perhaps she can say that she got them as a gift from someone that she knew or something to that extent. :)  


So Geum Bong is pregnant with Taejoon's brother. Oh boy this is going to be a nightmare. I don't have an issue of him not being rich enough and that he was faking it all along just like Geum Bong but because he just happens to be related to Taejoon. Again it isn't that I am judging him because so far he does seem a bit decent and all apart from trying to scam everyone else and all but because I don't think that anybody from the elders would approve of their relationship. The mothers aren't on the best of terms due to the Nayeon and Taejoon incident that they are going to be against becoming family once again. Then on top of all this I really don't see Scammer giving his blessings to his son because that would would a hamper to his plans on trying to win over Geum Bongs mother and all. But frankly I think that it is time that they all realized exactly how they are connected. Still I am wondering if Nayeon will manage to find time to play Cupid between the two. Though as of now while Taejoon's brother seems to be a bit nice and all I wonder whose side will he end up taking his own family or perhaps Nayeon and her quest for revenge. After all his family did abandon him when he was a kid and all so perhaps he doesn't have much loyalty towards them but as they say blood is thicker than water. Also from what I can see is that Dohui's family treats him quite well so will he even be able to betray them if the time comes. Perhaps he might be conflicted and he may have to chose between them and we don't know which side he has taken until the next episode. For instance he may be told to switch a file which Nayeon has (perhaps for a presentation) or something to that extent and then they show us infront of the file that needs to be switched but the show ends over there. Then next episode we see that Nayeon is up with the file that he has switched but when the time for presentation comes it shows and Team Evil think that they have everything in the bag and all (maybe he admits to having switched the files and all) but then it is shown that Nayeon makes the correct presentation and all shocking everyone. Then we get a flashback of how at the last moment he doesn't switch the files or that perhaps he was feeling so guitly about what he did not only confesses to Nayeon but returns the correct file to her :) Guess that won't happen but one can still hope. :)


As for the matter now I always wonder how Nayeon is going to slip thus allowing Team Evil to figure out her identity. Perhaps she thinks that she has everything in the bag and that her revenge is finally done so she reveals her true identity to them and telling them that the person that they killed was instead her twin sister Dohui but instead of the victory that Nayeon thought that she had Team Evil comes up with something at the last moment to stop her similar to what Hwi Kyung managed to do by getting that loan from Dohui's dad. Now Team Evils new goal will be to reveal Nayeon's deception and all. Perhaps they will think that it will get Hwi Kyung to stop being on her side but by this time Hwi Kyung will have fallen in love with Nayeon as well so he will still have her back surprising everyone else. I mean what other way is there to prove that Dohui isn't who she claims to be. A DNA test isn't going to help over here because they need a sample to compare it with. Both samples that could have proven her identity are ashes namely Dohui and Saybyul and well we can't get a DNA result from them from what I have read unless it is possible only in dramas and all. That means the only other method to get one is if Yoo Kyung were to get a sample of her hair or something and compare it with her husbands. That again won't prove much apart from the fact that the two are related. She may use that to blackmail Dohui's mother with it but I doubt that it could work on Nayeon has she doesn't know who her real dad was in the first place. Also Yoo Kyung can't exactly confront Nayeon with this information as well as she may simply meet her husband and reveal the truth to him and thus he may end up leaving her. Other than that the only way that I can possible see of how a DNA test may be possible is if she somehow manages to steal something belonging to Nayeon such as a hair brush that she may have used when she was alive by sending Taejoon's mother to steal one and if she can't get a hand on one she may convince her son to do so for her if he has easy access over there due to him dating Geum Bong and all. Natrually since he doesn't know why and he seems harmless enough he may do that. Other than that I can't see another way to figure out her identity unless Nayeon somehow slips up by saying or doing something that only Nayeon would know. But what that could be I have no idea. If that were to happen she could say that Nayeon told her all that before the fire killed her. Though that could cause further problems because at that point Nayeon was suffering from amnesia and all. Agh my mind is working over time trying to figure stuff out :( better quit now and just wait till things actually hapen and all.


Well that is all from my end for the moment so take care all of you and keep posting. Sorry for repeating some of my points or what others have already mentioned as well :(


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2 hours ago, yamiyugi said:

The reason that I say this is because of the simple fact that one is totally unaware that he is a father to anyone else apart from his daughter while the other person thinks that Dohui is indeed his daughter so he treats her accordingly.

