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ZZ Cr [YACHenSHA]. 1 thing JY will never manage to beat ZZ, that long and straight leg :phew:





@gayyoxx Thank you for amazing analysis. We can see how special JY and ZZ are (to each other) when we put them next to the others. Here are my thoughts :phew::phew::phew:



For me, the other two MVs have a whole storyline going on with many different sets. It basically looks like you are watching a whole movie through a normal OST MV. My thoughts after watching it "Oh there are 2 actors acting in this romantic movie". Each set is scripted well and you have to actually watch through the entire MV to understand their relationship.

However, there isn't a clear storyline going on in Walk Slowly MV. There were only 4 main scenes through out the MV (chasing each other, running to the water, sitting next to the fire and the tent scene). This makes its harder to portrait the characters and their relationship to viewers. Because if there is just one awkward or holding back moment between JY and ZZ, viewers will pick it up straight away. Although all the chasing, hugging and kissing in MV can be scripted, but I also don't believe they can script every single gazes and smiles the boys did in this MV. Whether you have watched Addicted or not, all you can easily see and feel 2 young man falling in love with each other. They are basically just enjoying each other's company because there is no awkwardness and holding back moments at all between them. I mean how long/many times can you look at someone (not counting your beloved ones of course) with such a warm gaze and full of love like they did in this 5-minute MV? Because of their super special chemistry, you absolutely do not need to understand the lyric to feel the love between them as well.




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33 minutes ago, izziehudson said:

Hate to break it to you but the header is available by Weibo - mine's using that header too, I think that's the default picture or something because I didn't change my header since I registered

But the point is that their headers were both definitely different yesterday - and different from the other's (see @gashupingo's post above). Today they are the same - default or no. So they must have changed it, actively. 

@ayasdai -I think the mobile version has another default - doesn't it look like that all the time, no matter what header you have in the normal version?

(I'm starting to sound like I know anything about weibo... I who can't even create an account. So I really don't.)

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I'll just post this to clear things up, I include Megan Lai 賴雅妍 profile as a comparison as well. She's a Taiwanese actress btw

App version 




Mobile version (I use Safari on my phone)




And finally, desktop/iPad version





Sorry for low quality pictures, but I hope it's a bit clearer now!

I hate to be that person who crushes your delulu thoughts but before this another CP I shipped had the same wallpaper thing as well (Du Zi Feng/Baron Chen x Pi Yanuo/Megan Lai) so I genuinely thought they changed to a same wallpaper (the exact same one as above, but turns out it's just the default wallpaper).... 

@charlie10 I'm really not sure how the wallpaper works, like for me on my app I can see my cats wallpaper, but on desktop it's the plain fences + sky + grass picture as above. Sorry T^T maybe we can get someone who's more expert in this to clarify?

To a certain point, it is plausible that they changed the wallpaper at the same time or something, but I am quite certain that ZZ's desktop wallpaper has been that for at least 1-2 days (I always use my desktop to stream his songs on Weibo), I haven't seen the wallpaper like in the post by @gashupingo for a bit.


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2 hours ago, gayyoxx said:

Eyes as the window to (actors') soul: a comparison on three MVs to discern actors' emotive gazes.



I was bored so, instead of doing my work, I procrastinated chose to write this scientific highly subjective article. In this article, I try to explain why I found the relationship between Gu Hai and Bai Luoyin so enchanting to the point of making me addicted. As the title suggests, this article will focus on the gazes, or more specifically how the actors of GH (JY) and (BLY) ZZ conveyed the emotions of GH and BLY through their gazes. I argue that JY and ZZ had managed to perform emotive gazes throughout their series, making their role as GH and BLY and the romantic attachment between GH and BLY believable regardless whether JY and ZZ were a couple or not during the filming, thus making this article relatively free of delulu.


For further torture analysis, may I suggest another study of the Walk Slowly MV? This time focusing on the portions showing ZZ lip syncing singing. A focus on his eye and head movements (not his hands! anything but his hands! so scripted, ugh) in correlation to particular lyrics he lip syncs sings would be quite educational and enlightening, I believe.  :phew::P:wub:

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I think they both changed their Weibo header on purpose, like a sort of (not so) cryptic message for CP fan, after all today is 520. [doge][喵喵]

@kmmyzz Thanks for subbing ZZ's radio interview. :)

@ryokise and @alvinboi Thanks for the various translations. :)

@sohocomo I know, I've already told you that I love your fics. :wub: I wonder if one day you're planning to write a fic about how they confessed their feelings to each other. :D 

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... @skeletonworks this close up make me lol found it on your twitter.. JY is like complaining to ZZ - 'ouch stop pinching me.. ok ok no more get close to anyone next time'

. i found it funny... weird? why ZZ didn't just touch/hold with all fingers like normally a guy does but why fingers pinch?







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Cr on pic. Rough Translation "Baobei, Happy 520!" :wub::wub::wub:


So they manage to online together before 5.20 passes :phew::phew::phew: 




@jlt4ever thank you for your translation, my favourite part is below :wub:

20 minutes ago, jlt4ever said:
Z: (To J) (I want to choose you but) Because you and me...not you and me… Bai Luo Yin and Gu Hai should get married. And I will choose Yang Meng to go out with…
J: You want to marry me and at the same time have one night stand with him? Is that appropriate?
C: OMG, are you about to confess your love? (not very clear)
Z: I’m just saying it…


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On Thursday, May 19, 2016 at 2:52 PM, izziehudson said:


1) lmao I was laughing at work reading this!! You can tell her about ZZ's movie about gaming, the one he did before Addicted, and tell her he's more known as a singer :D

2) I don't know, I was planning to fly on either 27 or 28, to just walk around Bangkok and probably wait at airport with @Yuki Wen and two other fans - but it all depends on whether I get to take two days off work T_T register on the website if you haven't already btw :) 

Just booked my flight. I have no plans to tour around BKK so I'll be arriving evening on the 29th. I hope we can still meet the next day, a few hours before the concert, maybe? :) 

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