This point is one where we will never agree. BDJ and his treatment of DH2 is how a real father should be! Contrast how he treats SK who is not his child! KW treats SJ very well but dumps crap on someone else's child without a second thought! When he finds out about DH2 being his, I'm curious how the writer will handle this because in my eyes, the real father here is BDJ! Let's leave KW's treatment of TJ out of this. TJ is treated well because he is seen as a benefit for his supposed child! These two men are fathers at two ends of the spectrum! Regardless whether KW knows DH/NY are his children, it is his treatment of other people's children that is horrendous in my eyes!

As far as HK's treatment of TJ, I've accepted that this is just this man's character. He has always been an outsider when it came to YK and he has always tried so hard to get acceptance from his sister that I think now his attitude is just to 'go along to get along'. I think he wants TJ not to take what his sister says to heart and just continue to be happy. Sure, we want HK to become more ruthless but I really think it is not in his character makeup to be so. That is why the Chairman wanted him to marry DH, the "White Snake". He was hoping with her guidance and insistence he would gain the business acumen needed to run a corporation like Baekdo. Right now, he really doesn't have the mindset. What better way to gain it but with the daughter of a financial shark!?

By the way, DH2 is so smart. On the train, I was re-watching the episode where HK shows her the empty office and tells her to hire whoever she needs. It is DH2's answer that is amazing now that I think about it. She said (paraphrasing here) "Experience people will come if we just wait for them without us looking for them" These aren't the exact words but I have a feeling that DH2 knows that KW and crew will send people to AP Foods. She expected it!

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49-days is what it takes for DH2 to run over all scenarios in her mind.  And what a sharp mind indeed to anticipate most probable scenarios.

ASJ and DH2, a mother's love and possession... Can't wait of what she could or would do when she found out and probably found out this week?  Most probably NY thought DH is adopted by ASJ due to her sickly nature and would still thinks so.  

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Guest my2centsworth
10 hours ago, NewKDramaAddict said:

This point is one where we will never agree. BDJ and his treatment of DH2 is how a real father should be! Contrast how he treats SK who is not his child! KW treats SJ very well but dumps crap on someone else's child without a second thought! When he finds out about DH2 being his, I'm curious how the writer will handle this because in my eyes, the real father here is BDJ! Let's leave KW's treatment of TJ out of this. TJ is treated well because he is seen as a benefit for his supposed child! These two men are fathers at two ends of the spectrum! Regardless whether KW knows DH/NY are his children, it is his treatment of other people's children that is horrendous in my eyes!

As far as HK's treatment of TJ, I've accepted that this is just this man's character. He has always been an outsider when it came to YK and he has always tried so hard to get acceptance from his sister that I think now his attitude is just to 'go along to get along'. I think he wants TJ not to take what his sister says to heart and just continue to be happy. Sure, we want HK to become more ruthless but I really think it is not in his character makeup to be so. That is why the Chairman wanted him to marry DH, the "White Snake". He was hoping with her guidance and insistence he would gain the business acumen needed to run a corporation like Baekdo. Right now, he really doesn't have the mindset. What better way to gain it but with the daughter of a financial shark!?

By the way, DH2 is so smart. On the train, I was re-watching the episode where HK shows her the empty office and tells her to hire whoever she needs. It is DH2's answer that is amazing now that I think about it. She said (paraphrasing here) "Experience people will come if we just wait for them without us looking for them" These aren't the exact words but I have a feeling that DH2 knows that KW and crew will send people to AP Foods. She expected it!

With DH2 telling HK that experience people will come, knowing that KW will send them, means to me she is well aware that office will be full of spies. But how she uses them when be the factor of winning over them. It's amazing how mature, patient . and smart DH2 has become. It's tragic that she had to lost her child and sister and be dumped by TJ to get this way. The real fact here is that NY always had this inside her, but her unselfishness put TJ first. Now DH2 is the real NY that she should have been all along.

Comparing the fathers. BDJ and KW. As I have heard someone say......Any man can become a father ( meaning his sperm ) but it takes a real man to become a real father.  KW is a father in his own way, but BDJ is better at it. As you said he accepted SK into their home and treat him more like a family member that a hired person. Both BDJ and ASJ trust this young man. Some of the things he has done and said make me wonder how the _ell did MJ give birth to him. Hoping that when he sees his mom's true colors he will run a far away from her as possible. Back to BDJ, this man should get an award for his compassion and love he shows DH2 and the real DH. When the truth comes out about DH2 real identity, he will be shock and angry, especially at ASJ. But he will still love this daughter.  And I believe she, DH2 will turn to him as her father and tell KW to take a flying leap off the nearest cliff.  

You have hit the nail on it's head when it comes to the commonality between HK and TJ. Both seeking some kind of acceptance from YK. Of course we know they will never get it. They just need to know it. The sooner the better.

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On 4/15/2016 at 11:20 AM, NewKDramaAddict said:

I think so....let's see if SK holds to his words to be the man and not dump his girl that is pregnant!!

Good Morning, Chingu...  you know, there's something about these dramas that make me nuts... you would think the guys know when their girlfriends might be pregnant, right... I mean, I think it still takes two to tango... so, why are these men so unconscious (or is it irresponsible) when it comes to their progeny and their mothers, I mean, you would think KW would know whether or not he "tangoed" with YK and, obviously, he "tangoed" with LYA since the twins are proof of that.  You would wonder why it never crossed TJ's mind that NY might be pregnant while he was playing house with SJ and for someone who was so smart he could go to business college in Boston, I guess he didn't pay attention in his biology classes to get himself snared in SJ's trap.  Then we have the SK-GB nonsense... She's thinking she might be pregnant and he seems completely unconscious to the fact that they were even intimate... talk about not making an impression...  :huh:

Oh, and its not the Lee-Jang fireworks I'm waiting for now... when GB and SK have that "parents meeting" before the shotgun wedding, there will be something akin to a nuclear explosion in downtown Seoul...  "Chaos" is too mild a term for what will happen around a Park-Baek-Jang wedding....

On 4/16/2016 at 2:27 PM, my2centsworth said:

EB should have stopped MS. EB knows first hand that both ASJ and DJ2 doesn't want them there.

Greetings...  I have mixed feelings about this.  First of all, DH had to expect that at some point she would have to confront MS especially since she must know by now WWTMHSW knows about her existence.  She could have just looked blankly at MS as said "Ahjumma..." and feigned ignorance; she didn't have to push her away.  That was an over-reaction and I can't see original DH having done something like that.  I think the best thing would have been for DH to "lay low" and continue the amnesia farce.  Her over-reaction is going to have repercussions...

@imgreatgal- " I sort of pity TJ. "  Greetings.  Yes, well, he made his bed... or should I say, he sold his soul to the Devil..."

I can't seem to make the "quote this" function work, so I'm just going to have to paraphrase several people on this site...  regarding the heart-operation scar thing... don't you think ASJ would have noticed the lack of a scar while she was nursing DH in the hospital... regarding YK finding out that DH isn't ASJ's biological child... that might actually work in ASJ and DH's favor... think about it.  YK finds out a child was still born that night and ASJ left with a child she believed was hers.  There is no way, unless ASJ's mother confesses, that YK can prove that a deal was made to switch the babies and that ain't likely to happen since ASJ's mother will be going to prison... So. ASJ can just feign ignorance and continue insisting that DH is her biological child and there is nothing YK can do other than produce that DNA test which will show DH and NY are her husband's children but that still won't prove that ASJ stole a child, it will only show that a child was switched, not that ASJ knew about it or was complicit.  Only ASJ's mother can make that case for YK and I can't see that happening.  I was thinking about YK's comment that she must destroy DH or something to that effect and it came to me she doesn't mean she must destroy DH because of the support she brings to HK or because of any threat she may be to SJ but because she is proof that LYA bore KW's children and I think she fears this revelation more than anything else...

@yamiyugi - Good post...  regarding the restaurant scene, I have to disagree with you.  We're not privy to how much time has passed since Chairman's passing and the restaurant scene but we know it is at least past the 49-day mourning period.  I think I know YYS well enough to know she would not have gone out in public if it was still within the mourning period.  YYS ran away from the dinner table after hearing rude women gossiping about her and by doing so she essentially gave credence to the gossip and allowed them to bully her.  Imagine the gossip column the following day reporting that she was having dinner with DH's Dad (which, by the way, I'm sure ASJ will read).  If she had determined to be seen in public, she should have been ready for whatever came including just saying "Ahjumma (or, better, Halmoni), mind your own business and don't believe everything you read..."  How hard is that.  She's determined to fight that hellcat YK who has Chairman's will on her side but she turns to jelly in front of a bunch of self-righteous gossips...  No way she can take on YK if she can't shut up a bunch of old biddies...

@my2centsworth - "If ASJ figures out that DH2 is not the real DH, then at some point DH2 can show her talents with cooking and preparing attractive and appetizing foods that will help AP Foods."  Hello... Agree.  There was a reason the foreman at AP Foods mentioned the "core" of a food company is "flavor and novelty"...  Here's where NY's Banquet Lady background will come in handy and I can see a slot for MS at AP Foods as well since the chicken restaurant will probably lose its lease...  I wonder when the Jangs will begin to figure out that everything will backfire... try to kill NY and she returns as DH with money and backing; try to bankrupt AP Foods and Daddy Baek salvages it; try to mess with DH's identity and prove she's not ASJ's biological daughter and incur the wrath of ASJ for killing her child; try to reveal DH as not Daddy Baek's child and prove she is KW's child; try to run MS out of business and drive her into AP Foods with her talent for appealing to the "simple" tastes of the consumer that the foreman was talking about.  This is what DH meant when she said once AP Foods got started "qualified people would come to them".  Now I'm trying to figure out, based on the foreman's comment, what went wrong with AP Foods... if the consumer's tastes are "simple" and the core is "flavor and novelty", did AP Foods start catering to higher-end consumers... just wondering...

@NewKDramaAddict - " BDJ and his treatment of DH2 is how a real father should be! Contrast how he treats SK who is not his child! KW treats SJ very well but dumps crap on someone else's child without a second thought!  (imagine bowing emoggi)  Amen, amen, amen...  A person who can only love their own child, is too selfish to be a parent.  A parent loves any child as if it is their own.  (imagine bowing emoggi)

Oh, well, about 12 hours until Ep. 54 raw...  yippee!!!






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Guest my2centsworth

@chickpea In response to your recent comments......here are a few of mine....lol....All in your favor too.....lol

You mention ASJ nursing DH2 after the hospital fire and not noticing her scar. That's is what I want waiting for. Then ASJ would realize that DH was not her daughter. She knows about the twins and would immediately know that the woman lying in that bed was NY and not DH. She would be in turmoil. She can't mourn the death of the real DH not can she attend the funeral of NY which is her daughter. All because of her secret. It would have been a powerful scene when ASJ went down to NY's funeral and knew it was her daughter and couldn't even cry in fear of someone wondering why she was there. It would have been ( my point of view )  even better with ASJ knowing that her secret would stay a secret because she still had a daughter in front of her with amnesia. You are right when you said that ASJ should continue to play dumb in front of YK. YK will be back. She has "people" looking into the background of DH2. The only way to find out if DH2 is a twin is if as you said, ASJ confesses or if there is some type of paper trail left by ASJ's mother when the twins were born. We know that ASJ will never admit that DH2 is a twin. But there is a chance that DH2 will look into how she and her sister got separated. 

Going back to the lunch between YS and BDJ. This is where I get a little angry with YS. She is being both dumb and naive. She has to know from the dinner at her house before the Chairman died and the time at the hospital where BDJ was worried about her that he still cares for her.   She also knows that YK has warned her about trying  "anything funny"  with BDJ as she is watching her.   Then there is the mourning period.     It may be over or not, but people remember things and they remember the article on her. She has every right to go to lunch or be in public, but she should be prepared for gossip too. The minute that she knew ASJ was not attending the lunch, she should have stood up, said her thank yous and told BDJ lets do this when you wife can be her.  But she didn't.   When you said she is no match for YK......this is so true. YS has one up on YK and that is SJ is not KW's daughter, but she won't play that card or at least not yet. But she will continue to make big mistakes and let YK use them against her.

Two minds are better than one. How to save AP Foods?  With "flavor and novelty". Your thoughts and mind regarding DH2's talents with food. She has both flavor and novelty. YS notice it when DH2 left food at the hospital that time when the Chairman was ill. You also talked about how the chicken restaurant would also play a part in the resurrection of AP Foods too. When ASJ finds out the truth of YK involvement of the real DH's death.....watch out. She will help DH2 and help go after YK and her family.  As YK said to YS......she heard that ASJ has quite a bad temper. So watch out YK.....here she comes !

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DH2 on the rooftop and TJ comes. TJ having flashback. DH2 give him 1 of the earphones to listen on the music. HK comes and it ends. DH2 is gonna drive TJ insane and i love it hahaha. Guess HK is gonna start being jealous now.

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Well they fooled us! We should have known! DH2 was awake and ASJ didn't see a thing but the writer had us on our toes! One thing for sure, sunbae writer is way smarter than EB! SJ is so scared of TJ being around DH2; KW is scared of DH2 being in the company; YK is scared by trying to prevent HK/DH2 marriage! 

So my girl is going to freak with TJ's mind! A slow, slow seduction! And poor HK is on the jelly receiving end! Previews show him pretty p-issed!! 


3 minutes ago, Lunkera said:

DH2 on the rooftop and TJ comes. TJ having flashback. DH2 give him 1 of the earphones to listen on the music. HK comes and it ends. DH2 is gonna drive TJ insane and i love it hahaha. Guess HK is gonna start being jealous now.

I enjoyed the H-E-L-L out of the scene! Playing the music that first attracted him to her an everything! TJ's nose is going to be so freaking wide; I LOVE IT!

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Guest my2centsworth

Just finished watching tonight's esp. All talk and no do.....lol. So if i wanted to spoil thing and tell you what happened, I couldn't because I didn't understand they said. In the preview esp 53 for this esp, we saw YK and TJ talking where he ask what he could do to get her to like him. She replied to divorce SJ. With that and what i saw tonight I have come to the conclusion that YK and HD2 are going to work for the same goal.   Of course they won't work together and they will do it in different ways. YK wants TJ gone. How? Get him involved with the woman he loved before SJ. And that would be HD2. She is going to try and use DH2 to split SJ and TJ up. That way she will kill two birds with one stone. One....TJ will be gone and Two....If HD2 and TJ are involved, then no marriage with HK.  All the while, DH2 is going to tease TJ unmercifully.  She going to dangle the carrot out in front and him and lead him right down the avenue of payback.  This is going to be the most thrilling ride anyone can experience. A roller coaster ride that will not end until DH2 is ready to stop.  And there are seats waiting for YK, KW, SJ and MJ.   

Regarding the marriage with HK and DH2.  This could delay it. Besides, DH2 has two things on her agenda..  1. To help save AP Foods for HK and his mother.  2. Her revenge on the Jangs and TJ. They are her two top priorities. If and when she falls in love with HK, it will be much later. But I do think that HK and DH2 will end up together. But that is because I want them too. However I have been disappointed in Kdramas before.

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2 hours ago, my2centsworth said:

Just finished watching tonight's esp. All talk and no do.....lol. So if i wanted to spoil thing and tell you what happened, I couldn't because I didn't understand they said.

same here, just finished watching raw of ep 54. When everyone was anticipating ASJ discovering the scar, nothing happened, waaahaha, the writers did good there.  So much talk between YK and TJ, KW and BDJ and YS and YK can't wait for the subs. I'm seeing a jealous HK, that's good its should spur him on  waaahaahaa. I'm curious as to what EB and that big guy LJD is scheming and the preview of 55 see that woman MJ showing SJ, YK and TJ something. 

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@my2centsworth It was quiet an eventful episode, but yes we must unfortunately wait for subs to understand the conversations. It's funny that in this episode 53 YK asks TJ to divorce SJ, but in episode 54 preview YK is telling SJ to have a child as soon as possible. TJ/DH2 have such insane chemistry that if he wasn't a total richard simmons I would be shipping them. TJ is already breaking and it was his first day at work hahahahaha, this boy is not going to make out alive whenever DH2 is done with him. I loved how effortlessly DH2 gave him the headphones and how she would take turns looking at his eyes then his lips then his eyes, this girl has skills.  Clam down HK, I can't believe his already playing the jealous guy and their not even together yet. Can you guys imagine the sexual tension between TJ/DH2 if they end up living in the same house. Come on writer I'm ready for is!!!IEyQSv7.gif

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18 minutes ago, ObsessiveCompulsive said:

I loved how effortlessly DH2 gave him the headphones and how she would take turns looking at his eyes then his lips then his eyes, this girl has skills.  Clam down HK, I can't believe his already playing the jealous guy and their not even together yet. Can you guys imagine the sexual tension between TJ/DH2 if they end up living in the same house. Come on writer I'm ready for is!!

I'm glad I wasn't the ONLY one who noticed that!! I was applauding DH2 like a fool here early in the morning! LOVE it! LOVE it!! Can't wait for subs!! DH2 was WORKING it!!

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